Displaying publications 161 - 180 of 220 in total

  1. Bong LJ, Neoh KB, Jaal Z, Lee CY
    J Med Entomol, 2013 Sep;50(5):1003-13.
    PMID: 24180105
    The effects of four temperatures (15, 23.5, 28, and 35 degrees C) on the biological characteristics of the rove beetle Paederus fuscipes Curtis were studied, and its cuticular permeability also was measured. Specimens successfully developed to adulthood at each temperature tested, but development time of each preadult stage significantly decreased with increasing temperature. Both egg and L1 stages required at least 80 degree days above a threshold of approximately 10 degrees C to develop to the subsequent stage. The lengthy development time and high survival rate of preadults at 15 degrees C suggests that P. fuscipes can survive in a harsh environment during cold weather by hibernating, and this ability could allow preadults to succeed ecologically in temperate countries. However, adult longevity was short, and no fecundity was recorded at 15 degrees C. At 28 degrees C, P. fuscipes exhibited a high survival rate of adults, which had a longer life span and high fecundity; thus, the population had the highest intrinsic rate of increase (0.0788 +/- 0.0051 d(-1)) and the shortest mean generation time (48.57 +/- 1.43 d) at 28 degrees C. At this temperature, the population might reach a size that could facilitate invasion into residential areas. However, in the absence of a hygric environment, P. fuscipes was unable to survive despite favorable temperature. Unlike in adults and pupae, high cuticular permeability values were found in the larval stages. This indicates that larvae are highly susceptible to desiccation, and it explains why the distribution of P. fuscipes is restricted to moist habitats.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fertility
  2. Ashrafzadeh A, Nathan S, Karsani SA
    Int J Mol Sci, 2013;14(8):15860-77.
    PMID: 23903046 DOI: 10.3390/ijms140815860
    The fertility of zebu cattle (Bos indicus) is higher than that of the European purebred (Bos taurus) and crossbred (Bos taurus × Bos indicus) cattle in tropical areas. To identify proteins related to the higher thermo-tolerance and fertility of Zebu cattle, this study was undertaken to identify differences in sperm proteome between the high fertile Malaysian indigenous zebu cattle (Kedah Kelantan) and the sub-fertile crossbred cattle (Mafriwal). Frozen semen from three high performance bulls from each breed were processed to obtain live and pure sperm. Sperm proteins were then extracted, and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis performed to compare proteome profiles. Gel image analysis identified protein spots of interest which were then identified by liquid chromatography mass spectrometry quadrupole time-of-flight (LC MS/MS Q-TOF). STRING network analysis predicted interactions between at least 20 of the identified proteins. Among the identified proteins, a number of motility and energy related proteins were present in greater abundance in Kedah Kelantan. Sperm motility evaluation by Computer Assisted Semen Analysis (CASA) confirmed significantly higher motility in Kedah Kelantan. While results from this study do identify proteins that may be responsible for the higher fertility of Kedah Kelantan, functional characterization of these proteins is warranted to reinforce our understanding of their roles in sperm fertility.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fertility
  3. Sim X, Ali RA, Wedren S, Goh DL, Tan CS, Reilly M, et al.
    BMC Cancer, 2006;6:261.
    PMID: 17078893
    From 1968 to 2002, Singapore experienced an almost three-fold increase in breast cancer incidence. This increase appeared to be different across the three main ethnic groups: Chinese, Malays and Indians. This paper used age-period-cohort (APC) modelling, to determine the effects of age at diagnosis, calendar period, and birth cohort on breast cancer incidence for each ethnic group.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fertility
  4. Pathak KB, Murthy PK
    Janasamkhya, 1990 Jun;8(1):73-9.
    PMID: 12285535
    "An attempt has been made to present two regression equations for estimating total fertility rate from the birth order data. While one of the equations has been derived from the longitudinal data of Malaysia another has been obtained from cross sectional data on Mother's total fertility rate...and births of orders one and two. These equations are used to estimate the [total fertility rate] for the districts of [Uttar Pradesh, India,] which are quite close to the estimates obtained by using other methods."
    Matched MeSH terms: Fertility
  5. Dev Forum, 1982 Jul-Aug;10(6):1, 3.
    PMID: 12279227
