Displaying publications 161 - 180 of 1383 in total

  1. Dee EC, Paguio JA, Yao JS, Lim J, Lasco G
    Lancet Oncol, 2021 09;22(9):e381.
    PMID: 34478665 DOI: 10.1016/S1470-2045(21)00350-8
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  2. Usman M, Ali Y, Riaz A, Riaz A, Zubair A
    J Public Aff, 2020 Aug 07.
    PMID: 32837324 DOI: 10.1002/pa.2252
    This study aims to present a quick overview of the novel coronavirus (afterward COVID-19) which triggers from Wuhan, spread approximately 213 countries and territories around the globe, and still currently ongoing. Particularly, we are interested to investigate the economic perspective of COVID-19. This paper uses data from online published articles and current media sources, as the COVID-19 situation is unfolding yet. To deeply explore the said matter, we divide the economic impact into six dimensions that is, Chinese economy, Central Asian economies, South Asian economies, South East and West Asian economies, European economies, Northern African, and Middle Eastern economies. The paper concludes that epidemic situations like COVID-19 severely affect economies around the globe. The basic reasons behind such severity are immobility of labor, reduction in productivity, discontinuation of the supply chain, a decline in exports, uncertainty, and so on. This study is quite important for businesses and policymakers to estimate and plan current and post-COVID-19 situations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  3. Lim KG
    Med J Malaysia, 2016 06;71(Suppl 1):1-19.
    PMID: 27801384 MyJurnal
    A literature search of articles as detailed in the paper Bibliography of clinical research in Malaysia: methods and brief results, using the MESH terms Obesity; Obesity, Abdominal; and Overweight; covering the years 2000 till 2015 was undertaken and 265 articles were identified. Serial population studies showed that the prevalence of obesity increased rapidly in Malaysia in the last decade of the twentieth century. This follows the rising availability of food per capita which had been begun two to three decades previously. Almost every birth cohort, even up to those in their seventh decade increased in prevalence of overweight and obesity between 1996 and 2006. However, the rise in prevalence in obesity appears to have plateaued after the first decade of the twentieth century. Women are more obese than men and Malays and Indians are more obese than Chinese. The Orang Asli (Aborigines) are the least obese ethnic group in Malaysia but that may change with socioeconomic development. Neither living in rural areas nor having low income protects against obesity. On the contrary, a tertiary education and an income over RM4,000/month is associated with less obesity. Malaysians are generally not physically active enough, in the modes of transportation they use and how they use their leisure time. Other criteria and measures of obesity have been investigated, such as the relevance of abdominal obesity, and the Asian criteria or Body Mass Index (BMI) cut-offs value of 23.0 kg/m2 for overweight and 27.0 kg/m2 for obesity, with the view that the risk of diabetes and other chronic diseases start to increase at lower values in Asians compared to Europeans. Nevertheless the standard World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for obesity are still most widely used and hence is the best common reference. Guidelines for the management of obesity have been published and projects to combat obesity are being run. However, more effort needs to be invested. Studies on intervention programmes showed that weight loss is not easy to achieve nor maintain. Laboratory research worldwide has uncovered several genetic and biochemical markers associated with obesity. Similar studies in Malaysia have found some biomarkers with an association to obesity in the local population but none of great significance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  4. Thambyrajah V, Yusof K, Kin FC
    Med J Malaysia, 1978 Jun;32(4):308-12.
    PMID: 732629
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  5. Virens, S.
    Preferred body sizes appear to decrease markedly with increasing exposure to contemporäry notions of slimness and economic modernity, and reduce even further in industrial settings as socio-economic status increases. Recently a study examining physical attractiveness preferences in Britain and Malaysia, shows that preference for slim ideals varies according to socio-economic status. Malaysians in
    Britain and Kuala Lumpur preferred slimmer female bodies than observers in semiurban Kota Kinabalu, who in turn preferred slimmer figures than rural observers in East Malaysia. This study has important implications for the study of body image and eating disorders in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  6. Cila Umat, Chong, Sheue Lih, Siti Zamratol-Mai Sarah Mukari
    The study aimed to develop Mandarin speech perception tests for Malaysian Chinese children. Two tests were developed which were the Syllabic Pattern Perception Test (SPPT) and the Tone Perception Test (TPT). Both tests were designed for children aged between three to six years-old. A total of 80 normal hearing children aged 3 years to 6 years and 11 months from several kindergartens around Kuala Lumpur and Ipoh participated in this study. Results showed that the mean scores for the SPPT did not differ significantly across age (p > 0.05), possibly due to a ceiling effect. Although the SPPT showed relatively low test-retest and inter-rater Spearman correlation coefficients (r = 0.68 for correct syllable pattern response and r = 0.38 for correct item response), the scores were highly repeatable in both test-retest and interrater conditions. For the TPT, the mean scores of five and six year old children were significantly higher than three year old subjects while the mean score of four year old subjects was significantly poorer than the six years old. The test-retest and inter-rater reliability were high and the coefficients approximated 0.80 (p < 0.05). For both tests, gender and dialects or languages used as the second language did not have significant effect on the test scores. Content validity evidence was also collected from a group of panelists. In conclusion, SPPT and TPT are reliable and valid Mandarin speech tests to be used on Malaysian Chinese children who speak Mandarin.


