Displaying publications 1581 - 1600 of 1759 in total

  1. Khattak MN, Akhtar S, Mahmud S, Roshan TM
    J Public Health Policy, 2008 Jul;29(2):207-25.
    PMID: 18523475 DOI: 10.1057/jphp.2008.7
    Hepatitis C virus infection is a major health problem worldwide. The current study estimated seroprevalence of Hepatitis C virus (HCV) and evaluated associated factors among volunteer blood donors of the Northwest Frontier Province (NWFP), Pakistan. Of 1,131 volunteer blood donors enrolled, 46 (4.1%) were positive for anti-HCV antibodies. Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that positive donors were more likely to be 27-32 years old or >32 years old, have had 1-2 injections or >2 injections in the past year, or 1-5 intravenous (IV) drips or >5 I/V drips in the past 5 years. Positive donors had a family history of jaundice and were more likely to have been shaved (facial and armpit) by barbers. There was high prevalence of anti-HCV antibodies among blood donors of the NWFP. Public awareness programs should target the identified risk factors to prevent HCV transmission. We highlight the weakness of the health care system for blood donation, as it does not offer any record management for donors.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Education
  2. Patricia Sator
    Introduction: Nursing is a regulated profession. Hence, the global commitment for nurses to maintain standards of practice is vital to deliver safe and competent care. Written policies will eliminate uncertainty, ambiguity, and legal issues. For this study, it focused on the importance of the nursing students to understand and practice the regulation on patient’s confidentiality in healthcare setting with the usage of technology such as social media. There is a case like nursing student infringe the privacy of patients with the information they posted on social media, such as posting a patient’s photos or videos without valid consent. Methods: This study is a quantitative, cross-sectional survey de- sign. The respondents were selected as convenience sampling of 120 nursing students from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (FMHS, UMS). Results: There are 7.4% nursing students intention- ally posted in social media, 18.0% maybe and 73.8% unintentionally. And for their guilty feeling after committing confidentially policy breach on patient, there are 8.2% said NO, 32.8% said MAYBE and 59% said YES. Overall, the nursing students are aware of the patient’s confidentiality but there is still a leakage in practicing full nursing standards and regulation. Further study recommended to explore more on this issue. Conclusion: As a conclusion, this study is relevant to conduct among the nursing students to gain their understanding regarding the responsibilities as a future nurse in maintaining the patient’s confidentiality as one of the most important nursing practices to ensure quality of care and continuation of professional service of nursing profession.
    Matched MeSH terms: Education, Nursing, Baccalaureate
  3. Shiang Cheng Lim, Wan Ying Gan, Yoke Mun Chan
    Introduction: Cognitive decline and cognitive impairment among older adults is a rising public health concern because of its association with increased risk of dementia, disability and mortality. In Malaysia, early identification of cognitive impairment is uncommon due to lack of understanding of risk profile of the elderly population. The objective of this study was to determine factors associated with cognitive impairment among community-dwell- ing older adults. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted among 698 community-dwelling older adults aged 60 years old and above in Klang Valley, Malaysia by using multi-stage sampling to determine the risk factors and predictors of cognitive impairment from a multidimensional approach. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed to determine the relationship between socio-demographic characteristics, physical activity, physical functional status and cognitive impairment. Results: Increased of age (OR = 1.056), being female (OR = 2.219) and Indian (OR = 2.722) were the risk factors for cognitive impairment, while years of education (OR = 0.765), physically active (OR = 0.823) and better physical function (OR = 0.843) were significantly associated with decreased risk of cognitive impairment. Marital and nutritional status failed to predict the risk of cognitive impairment. Conclusion: Given the protective effects of physical activity and physical function on the cognitive decline at later age, relevant policymakers should formulate appropriate health education programmes to promote regular physical activity to improve physical and cognitive function among Malaysians across all ages.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Education
  4. Lia Herliana, Yanti Cahyati