    "The commitment to population programs is now widespread," says Rafael Salas, Executive Director of the UNFPA, in its report "State of World Population." About 80% of the total population of the developing world live in countries which consider their fertility levels too high and would like them reduced. An important impetus came from the World Conference of 1974. The Plan of Action from the conference projected population growth rates in developing countries of 2.0% by 1985. Today it looks as though this projection will be realized. While in 1969, for example, only 26 developing countries had programs aimed at lowering or maintaining fertility levels, by 1980 there were 59. The International Population Conference, recently announced by the UN for 1984, will, it is hoped, help sustain that momentum. Cuba is the country which has shown the greatest decline in birth rate so far. The birth rate fell 47% between 1965-1970 and 1975-1980. Next came China with a 34% decline in the same period. After these came a group of countries--each with populations of over 10 million--with declines of between 15 and 25%: Chile, Colombia, India, Indonesia, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia and Thailand. Though birth rates have been dropping significantly the decline in mortality rates over recent years has been less than was hoped for. The 1974 conference set 74 years as the target for the world's average expectation of life, to be reached by the year 2000. But the UN now predicts that the developing countries will have only reached 63 or 64 years by then. High infant and child mortality rates, particularly in Africa, are among the major causes. The report identifies the status of women as an important determinant of family size. Evidence from the UNFPA-sponsored World Fertility Survey shows that in general the fertility of women decreases as their income increases. It also indicates that women who have been educated and who work outside the home are likely to have smaller families. Access to contraceptives is, of course, a major influence on fertility decline. According to UNFPA some of the Latin American countries have the highest contraceptive use among developing countries. The countries of Asia come next and contraceptives are least used in sub-Saharan Africa where birth rates of 45/1000 are still common. The money for population programs, says the report, has come largely from developing countries themselves. A survey of 15 countries showed them to have contributed 67% out of their own budgets--the rest having come from external aid. And in programs aided by UNFPA the local input has been even higher. During 1979-1981 the developing countries themselves budgeted $4.6 for each dollar budgeted by UNFPA. The report also highlights some of the emerging problems for the next 2 decades--and which will be high on the agenda of the 1984 conference. These include "uncontrolled urban growth" in developing countries as well as an important change in overall population age structure as more and more old people survive. Aging populations are of particular concern to the developed countries but, as the report points out, even countries like China--which has achieved a steep drop in fertility and mortality--will face the problems of an aging population by the year 2000.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fertility
  6. Notzon F
    Pediatrics, 1984 Oct;74(4 Pt 2):648-66.
    PMID: 6384917
    Matched MeSH terms: Fertility
  7. Asef Raiyan Hoque, Mohd Yusof Ibrahim, Mohammad Zahirul Hoque
    Introduction: In recent years, the variation in total fertility rate (TFR) has sparked public interest for demographic concerns on the global population shift towards an older age structure. This study aims to investigate the determi-nants of total fertility rate among Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines East Asian Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA) region. Methods: Our empirical study consists of data collected from the United Nations Development Report of the UNDP, World Development Indicators (WDI) of the World Bank and World Health Organization (WHO) report 2018. We investigated the socio-economic determinants of fertility rate by analyzing a panel data set consisting of 28 years from 1990-2017 of the four countries. A statistical and econometric software EViews version 10 (HIS Global Inc., Irvine, CA, USA) were used to run a Pearson’s Correlation and a multiple regression analysis by panel least squares method. To investigate the determinants of TFR we have selected five socio- economic factors, these are- Infant mortality rate (IMR), Gross National Income Per Capita, PPP (GNI), Human Development Index (HDI), percentage of population living in urban areas (URB) and lastly Female Labor Force Participation Rate (FLP). Results:Pearson’s correlation showed that a statistically significant negative relationship exists between TFR and the 3 vari-ables- GNI, URB and HDI. A statistically strong positive relationship exists between IMR and TFR. However, our results from the empirical multiple regression model indicates that there is a statistically significant negative relation-ship exists between TFR and two of the independent variables GNI and FLP. Conclusion: The results of present study showed that an increase in the national income and female labor participation rate in the workforce could result in a decrease in total fertility rate. These findings may have implications for countries national policy for planning, development and resource allocation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fertility
