METHODS: Text ads from Google searches in eight countries (Bahamas, Germany, India, Malaysia, Mexico, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, and United States) were collected in 2022, totaling 1,974 prepolicy and 3,262 post-policy ads, and analyzed in 2023. A gold standard database was established by two coders who labeled 707 ads, which trained five natural language processing models to label the ads, covering content and target demographics. The descriptive statistics and multivariable logistic models were applied to analyze content before versus after policy implementation, both globally and by country.
RESULTS: Vertex AI emerged as the best natural language processing model with the highest F1 score of 0.87. There were significant decreases from pre- to post-policy implementation in the prevalence of labels of "Racial or Ethnic Identification" and "Ingredients: Natural" by 47% and 66%, respectively. Notable differences were identified from pre- to post-policy implementation in India, Mexico, and Germany.
CONCLUSIONS: The study observed changes in skin-lightening product advertisement labels from pre- to post-policy implementation, both globally and within countries. Considering the influence of digital advertising on colorist norms, assessing digital ad policy changes is crucial for public health surveillance. This study presents a computational method to help monitor digital platform policies for consumer product advertisements that affect public health.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: In the initiation phase, the mice received a single dose of 100µl/100 µg DMBA (group I-V) or 100µl acetone (group VI) topically on the dorsal shaved skin area followed by the promotion phase involving treatment with the respective test solutions (100 µl of acetone, 10 mg/kg curcumin or MEMM (30, 100 and 300mg/kg)) for 30 min followed by the topical application of tumour promoter (100µl croton oil). Tumors were examined weekly and the experiment lasted for 15 weeks.
RESULTS: MEMM and curcumin significantly (p<0.05) reduced the tumour burden, tumour incidence and tumour volume, which were further supported by the histopathological findings.
CONCLUSION: MEMM demonstrated chemoprevention possibly via its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities, and the action of flavonoids like quercitrin.
MATERIALS AND METHOD: Protein expression of p15INK4b in 35 cases of BCC tissue arrays and 19 cases of normal human skin tissue was studied using an immunohistochemical approach.
RESULTS: The expression of p15INK4b was not significantly different in the BCC cases as compared with normal human skin (p=0.356; p>0.05). In addition, there were no significant relationship between clinicopathologic variables of patients (age and sex) and p15INK4b protein expression.
CONCLUSIONS: Our finding may indicate that p15INK4b protein expression does not play a role in the genesis of BCC.