Displaying publications 1341 - 1360 of 1549 in total

  1. Dorai AA, Halim AS, Zulmi W
    Med J Malaysia, 2004 Dec;59 Suppl F:42-6.
    PMID: 15941160
    Reconstructive surgeons often encounter complex soft tissue and skeletal defects following oncological surgery. Soft tissue defects after wide resection in upper extremities posses a difficult challenge to find adequate tissue for reconstructing these defects. Paucity of local tissues dictates the requirement of loco-regional or distant flaps for these complex soft tissue defects which often exposes tendons, bones, nerves and joints. The latissimus dorsi muscle is a near ideal flap for the reconstruction because of the long neurovascular pedicle, ease of mobilization and its expendability. It can be rotated, with or without overlying skin, to cover soft tissue defects of the shoulder arm and elbow. Due to the large size of the muscle, it can be used to resurface the soft tissue defects and cover all major structures. Eleven consecutive cases were reviewed in which latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap was used to reconstruct soft tissue defects of the upper limb following radical tumor resection. Flap survival was 100% with nominal donor site morbidity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Graft Survival
  2. Lodi S, Phillips A, Logan R, Olson A, Costagliola D, Abgrall S, et al.
    Lancet HIV, 2015 Aug;2(8):e335-43.
    PMID: 26423376 DOI: 10.1016/S2352-3018(15)00108-3
    BACKGROUND: Recommendations have differed nationally and internationally with respect to the best time to start antiretroviral therapy (ART). We compared effectiveness of three strategies for initiation of ART in high-income countries for HIV-positive individuals who do not have AIDS: immediate initiation, initiation at a CD4 count less than 500 cells per μL, and initiation at a CD4 count less than 350 cells per μL.

    METHODS: We used data from the HIV-CAUSAL Collaboration of cohort studies in Europe and the USA. We included 55,826 individuals aged 18 years or older who were diagnosed with HIV-1 infection between January, 2000, and September, 2013, had not started ART, did not have AIDS, and had CD4 count and HIV-RNA viral load measurements within 6 months of HIV diagnosis. We estimated relative risks of death and of death or AIDS-defining illness, mean survival time, the proportion of individuals in need of ART, and the proportion of individuals with HIV-RNA viral load less than 50 copies per mL, as would have been recorded under each ART initiation strategy after 7 years of HIV diagnosis. We used the parametric g-formula to adjust for baseline and time-varying confounders.

    FINDINGS: Median CD4 count at diagnosis of HIV infection was 376 cells per μL (IQR 222-551). Compared with immediate initiation, the estimated relative risk of death was 1·02 (95% CI 1·01-1·02) when ART was started at a CD4 count less than 500 cells per μL, and 1·06 (1·04-1·08) with initiation at a CD4 count less than 350 cells per μL. Corresponding estimates for death or AIDS-defining illness were 1·06 (1·06-1·07) and 1·20 (1·17-1·23), respectively. Compared with immediate initiation, the mean survival time at 7 years with a strategy of initiation at a CD4 count less than 500 cells per μL was 2 days shorter (95% CI 1-2) and at a CD4 count less than 350 cells per μL was 5 days shorter (4-6). 7 years after diagnosis of HIV, 100%, 98·7% (95% CI 98·6-98·7), and 92·6% (92·2-92·9) of individuals would have been in need of ART with immediate initiation, initiation at a CD4 count less than 500 cells per μL, and initiation at a CD4 count less than 350 cells per μL, respectively. Corresponding proportions of individuals with HIV-RNA viral load less than 50 copies per mL at 7 years were 87·3% (87·3-88·6), 87·4% (87·4-88·6), and 83·8% (83·6-84·9).

    INTERPRETATION: The benefits of immediate initiation of ART, such as prolonged survival and AIDS-free survival and increased virological suppression, were small in this high-income setting with relatively low CD4 count at HIV diagnosis. The estimated beneficial effect on AIDS is less than in recently reported randomised trials. Increasing rates of HIV testing might be as important as a policy of early initiation of ART.

    FUNDING: National Institutes of Health.