  8. Xavier, Gregory, Anselm, Su Ting, Teh, Jo Hun
    Background: Working in the healthcare industry has its effects on the female workers fecundity. Disorders of reproduction is listed as one of the top ten leading work-related diseases and injuries. The objective of this study is to observe the occurrences of adverse pregnancy outcomes among female healthcare workers in relation to their work schedules and identify the most frequent adverse pregnancy outcome. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out obtaining pregnancy history and work schedule in the past three years. In the present study 469 respondents were obtained; 339 healthcare and 130 non-healthcare workers reporting a total of 564 pregnancies. Results: In this study, adverse pregnancy outcomes among female healthcare workers is significantly higher than non-healthcare workers. There is no significant findings between healthcare and non-healthcare workers with respect to the types of adverse pregnancy outcomes and the work schedule. However, from the respondents' lifetime pregnancy outcome, it is found that complete miscarriage occurred most frequently at 26.7% and among healthcare workers who work on shift. Conclusion: Healthcare workers carry a higher risk to experience adverse pregnancy outcome with complete miscarriage being the most common and most of these experiences occurs among those who work on shift/on-call.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fertility
  9. Kee SK, See VH, Chia P, Tan WC, Tien SL, Lim ST
    J Pediatr Genet, 2013 Mar;2(1):37-41.
    PMID: 27625838 DOI: 10.3233/PGE-13046
    The t(11;22) rearrangement is the most common recurrent familial reciprocal translocation in man. Heterozygote carriers are phenotypically normal but are at risk of subfertility in the male, miscarriages, and producing chromosomally unbalanced offspring. The unbalanced progeny usually results from an extra der(22) chromosome resulting from a 3:1 malsegregation. We present here a family with t(11;22). Of six siblings, three were found to be carriers following prenatal diagnosis of the proband fetus. Neither of the two married carrier siblings have a live born child. In keeping with the prevailing knowledge of the pregnancy outcomes of heterozygote carriers, between the siblings they had recurrent miscarriages, a fetus with a +der(22) chromosome, and other subfertility issues resulting in multiple failed in vitro fertilization cycles with preimplantation genetic diagnosis. However, unlike the siblings, their extended family comprising their heterozygote translocation mother, married aunts and an uncle had normal fertility and a lack of a history of miscarriages or an abnormal child. The differing outcomes may be related to the male partners having additional semen anomalies which may further exacerbate problems associated with the t(11;22). Because the t(11;22) rearrangement tends to run in families, it is recommended that chromosome studies are offered to family members of an affected relative as an option, and provide them with appropriate genetic counseling so that they will have the necessary information with regard to their risk for subfertility, miscarriages, and production of viable unbalanced offspring. Follow-up prenatal diagnosis should also be offered to affected expectant family members, especially after preimplantation genetic diagnosis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fertility; Infertility
  10. Abd-Aziz, N.A.A., Chatterjee, A., Chatterjee, R., Durairajanayagam, D.
    ASM Science Journal, 2014;8(2):117-124.
    Elevated glucocorticoid levels during stressed conditions have been demonstrated to impair reproductive function in rats. In our previous study investigating the dose-related effects of corticosterone (CORT) on the fertilising capacity of epididymal sperm in surgically-manipulated rats, we found that 25 mg/kg/day of CORT given subcutaneously for seven consecutive days significantly decreased the number of implantation sites and increased intrauterine embryonic loss compared to controls. Based on these findings, the current study aims to elucidate the possible mechanisms of action of CORT-induced stress on impaired sperm fertility in rats. Results of the present study showed that compared to controls, 25 mg/kg/day of CORT given subcutaneously for 7 consecutive days significantly increased the level of plasma malondialdehyde (MDA) with corresponding attenuated levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and catalase (CAT) activities. Plasma adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) and testosterone levels were also found to be decreased in CORTtreated rats. These findings suggest that CORT-induced oxidative stress and exert an inhibitory effect at the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis, as evidenced by increased lipid peroxidation, reduced enzymatic antioxidant activities, and decreased testosterone production. These subsequently result in decreased fertilising capacity of epididymal sperm leading to poor pregnancy outcomes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fertility
