Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 136 in total

  1. Aziz S
    Med J Malaysia, 1983 Jun;38(2):153-7.
    PMID: 6621447
    This communication describes the quantitative and qualitative analysis of oestrogen receptors in breast tumour biopsies of Malaysian patients. This preliminary investigation establishes certain rigid criteria that makes possible the classification of patients most likely to respond to hormonal therapy. 20 percent of the patients had oestrogen receptor positive tumours while 60 percent were oestrogen receptor negative.
  2. Ibrahim, N.U.A., Abd Aziz, S., Zude, M.
    Palm olein has been commercially used as frying medium in batch deep-fat frying. During
    frying, the oil usually deteriorates due to the exposure to high temperature. In this study, a
    fluorescence spectroscopy technique was applied to monitor the deterioration of refined,
    bleached, and deodorized palm olein (RBDPO) in batch deep-fat frying. 22.5 kg of French fries
    were used as the frying material. In 30 batches, the french fries were intermittently fried at 185
    ± 5°C for eight hours a day over five consecutive days capturing 40 hours. The fluorescence
    intensity of the RBDPO was recorded with excitation at 390 nm and resulting emission of 465
    nm. The fluorescence intensity of the RBDPO over five days of frying decreased considering
    the wavelength range of emission 430-640 nm and excitation 360-430 nm. The decreased in
    intensity of fluorescence emission and excitation spectra were inversely correlated with the FFA
    content of the oil samples. This study demonstrates the potential of fluorescence spectroscopy
    in monitoring the deterioration of RBDPO during batch deep-fat frying.
  3. Ibrahim, N.U.A., Abd Aziz, S., Nawi, N.M.
    Soluble solid content (SSC) is one of the important traits that indicate the ripeness of banana fruits.
    Determination of SSC for banana often requires destructive laboratory analysis on the fruit. An impedance measurement technique was investigated as a non-destructive approach for SSC determination of bananas. A pair of electrocardiogram (ECG) electrode connected to an impedance analyser board was used to measure the impedance value of bananas over the frequency of 19.5 to 20.5 KHz. The SSC measurement was conducted using a pocket refractometer and data was analysed to correlate SSC with impedance values. It was found that the mean of impedance, Z decreased from 10.01 to 99.93 KΩ at the frequency of 20 KHz, while the mean value of SSC increased from 0.58 to 4.93 % Brix from day 1 to day 8. The best correlation between impedance and SSC was found at 20 KHz, with the coefficient of determination, R2 of 0.87. This result indicates the potential of impedance measurement in predicting SSC of banana fruits.
  4. Abd-Aziz S
    J Biosci Bioeng, 2002;94(6):526-9.
    PMID: 16233345
    The importance and development of industrial biotechnology processing has led to the utilisation of microbial enzymes in various applications. One of the important enzymes is amylase, which hydrolyses starch to glucose. In Malaysia, the use of sago starch has been increasing, and it is presently being used for the production of glucose. Sago starch represents an alternative cheap carbon source for fermentation processes that is attractive out of both economic and geographical considerations. Production of fermentable sugars from the hydrolysis of starches is normally carried out by an enzymatic processes that involves two reaction steps, liquefaction and saccharification, each of which has different temperature and pH optima with respect to the maximum reaction rate. This method of starch hydrolysis requires the use of an expensive temperature control system and a complex mixing device. Our laboratory has investigated the possibility of using amylolytic enzyme-producing microorganisms in the continuous single-step biological hydrolysis of sago flour for the production of a generic fermentation medium. The ability of a novel DNA-recombinated yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain YKU 107 (expressing alpha-amylase production) to hydrolyse gelatinised sago starch production has been studied with the aim of further utilizing sago starch to obtain value-added products.