    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  3. Ng SC, Zeng Z, Niewiadomski O, Tang W, Bell S, Kamm MA, et al.
    Gastroenterology, 2016 Jan;150(1):86-95.e3; quiz e13-4.
    PMID: 26385074 DOI: 10.1053/j.gastro.2015.09.005
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: The incidence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is increasing in Asia, but little is known about disease progression in this region. The Asia-Pacific Crohn's and Colitis Epidemiology Study was initiated in 2011, enrolling subjects from 8 countries in Asia (China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Macau, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand) and Australia. We present data from this ongoing study.
    METHODS: We collected data on 413 patients diagnosed with IBD (222 with ulcerative colitis [UC], 181 with Crohn's disease [CD], 10 with IBD unclassified; median age, 37 y) from 2011 through 2013. We analyzed the disease course and severity and mortality. Risks for medical and surgical therapies were assessed using Kaplan-Meier analysis.
    RESULTS: The cumulative probability that CD would change from inflammatory to stricturing or penetrating disease was 19.6%. The cumulative probabilities for use of immunosuppressants or anti-tumor necrosis factor agents were 58.9% and 12.0% for patients with CD, and 12.7% and 0.9% for patients with UC, respectively. Perianal CD was associated with an increased risk of anti-tumor necrosis factor therapy within 1 year of its diagnosis (hazard ratio, 2.97; 95% confidence interval, 1.09-8.09). The cumulative probabilities for surgery 1 year after diagnosis were 9.1% for patients with CD and 0.9% for patients with UC. Patients with CD and penetrating disease had a 7-fold increase for risk of surgery, compared with patients with inflammatory disease (hazard ratio, 7.67; 95% confidence interval, 3.93-14.96). The overall mortality for patients with IBD was 0.7%.
    CONCLUSIONS: In a prospective population-based study, we found that the early course of disease in patients with IBD in Asia was comparable with that of the West. Patients with CD frequently progress to complicated disease and have accelerated use of immunosuppressants. Few patients with early stage UC undergo surgery in Asia. Increasing our understanding of IBD progression in different populations can help optimize therapy and improve outcomes.
    KEYWORDS: ACCESS; Natural History; Risk Factor; Treatment
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  4. Chen M, Wong WW, Law MG, Kiertiburanakul S, Yunihastuti E, Merati TP, et al.
    PLoS One, 2016;11(3):e0150512.
    PMID: 26933963 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0150512
    BACKGROUND: We assessed the effects of hepatitis B (HBV) or hepatitis C (HCV) co-infection on outcomes of antiretroviral therapy (ART) in HIV-infected patients enrolled in the TREAT Asia HIV Observational Database (TAHOD), a multi-center cohort of HIV-infected patients in the Asia-Pacific region.

    METHODS: Patients testing HBs antigen (Ag) or HCV antibody (Ab) positive within enrollment into TAHOD were considered HBV or HCV co-infected. Factors associated with HBV and/or HCV co-infection were assessed by logistic regression models. Factors associated with post-ART HIV immunological response (CD4 change after six months) and virological response (HIV RNA <400 copies/ml after 12 months) were also determined. Survival was assessed by the Kaplan-Meier method and log rank test.

    RESULTS: A total of 7,455 subjects were recruited by December 2012. Of patients tested, 591/5656 (10.4%) were HBsAg positive, 794/5215 (15.2%) were HCVAb positive, and 88/4966 (1.8%) were positive for both markers. In multivariate analysis, HCV co-infection, age, route of HIV infection, baseline CD4 count, baseline HIV RNA, and HIV-1 subtype were associated with immunological recovery. Age, route of HIV infection, baseline CD4 count, baseline HIV RNA, ART regimen, prior ART and HIV-1 subtype, but not HBV or HCV co-infection, affected HIV RNA suppression. Risk factors affecting mortality included HCV co-infection, age, CDC stage, baseline CD4 count, baseline HIV RNA and prior mono/dual ART. Shortest survival was seen in subjects who were both HBV- and HCV-positive.

    CONCLUSION: In this Asian cohort of HIV-infected patients, HCV co-infection, but not HBV co-infection, was associated with lower CD4 cell recovery after ART and increased mortality.