    Pain is a sensation that is difficult to remember. Pain exposure is a stimulus that can damage the development of the baby's brain and contribute to learning disorders and behavior in childhood. Therefore nursing intervention is needed that can reduce the pain response in infants, especially during hospital treatment. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of non-nutritive sucking (NNS) and ASI (Air Susu Ibu or Breast Milk) on oral responses to acute pain in the neonate when invasive actions were performed. The benefits of research as evidence-based practiced about administering NNS and ASI orally to pain responses in neonates when experiencing pain. The research design uses experimental nonequivalent control group before and after design. The population of all neonates admitted to Dr. Soekardjo Tasikmalaya, with a total sample of 30 respondents consisting of 15 ASI respondents and 15 respondents for the NNS group. Pain assessments instruments CRIES (Crying, Requiring an increase in oxygen, Increased vital sign, Expression, Sleeplessness) was applied. Data analysis used non parametric tests Mann Whitney and Wilcoxon. The results of the study showed no significant differences in pain response before and after the intervention (p-value 0.236). It was suggested that nurses can improve health education for parents to be able to provide breastfeeding during treatment, especially when the baby receives invasive action
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Education
  5. Salizar Mohamed Ludin
    Background: Mentoring of new staff nurses is frequently performed. Internationally researches have reported that this exercise helped the new staff to retain information better, adopt a professional conduct, and be more satisfied with their jobs. Mentoring programmes are usually conducted to encourage cooperation as well as socialisation among the new registered nurses (RNs) in specific units or organisations. Aim: This research aims to evaluate the outcome of mentorship programs based on six specific criteria and nurses' willingness to stay in the profession in hospital settings. Method: A comparative cross-sectional study designed via convenience sampling was conducted in nine hospitals using the self-administered mentorship for nurses (MNMSN) questionnaire. Findings:Atotal of 593 respondents were recruited, mostly female (87.6%), under 25 years old (84.7%), from Malay (71%) and highest nursing education of diploma level (99.2%). The predisposing factors that influence performance for pre- and post-program are 'patients assessment' (mean=4.763, S.D=0.52 and mean=4.733, S.D=0.536); 'clinical decision' (mean=4.722, S.D=0.527 and mean=4.73, S.D=0.54); 'cultural competencies' (mean=4.42, S.D=0.443 as well as mean=4.354, S.D=0.442); and 'professionalism' (mean=4.764, S.D=0.533 and mean=4.698, S.D=0.563) respectively. Each predisposing factor showed a significant correlation (strong and moderately positive). Overall result for 'willingness to stay' is significant [F, (5,585)=556.308, p
    Matched MeSH terms: Education, Nursing
  6. Law, Leh Shii, Stephen, Jeffery
    Oral health gained attention worldwide as it exerted unfavourable and undesired influences on an individual’s daily lives and wellbeing, especially among the rural population. In order to increase the understanding on the oral health among the rural community, this study aimed to determine the oral health knowledge and practice and its association with sociodemographic characteristics among the longhouse residents in Julau, Sarawak. In this cross-sectional study, a total of 105 residents were recruited from five longhouses, namely Rumah Panjang Mengga, Rumah Panjang Ikeh, Rumah Panjang Michael, Rumah Panjang Budit, and Rumah Panjang Manju. Information related to sociodemographic characteristics, as well as oral health knowledge and practice was gathered through face-to-face interview by using a structured questionnaire. Spearman rho correlation test, Mann-Whitney U-test, and Krukal-Wallis H-test were applied during data analysis. Median (interquartile) age of the children and adults was 10.0 (5.0) and 50.0 (22.0) years old, respectively. Findings revealed that oral health knowledge and practices among participants, both children and adults were inadequate as a high proportion of the participants were unable to provide answers for oral health related questions (functions of fluoride and correlation between gum disease with heart disease) and several oral health practices (regular oral check-up, change of toothbrush, and consumption of sweetened food) were also not being engaged in the daily life among the children and adult participants. A significant correlation was found between age and knowledge score among adult participants (rs = -0.389, p < 0.001). Besides, significant higher oral health knowledge score were found among adult participants with higher education level (H = 27.466; p < 0.001) and significant higher in oral health practice score was found among unemployed adult participants when compared to self-employed and employed workers for government and private (H = 9.631, p = 0.008). In conclusion, younger and educated participants are more knowledgeable regarding oral health. Engagement of oral health practices were related to occupation of the adult participants. Provision of health education and education aid for longhouse community should be continued taking into consideration age, level of education level, and even occupation in order to improve their oral health knowledge and practice.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Education
  7. Foo LH, Khor GL, Tee, E. Siong ES, Prabakaran D
    Malays J Nutr, 2006;12(1):11-21.