  11. Mardiana binti Mansor, Khatijah Lim Abdullah, San, San Oo, Kamal Akhtar, Ayu Sulaini Jusoh, Suriawati Ghazali, et al.
    Family planning is a method of controlling fertility which helps to prevent unwanted pregnancies among couples. Unwanted pregnancy has negative effects for mothers and children. The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of family planning practices among women in Serdang area and associated factors with their family planning practices. A cross sectional study was conducted with a systematic random sampling of 349 women of reproductive age, who attended Sri Kembangan Polyclinic. Descriptive analysis with chi-square and multiple regression analysis were conducted to identify factors associated with the family planning practice. The prevalence of family planning practice was 38.4%. Family planning was significantly associated with age (p=0.001), marital status (p=0.001), mode of delivery of the last pregnancy (p=0.001), number of children (p=0.001), source of information (p=0.004), level of knowledge (p=0.001), and the attitude (p=0.004). Using multiple logistic regression, four factors contributed to family planning practice, were identified as statistically significant: marital status (married OR=40, 95% CI: 9.45, 169.8), religion (Muslim OR=1.9, 95% CI: 1.14, 3.4), number of children (children>4 OR=2.98, 95% CI:1. 74, 5.09) and attitude (positive attitude OR=1.88, 95% CI:1.11, 3.18). The prevalence of family planning practice in Serdang was low even though knowledge was sufficient. The use of pamphlets and booklets are still needed to enhance efforts in health education. Currently, practice on family planning will determine the future structure of the community and the economic wellbeing of a country. Future study should focus on family planning practice among teenager and types of methods for women.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fertility
  12. Hardee JG, Rahman SB, Ann TB
    Stud Fam Plann, 1973 May;4(5):111-3.
    PMID: 4710478 DOI: 10.2307/1964727
    Matched MeSH terms: Fertility
  13. Kim O-k, Shah IH
    Kajok Kyehoek Nonjip, 1979 Nov;6:142-58.
    PMID: 12178433
    PIP: It is generally believed that extended families encourage high fertility, but a review of the theoretical discussions and empirical research examining the relationship between family type and fertility fails to show any support for the customary belief. Nuclear families consist of husband, wife, and their immediate children. The extended family is broadly defined as any group of related persons living together which includes but is larger than the nuclear family. The main theoretical discussions of extended family and fertility are by Davis (1957); Davis and Blake (1956); Lorimer (1954); and Goode (1963; 1964). In the patrilocal extended family, the wife wants to have offspring as early as possible to strengthen the family line and her own status in the household. In a truly joint household the authority of the elders continues after marriage; the reproductive behavior of a couple is subject to their influence. Less intimate or less intense interspousal communication precludes the possibility of discussion on fertility-related problems and family planning. Younger age at marriage and lack of privacy contributes to higher fertility. According to Goode extended family behavior is characterized by more rules for behavior, while nuclear families emphasize the conjugal bond. Since most affinal and consanguineal kin are excluded from day-to-day decisions in the nuclear family there are weaker reciprocal controls.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fertility
  14. Durairajanayagam D
    Arab J Urol, 2018 Mar;16(1):10-20.
    PMID: 29713532 DOI: 10.1016/j.aju.2017.12.004
    Objective: To examine the potential effects of lifestyle factors on male reproductive health. Evidence of a global decline in human sperm quality over recent decades has been accumulating. Environmental, occupational, and modifiable lifestyle factors may contribute to this decline. This review focuses on key lifestyle factors that are associated with male infertility such as smoking cigarettes, alcohol intake, use of illicit drugs, obesity, psychological stress, advanced paternal age, dietary practices, and coffee consumption. Other factors such as testicular heat stress, intense cycling training, lack of sleep and exposure to electromagnetic radiation from mobile phone use are briefly discussed.