    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  7. Loh TT, Sinnathuray TA
    Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 1971 Nov;11(4):254-8.
    PMID: 5289727
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  8. Poi Tzse Chiat D
    Med J Malaya, 1965 Mar;19(3):184-7.
    PMID: 4220470
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  9. Tan DS
    Med J Malaya, 1967 Jun;21(4):358-61.
    PMID: 4230504
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  10. Thambu J
    Med J Malaya, 1966 Sep;21(1):49-52.
    PMID: 4224878
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  11. Herlyani Khosama, Astri Budikayanti, Amy Hui Ping Khor, Lim, Kheng Seang, Ng, Ching-Ching, Indra G. Mansyur, et al.
    Neurology Asia, 2017;22(2):113-116.
    Background & Objective: Association between HLA-B*1502 and carbamazepine-induced StevenJohnson
    syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis (CBZ-SJS/TEN) was reported in many Southeast Asian
    populations but not in Indonesian. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the association between
    HLA-B*1502 andCBZ-SJS/TEN in an Indonesian population.

    Methods: Patients with history of
    CBZ-SJS/TEN are recruited as cases and those who tolerated CBZ as controls. HLA-B typing was

    Results: We recruited 14 cases with CBZ-SJS/TEN and 53 controls. Positive HLA-B*1502
    was found in 8 (57.1%) cases and 14 (26.4%) controls (OR 3.7, 95% CI 1.09-12.61, p=0.035).

    Conclusion: HLA-B*1502 is associated with CBZ-SJS/TEN patients in Indonesian.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  12. Freitag H, Pangantihon CV, Njunjić I
    Zookeys, 2018.
    PMID: 29740222 DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.754.24276
    Further results are presented of the first field course at Maliau Basin, Malaysian Borneo organized by Taxon Expeditions, an organization which enables citizen scientists to be directly involved in taxonomic discoveries. Three new species of the aquatic beetle genus Grouvellinus Champion, 1923, namely G. leonardodicaprioisp. n., G. andrekuipersisp. n., and G. questsp. n. were collected jointly by the citizen scientists and taxonomists during the fieldwork in Maliau Basin. Material was mainly sampled from sandstone bottom rocks of blackwater streams at altitudes between 900 m and 1,000 m using fine-meshed hand-nets. The genus is widely distributed in the Oriental and Palearctic regions, but these are the first records from the island of Borneo.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  13. Nurul Yaqeen Mohd Esa
    Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is increasingly seen as a major health threat globally.
    However, it is still underdiagnosed mainly among Asian population partly due to lack of
    understanding on the pathophysiology, and limited access to the diagnostic and management
    aspect of the disease. Recurring complete and/or partial collapses of the upper airways define
    OSA. Based on the number of apnoeas and/or hypopnoeas per hour of sleep, OSA is
    categorized as mild, moderate and severe. Both the American Association of Sleep Medicine
    (AASM) and American College of Physicians (ACP) has published guidelines regarding the
    management of OSA in adults. Three recommendations have been suggested by the
    guidelines which can be used to tailor the management of OSA. The aim of this article is to
    select relevant recommendations from these guidelines in epidemiology, pathophysiology,
    diagnostic procedures and treatment for proper management of OSA, while considering
    specific patient populations, such as hypertensive, diabetic, obese and Asian patients.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  14. Mallineni SK, Jayaraman J, Wong HM, King NM
    Clin Oral Investig, 2019 Jul;23(7):2987-2994.
    PMID: 30374829 DOI: 10.1007/s00784-018-2709-2
    OBJECTIVE: Development of human dentition has been used as a predictor for evaluating the growth and maturity of an individual. It is fairly identical in a specific population, but the effect of development on subjects with dental anomalies had not been fully explored, particularly on subjects with supernumerary teeth (ST). This study hence aims to evaluate the dental development of children with and without ST.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sample size calculation was conducted and 320 radiographs of subjects with and without supernumerary teeth (ST) were obtained from the archives of a teaching hospital. The subjects in both groups were age and sex matched. All the subjects belong to southern Chinese ethnicity aged 2 to 14 years. The left-side dentition was scored, and dental age (DA) was estimated by obtaining scores from the southern Chinese dental reference dataset. Paired t test was used to calculate the difference between chronological age and dental age (CA-DA) for boys and girls with and without ST and further based on the number and position of ST.

