Displaying publications 161 - 180 of 423 in total

  1. Khaw SM, Li SC, Mohd Tahir NA
    J Asthma, 2021 Feb 08.
    PMID: 33435775 DOI: 10.1080/02770903.2021.1875483
    Objective: This systematic review aimed to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of medication adherence-improving interventions in patients with asthma.Data source: Search engines including PubMed, Scopus and EBSCOhost were used to locate relevant studies from the inception of the databases to 19 October 2018. Drummond's checklist was used to appraise the quality of the economic evaluation.Study selection: Economic studies evaluating the cost-effectiveness of medication adherence enhancing interventions for asthmatic patients were selected. Relevant information including study characteristics, quality assessment, health outcomes and costs of intervention were narratively summarized. The primary outcome of interest was cost-effectiveness (CE) values and the secondary outcomes were costs, medication adherence and clinical consequences.Results: Twenty studies including 11 randomized controlled trials, 6 comparative studies and 3 modeled studies using Markov models were included in the review. Among these, 15 studies evaluated an educational intervention with 13 showing cost-effectiveness in improving health outcomes. The CE of an internet-based intervention showed similar results between groups, while 3 studies of simplified drug regimens and adding a technology-based training program achieved the desirable cost-effectiveness outcome.Conclusion: Overall, our results would support that all of the identified medication adherence-enhancing interventions were cost-effective considering the increased adherence rate, improved clinical effectiveness and the reduced costs of asthma care. However, it was not possible to identify the most cost-effective intervention. More economic studies with sound methodological conduct will be needed to provide stronger evidence in deciding the best approach to improve medication adherence.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  2. Chieng ZH, Mohyaldinn ME, Hassan AM, Bruining H
    Polymers (Basel), 2020 Jun 30;12(7).
    PMID: 32629958 DOI: 10.3390/polym12071470
    In hydraulic fracturing, fracturing fluids are used to create fractures in a hydrocarbon reservoir throughout transported proppant into the fractures. The application of many fields proves that conventional fracturing fluid has the disadvantages of residue(s), which causes serious clogging of the reservoir's formations and, thus, leads to reduce the permeability in these hydrocarbon reservoirs. The development of clean (and cost-effective) fracturing fluid is a main driver of the hydraulic fracturing process. Presently, viscoelastic surfactant (VES)-fluid is one of the most widely used fracturing fluids in the hydraulic fracturing development of unconventional reservoirs, due to its non-residue(s) characteristics. However, conventional single-chain VES-fluid has a low temperature and shear resistance. In this study, two modified VES-fluid are developed as new thickening fracturing fluids, which consist of more single-chain coupled by hydrotropes (i.e., ionic organic salts) through non-covalent interaction. This new development is achieved by the formulation of mixing long chain cationic surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) with organic acids, which are citric acid (CA) and maleic acid (MA) at a molar ratio of (3:1) and (2:1), respectively. As an innovative approach CTAB and CA are combined to obtain a solution (i.e., CTAB-based VES-fluid) with optimal properties for fracturing and this behaviour of the CTAB-based VES-fluid is experimentally corroborated. A rheometer was used to evaluate the visco-elasticity and shear rate & temperature resistance, while sand-carrying suspension capability was investigated by measuring the settling velocity of the transported proppant in the fluid. Moreover, the gel breaking capability was investigated by determining the viscosity of broken VES-fluid after mixing with ethanol, and the degree of core damage (i.e., permeability performance) caused by VES-fluid was evaluated while using core-flooding test. The experimental results show that, at pH-value ( 6.17 ), 30 (mM) VES-fluid (i.e., CTAB-CA) possesses the highest visco-elasticity as the apparent viscosity at zero shear-rate reached nearly to 10 6 (mPa·s). Moreover, the apparent viscosity of the 30 (mM) CTAB-CA VES-fluid remains 60 (mPa·s) at (90 ∘ C) and 170 (s - 1 ) after shearing for 2-h, indicating that CTAB-CA fluid has excellent temperature and shear resistance. Furthermore, excellent sand suspension and gel breaking ability of 30 (mM) CTAB-CA VES-fluid at 90 ( ∘ C) was shown; as the sand suspension velocity is 1.67 (mm/s) and complete gel breaking was achieved within 2 h after mixing with the ethanol at the ratio of 10:1. The core flooding experiments indicate that the core damage rate caused by the CTAB-CA VES-fluid is ( 7.99 % ), which indicate that it does not cause much damage. Based on the experimental results, it is expected that CTAB-CA VES-fluid under high-temperature will make the proposed new VES-fluid an attractive thickening fracturing fluid.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  3. Rashid SS, Liu YQ, Zhang C
    Sci Total Environ, 2020 Dec 20;749:141465.
    PMID: 32827824 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.141465
    Although nutrient removal and recovery from municipal wastewater are desirable to protect phosphorus resource and water-bodies from eutrophication, it is unclear how much environmental and economic benefits and burdens it might cause. This study evaluated the environmental and economic life cycle performance of three different upgraded Processes A, B and C with commercially available technologies for nutrient removal and phosphorus recovery based on an existing Malaysian wastewater treatment plant with a sequencing batch reactor technology and diluted municipal wastewater. It is found that the integration of nutrient removal, phosphorus recovery and electricity generation in all upgraded processes reduced eutrophication potential by 62-76%, and global warming potential by 7-22%, which, however, were gained at the cost of increases in human toxicity, acidification, abiotic depletion (fossil fuel) and freshwater ecotoxicity potentials by an average of 23%. New technologies for nutrient removal and phosphorus recovery are thus needed to achieve holistic rather than some environmental benefits at the expense of others. In addition, the study on two different functional units (FU), i.e. per m3 treated wastewater and per kg struvite recovered, shows that FU affected environmental assessment results, but the upgraded Process C had the least overall environmental burden with either of FUs, suggesting the necessity to use different functional units when comparing and selecting different technologies with two functions such as wastewater treatment and struvite production to confirm the best process configuration. The total life cycle costs of Processes A, B and C were 10.7%, 29.8% and 28.1%, respectively, higher than the existing process due to increased capital and operating costs. Therefore, a trade-off between environmental benefits and cost has to be balanced for technology selection or new integrated technologies have to be developed to achieve environmentally sustainable wastewater treatment economically.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  4. Das A, Barua A, Mohimin MA, Abedin J, Khandaker MU, Al-Mugren KS
    Healthcare (Basel), 2021 Apr 10;9(4).
    PMID: 33920290 DOI: 10.3390/healthcare9040445
    BACKGROUND: The use of a touchless automated hand sanitizer dispenser may play a key role to reduce contagious diseases. The key problem of the conventional ultrasonic and infra-red-based dispensers is their malfunctioning due to the interference of sunlight, vehicle sound, etc. when deployed in busy public places. To overcome such limitations, this study introduced a laser-based sensing device to dispense sanitizer in an automated touchless process.