  5. Mohammad, R., Amin, Z., Abdul Aziz, S., Othman, N.
    The aim of this paper is to measure the safety awareness level of workers by means of
    hand related injury accident recorded in Production Department of Metal Fabrication Process
    Company located in southern peninsular Malaysia. Base on the accident data obtained from year
    2008 until 2012, it showed an increasing numbers of accidents involving hand. In year 2008 the rate
    is 36.3%, year 2009 is 30%, year 2010 is 37.5%, year 2011 is 33.3% and year 2012 is 37.5%. Site
    observation has been conducted to assess the hazards involve (safety and ergonomic) to the metal
    fabrication activities being carried out. Survey Questionnaires have been distributed to 80
    respondents from different job trade. The Respondent data was analysed to obtain the safety
    awareness level for each worker’s trade. Copyright © 2015 Penerbit Akademia Baru - All rights
  6. Aziz S, Asokumaran T, Intan G
    Med J Malaysia, 2009 Sep;64(3):244-5.
    PMID: 20527280 MyJurnal
    Durian may inflict severe body injury when it drops from the tree. This case report describes a patient who presented with facial and penetrating eye injury when a ripe durian fruit dropped onto her face while harvesting the fruits under the tree. The authors emphasized the importance of facial and eye protective devices during durian fruit harvesting season.
  7. Aziz S, Asokumaran T, Intan G
    Med J Malaysia, 2011 Mar;66(1):64-5.
    PMID: 23765148 MyJurnal
    Blunt ocular trauma may result in expulsion of the intraocular lens in a patient who has undergone cataract surgery. This case report describes a patient who presented with an extrusion of intraocular lens following blunt ocular trauma post-operatively. The authors emphasise the importance of patient counselling and protection of the operated eye after surgery.
  8. Amat Sairin, M., Abd Aziz, S., Tan, C.P., Mustafa, S., Abd Gani, S.S., Rokhani, F.Z.
    Lard adulteration in processed foods is a major public concern as it involves religion and
    health. Most lard discriminating works require huge lab-based equipment and complex sample
    preparation. The objective of the present work was to assess the feasibility of dielectric
    spectroscopy as a method for classification of fats from different animal sources, in particular,
    lard. The dielectric spectra of each animal fat were measured in the radio frequency of 100
    Hz – 100 kHz at 45°C to 55°C. The fatty acid composition of each fat was studied by using
    data from gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS) to explain the dielectric behaviour
    of each fat. The principal component analysis (PCA) and artificial neural network (ANN)
    were used to classify different animal fats based on their dielectric spectra. It was found that
    lard showed the highest dielectric constant spectra among other animal fats, and was mainly
    affected by the composition of C16 and C18 fatty acids. PCA classification plot showed clear
    performance in classifying different animal fats. Finally, ANN classification showed different
    animal fats were classified into their respective groups effectively at high accuracy of 85%.
    Dielectric spectroscopy, in combination with quantitative analysis, was concluded to provide
    rapid method to discriminate lard from other animal fats.
  9. Nik Ruzyanei, N.J., Noormazita, M., Azlin, B., Normala, I., Hazli, Z., Abdul Aziz, S., et al.
    Sexual dysfunction is common but not often assessed in the routine clinical care among males on opiate substitute treatment.
    Objective: To determine the association between clinical variables and erectile dysfunction (ED) among men on methadone maintenance therapy (MMT).
    Methods: A cross-sectional study involving 108 participants who attended the Drug Clinic, Hospital Kuala Lumpur. The instruments used include the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis-I Disorder (SCID-I), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and International Index of Erectile Function-15 (IIEF-15).
    Results: Concurrent heroin abuse was significantly associated with presence of ED (p=0.024). Treatment factors including methadone dose and duration of methadone treatment were not significantly associated with ED.
    Conclusion: Education on sexual dysfunction as a potential adverse effect and its association with illicit heroin use should be considered in the doctor-patient consultation to encourage treatment adherence and abstinence from heroin.