    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Analysis
  5. Tiong KH, Tan BS, Choo HL, Chung FF, Hii LW, Tan SH, et al.
    Oncotarget, 2016 Sep 06;7(36):57633-57650.
    PMID: 27192118 DOI: 10.18632/oncotarget.9328
    Basal-like breast cancer is an aggressive tumor subtype with poor prognosis. The discovery of underlying mechanisms mediating tumor cell survival, and the development of novel agents to target these pathways, is a priority for patients with basal-like breast cancer. From a functional screen to identify key drivers of basal-like breast cancer cell growth, we identified fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 (FGFR4) as a potential mediator of cell survival. We found that FGFR4 mediates cancer cell survival predominantly via activation of PI3K/AKT. Importantly, a subset of basal-like breast cancer cells also secrete fibroblast growth factor 19 (FGF19), a canonical ligand specific for FGFR4. siRNA-mediated silencing of FGF19 or neutralization of extracellular FGF19 by anti-FGF19 antibody (1A6) decreases AKT phosphorylation, suppresses cancer cell growth and enhances doxorubicin sensitivity only in the FGFR4+/FGF19+ breast cancer cells. Consistently, FGFR4/FGF19 co-expression was also observed in 82 out of 287 (28.6%) primary breast tumors, and their expression is strongly associated with AKT phosphorylation, Ki-67 staining, higher tumor stage and basal-like phenotype. In summary, our results demonstrated the presence of an FGFR4/FGF19 autocrine signaling that mediates the survival of a subset of basal-like breast cancer cells and suggest that inactivation of this autocrine loop may potentially serve as a novel therapeutic intervention for future treatment of breast cancers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cell Survival
  6. Abdullah MM, Mohamed AK, Foo YC, Lee CM, Chua CT, Wu CH, et al.
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2015;16(18):8513-7.
    PMID: 26745110
    BACKGROUND: GLOBOCAN12 recently reported high cancer mortality in Malaysia suggesting its cancer health services are under-performing. Cancer survival is a key index of the overall effectiveness of health services in the management of patients. This report focuses on Subang Jaya Medical Centre (SJMC) care performance as measured by patient survival outcome for up to 5 years.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: All women with breast cancer treated at SJMC between 2008 and 2012 were enrolled for this observational cohort study. Mortality outcome was ascertained through record linkage with national death register, linkage with hospital registration system and finally through direct contact by phone or home visits.

    RESULTS: A total of 675 patients treated between 2008 and 2012 were included in the present survival analysis, 65% with early breast cancer, 20% with locally advanced breast cancer (LABC) and 4% with metastatic breast cancer (MBC). The overall relative survival (RS) at 5 years was 88%. RS for stage I was 100% and for stage II, III and IV disease was 95%, 69% and 36% respectively.

    CONCLUSIONS: SJMC is among the first hospitals in Malaysia to embark on routine measurement of the performance of its cancer care services and its results are comparable to any leading centers in developed countries.

