METHOD: This is a mixed-method study employing the Public Attitude Toward Epilepsy (PATE) scale as the quantitative measure, followed by a semi-structured interview. The qualitative data were then counted and analyzed concurrently with the quantitative data.
RESULT: A total of 410 respondents (104 people with epilepsy [PWE]; 104 family members [FM]; 100 medical students [MS]; 102 public [Pb]) aged 37 years (IQR 23-55) were recruited. They were mostly female (57.3%), Chinese (52.0%), and highly educated (63.7%). The attitudes toward epilepsy among medical students are the best, followed by the PWE and their family members, and the worst among the public. The qualitative results revealed 4 main themes, which were "general social values", "epilepsy severity and control", "PWE's abilities", and "harms and burdens to the respondents and others". A two-dimensional perception model was constructed based on these themes, which consisted of general-personal and universal-specific dimensions. Generally, the PWE/FM subgroup focused more on PWE's abilities, whereas the MS/Pb subgroup more on general social values, and harms and burden. In the education aspect, most attitudes were related to the epilepsy severity and PWE's abilities, whereas in employment, the main consideration was the PWE's abilities. Burden to life and concern about inheritance were major considerations in the marital relationship. Those with positive attitudes tend to highlight the importance of general social values, while negative attitudes associated more with epilepsy severity. In general domain, general social values were the main considering factor but in personal domain, most participants will consider epilepsy severity and control, harms and burden to themselves.
CONCLUSION: The perceptions underlying attitudes toward epilepsy were complex and varied between subpopulations, attitude levels, domains, and aspects of life. (304 words).
METHOD: The study was a cross-sectional design in nature, using self-reported questionnaires among the university students in Malaysia. Participants were selected using a convenience sampling approach. Perceptions regarding social support and physical environment were assessed using the Malay-translated version scales. The standard forward-backwards translation was conducted to translate the English version of the scales to the Malay version. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to validate the translated version scales; composite reliability (CR) and average variance extracted (AVE) were computed.
RESULTS: A total of 857 students participated in this study (female: 49.1%, male: 50.9%). The mean age of the participants was 20.2 (SD = 1.6). The fit indices of the initial hypothesized measurement models (social support and physical environment) were not satisfactory. Further improvements were made by adding covariances between residuals' items within the same factor for each hypothesized model. The final re-specified measurement models demonstrated adequate factor structure for the social support scale with 24 items (CFI = .932, TLI = .920, SRMR = .054, RMSEA = .061), and the physical environment scale with five items (CFI = .994, TLI = .981, SRMR = .013, RMSEA = .054). The CR was .918 for family support, .919 for friend support, .813 for perceived availability, and .771 for perceived quality. The AVEs were .560 for family support, .547 for friend support, .554 for perceived availability, and .628 for perceived quality. The intra-class correlation (ICC) based on test-retest was .920 for family support, .984 for friend support, .895 for availability of facilities, and .774 for quality of facilities.
CONCLUSION: The Malay version of the social support scale for exercise and the physical environment scale for physical activity were shown to have adequate psychometric properties for assessing perceived social support and physical environment among the university students in Malaysia.
PERSPECTIVE: This study presented the psychometric properties of the social support and physical environment scales based on CFA and was the first to translate these scales from the original English version to the Malay version.
Methods: This is a prospective, non-interventional, comparative study of 59 male (27 smokers and 32 non-smokers) undergraduates of a public university. Tear film stability was evaluated using non-invasive tear break-up time and fluorescein tear break-up time. Corneal staining was determined using Efron grading scale. MDEQ and OSDI Questionnaires were used to assess dry eye symptoms. Data were obtained from the right eye only and analyzed using descriptive and correlation analysis.
Results: The age range of the participants was between 19 and 25 years. The mean age for smokers and non-smokers was 22.19 ± 2.20 and 21.22 ± 1.83 years, respectively (P = 0.07). The smoker group had statistically significant lower tear film stability than the non-smoker group (P < 0.0001). Corneal staining was statistically significant higher at the nasal and temporal parts of the cornea in smokers (P < 0.05). There was a moderate correlation between tear film stability and scores of MDEQ and OSDI.
Conclusions: Tobacco smoke has a significant effect on the tear film stability, seen in reduced tear stability values among smokers. Corneal staining was found to be more extensive in the smokers. These findings would be useful to eye-care providers in the management of their dry eye patients related to smoking.
METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional study at an outpatient Neurology Clinic of a tertiary government hospital in Malaysia. Between March and July 2019, we identified 217 patients with a confirmed diagnosis of epilepsy, receiving oral ASM therapy and able to administer their medications. We performed a semi-structured interview to gather information on sociodemographic background, clinical and medication history, and perceptions on healthcare services. Adherence to ASM therapy was evaluated using the Medication Compliance Questionnaire (MCQ). Patient's illness perception was assessed by the Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire (B-IPQ).