    Dietary intakes and lifestyle habits during adolescence may predict the occurrence of obesity and other diet-related chronic diseases later in life. The purpose of this study was to determine dietary intake of adolescents in a fishing community in Tuaran District, Sabah. A total of 199 apparently healthy adolescents comprising 94 male and 105 female subjects were purposively selected for the study. The mean age of the subjects was 15.2 f 2.2 years with female subjects having a higher mean age of 15.7 f 2.4 years compared to the males (14.6 k1.8 years). The mean BMI of the subjects was 18.4 f 2.9 kg/m2 with females having a significantly higher BMI (18.9 f 2.8 kg/m2) than the males (17.8 f 3.0 kg/m2). Based on the WHO classification (WHO, 1995), 19.6% of the subjects could be classified as thin while 4.5% were at risk of overweight. Overall for both sexes, intake of energy and most nutrients were below the Malaysian recommended nutrient intake (RNI) levels for adolescents, with the exception of vitamin C and niacin. The male subjects showed higher mean intake for vitamin A, thiamine, niacin and vitamin C than the females. Calcium and iron intake ranked among the lowest levels, at 33.4% and 47.2% respectively of the RNI values for both sexes. The main sources of energy were rice, flour products and tubers while fish and seafood were the chief sources of protein. Majority of the subjects (84%) reported taking breakfast daily, which often consisted of fried noodles, fried banana, doughnuts and coffee. Consumption of snacks was popular and commonly consumed snacks were bread, biscuits, and fried banana. The present study revealed that 25.5% and 14.3% of the male and female adolescents respectively were thin, with majority of them consuming inadequate levels of energy and several key nutrients. The results underscore the need for adolescents to be targeted for nutrition and health education as they go through a period of marked physical, physiological and psychological changes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Education
  8. Feiz Haddad MH, Maraghi S, Ali SA, Feiz Haddad R, Nasser Zadeh R
    Trop Biomed, 2018 Dec 01;35(4):915-925.
    PMID: 33601841
    Intestinal parasitic infections (IPIs) are among the most important infectious diseases in Iran. A cross sectional study was designed to determine frequency of intestinal parasites among referrals to a large teaching hospital in Khuzestan, Southwest of Iran, 2017. A total number of 5613 stool samples were examined through direct smear and formalin-ether concentration methods to detect possible parasitic infections. Samples consisted of 2643 (47.09%) male and 2970 (52.91%) female. A total of 1468 (26.15%) samples were positive (13.11% male and 13.4% female) and 4145 (73.85%) were negative. The results also showed that 255 of samples had more than one type of parasite (mix infections). Counting single and mix parasite infections, the total number of positive cases reached to 1723. Helminthes parasites were present in 12 (0.7%) cases, while intestinal protozoan parasites were in 1711 (99.3%) cases. Almost equally, pathogenic and nonpathogenic parasites infected 860 (49.91%) and 863 (50.09%) of patients, respectively. The frequency for helminthes was determined at 0.52% with Hymenolepis nana and Enterobius vermicularis however, Giardia lamblia in 38.54% and Entamoeba histolytica/dispar at 10.68% were concluded as protozoa elements. The IPIs frequency was recorded in female and male patients at 49.16% and 50.14%, respectively. According to the current results the infection rate of intestinal parasites has been significantly reduced especially for helminths infections in this region possibly due to public attention to health issues such as; increased awareness of people, improvement of sanitation, seasonal variations, health education and personal hygiene.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Education
  9. Ramli A
    JUMMEC, 2007;10(1):29-33.