    METHOD: The dispensing system is based on an Arduino circuit breadboard where an ATmega328p microcontroller was pre-installed. To sense the proximity, a light-dependent resistor (LDR) is used where the laser light is to be blocked after the placement of human hands, hence produced a sharp decrease in the LDR sensor value. Once the LDR sensor value exceeds the lower threshold, the pump is actuated by the microcontroller, and the sanitizer dispenses through the nozzle.

    RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: A novel design and subsequent fabrication of a low-cost, touchless, automated sanitizer dispenser to be used in public places, was demonstrated. The overall performance of the manufactured device was analyzed based on the cost and power consumption, and environmental factors by deploying it in busy public places as well as in indoor environment in major cities in Bangladesh, and found to be more efficient and cost-effective compared to other dispensers available in the market. A comprehensive discussion on this unique design compared to the conventional ultrasonic and infra-red based dispensers, is presented to show its suitability over the commercial ones. The guidelines of the World Health Organization are followed for the preparation of sanitizer liquid. A clear demonstration of the circuitry connections is presented herein, which facilitates the interested individual to manufacture a cost-effective dispenser device in a relatively short time and use it accordingly. Conclusion: This study reveals that the LDR-based automated hand sanitizer dispenser system is a novel concept, and it is cost-effective compared to the conventional ones. The presented device is expected to play a key role in contactless hand disinfection in public places, and reduce the spread of infectious diseases in society.