RESULTS: 208 patients participated in this study. The median age of the study participants was 35 years (IQR 26-44). 58.2% were females and majority, 55.8%, were from the Malay ethnic group. Based on the MCQ scoring, 89 patients (42.8%) were non-adherent. Multiple logistic regression demonstrated that being employed or students (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 2.26, 95%CI: 1.19-4.29 p = 0.012) and having an average or below average perceived access to pharmacy services (aOR 2.94, 95%CI: 1.38-6.24, p = 0.005) were significant contributors to non-adherence.
CONCLUSION: Being employed or students and having an average or below average perceived access to pharmacy services were associated with ASM non-adherence Efforts to improve ASM adherence should adopt a comprehensive approach considering the success of adherence is contingent on the interrelationship of multiple dimensions.
METHODS: 6,305 college students (39.3% men; 60.7% women) from six Chinese provincial-level jurisdictions completed a paper-and-pencil survey with Psychological Strain Scales (PSS-40) and Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scales-21 (DASS-21), both validated in Chinese populations.
RESULTS: Both PSS-40 and DASS-21 have high internal consistency reliabilities, and are highly correlated with each other. Hence, Chinese college students with greater psychological strains (value, aspiration, deprivation, or coping) have greater depression, anxiety, and stress. These results still held after controlling for relevant socio-demographic variables in the multiple regression models.
LIMITATIONS: This was a cross-sectional study, and the sample only included several provinces in mainland China, not a representative sample of all of them.
CONCLUSIONS: Mood disorders and psychopathologies are linked to suicidal thoughts and behaviors. The results of this study extend the Strain Theory of Suicide from explaining the risk factors of suicidality to mood disorders and psychopathologies. Hence, these findings can inform prevention measures among college students, and possibly the general population.
METHODS: A total of 370 agricultural biotechnology students from Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin in Besut, Terengganu, were enrolled in this study. Antimicrobial susceptibility profiles were evaluated by standard methods. PCR detection of resistance and virulence genes was performed on S. aureus that were methicillin-resistant, macrolide-lincosamide-streptogramin B (MLSB )-positive phenotype and/or positive for the leukocidin (pvl) gene followed by staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec), staphylococcal protein A (spa) and accessory gene regulator (agr) typing.
RESULTS: One hundred and nineteen of 370 students carried S. aureus (32%); 18 of the isolates were MRSA (15%). Erythromycin resistance was detected in 20% (24/119) of which 15% (18/119) were MRSA and 5% (6/119) MSSA. Among the 24 erythromycin-resistant isolates, D-test was positive in 29% (7/24) displaying inducible MLSB , whereas the remaining 71% (17/24) showed constitutive MLSB phenotypes. Nine (7.6%) of 119 isolates were pvl positive: 44% MRSA (4/9) and 56% MSSA (5/9). Staphylococcal surface protein sasX gene was present in 92% of MRSA and 8% of MSSA isolates. The majority of MRSA isolates were agr type I (15/18; 83%). Five spa types identified with spa t037 were predominant, followed by spa types (t304 and t8696) as newly reported Malaysian MRSA in a community setting.
CONCLUSION: The presence of MRSA with SCCmec of hospital-associated features and globally recognised spa types in community setting is worrisome. Furthermore, the presence of MLSB strains among multidrug-resistant (MDR) S. aureus with sasX as well as pvl-positive isolates highlights the potential risk of a community setting in facilitating the dissemination of both virulence and resistance determinants.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed from January to April 2020 among students at Jahangirnagar University (JU), Bangladesh. Purposive sampling was conducted through an in-person interview using a structured questionnaire. Students from the faculties of biological sciences and non-biology background were included. The univariate ordinal regression technique was used to analyze the relationship between predictors and good knowledge about the antibiotics. A two-tailed p-value was calculated to determine statistical association.
Results: Out of 205 study participants, 92 and 113 responders were from biological science faculty and non-biology disciplines, respectively. Less than half of the students (42.4%) showed a good knowledge level (scores higher than 80%). Biology-background students possess better knowledge than non-biology students [odds ratio (OR) = 4.44, 95% confidence level (CL) (2.56, 7.70), p < 0.001]. A better attitude was noticed among all students. The self-medication rate was quite low, and more than 90% of students were found to consume antibiotics according to the physician's prescription. Lack of treatment adherence was recorded, and students admitted to stop-taking antibiotics when symptoms disappeared (48.67% biology and 36.26% non-biology). Multivariate regression analysis was unable to detect any significant association between self-medication and gender, student category or the level of knowledge about antibiotics.
Conclusion: Students of biological science background possessed better knowledge indicating the importance of appropriate curriculum imparted in knowledge buildup. Introducing a short course about the risk and development of antibiotic resistance will grow the students' awareness to avoid the resistance phenomenon.