    Little is known of Malaysian older people’s participation in physical activities, and the purpose of this pilot study is to explore their participation and the barriers. A self-administered questionnaire was given to 80 eligible respondents at the Kuala Lumpur Health Clinic of which 70 responded. Thirty-six (51.4%) were males and 34 (48.6%) were females. There were 26 (37.1%) Malays, 20 (28.6%) Chinese, 18 (25.7%) Indians and 6 (8.6%) of other ethnic groups. Forty (57.1%) took part in some form of physical activities and the remaining 30 (42.9%) reported no participation at all. The Chinese participated actively in physical activities (90%), followed by Indians (66.7%) and Malays (30.8%). The five common activities were walking (60%), tai chi (20%), gardening (12.5%), stretching (2.5%) and cycling (5.0%). Identified barriers to physical activities were lack of time (26.7%), having health problems (26.7%), was already fit (26.7%), no companion to exercise with (13.3%) and no exercise knowledge (6.7%). These findings indicated that emphasis should be given to the females and the Malay ethnic group when planning physical activity education for the older people as they were identified to be the least active groups.
    Study site: Klinik Kesihatan Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Education and Training
  10. Manchester A
    Nurs N Z, 2016 Mar;22(2):16-7.
    PMID: 27186616
    Matched MeSH terms: Patient Education as Topic
  11. Marlynda Ahmad, Natasya Ahmad Tarib
    Malaysian Dental Journal, 2008;29(2):128-134.
    Introduction: Preclinical teaching using simulation is very beneficial in training dental graduates. The use of laboratory simulation for its undergraduate training during the preclinical years has been used in dental education. Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate student’s perception, self evaluation and satisfactory level in preparing duralay burn-out post and core in preclinical fixed prosthodontics sessions.

    Materials and Methods: The participants comprised of 104 fourth year dental undergraduates in the Faculty of Dentistry Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. The students had undergone preclinical session for endodontics during the 3rd year and had already completed root canal treatment on single rooted tooth. The same tooth was used for preclinical post and core preparation. The gutta percha was partially removed and the root canal was prepared. They then proceeded with the preparation of duralay build-up/pattern based on the lecture, video demonstration and manual given. Once completed and satisfied with their work, students were asked to answer the questionnaires in the simulation manual.

    Results: Student response rate was 88.46% (92/104). Majority of the students were satisfied with their canal preparation, with about 5mm gutta percha left apically, appropriately shaped canal with sufficient retention and resistance form. They also thought that the surface of the duralay was good with no voids. With regards to the coronal preparation, majority of them incorporated ferrule effect and prepared preliminary crown preparation. More than half of the students claimed the level of difficulty of this procedure was moderate. Furthermore, majority of them said that the lecture and the preclinical manual were sufficient and helpful. The help from the supervisors was also benefit in preparing duralay burnout post and core.

    Conclusions: From this study, majority of fourth year dental students could perform appropriate canal preparation as well as duralay pattern post and core. Only one student did not feel competent and confident in doing canal preparation and duralay pattern post and core. Our teaching methods and aids were proven to help them in preparing these tasks.
    Matched MeSH terms: Education, Dental
  12. Phang CK, Marhani M, Salina AA
    Introduction: Help-seeking pathway in psychiatry is the important link between the onset of a mental disorder and mental health service provision. Understanding of the help-seeking pathway can help us to device more effective strategies for early detection and treatment.
    Objectives: To determine the help-seeking pathways and treatment delaying factors of in-patients with first-episode psychosis in Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL). Methods: This is a hospital-based cross-sectional descriptive study of 50 in-patients with first-episode psychosis in HKL. Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV - Clinical Version for Axis I Disorders (SCID-CV) was used for establishing diagnosis. Socio-demographic data, information on help-seeking pathways, and treatment delaying factors were determined through face-to-face interview and semi-structured questionnaires.
    Results: The number of non-psychiatric helpseeking
    contacts prior to first consultation with psychiatric service ranged from 0 to 10. The mean number of contacts was 2.3 ( 2.6), and median was 1 (IQR = 0 to 3). About a third of them (32%) had three or more non-psychiatric contacts. The most common point of first non-psychiatric contact was with traditional healer 24 (48%), followed by general practitioners 12 (24%), and only 14 (28%) of them sought help directly from psychiatric service. The most common reason reported for delay in seeking psychiatric treatment was, “not aware that changes were related to mental illness” (74%).