    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  7. Bhoo-Pathy N, Verkooijen HM, Wong FY, Pignol JP, Kwong A, Tan EY, et al.
    Int J Cancer, 2015 Nov 15;137(10):2504-12.
    PMID: 26018878 DOI: 10.1002/ijc.29617
    The value of adjuvant radiotherapy in triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is currently debated. We assessed the association between adjuvant radiotherapy and survival in a large cohort of Asian women with TNBC. Women diagnosed with TNBC from 2006 to 2011 in five Asian centers (N = 1,138) were included. Survival between patients receiving mastectomy only, breast-conserving therapy (BCT, lumpectomy and adjuvant radiotherapy) and mastectomy with radiotherapy were compared, and adjusted for demography, tumor characteristics and chemotherapy types. Median age at diagnosis was 53 years (range: 23-96 years). Median tumor size at diagnosis was 2.5 cm and most patients had lymph node-negative disease. The majority of patients received adjuvant chemotherapy (n = 861, 76%) comprising predominantly anthracycline-based regimes. In 775 women with T1-2, N0-1, M0 TNBCs, 5-year relative survival ratio (RSR) was highest in patients undergoing mastectomy only (94.7%, 95% CI: 88.8-98.8%), followed by BCT (90.8%, 95% CI: 85.0-94.7%), and mastectomy with radiotherapy (82.3%, 95% CI: 73.4-88.1%). The adjusted risks of mortality between the three groups were not significantly different. In 363 patients with T3-4, N2-3, M0 TNBCs, BCT was associated with highest 5-year RSR (94.1%, 95% CI: 81.3-99.4%), followed by mastectomy with radiotherapy (62.7%, 95% CI: 54.3-70.1%), and mastectomy only (58.6%, 95% CI: 43.5-71.6%). Following multivariable adjustment, BCT and mastectomy with radiotherapy remained significantly associated with lower mortality risk compared to mastectomy only. Overall, adjuvant radiotherapy was associated with higher survival in women aged <40 years, but not in older women. Adjuvant radiotherapy appears to be independently associated with a survival gain in locally advanced as well as in very young TNBC.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Analysis
  8. Yunus NM, Johan MF, Ali Nagi Al-Jamal H, Husin A, Hussein AR, Hassan R
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2015;16(12):4869-72.
    PMID: 26163606
    BACKGROUND: Mutations of the FMS-like tyrosine kinase-3 (FLT3) receptor gene may promote proliferation via activation of multiple signaling pathways. FLT3-internal tandem duplication (FLT3-ITD) is the most common gene alteration found in patients diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) and has been associated with poor prognosis.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: We performed mutational analysis of exons 14-15 and 20 of the FLT3 gene in 54 AML patients using PCR-CSGE (conformational sensitive gel electrophoresis) followed by sequencing analysis to characterise FLT3 mutations in adult patients diagnosed with AML at Hospital USM, Kelantan, Northeast Peninsular Malaysia.

    RESULTS: FLT3 exon 14-15 mutations were identified in 7 of 54 patients (13%) whereas no mutation was found in FLT3 exon 20. Six ITDs and one non-ITD mutation were found in exon 14 of the juxtamembrane (JM) domain of FLT3. FLT3-ITD mutations were associated with a significantly higher blast percentage (p-value=0.008) and white blood cell count (p-value=0.023) but there was no significant difference in median overall survival time for FLT3-ITD+/FLT3-ITD- within 2 years (p-value=0.374).

    CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of FLT3-ITD in AML patients in this particular region of Malaysia is low compared to the Western world and has a significant association with WBC and blast percentage.

    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  9. Biswal BM, Sain AH, Othman NH, Baba A
    Trop Gastroenterol, 2002 Jul-Sep;23(3):134-7.
    PMID: 12693156
    Colorectal cancer is one of the most common malignancies in the West, but in Asia the incidence is low. However in Malaysia, colorectal cancer is increasing with a reported figure of 15% of all cancer cases. Adjuvant chemo and radiotherapy are now more frequently used in such patients. The present retrospective analysis was performed to document the effect of such therapy among patients with colorectal cancer in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Analysis
  10. Goh AY, Lum LC, Abdel-Latif ME
    Lancet, 2001 Feb 10;357(9254):445-6.
    PMID: 11273070
    The 24 h availability of intensive care consultants (intensivists) has been shown to improve outcomes in adult intensive care units (ICU) in the UK. We tested whether such availability would improve standardised mortality ratios when compared to out-of-hours cover by general paediatricians in the paediatric ICU setting of a medium-income developing country. The standardised mortality ratio (SMR) improved significantly from 1.57 (95%CI 1.25-1.95) with non-specialist care to 0.88 (95%CI 0.63-1.19) with intensivist care (rate ratio 0.56, 95% CI 0.47-0.67). Mortality odds ratio decreased by 0.234, 0.246 and 0.266 in the low, moderate and high-risk patients. 24 h availability of intensivists was associated with improved outcomes and use of resources in paediatric intensive care in a developing country.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Analysis
  11. Ng SM, Lin HP, Ariffin WA, Zainab AK, Lam SK, Chan LL
    J Trop Pediatr, 2000 Dec;46(6):338-43.
    PMID: 11191144
    The presenting features and treatment outcome for 575 Malaysian children (< or = 12 years of age) with newly diagnosed acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), admitted to the University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia between 1 January 1980 and 30 May 1995 were evaluated to determine their prognostic significance. Two-year overall survival was achieved in 67 per cent of all patients and 55 per cent of patients were relapse-free at 2 years. All except 10 patients, with identified French-American-British L3 morphology were treated with the modified Berlin-Frankfurt-Munster 78 treatment protocol. Univariate analyses of failure rate conferred age, sex, white cell count and hemoglobin level as potentially significant prognostic factors. All four presenting features retained their prognostic strength in a multivariate analysis. Race, platelet count, morphological subtype, liver/spleen size, lymphadenopathy, central nervous system and mediastinal mass involvement did not show any significant effect on treatment outcome. The 2-year survival rate was significantly different with regard to age, white cell count and hemoglobin level. However, sex was not significantly related to overall survival. These prognostic factors may have implications on future stratification of risk-adjusted initial treatment in the management of childhood ALL. Our analysis of Malaysian children is similar to what could be predicted based on previous studies in other populations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  12. Wong CM, Lim KH, Liam CK
    Respirology, 2003 Mar;8(1):65-8.
    PMID: 12856744
    OBJECTIVE: In southeast Asia, pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) is the most frequently presumed diagnosis for haemoptysis. This study was designed to assess the causes of haemoptysis, the diagnostic yield of causes in different diagnostic modalities and the distribution of older patients.