    Materials and method: A comprehensive literature search was performed to identify and synthesise all relevant information, mainly from within the last decade, on the major lifestyle factors associated with male infertility and semen quality. Database searches were limited to reports published in English only. A manual search of bibliographies of the reports retrieved was conducted to identify additional relevant articles.

    Results: In all, 1012 articles were identified from the database search and after reviewing the titles and abstract of the reports, 104 articles met the inclusion criteria. Of these, 30 reports were excluded as the full-text could not be retrieved and the abstract did not have relevant data. The remaining 74 reports were reviewed for data on association between a particular lifestyle factor and male infertility and were included in the present review.

    Conclusion: The major lifestyle factors discussed in the present review are amongst the multiple potential risk factors that could impair male fertility. However, their negative impact may well be mostly overcome by behaviour modification and better lifestyle choices. Greater awareness and recognition of the possible impact of these lifestyle factors are important amongst couples seeking conception.

    Matched MeSH terms: Fertility; Infertility, Male
  15. Ben Hameid AS, Al-Sindi TA, Allow AK, Nafie EM, Alahmad BE, Faisal GG
    Oman Med J, 2019 May;34(3):238-243.
    PMID: 31110632 DOI: 10.5001/omj.2019.45
    Objectives: Estradiol (E2) plays an important role in the pathophysiology of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). This study aimed to evaluate the effect of fenugreek seed aqueous (FSA) extract on serum E2 levels in a rat model of OHSS.

    Methods: A total of 34 female Sprague Dawley rats, aged 18 days old, weighing 40 to 45 g, were randomly divided into negative control, positive control, and treatment groups. A daily dose of 1500 mg/kg per body weight of FSA extract was administrated orally to rats in the treatment group for 13 days. On day eight of the study, OHSS was induced in both positive control and treated groups by subcutaneous injection of pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin 50 IU for four consecutive days, followed by human chorionic gonadotropin 25 IU on the fifth day. The effect of FSA extract was evaluated by measuring the concentration of serum E2 using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.

    Results: FSA extract reduced serum E2 level significantly in the treated OHSS model (p-value < 0.050) compared to the positive control group.

    Conclusions: The finding has important implications on the development of female infertility adjuvant drugs for safe assisted reproduction technology cycles in terms of OHSS prevention.

    Matched MeSH terms: Fertility Agents, Female
  16. Mahanem M, Dayang Nurul Fatihah
    Sains Malaysiana, 2015;44:1249-1255.
    The recent expanding rat population is causing severe economic losses and diseases in human. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the antifertility effects of Andrographis paniculata (AP) methanol extract on the weight of testis, sexual behaviour, fertility, sperm quality and serum testosterone level in treated male rats compared with control rats. A total of 21 adult male rats Sprague-Dawley aged 12 weeks were divided into three groups; control group (distilled water), low dose group (800 mg/kg) and high dose group (1600 mg/kg) of AP methanol extracts given orally for 24 days. Body and testis weight, sexual behaviour test, fertility test, sperm quality and serum testosterone level were measured. Oral administration of AP methanol extract showed a significant decrease in testis weight, number of mountings, number of fetuses, sperm count, sperm motility and serum testosterone levels for all treatment group as compared with the control group, whereas mortality showed a significant increase. Observation on testis histology of treatment group exhibited features of degeneration in Sertoli cells and germinal cells in the seminiferous tubules, followed by the shrinkage of Leydig cells as compared with the control group, which showed characteristics of normal spermatogenesis. In conclusion, AP methanol extract exhibited antifertility effects in male rats, suggesting that AP is a potential herb to be applied as rodenticide.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fertility
  17. Noordin MAM, Noor MM, Aizat WM
    Mini Rev Med Chem, 2020;20(13):1287-1299.
    PMID: 32348218 DOI: 10.2174/1389557520666200429101942
    It is expected that in 2050, there will be more than 20% of senior citizens aged over 60 years worldwide. Such alarming statistics require immediate attention to improve the health of the aging population. Since aging is closely related to the loss of antioxidant defense mechanisms, this situation eventually leads to numerous health problems, including fertility reduction. Furthermore, plant extracts have been used in traditional medicine as potent antioxidant sources. Although many experiments had reported the impact of various bioactive compounds on aging or fertility, there is a lack of review papers that combine both subjects. In this review, we have collected and discussed various bioactive compounds from 26 different plant species known to affect both longevity and fertility. These compounds, including phenolics and terpenes, are mostly involved in the antioxidant defense mechanisms of diverse organisms such as rats, mites, fruit flies, roundworms, and even roosters. A human clinical trial should be considered in the future to measure the effects of these bioactive compounds on human health and longevity. Ultimately, these plant-derived compounds could be developed into health supplements or potential medical drugs to ensure a healthy aging population.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fertility
  18. Khumran AM, Yimer N, Rosnina Y, Wahid H, Ariff MO, Homayoun H, et al.
    Vet World, 2019 Apr;13(4):649-654.
    PMID: 32546907 DOI: 10.14202/vetworld.2020.649-654
    Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of different concentration of butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) on sperm membrane surface protein "P25b" from cryopreserved bull semen in either lecithin based Bioxcell® (BX) or two egg-yolk based extenders, tris-egg yolk (TEY), and citrate-egg yolk (CEY).