    Conclusions: History of contacts with traditional healers was common among in-patients with first episode psychosis in HKL. Treatment delay was mainly contributed by factors related to lack of awareness on psychosis. More strategic mental health education program is needed for early detection and treatment of psychosis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Education
  13. Abai G, Henry J, Lian CB, Wee ASF, Bili H, Ratu I
    Int J Public Health Res, 2011;1(2):92-99.
    Introduction Neonatal jaundice occurs in about 60% of newborns. If not managed properly, it can progress to severe neonatal jaundice (SNNJ) leading to death or permanent disability. The incidence of SNNJ in Kuching District increased from 119.3 per 100,000 live births in 2005 to 123.3 per 100,000 live births in 2008, which was above the Standard National QAP Indicator of 100 per 10,000 live births. SNNJ can be prevented by early detection and proper management of neonatal jaundice. The objective is to increase the knowledge and practise of early detection of neonatal jaundice by nurses in Kuching District. Methods This was an interventional study covering a period of six months. The sample comprised 113 nurses of all categories working in urban and rural maternal and child health clinics in Kuching District. Tools used in the study were self-administered questionnaires in English and Bahasa Malaysia. The preintervention survey started in July 2009 while the post-intervention survey was done in January 2010. The interventions were done through Continuing Nursing Education sessions and included new nursing formats and new reporting procedures. New vehicles were also provided for home nursing. Data was collected and analyzed using MS Excel program. Results The pre-intervention survey on nurses showed that only 56.6% were able to identify the risk of factors causing jaundice; 94.6% able to define jaundice; 41.5% able to detect jaundice while 70.8% knew sign of Kernicterus. In term of recommended post natal nursing schedule only 40.7% able to practice the schedule while only 69.0% able to give advice on management of jaundice. Post intervention; 63.2% of nurses were able to identify the risk factors causing jaundice; 97.2% able to define jaundice while 97.2% were able to detect jaundice and 88.6% know sign of Kernicterus. On recommended post natal nursing schedule, 49.9 % practice the recommended schedule while 92.0% were able to give advice to mother on management of jaundice. The incident of jaundice of Severe Neonatal Jaundice dropped to 78 per 100,000 live births in 2010.
    Conclusions The study shows that the interventions taken helped to improve the knowledge and practice of recommended measures to detect neonatal jaundice early. Stronger emphasis must be placed on using the new reporting procedures and new nursing sheets. Continuous monitoring through regular nursing audits by clinic supervisors is also essential to reduce the incidence of SNNJ. Provision of vehicles for all busy maternal and child health clinics for home nursing care is highly recommended.
    Matched MeSH terms: Education, Nursing, Continuing
  14. Toh, Teck Hock, Nurhilda Abdullah, Chua, Soh Yian, Muhamad Rais Abdullah, Islia Nahazatul, Chieng, Lee Ling
    Int J Public Health Res, 2011;1(2):66-71.