    METHODS: All patients presenting to the University of Malaya Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia with haemoptysis were recruited prospectively and evaluated.

    RESULTS: One hundred and sixty patients were evaluated for haemoptysis; 71 (44.4%) were aged 60 years or more. Significantly more patients smoked in the older age group (P = 0.002). The main causes of haemoptysis in the older patients were bronchogenic carcinoma (49.3%), pneumonia (11.3%), bronchiectasis (8.6%), cryptogenic (5.6%) and active TB (4.2%). Significantly more older patients had carcinoma (P < 0.001), while the younger patients more often had TB (P < 0.001). Chest pain was significantly more common in the older patients (P = 0.025), particularly in patients with carcinoma. Bronchoscopy alone or combined with CT of the thorax was significantly more diagnostic in the older patient (P = 0.006).

    CONCLUSION: Bronchogenic carcinoma is the commonest cause of haemoptysis in patients aged 60 years and above. Presumptive anti-TB therapy should not be encouraged despite the regional high prevalence of TB.

    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  13. Chan LG, Parashar UD, Lye MS, Ong FG, Zaki SR, Alexander JP, et al.
    Clin Infect Dis, 2000 Sep;31(3):678-83.
    PMID: 11017815
    From April through June 1997, 29 previously healthy children aged <6 years (median, 1.5 years) in Sarawak, Malaysia, died of rapidly progressive cardiorespiratory failure during an outbreak of hand, foot, and mouth disease caused primarily by enterovirus 71 (EV71). The case children were hospitalized after a short illness (median duration, 2 days) that usually included fever (in 100% of case children), oral ulcers (66%), and extremity rashes (62%). The illness rapidly progressed to include seizures (28%), flaccid limb weakness (17%), or cardiopulmonary symptoms (of 24 children, 17 had chest radiographs showing pulmonary edema, and 24 had echocardiograms showing left ventricular dysfunction), resulting in cardiopulmonary arrest soon after hospitalization (median time, 9 h). Cardiac tissue from 10 patients showed normal myocardium, but central nervous system tissue from 5 patients showed inflammatory changes. Brain-stem specimens from 2 patients were available, and both specimens showed extensive neuronal degeneration, inflammation, and necrosis, suggesting that a central nervous system infection was responsible for the disease, with the cardiopulmonary dysfunction being neurogenic in origin. EV71 and possibly an adenovirus, other enteroviruses, or unknown cofactors are likely responsible for this rapidly fatal disease.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  14. Boo NY, Puah CH, Lye MS
    J Trop Pediatr, 2000 Feb;46(1):15-20.
    PMID: 10730035
    A case-control study was carried out on 152 extremely low birthweight (ELBW, < 1000 g) infants born consecutively in a large Malaysian maternity hospital during a 21-month period to determine the significant predictors associated with survival at discharge. Forty-nine (32.2 per cent) of these infants survived and 103 (67.8 per cent) died. The survivors weighed significantly heavier (mean = 888 g, SD = 99) than infants who died (mean = 763 g, SD = 131; p < 0.0001). They were also of higher gestational age (mean = 28.7 weeks, SD = 2.2) than those who died (mean = 26.7 weeks, SD = 2.5; p < 0.0001). Logistic regression analysis showed that, after controlling for various confounders, only three factors were significantly associated with the survival of these infants. These were: (1) increasing birthweight of the infants (with every gram increase in birthweight, adjusted odds ratio of survival was: 1.009; 95 per cent CI 1.004, 1.015; p = 0.0006); (2) given nasal continuous positive airway pressure for treatment