METHODS: The questionnaire was first developed in English language, and then assessed for its contents by a team of experts. It was then forwardly translated to Hausa, and backwardly translated again to English by independent language experts. These two English versions were then compared by a Public Health expert, following which the questionnaire was administered to 190 Hausa speaking antenatal care attendees. Exploratory factor analysis was performed on the data collected. Sixty three out of the 190 respondents were invited after 2 weeks to answer the same questionnaire, following which reliability tests were performed.
RESULTS: The questionnaire showed good internal consistency, with Cronbach's alpha values of 0.859, 0.890 and 0.773 for information, motivation and behavioural skills constructs respectively. The motivation and behavioural skills constructs were able to delineate their items into three and two sub-sections respectively. The factor loadings for the two constructs ranged from 0.610 to 0.965. As for test retest reliability, the Krippendorff's alpha values for the items of the motivation section ranged from 0.941 to 0.996; that for behavioural skills ranged from 0.810 to 0.953, while for frequency of ITN use, it was 0.988. The Cohen's kappa values for the information section ranged from 0.689-0.974, except the item for 'fever' (zazzabi) which was 0.382, and was as such reworded to a simpler terminology 'hotness of the body' (zafin jiki).
CONCLUSIONS: The Hausa language IMB questionnaire on malaria in pregnancy demonstrated good validity, and a high level of reliability. It is as such recommended for use among Hausa speaking communities to ensure uniformity and objectivity.
METHODS: We designed an interactive web-based educational module in the Malay language wherein videos were combined with text and pictorial visual cues. Malaysians aged 18-40 years old who underwent the module had their knowledge and attitudes assessed at baseline, post-intervention and at 6-month follow-up using a selfadministered validated questionnaire.
RESULTS: Sixty-five participants: 47 Malays (72.3%), 15 Chinese (23.1%), three Indians (4.6%) underwent the module. Questionnaires were completed at baseline (n=65), postintervention (n=65) and at 6-month follow-up (n=60). Out of a total knowledge score of 21, significant changes were recorded across three time-points- median scores were 12 at pre-intervention, 19 at post-intervention and 16 at 6-month follow-up (p<0.001). Post-hoc testing comparing preintervention and 6-month follow-up scores showed significant retention of knowledge (p<0.001). Compared to baseline, attitudes at 6-month follow-up showed an increased acceptance for "marriage avoidance between carriers" (pre-intervention 20%, 6-month follow-up 48.3%, p<0.001) and "prenatal diagnosis" (pre-intervention 73.8%, 6-month follow-up 86.2%, p=0.008). Acceptance for selective termination however, remained low without significant change (pre-intervention 6.2%, 6-month follow-up 16.7%, p=0.109).
CONCLUSION: A web-based educational module appears effective in improving knowledge and attitudes towards thalassaemia prevention and its incorporation in thalassaemia prevention programs is potentially useful in Malaysia and countries with a high internet penetration rate.
DESIGN: Randomised trial.
SETTING: University Hospital, Malaysia: April 2016-April 2017.
POPULATION: One hundred and sixty women hospitalised for HG.
METHOD: Women were randomised upon admission to fasting for 12 hours or expedited oral feeding. Standard HG care was instituted.
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Primary outcome was satisfaction score with overall treatment at 24 hours (0-10 Visual Numerical Rating Scale VNRS), vomiting episodes within 24 hours and nausea VNRS score at enrolment, and at 8, 16 and 24 hours.
RESULTS: Satisfaction score, median (interquartile range) 8 (5-9) versus 8 (7-9) (P = 0.08) and 24-hour vomiting episodes were 1 (0-4) versus 1 (0-5) (P = 0.24) for 12-hour fasting versus expedited feeding, respectively. Repeated measures analysis of variance of nausea scores over 24 hours showed no difference (P = 0.11) between trial arms. Participants randomised to 12-hour fasting compared with expedited feeding were less likely to prefer their feeding regimen in future hospitalisation (41% versus 65%, P = 0.001), to recommend to a friend (65% versus 84%, P = 0.01; RR 0.8, 95% CI 0.6-0.9) and to adhere to protocol (85% versus 95%, P = 0.04; RR 0.9, 95% CI 0.8-1.0). Symptoms profile, ketonuria status at 24 hours and length of hospital stay were not different.
CONCLUSION: Advisory of 12-hour fasting compared with immediate oral feeding resulted in a non-significant difference in satisfaction score but adherence to protocol and fidelity to and recommendation of immediate oral feeding to a friend were lower. The 24-hour nausea scores and vomiting episodes were similar.
TWEETABLE ABSTRACT: Women hospitalised for hyperemesis gravidarum could feed as soon, as much and as often as can be tolerated compared with initial fasting.