CASE PRESENTATION: A 14-year-old boy presented to our institution with peri-umbilical swelling and purulent discharge from his umbilicus for 2 weeks duration. There were no radiological, microbiological or clinical evidences of TB in the initial presentation, though he had close social contact with someone who had TB. A computed tomography scan of the abdomen confirmed the diagnosis of an urachal abscess. An incision and drainage procedure was performed followed by a course of antibiotics. A scheduled laparoscopic approach later showed that the peritoneum and serosal surface of the small and large intestines were studded with nodules of variable sizes, in addition to the urachal sinus. The histology of the resected tissues (urachal sinus and nodules) was consistent of TB infection. He recovered fully after completing 6 months of anti-tuberculous therapy.
CONCLUSION: This report highlights a rare case of TB urachal abscess in an adolescent boy, the difficulties in the diagnosis of abdominal tuberculosis, the need to consider TB as a cause of urachal infection in endemic areas and the use of laparoscopy in both diagnosis and treatment.
CASE REPORT: A 34-year-old woman with intractable epigastric pain was referred to have repeated endoscopy with biopsy. She was found to multiple gastric erosions and nodules that were diagnosed as inflammatory lesions both endoscopically and histologically. Meanwhile, she developed an acute onset of severe back pain associated with a pathologic compression fracture in the T3 thoracic vertebral body. Imaging studies disclosed a disseminated systemic disease involving abdominopelvic lymph nodes and cervical and thoracic vertebral bodies. The needle biopsy of the pelvic lymph node disclosed diffuse proliferation of monomorphic small round cells that were diffusely positive for CD30 and ALK. A diagnosis of ALK+ ALCL with a monomorphic SC pattern was rendered.
DISCUSSION: A retrospective review of the gastric biopsies with the aid of immunohistochemistry enabled us to recognise the presence of lymphomatous infiltrates with a mixed LH and SC pattern in every piece of gastric biopsies that were repeatedly misdiagnosed as inflammatory lesions. This case illustrates a significant diagnostic pitfall of the LH- and SC-patterns in ALK+ ALCL, in which the tumour cells featuring lymphoid, plasmacytoid or histiocytoid appearance can be masqueraded as inflammatory cells.
CASE REPORT: An 87-year-old male had a tumour nodule over the left parotid tail for about 20 years. Physical examinations revealed a 4.5 cm soft, non-tender and fixed mass. After the left parotidectomy, pathology confirmed the diagnosis of IDC arising within an intraparotid lymph node. The cystic component of the tumour was lined by single to multilayered ductal cells with micropapillary growth pattern. The solid part showed intraductal proliferation of neoplastic cells in solid, cribriform, micropapillary and Roman bridge-like structure. By immunohistochemistry (IHC), the tumour cells were positive for S-100, CK (AE1/AE3), mammaglobin, SOX10, and estrogen receptor (ER), with myoepithelial cell rimming highlighted by positive p63 and calponin IHC stains. The prognosis of this patient is excellent after complete excision.
DISCUSSION: The mechanism of salivary gland tumour arising in the intra-parotid gland LN was assumed to be related to salivary duct inclusion within the intraparotid gland LN which is a normal occurrence during embryology development. Although the terminology may raise some confusion about the relationship between IDC and conventional salivary duct carcinoma (SDA), they are different in immunophenotype and clinicopathologic features. IDC is characterised by S100 (+) ER (+) with predominant intraductal growth and excellent prognosis; while SDC features S100 (-) androgen receptor (+) with predominant invasive growth and aggressive behavior. Recent discovery of recurrent RET gene rearrangement in IDC but not SDC also supports that IDC is not precursor lesion of the SDC.
RESULTS: Our findings showed that in vivo model of C. neoformans infection demonstrated induction of abundant IL-17A secretion. By examining the lung bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF), mediastinal lymph node (mLN) and spleen of the IL-17A-EGFP reporter mice, we showed that intranasal inoculation with C. neoformans promoted leukocytes lung infiltration. A large proportion (~ 50%) of the infiltrated CD4+ helper T cell population secreted EGFP, indicating vigorous TH17 activity in the C. neoformans-infected lung. The infection study in IL-17A-KO mice, on the other hand, revealed that absence of IL-17A marginally boosted fungal burden in the lung and accelerated the mouse death.
CONCLUSION: Therefore, our data suggest that IL-17A is released predominantly from TH17 cells in vivo, which plays a supporting role in the protective immunity against C. neoformans infection.
Materials and Methods: The study utilized abattoir records spanning a period of 10 years (2004-2013). The records indicated that a total of 1,08,638 heads of cattle comprising n = 56,070 males and n = 52,570 females were slaughtered at the municipal abattoir during the study period.
Result: Of these heads, n = 1230 (1.13%) (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.07, 1.19) had tuberculous lesions. The annual occurrence during the study period varied significantly (p<0.001) from 0.53% (95% CI: 0.40, 0.67) to 1.87% (95% CI: 1.66, 2.10) in 2010 and 2012, respectively. Females had a significantly higher (p<0.001) prevalence of 2.10% (95% CI: 1.98, 2.23) compared with the males 0.23% (95% CI: 0.19, 0.27). The distribution of suspected gross bTB lesions in different organs showed 11.87% in the lungs, 5.93% in the liver, 1.14% in the heart, and 0.49% accounted for generalized bTB. However, none was observed on the lymph nodes and intestines.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that bTB persists in Bauchi State with annual variations during the study period. This study highlights the importance of meat inspection as an important tool for detecting the presence of bTB lesions.
STUDY DESIGN: Eighty-six postnasal biopsy samples and 71 fine-needle aspirate samples of neck masses were obtained from patients who were clinically suspect for NPC. Genomic DNA was extracted from the samples, and EBNA1, EBNA2, and LMP genes of EBV were detected by PCR. PCR results were compared with NPC histopathology findings.
RESULTS: The sensitivity of PCR to detect EBNA1 (97.14%), EBNA2 (88.57%), and LMP (91.43%) genes of EBV in nasopharyngeal biopsy samples were higher than those in fine-needle aspirate samples.
CONCLUSION: Detection of EBV by PCR in tissue obtained from nasopharyngeal biopsy and fine-needle aspirate samples of neck masses is a relatively inexpensive, reliable, and accurate method of diagnosing NPC. Detection of EBV genes is on par with histopathological examination (HPE) and superior to fine-needle aspirate cytology.
SIGNIFICANCE: PCR is an ideal tool for suggesting NPC and guiding the diagnostic workup in occult primary tumors, facilitating earlier diagnosis and reducing morbidity and mortality.