of respiratory distress syndrome (adjusted odds ratio of survival: 4.2; 95 per cent CI 1.2, 14.0; p = 0.02); and (3) given expressed breastmilk (adjusted odds ratio of survival: 57.5; 95 per cent CI: 7, 474; p = 0.0002). Maternal illness, intrapartum problems, ethnicity, gestational age, use of antenatal steroid, modes of delivery, Apgar scores, congenital anomalies, respiratory distress syndrome, persistent ductus arteriosus, septicemia, necrotising enterocolitis, chronic lung disease, oxygen therapy, intermittent positive pressure ventilation, surfactant therapy, and blood transfusion were not significant factors associated with increased survival.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Analysis
  15. Yii MK
    Asian J Surg, 2003 Jul;26(3):149-53.
    PMID: 12925289 DOI: 10.1016/S1015-9584(09)60374-2
    Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repairs represent a significant workload in vascular surgery in Asia. This study aimed to audit AAA surgery and evaluate the application of the Portsmouth Physiological and Operative Severity Score for the Enumeration of Mortality and Morbidity (P-POSSUM) in an Asian vascular unit for standard of care. Eighty-five consecutive surgical patients with AAA from a prospective vascular database from July 1996 to December 2001 in Sarawak were available for analysis. Comparisons between predicted deaths by P-POSSUM and observed deaths in both urgency of surgery categories (elective, urgent, emergency ruptures) and risk range groups (0-5%, >5-15%, >15-50%, >50-100%) were made. No significant difference was found between the predicted and observed rates of death for elective, urgent and emergency AAA repairs. The observed mortality rates were 5%, 18% and 30%, respectively. The observed rates of death were also comparable to P-POSSUM predicted rates of death in the various risk range groups. The POSSUM score used with the P-POSSUM mortality equation is easy to use and applicable as a comparative vascular auditing tool in Asia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Analysis
  16. Ramesh JC, Ramanujam TM, Yik YI, Goh DW
    J Pediatr Surg, 1999 Nov;34(11):1691-4.
    PMID: 10591572
    The authors evaluated the safety and benefits of 1-stage pull-through in comparison with staged repair of Hirschsprung's disease under circumstances prevailing in a developing country.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  17. Ghuman SJ
    Demography, 2003 Aug;40(3):419-36.
    PMID: 12962056 DOI: 10.1353/dem.2003.0021
    In this article, I evaluate the hypothesis that higher infant and child mortality among Muslim populations is related to the lower autonomy of Muslim women using data from 15 pairs of Muslim and non-Muslim communities in India, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand. Women's autonomy in various spheres is not consistently lower in Muslim than in non-Muslim settings. Both across and within communities, the association between women's autonomy and mortality is weak, and measures of autonomy or socioeconomic status are generally of limited import for understanding the Muslim disadvantage in children's survival.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Analysis
  18. Lee WS, Puthucheary SD, Omar A
    J Paediatr Child Health, 1999 Aug;35(4):379-82.
    PMID: 10457297
    OBJECTIVE: To review the presenting features, complications and outcome of infants with Salmonella meningitis.

    METHODOLOGY: Retrospective review of all cultures of cerebrospinal fluid positive for bacteria in children below 12 years of age, processed at the Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Malaya Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur from 1973 to 1997. Records of all cases positive for Salmonella species were retrieved and studied.