    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  5. Rathi BS, Kumar PS, Show PL
    J Hazard Mater, 2021 05 05;409:124413.
    PMID: 33183841 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.124413
    Wastewater is water that has already been contaminated by domestic, industrial and commercial activity that needs to be treated before it could be discharged into some other water bodies to avoid even more groundwater contamination supplies. It consists of various contaminants like heavy metals, organic pollutants, inorganic pollutants and Emerging contaminants. Research has been doing on all types of contaminates more than a decade, but this emerging contaminants is the contaminants which arises mostly from pharmaceuticals, personal care products, hormones and fertilizer industries. The majority of emerging contaminants did not have standardized guidelines, but may have adverse effects on human and marine organisms, even at smaller concentrations. Typically, extremely low doses of emerging contaminants are found in the marine environment and cause a potential risk to the aquatic animals living there. When contaminants emerge in the marine world, they are potentially toxic and pose many risks to the health of both man and livestock. The aim of this article is to review the Emerging contaminate sources, detection methods and treatment methods. The purpose of this study is to consider the adsorption as a beneficial treatment of emerging contaminants also advanced and cost effective emerging contaminates treatment methods.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  6. Saheed IO, Oh WD, Suah FBM
    J Hazard Mater, 2021 04 15;408:124889.
    PMID: 33418525 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.124889
    In recent times, research interest into the development of biodegradable, cost-effective and environmental friendly adsorbents with favourable properties for adsorption of pollutants is a challenge. Modification of chitosan via different physical and chemical methods have gained attention as a promising approach for removing organic (such as dyes and pharmaceuticals) and inorganic (such as metal/metal ions) pollutants from aqueous medium. In this regard, researchers have reported grafting and cross-linking approach among others as a potentially useful method for chitosan's modification for improved adsorption efficiency with respect to pollutant uptake. This article reviews the trend in chitosan modification, with regards to the summary of some recently published works on modification of chitosan and their adsorption application in pollutants (metal ion, dyes and pharmaceuticals) removal from aqueous medium. The review uniquely highlights some common cross-linkers and grafting procedures for chitosan modification, their influence on structure and adsorption capacity of modified-chitosan with respect to pollutants removal. Findings revealed that the performance of modified chitosan for adsorption of pollutants depends largely on the modification method adopted, materials used for the modification and adsorption experimental conditions. Cross-linking is commonly utilized for improving the chemical and mechanical stabilities of chitosan but usually decreases adsorption capacity of chitosan/modified-chitosan for adsorption of pollutants. However, literature survey revealed that adsorption capacity of cross-linked chitosan based materials have been enhanced in recently published works either by grafting, incorporation of solid adsorbents (e.g metals, clays and activated carbon) or combination of both prior to cross-linking.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  7. Saadatian-Elahi M, Alexander N, Möhlmann T, Langlois-Jacques C, Suer R, Ahmad NW, et al.
    Trials, 2021 May 30;22(1):374.
    PMID: 34053466 DOI: 10.1186/s13063-021-05298-2
    BACKGROUND: In common with many South East Asian countries, Malaysia is endemic for dengue. Dengue control in Malaysia is currently based on reactive vector management within 24 h of a dengue case being reported. Preventive rather than reactive vector control approaches, with combined interventions, are expected to improve the cost-effectiveness of dengue control programs. The principal objective of this cluster randomized controlled trial is to quantify the effectiveness of a preventive integrated vector management (IVM) strategy on the incidence of dengue as compared to routine vector control efforts.

    METHODS: The trial is conducted in randomly allocated clusters of low- and medium-cost housing located in the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya. The IVM approach combines: targeted outdoor residual spraying with K-Othrine Polyzone, deployment of mosquito traps as auto-dissemination devices, and community engagement activities. The trial includes 300 clusters randomly allocated in a 1:1 ratio. The clusters receive either the preventive IVM in addition to the routine vector control activities or the routine vector control activities only. Epidemiological data from monthly confirmed dengue cases during the study period will be obtained from the Vector Borne Disease Sector, Malaysian Ministry of Health e-Dengue surveillance system. Entomological surveillance data will be collected in 12 clusters randomly selected from each arm. To measure the effectiveness of the IVM approach on dengue incidence, a negative binomial regression model will be used to compare the incidence between control and intervention clusters. To quantify the effect of the interventions on the main entomological outcome, ovitrap index, a modified ordinary least squares regression model using a robust standard error estimator will be used.

    DISCUSSION: Considering the ongoing expansion of dengue burden in Malaysia, setting up proactive control strategies is critical. Despite some limitations of the trial such as the use of passive surveillance to identify cases, the results will be informative for a better understanding of effectiveness of proactive IVM approach in the control of dengue. Evidence from this trial may help justify investment in preventive IVM approaches as preferred to reactive case management strategies.