    Materials and Methods: Forty-five semen samples, 15 each were extended with either BX, TEY, or CEY extender which contained different concentrations (0.0 - control, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 3.0 mM/mL) of BHT. The extended semen samples were frozen at a concentration of 20×106/mL in 0.25 mL straws and stored in liquid nitrogen for 2weeks. The frozen samples were thereafter thawed, proteins extracted and analyzed for quantities of protein P25b through direct sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis gel densitometry. Peptides were confirmed by Western blotting (WB).

    Results: Results showed that supplementation of BHT improved (p<0.05) quantity of protein P25b at concentrations of 0.5mM/mL for BX and at 1.0 mM/mL for TEY and CE when compared with the controls and other treatments.

    Conclusion: BHT supplementation at 0.5 in BX and 1.0 mM/mL in TEY and CEY has protected bull sperm fertility marker protein P25b in frozen-thawed bull sperm.

    Matched MeSH terms: Fertility
  19. Tee HS, Lee CY
    J Econ Entomol, 2017 02 01;110(1):213-220.
    PMID: 28028170 DOI: 10.1093/jee/tow287
    The influences of ootheca age and temperature on the life history of Aprostocetus hagenowii (Ratzeburg) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), a gregarious ootheca parasitoid of the American cockroach Periplaneta americana (L.) (Dictyoptera: Blattidae), were evaluated. Oothecae were incubated at 20, 25, and 30 °C to produce oothecae aged 1-60, 1-40, and 1-30 d old, respectively. Fitness traits (development time, percentage emergence, number of progeny, percentage female progeny, and female body size) of A. hagenowii developing in these different-aged oothecae were determined. For oothecae incubated at 20, 25, and 30 °C, parasitoids successfully developed in oothecae aged up to 50, 30, and 20 d old, which represent 72.9%, 65.9%, and 61.9% of the total embryonic development time of P. americana, respectively, without any changes in their fitness traits. When A. hagenowii from oothecae kept at constant temperatures (20, 25, 30, 32, and 35 °C) were compared, the immature development time (71.0-34.0 d) and adult life span decreased with increasing temperature. No parasitoid emerged at 35 °C. The lower, upper, and optimal temperature-dependent developmental thresholds were 9.5, 34.2, and 31.1 °C, respectively. Thermal constant for total immature development was 666.7 degree-days. Temperature did not affect lifetime realized fecundity and number of oothecae parasitized by females but did influence parasitism activities over time. Sugar-fed females sustained longer periods of high parasitism rates (≥70%) at 20-30 °C (15-30 d) than at 32-35 °C (1-5 d). These results are useful for determining the ootheca age and temperature range optimal for parasitoid rearing and for estimating the effectiveness of biological control by the wasps.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fertility
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