    RESULTS: The difference between chronological age and dental age (CA-DA) was 0.10 years for boys and 0.19 years for girls with ST whilst 0.01 and 0.05 years for boys and girls without ST (p > 0.05). The boys with bilateral ST showed significant delay in dental development of 0.23 years (p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  15. Mohd Aizat Zain, Nor Zuraida Zainal, Sharmilla Kanagasundram, Zahurin Mohamed
    Neuroscience Research Notes, 2018;1(1):11-20.
    Genetic hereditary has been implicated in bipolar disorder pathogenesis. The PDLIM5 and HTR2A genes have been investigated for its association with bipolar disorder in various populations, however, the results have been conflicting. In this study, we investigate the association between bipolar disorder and the two genes of interest, PDLIM5 and HTR2A genes. We recruited 253 bipolar disorder patients (75 Malays, 104 Chinese, and 74 Indians) and 505 control individuals (198 Malays, 155 Chinese, and 152 Indians) from three ethnic groups within Malaysian population. We genotyped for 3 SNPs of the PDLIM5 (rs2433320, rs2433322 and rs2438146) and 3 SNPs of the HTR2A (rs6313, rs2070040 and rs6311). Significant associations between bipolar disorder and each of the 3 SNPs of PDLIM5 in Malays, Indians and pooled samples. However, only rs2438146 remains significant in the Malays as co-dominant (T/T vs. C/C, p=0.004, OR=0.128, 95%CI=0.031-0.524) and recessive genetic models (T/T vs. C/T+C/C, p=0.003, OR=0.122, 95%CI=0.030-0.494) after applying conservative Bonferroni correction. Haplotype analysis of 3 SNPs of PDLIM5 also showed a significant association with bipolar disorder. No association was observed between bipolar disorder and each of the 3 SNPs of HTR2A in any of the ethnicities. We conclude that PDLIM5 polymorphisms are associated with bipolar disorder in the pooled analysis. After stratification to different ethnic groups, the association remains significant in the Malay and Indian groups. The association is also supported by the significant association in haplotype analysis of PDLIM5. We also conclude there is no association between the HTR2A polymorphisms in the Malaysian population.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  16. Suzy Aziziyana Saili, Rosila Bee Mohd Hussain, Khairulnizam Mat Karim
    A plural society existence due to economic policy is an outcome of foreign colonization. Due to the
    British economic policy, Malaya saw the influx two foreign ethnic; Chinese and Indian, working in tin
    mining and rubber estates respectively. Early conflict involving the Malays and these foreign workers
    is inevitable which is evident during both the Japanese intervention and the British colonization. The
    objective of this paper is to review the role and responsibilities of Communities Liaison Committee in
    pioneering social cohesion between the three main ethnics in Malaya during the crucial time of
    Japanese intervention, British colonization, communist threat and the declaration of emergency. Before
    CLC, a cooperation was initiated by AMCJA-PUTERA coalition but was short lived due to the absence
    of support from the British and lack of bargaining between Malays and Non-Malays. CLC received a
    full patronage of the British as the pioneer of social cohesion in Malaya, especially when it was able to call upon the three main ethnic in its discussion of bargaining and negotiation or what is widely known
    as the social contract, as well as practicing political power sharing.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  17. Zahidin MA, Omar WBW, Taib WRW, Japning JRR, Abdullah MT
    Data Brief, 2018 Dec;21:2609-2615.
    PMID: 30761343 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2018.10.158
    Orang Asli is the aboriginal people in Peninsular Malaysia who have been recognized as indigenous to the country and still practicing traditional lifestyle. The molecular interest on the Orang Asli started when the earliest prehistoric migration occurred approximately 200 kya and entering Peninsular Malaysia 50 kya in stages. A total of three groups of Orang Asli present in Peninsular Malaysia, namely, Negrito also known as Semang, Senoi and Proto Malays. Through records, there is no research has been conducted on mtDNA variations in the Semoq Beri population, one of the tribes in Senoi group. In this report, variations of mtDNA were analysed in the population in Hulu Terengganu as an initial effort to establish the genetic characterisation and elucidating the history of Orang Asli expansion in Peninsular Malaysia. An array of mtDNA parameters was estimated and the observed polymorphisms with their respective haplogroups in comparison to rCRS were inferred respectively. The DNA sequences are registered in the NCBI with accession numbers KY853670-KY853753.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  18. Chuah KH, Chan WK
    Aliment Pharmacol Ther, 2020 06;51(12):1429-1430.
    PMID: 32445522 DOI: 10.1111/apt.15700
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  19. Dong H, Tao M
    PLoS One, 2022;17(12):e0278128.
    PMID: 36454765 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0278128
    The Chinese central government established eight pilot zones in five provinces for green finance reform and innovations (GFRI) in 2017. The pilot zones promote green finance development and explore the propagable and reproducible experiences regarding mechanisms and institutions. Adopting a sample of China's listed companies from 2012 to 2021, this paper constructed a quasi-natural experiment and investigated the GFRI policy's effect on firms' total factor productivity (TFP) using the difference-in-differences (DID) method to verify the implementation effect of the GFRI policy. Furthermore, heterogeneity analysis and mechanism analysis were conducted to identify the guidance effect and deep mechanisms of the GFRI policy. The empirical results demonstrated that firms' TFP in pilot zones increased substantially after implementing the GFRI pilot policy, confirming that the policy had a strong incentive effect. The corresponding promoting effect was particularly significant for non-state-owned companies, the eastern and central regions, and firms in the growth stage. Further mechanism analysis revealed that the GFRI pilot policy can stimulated firms' TFP by promoting technological innovation and improving resource allocation efficiency. This paper's empirical findings are essential in improving relevant policies and expanding the pilot zones.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
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