    TRIAL REGISTRATION: ISRCTN ISRCTN81915073 . Retrospectively registered on 17 April 2020.

    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  8. Muhammad Najmi Mohammad Fauzi, Aisyah Aqilah Abu Bakar, Liyana Amalina Adnan, Tg Ainul Farha Tg Abdul Rahman, A’wani Aziz Nurdalila
    Bioinformatics tool is a software program made to extract meaningful information from the mass of molecular biology or biological databases and carry out sequence or structural analysis. The method of determining the order of nucleotides within a deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecule is known as DNA sequencing. This analysis is meant to be run to the commercialized or factorymade goat's milk (pasteurised) from various states in Malaysia to identify the milk's authenticity, either it is pure or mixed with other foreign substances from other animals. The main objective is to compare DNA sequences of commercialized and raw goat's milk (handmilking and non-pasteurised). To achieve this, we used ClustalX to align and compare the obtained DNA from both milk samples. The sequences will be aligned using ClustalX software. ClustalX is a provider of an automated system for performing multiple alignments of sequences and profiles and evaluating the outcomes. The usage of ClustalX is helpful as it is cost-effective, user-friendly, and showing a high accuracy of the analysis.

    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  9. Nor Azian, M.Z., Suzana, S., Romzi, M.A.
    Malays J Nutr, 2014;20(2):209-219.
    Introduction: Nutrition screening is recommended as a first step of nutrition care to allow early identification and intervention of malnourished patients. The present study determined the validities and reliabilities of two malnutrition screening tools namely, the Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST) and Malnutrition Screening Tool (MST) among adult patients at the Hospital Kuala Lumpur. Methods: The sensitivity, specificity and predictive value of MUST and MST were conducted against the Subjective Global Assessment (SGA), anthropometric parameters including body mass index (BMI), calf circumference (CC), mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) and energy intake. Inter-rater reliability was evaluated using kappa value (κ) to determine the level of agreement between raters. Results: A total of 151 subjects with mean age of 45.2 ± 13.7 years participated in this study. Prevalence of malnutrition according to MUST, MST and SGA was 34.4%, 33.8% and 19.9%, respectively. As compared to SGA, MUST and MST had a sensitivity of 96.6% and 93.3% respectively, whereas the specificity was 80.9% for both tools. The sensitivity and specificity of MUST against the anthropometric parameters (BMI, CC and MUAC) were between 53.8% to 88.8% and 67.4% to 69.9%, respectively. The sensitivity values for MST were between 46.1% to 63.6% and specificity values were between 64.4% to 67.6%. The inter-rater reliability of MUST was higher (substantial, mean (κ) = 0.78) than for MST (moderate, mean (κ) = 0.52). Conclusions: In conclusion, MUST was found to have similar validity levels but higher reliability result than MST. Based on our result, MUST is recommended for use in identifying adult patients who are at high risk of malnutrition. It can be used as a malnutrition screening tool but there is a need to evaluate the cost effectiveness of its implementation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  10. Fahmeeda Mohamad Jazamuddin, Wan Mohd Aizat, Hoe-Han Goh, Chen-Fei Low, Syarul Nataqain Baharum
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2019;30(2):2012-209.
    Vibriosis is a prevalent aquatic disease caused by Vibrio species and has led to massive loss of brown-marbled grouper, Epinephelus fuscoguttatus. The complexity of molecular mechanisms associated with immune defence can be studied through transcriptomics analysis. High quality and quantity of total RNAs are crucial for the veracity of RNA sequencing and gene expression analysis. A low quality RNA will compromise downstream analysis, resulting in loss of time and revenue to re-acquire the data again. Thus, a reliable and an efficient RNA isolation method is the first and most important step to obtain high quality RNA for gene expression studies. There are many aspects need to be considered when deciding an extraction method, such as the cost-effectiveness of the protocol, the duration of chemical exposure, the duration required for a complete extraction and the number of sample-transferring. A good RNA extraction protocol must be able to produce high yield and purity of RNA free from enzyme inhibitors, such as nucleases (RNase), phenols, alcohols or other chemicals carryover, apart from protein and genomic DNA contamination, to maintain isolated RNA integrity in storage condition. In this study, TransZolTM Up produced clean and pure RNA samples from control gills only but not from the infected gill and whole-body tissues. Modified conventional CTAB (conventional hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide) method was then used as an alternative method to isolate RNA from gill and whole-body tissues of Vibrio-infected E. fuscoguttatus. Modified CTAB method produced intact RNA on gel electrophoresis with higher RIN number (>6.5) for infected gill and whole-body tissues, suggesting that this method could also be used to isolate high quality RNA from fish samples. Therefore, this method is potentially suitable to be used to extract RNA from other fish species especially those that have been infected.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  11. Lou J, Kc S, Toh KY, Dabak S, Adler A, Ahn J, et al.