    RESULTS: Thirteen infants aged 3 days to 9 months with Salmonella meningitis were included. The median age of onset of symptoms was 4 months. The clinical and laboratory features were similar to other causes of bacterial meningitis. Salmonella enteritidis was the commonest serotype isolated. Nine infants developed fits, six of which were difficult to control. Other complications noted were hydrocephalus (five), subdural effusions (four), empyema (three), ventriculitis (two), intracranial haemorrhage and cerebral abscess (one each). The use of ampicillin and/or chloramphenicol and inadequate duration of therapy resulted in recrudescence or relapse in five infants. The overall mortality was 18%. The presence of empyema, intracerebral abscess, ventriculitis, hydrocephalus, and intracranial haemorrhage were associated with adverse neurodevelopmental sequelae or death. More than half of those who survived had normal long-term outcome.

    CONCLUSION: Infants who developed neurological complications as a result of Salmonella meningitis had significant mortality and adverse long-term neurodevelopment outcome.

    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  19. Lee KT, Li MK, Cheng WS, Foo KT
    Br J Urol, 1998 May;81(5):705-8.
    PMID: 9634045 DOI: 10.1046/j.1464-410x.1998.00586.x
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of the modified ileal neobladder reconstruction on lifestyle, voiding habits and functional outcome in Asian patients.

    PATIENTS AND METHODS: Twenty-seven Asian patients (25 men and two women, mean age 59 years, range 41-76) underwent modified ileal neobladder reconstruction after radical cystectomy for carcinoma of the bladder. The mean (range) follow-up was 21 (3-75) months. All patients were evaluated retrospectively using case notes, reviews, interviews and voiding charts; 18 patients underwent urodynamic studies.

    RESULT: Twenty-five patients (93%) achieved diurnal and 23 (85%) nocturnal continence within 6 months. Of the 19 patients who were in employment before surgery, 15 continued to be economically active afterward; 26 patients (96%) reported no change in their daily living activities. Of 16 men who reported being potent pre-operatively only four retained some residual erectile function. Twenty-three patients were interviewed about their voiding habits and satisfaction with the outcome of surgery. Fourteen patients had no sensation of reservoir fullness and of the 21 men, 13 had to squat or sit to void effectively. The mean (range) voiding frequency was 5 (4-8) during the day and 2 (0-4) during sleep. Twenty-two patients were satisfied with the overall outcome.

    CONCLUSIONS: The modified ileal bladder provides a high urinary continence rate with minimal changes in daily living activities and occupational status. The functional outcome was very satisfactory and accepted well, despite some changes in reservoir sensation, voiding posture and erectile function. The method is a viable option for reconstruction after cystectomy in Asian patients.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Analysis
  20. Adam BA
    Int J Dermatol, 1992 Jan;31(1):42-5.
    PMID: 1737688
    The characteristics of three primary bullous diseases, pemphigus, pemphigoid, and dermatitis herpetiformis, seen in this country, probably reflecting this region, are discussed and compared to those reported in the literature in the West. One hundred and forty-eight patients with bullous diseases were seen over a period of 15 years. The criteria for confirmation of clinical diagnosis were the findings of the direct immunofluorescent test. Pemphigus vulgaris was the commonest bullous disease. The incidence of bullous pemphigoid was highest in the Indians of Malaysian origin, and they are also more likely to develop pemphigus vulgaris than any other ethnic group. Linear IgA type formed the entire group of dermatitis herpetiformis. The granular type was not seen at all. The patients were treated with prednisolone alone or together with methotrexate or azathioprine. Dapsone alone controlled the dermatitis herpetiformis. The known association between pemphigus and other diseases with immunologic disturbances was not found in this study. The natural history of the bullous disease as seen in the follow-up patients is described. Deaths in pemphigus and pemphigoid were more due to either complications of steroid therapy or unassociated diseases than the primary disease itself. Introduction of immunofluorescence as a diagnostic tool in pemphigus and extension of this facility to other bullous diseases has led to detailed characterization of these diseases as seen in the West; however, publications in English dealing with epidemiologic aspects of bullous diseases in this region are rare.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
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