    Introduction Special Olympics (SO) Inc. is an organization for people with intellectual disability (ID) to actively engaging in Olympic-type sport and participating in competition. Special Olympic Inc. provides Healthy Athletes Programme (HAP®) in screening and providing health education to Special Olympic Athletes. Objective To study the body mass index (BMI), blood pressure (BP), visual acuity and hearing status of children and young adult with ID in Special Olympics Sarawak. Methods Health data were collected by trained health professionals under HAP®held in conjunction with Special Olympics Sarawak State Games on 17th and 18th April 2010 in Sibu. Health data collected were athletes' weight, BMI, BP, ear canal screen and hearing status (oto-acoustic emission, pure tone audiometry), as well as eye health and visual acuity, using guidelines set by HAP®. Results 195 athletes attended the State Games in 2010 of which 138 were screened. Significant number of athletes was considered overweight / obese (31.5% for children and 36.9% for adult). More than 20% of the adult athletes were hypertensive or at risk of hypertension. Sixteen percent of the adult athletes had hearing loss. More than half of the adult and children athletes never had eye checks, and a significant numbers of them had abnormal eye tests results. Conclusions Health screening conducted during the HAP® is a useful screening program in this population. Health data collected can bring awareness to athletes and their family, and corrective measures in hearing and visual impairment can be taken immediately.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Education
  15. Mansor M, Oo SS, Abdullah KL
    Family planning is an important practice for women as it can help to improve financial and social status. Unwanted pregnancy has negative effects for husband and financial. However, couples married at a late age may not practice family planning because they want to have kids. The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence, factors associated with
    husband’s socio demography and decision making in family planning practices among women in reproductive age who attended a polyclinic in Serdang, Malaysia. A cross sectional study was conducted on 245 women with a systematic random sampling. Descriptive analysis, Fisher exact and Chi-square tests were conducted to identify the influence of husband’s socio demographic factors and decision making in family planning practices. The prevalence of family planning practices among married women was moderate (53.9%). Family planning practices among women showed significant relationship with the husband’s socio demography which were husband’s race (p = 0.018), religion (p = 0.008) and making decision in family planning (p = 0.002). The husband’s socio demography showed a significant relationship with the prevalence of the wife practicing family planning. This clearly indicates that the husband is the individual that influence the wife to use contraceptive method. Decision making in family planning by both the husband and wife is important in choosing to use contraceptive method. Health promotion in the concept of health education for male contraceptive method such as pamphlet and booklet is important to promote husband involvement in family planning.
    Study site: Klinik Kesihatan Seri Kembangan, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Education
  16. Saleh A, Kong YH, Haron N, Aripin SF, Vadiveloo M, Hussaini H, et al.
    Community Dent Oral Epidemiol, 2017 04;45(2):112-119.
    PMID: 27805279 DOI: 10.1111/cdoe.12266
    OBJECTIVES: Private dental practitioners constitute approximately 40% of all registered dentists in Malaysia, and this group affords an avenue for prevention and early detection of oral cancer. However, such activities are still limited. This study investigated the feasibility of incorporating opportunistic screening of oral cancer in the private dental setting.

    METHODS: Dentists were recruited through two main dental associations in Malaysia and attended a 1-day training session on recognizing abnormalities within the oral cavity. Following the training, the dentists conducted screening and provided risk habits cessation advice at their respective clinics for 6 months. The impact of the program was evaluated by determining the number of patients who were screened and/or provided with risk habits cessation advice.

    RESULTS: Twenty-six dentists took part in the program and conducted opportunistic screening on a total of 2603 individuals. On average, they screened about 23.0% of their patients and 5.1% were given risk habits cessation advice. Notably, dentists who had lower patient load were more likely to conduct opportunistic screening.

    CONCLUSIONS: While the participating private dentists state that they have a role in performing opportunistic screening and providing risk habits cessation advice, these activities are still not a priority area in the private clinics, strongly suggesting that strategies to motivate dentists in this setting are urgently needed.

    Matched MeSH terms: Education, Dental, Continuing
  17. Wong LY, Chua SS, Husin AR, Arshad H
    Fam Pract, 2017 09 01;34(5):564-573.
    PMID: 28472499 DOI: 10.1093/fampra/cmx028
    Background: Although clinical guidelines are available for the management of asthma, this health condition is still poorly managed in many countries.
    Objectives: To assess the effects of a Pharmacy Management Service (PharMS) on asthma control of adult patients.
    Methods: This study comprised of a cluster randomised controlled trial (RCT) that was conducted from April 2014 to July 2015 at four government health clinics. The control participants received usual pharmacy service, while the intervention participants were recruited into the PharMS. Each participant was monitored for 6 months, and the outcome measures included asthma control using the Asthma Control Test (ACT), inhaler technique using a checklist and medication adherence using the Malaysian Medication Adherence Scale.
    Results: A total of 157 participants were recruited: 77 in the control and 80 in the intervention group. At the end of the study, 90% of the intervention participants achieved well-controlled asthma compared to 28.6% in the control group (P < 0.001). The differences in the proportion of participants with correct inhaler technique was also significant, with an adjusted effect size of 0.953 (P < 0.001). In addition, the intervention participants showed significantly higher medication adherence than the control group (92.5% versus 45.5%, P < 0.001). The Generalised Estimated Equation analysis further confirmed that the PharMS (P < 0.001) was significantly related to an improvement in the ACT scores.