    Int J Technol Assess Health Care, 2020 Oct;36(5):474-480.
    PMID: 32928330 DOI: 10.1017/S0266462320000628
    There is growing interest globally in using real-world data (RWD) and real-world evidence (RWE) for health technology assessment (HTA). Optimal collection, analysis, and use of RWD/RWE to inform HTA requires a conceptual framework to standardize processes and ensure consistency. However, such framework is currently lacking in Asia, a region that is likely to benefit from RWD/RWE for at least two reasons. First, there is often limited Asian representation in clinical trials unless specifically conducted in Asian populations, and RWD may help to fill the evidence gap. Second, in a few Asian health systems, reimbursement decisions are not made at market entry; thus, allowing RWD/RWE to be collected to give more certainty about the effectiveness of technologies in the local setting and inform their appropriate use. Furthermore, an alignment of RWD/RWE policies across Asia would equip decision makers with context-relevant evidence, and improve timely patient access to new technologies. Using data collected from eleven health systems in Asia, this paper provides a review of the current landscape of RWD/RWE in Asia to inform HTA and explores a way forward to align policies within the region. This paper concludes with a proposal to establish an international collaboration among academics and HTA agencies in the region: the REAL World Data In ASia for HEalth Technology Assessment in Reimbursement (REALISE) working group, which seeks to develop a non-binding guidance document on the use of RWD/RWE to inform HTA for decision making in Asia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  12. Ramli AS
    Medical Health Reviews, 2008;2008(1):63-79.
    Primary care practice with its defining features of continuity, comprehensiveness and coordination, is the cornerstone to provide high quality community-based chronic disease management. Poor chronic disease prevention and control at the primary care level will lead to the massive burden of treating complications at secondary care, burden to the patients and their families with regards to morbidity and premature death, and burden to the country with regards to the loss of human capital. Compelling evidence showed that there are innovative and cost-effective interventions to reduce the morbidity and mortality attributable to chronic diseases, but these are rarely translated into high quality population-wide chronic disease care. Primary health care systems around the world were developed in response to acute problems and have remained so despite the increasing prevalence of chronic conditions. An evolution of primary health care system beyond the acute care model to embrace the concept of caring for long term health problems is imperative in the wake of the rising epidemic of chronic diseases. This paper aims to review the evidence supporting high quality and innovative chronic disease management models in primary care and the applicability of this approach in low and middle income countries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  13. Bavanandan S, Yap YC, Ahmad G, Wong HS, Azmi S, Goh A
    Transplant Direct, 2015 Nov;1(10):e45.
    PMID: 27500211 DOI: 10.1097/TXD.0000000000000553
    Kidney transplantation is the optimal therapy for the majority of patients with end-stage renal disease. However, the cost and health outcomes of transplantation have not been assessed in a middle-income nation with a low volume of transplantation, such as Malaysia.

    AIM AND METHODS: This study used microcosting methods to determine the cost and health outcomes of living and deceased donor kidney transplantation in adult and pediatric recipients. The perspective used was from the Ministry of Health Malaysia. Cost-effectiveness measures were cost per life year (LY) and cost per quality-adjusted LYs. The time horizon was the lifetime of the transplant recipient from transplant to death.

    RESULTS: Records of 206 KT recipients (118 adults and 88 children) were obtained for microcosting. In adults, discounted cost per LY was US $8609(Malaysian Ringgit [RM]29 482) and US $13 209(RM45 234) for living-donor kidney transplant (LKT) and deceased donor kidney transplant (DKT), respectively, whereas in children, it was US $10 485(RM35 905) and US $14 985(RM51 317), respectively. Cost per quality-adjusted LY in adults was US $8826 (RM30 224) for LKT and US $13 592(RM46 546) for DKT. Total lifetime discounted costs of adult transplants were US $119 702 (RM409 921) for LKT, US $147 152 (RM503 922) for DKT. Total costs for pediatric transplants were US $154 841(RM530 252) and US $159 313(RM545 566) for the 2 categories respectively.

    CONCLUSIONS: Both LKT and DKT are economically favorable for Malaysian adult and pediatric patients with ESRD and result in improvement in quality of life.

    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  14. Bayat H, Omidi M, Rajabibazl M, Sabri S, Rahimpour A
    J Microbiol Biotechnol, 2017 Feb 28;27(2):207-218.
    PMID: 27840399 DOI: 10.4014/jmb.1607.07005
    Clustered regulatory interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) in association with CRISPR-associated protein (Cas) is an adaptive immune system, playing a pivotal role in the defense of bacteria and archaea. Ease of handling and cost effectiveness make the CRISPR-Cas system an ideal programmable nuclease tool. Recent advances in understanding the CRISPR-Cas system have tremendously improved its efficiency. For instance, it is possible to recapitulate the chronicle CRISPR-Cas from its infancy and inaugurate a developed version by generating novel variants of Cas proteins, subduing off-target effects, and optimizing of innovative strategies. In summary, the CRISPR-Cas system could be employed in a number of applications, including providing model systems, rectification of detrimental mutations, and antiviral therapies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  15. Deepak AS, Ong JY, Choon D, Lee CK, Chiu CK, Chan C, et al.
    Malays Orthop J, 2017 Mar;11(1):41-46.
    PMID: 28435573 MyJurnal DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1703.018
    INTRODUCTION: There is no large population size study on school screening for scoliosis in Malaysia. This study is aimed to determine the prevalence rate and positive predictive value (PPV) of screening programme for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 8966 voluntary school students aged 13-15 years old were recruited for scoliosis screening. Screening was done by measuring the angle of trunk rotation (ATR) on forward bending test (FBT) using a scoliometer. ATR of 5 degrees or more was considered positive. Positively screened students had standard radiographs done for measurement of the Cobb angle. Cobb angle of >10° was used to diagnose scoliosis. The percentage of radiological assessment referral, prevalence rate and PPV of scoliosis were then calculated.

    RESULTS: Percentage of radiological assessment referral (ATR >5°) was 4.2% (182/4381) for male and 5.0% (228/4585) for female. Only 38.0% of those with ATR >5° presented for further radiological assessment. The adjusted prevalence rate was 2.55% for Cobb angle >10°, 0.59% for >20° and 0.12% for >40°. The PPV is 55.8% for Cobb angle >10°, 12.8% for >20° and 2.6% for > 40°.

    CONCLUSIONS: This is the largest study of school scoliosis screening in Malaysia. The prevalence rate of scoliosis was 2.55%. The positive predictive value was 55.8%, which is adequate to suggest that the school scoliosis screening programme did play a role in early detection of scoliosis. However, a cost effectiveness analysis will be needed to firmly determine its efficacy.