    Conclusion: A community-based asthma management program, the PharMS, that provided asthma education and skill training by a trained pharmacist, resulted in positive and significant improvements in clinical and management outcomes of adult asthma patients.
    Matched MeSH terms: Patient Education as Topic
  18. Cheah, Whye Lian, Tay, Siow Phing, Chai, Shiun Chat, Bong, Cheong Shin, Luqmanul Hakim Baharuddin, Zhuleikha Bainun Jalil Che' Jalil
    Dental caries is a major health problem affecting an estimated 90% of school children worldwide. This cross-sectional study aimed to evaluate oral health knowledge, attitude, and practices among secondary school students in Kuching, Sarawak. Data was collected using a pretested questionnaire on 209 randomly selected students from four schools. Results showed no significant differences between the gender and age groups in terms of knowledge level, but significant differences were observed between the schools. The students had positive attitude towards the dental services, but their dental visits were still low due to fear of dental needle and handpieces. Toothbrush and toothpaste were still the most commonly used oral hygiene aids. As compared to parents and friends, dentist was perceived to have more influence on oral hygiene practices among the students. Girls consumed more sweets, snacks and soft drinks than boys. However, girls spent longer time to brush their teeth and brush more frequently. Oral health education should be a life-long practice and incorporated into the school environment with the support of teachers and parents.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Education, Dental
  19. Sapian, M., Sahhir, K., Rosnah, I., Ardi, A., Rohida, T., Azura, M, et al.
    On 24th April 2009 the World Health Organisation (WHO) announced Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) alert phase 4 which was later raised to phase 6 on 11th June 2009. By 11th October 2009, 199 countries were affected with 399,232 laboratory confirmed cases resulting in 4735 death. In Pahang, the state and district operation rooms were activated on the 28th April and 5th May 2009 respectively to monitor surveillance, control and preventives measures carried out. This study was done to describe the situation of Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) in Pahang from 28th April 2009 till 10th October 2009 in terms of laboratory confirmed cases and clusters reported, Influenza-Like Illness (ILI) surveillance, Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (sARI) surveillance and health education activities. During the period, 490 laboratory confirmed Influenza A (H1N1) cases were registered with 5 deaths. The age ranges from less than 1 year to 76 years with median of 16 years old. 207 ILI clusters were recorded, 139 (67.5%) were Influenza A (H1N1) clusters. For surveillance activity, 11,570 (2.2%) of outpatient attendances were ILI cases while 966 (2.0 %) of total admissions were sARI cases. There were 14,927 health education activities carried out during the period. The number of people affected by Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) in Pahang reached its peak in mid August 2009 and later showed a downward trend. ILI surveillance was a useful tool to detect Influenza A (H1N1) activity in Pahang.
    Study site: Klinik kesihatan, outpatient clinics, hospitals, Pahang, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Education
  20. Hejar, A.R, Noraihan, M. N., Liyana Mastura, M.J., Nurzoara Aisha Noorazyze, R.A.N.
    Passive smoking among pregnant mothers has been associated with numerous maternal and fetal effects. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of passive smoking on the fetal outcome among women who delivered at the Maternity Hospital Kuala Lumpur. This cross sectional study was carried out at the Maternity Hospital Kuala Lumpur in July 2004. Universal sampling of the women who delivered at the hospital was used and data was collected by interview using pre-tested questionnaire and patients’ medical records. Analysis was done by SPSS version 11.5. More than 75% were Malays, between 21 to 35 years, married, received secondary education, housewives and family income between RM 1000 – RM 1999. Seventy-seven per cent of the women were exposed to environmental tobacco smoke and majority were exposed at home and for less than 1 hour a week. There were significant relationships between duration of exposure with exposure at workplace, exposure at home and exposure in the car. Most of the babies delivered were males, term, normal weight and normal. Health education of the adverse effects of smoking to the pregnant women, spouses and family members need to be intensified by the hospital and the Ministry of Health.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Education
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