    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  16. Hia IL, Pasbakhsh P, Chan ES, Chai SP
    Sci Rep, 2016 10 03;6:34674.
    PMID: 27694922 DOI: 10.1038/srep34674
    Alginate microcapsules containing epoxy resin were developed through electrospraying method and embedded into epoxy matrix to produce a capsule-based self-healing composite system. These formaldehyde free alginate/epoxy microcapsules were characterized via light microscope, field emission scanning electron microscope, fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis. Results showed that epoxy resin was successfully encapsulated within alginate matrix to form porous (multi-core) microcapsules with pore size ranged from 5-100 μm. The microcapsules had an average size of 320 ± 20 μm with decomposition temperature at 220 °C. The loading capacity of these capsules was estimated to be 79%. Under in situ healing test, impact specimens showed healing efficiency as high as 86% and the ability to heal up to 3 times due to the multi-core capsule structure and the high impact energy test that triggered the released of epoxy especially in the second and third healings. TDCB specimens showed one-time healing only with the highest healing efficiency of 76%. The single healing event was attributed by the constant crack propagation rate of TDCB fracture test. For the first time, a cost effective, environmentally benign and sustainable capsule-based self-healing system with multiple healing capabilities and high healing performance was developed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  17. Lim, Chin Choon, Asrul Akmal Shafie, Mohamed Azmi Ahmad Hassali
    Programmes that increase awareness of childhood obesity are vital to reducing the
    number of obese adults and adults with cardiovascular diseases. However, the
    effectiveness of these programmes must be evaluated to optimise resources for childhood
    obesity awareness programmes. The present study was conducted to assess the
    intermediate cost-effectiveness and provide a cost analysis of childhood obesity health
    promotion programmes. This quasi-experimental study compared the intermediate
    outcomes of the Sahabat Sihat and Be Best programmes over a six-month period. Data
    regarding health-related quality of life (EQ-5D and EQ-VAS), the Knowledge, Attitude and
    Practice questionnaire, and biomedical data were obtained from booklets prepared by
    MySihat for childhood obesity-related health promotion programmes. Data regarding cost
    was obtained from the expenditure records of the respective health promotion
    programmes. The intergroup and intragroup comparisons between the EQ-5D and
    EQ-VAS results, the Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice scores, and the biomedical data
    were explored using the Mann-Whitney and Friedman tests. Descriptive statistics were
    utilised in the analysis of the cost results. Be Best and Sahabat Sihat were successful in
    helping to prevent overweight respondents from becoming obese. The Attitude score was
    higher among the Sahabat Sihat cohort, but the Practice score was higher among the Be
    Best cohort. Be Best had a lower mean cost per participant and was more cost-effective
    than Sahabat Sihat.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  18. Lim, N.L., Mohd Sham Kasim
    The cost effectiveness of the use of disposable diapers was compared to that of cloth diapers in a neonatal unit of 65 beds. A total of 39 doctors and nurses participated in the study. It was found that a cost of RM4 .56 was incurred per baby per day when diapered with disposable diapers compared to RM4.29 when diapered with cloth diapers. However, all doctors and nurses preferred the disposable diaper system because of its significantly better qualities in providing hygiene and dryness, preventing leakage and contamination, and reducing the risk of diaper rashes. Disposable diapers were also easier to use and the volume of associated linen for laundering was reduced. The apparent RM0.27 extra cost per baby per day in the disposable diapering system is offset by its superior qualities and money saved in uncosted items like depreciation of laundering machines and nursing time saved. The disposable diapering system is therefore considered more cost-effective than the cloth diapers system.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  19. Natrah, S., Sharifa Ezat, W.P.
    Impact of health care on the population health has been measured in terms of morbidity and mortality but this measurement doesn’t distinguish between children, adults and the elderly. It does not also take into account the losses that occur because of handicap, pain, or other disability. Therefore, measures of population health which combine information on mortality and non-fatal healthboutcomes to represent the health of a particular population as a single number was introduced. QALYs and DALYs are both common outcome measures in economic evaluations of health interventions. QALYs is the comprehensive measure of health outcome because it can simultaneously capture gains from reduced morbidity (quality gains) and reduced mortality (quantity gains) and combine these into a single measure. DALYs is primarily a measure of disease burden where it combines losses from premature death and loss of healthy life resulting from disability. Although QALYs and DALYs are almost similar in their basic concept but there are few distinct differences which must be paid attention to in order to correctly utilize these measures.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  20. Shodiya, S., Azhar, A. A., Darus, A. N.
    HCFCs, in addition to destroying the ozone layer, have been recognized as a contributing factor that increases global warming. It is widely used as working fluid in window air-conditioning system, where capillary tube serves as an expansion device. Literature reports have shown that no single refrigerant can solve the problem of ozone layer depletion and global warming. Refrigerant HC290/HC600a/HFC407C mixture, an eco-friendly refrigerant, has been recognized as an alternative to HCFC22. The objective of this study is to, for cost effectiveness, develop an empirical correlation to predict the refrigerant HC290/ HC600a/HFC407C mixture mass flow rate using statistical experimental design approach. A review of relevant literature shows that refrigerant’s mass flow rate depends on condensing temperature, degree of subcooling, inner diameter and length of capillary tube. The relationship between the mass flow rate and the four independent variables was established as an empirical mathematical correlation using central composite design (CCD), a response surface methodology (RSM). This empirical correlation was examined using analysis of variance (ANOVA) of 5% level of significance. The results of these analysis showed that the correlation fitted well with the experimental data yielding an average and standard deviation of 1.05% and 2.62%, respectively. The validity of the present correlation was further assessed by comparing it with published empirical correlation in literature and the result showed that the present correlation is consistent.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
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