    Study site: Drug Clinic, Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  10. Al-Aqeeli, Yousif H., Abd Aziz, S., Wayayok, Aimrun, Badronnisa Yusuf
    The objectives of this study were firstly, to develop a simulation model (SM) for a single reservoir to identify the standard operating policy (SOP) of a reservoir based on a monthly operating period, and secondly, to evaluate the performance of the proposed Makhoul reservoir using a Developed Simulation Model (DSM) in reducing flood risk. This reservoir is located on the River Tigris, approximately 180 km upstream of Baghdad, Iraq. The performance of the reservoir in reducing flood risk was evaluated using two designs and records of flood waves gathered over two years. The first design was the present one, while the second was developed by increasing the operational storage to its maximum, based on the digital maps of the region. The flows downstream of the reservoir were compared, with and without the reservoir in the two years in question. Four parameters resulting from the two designs were compared: storage, surface area, elevation and power. The results suggested that the reservoir would be ineffective in reducing flood risk, but it would have the ability to provide hydroelectric power using the two designs, with the new one showing better ability at doing this. The reservoir can also serve purposes such as irrigation, fish wealth development and recreation. This DSM proved its effectiveness in evaluating the performance of the single storage system used for reservoirs.
  11. Zamzuri NA, Abd-Aziz S
    J Sci Food Agric, 2013 Feb;93(3):429-38.
    PMID: 23208984 DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.5962
    This review provides an overview of biovanillin production from agro wastes as an alternative food flavour. Biovanillin is one of the widely used flavour compounds in the foods, beverages and pharmaceutical industries. An alternative production approach for biovanillin as a food flavour is hoped for due to the high and variable cost of natural vanillin as well as the limited availability of vanilla pods in the market. Natural vanillin refers to the main organic compound that is extracted from the vanilla bean, as compared to biovanillin, which is produced biologically by microorganisms from a natural precursor such as ferulic acid. Biovanillin is also reviewed as a potential bioflavour produced by microbial fermentation in an economically feasible way in the near future. In fact, we briefly discuss natural, synthetic and biovanillin and the types of agro wastes that are useful as sources for bioconversion of ferulic acid into biovanillin. The subsequent part of the review emphasizes the current application of vanillin as well as the utilization of biovanillin as an alternative food flavour. The final part summarizes biovanillin production from agro wastes that could be of benefit as a food flavour derived from potential natural precursors.
  12. Tiong KI, Aziz S, Hazlita I
    Med J Malaysia, 2015 Oct;70(5):316-7.
    PMID: 26556124 MyJurnal
    Orbital compartment syndrome (OCS) is a visual threatening ocular emergency. We report a 50-year-old male with acute presentation of OCS, a rare manifestation of idiopathic orbital inflammatory disease. At presentation, high intraocular pressure was reduced by prompt lateral canthotomy and cantholysis. The disease responded to systemic steroids and treatment resulted in good visual outcome. Detail evaluation and early detection and treatment are mandatory to prevent permanent vision loss.
    Keywords: Sarawak General Hospital
  13. Linggang S, Phang LY, Wasoh MH, Abd-Aziz S
    Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 2012 May;167(1):122-31.
    PMID: 22528646 DOI: 10.1007/s12010-012-9592-0
    Sago pith residue is one of the most abundant lignocellulosic biomass which can serve as an alternative cheap substrate for fermentable sugars production. This residue is the fibrous waste left behind after the starch extraction process and contains significant amounts of starch (58%), cellulose (23%), hemicellulose (9.2%) and lignin (3.9%). The conversion of sago pith residue into fermentable sugars is commonly performed using cellulolytic enzymes or known as cellulases. In this study, crude cellulases were produced by two local isolates, Trichoderma asperellum UPM1 and Aspergillus fumigatus, UPM2 using sago pith residue as substrate. A. fumigatus UPM2 gave the highest FPase, CMCase and β-glucosidase activities of 0.39, 23.99 and 0.78 U/ml, respectively, on day 5. The highest activity of FPase, CMCase and β-glucosidase by T. asperellum UPM1 was 0.27, 12.03 and 0.42 U/ml, respectively, on day 7. The crude enzyme obtained from A. fumigatus UPM2 using β-glucosidase as the rate-limiting enzyme (3.9, 11.7 and 23.4 IU) was used for the saccharification process to convert 5% (w/v) sago pith residue into reducing sugars. Hydrolysis of sago pith residue using crude enzyme containing β-glucosidase with 23.4 IU, produced by A. fumigatus UPM2 gave higher reducing sugars production of 20.77 g/l with overall hydrolysis percentage of 73%.
  14. Fucharoen S, Fucharoen G, Ata K, Aziz S, Hashim S, Hassan K, et al.
    Acta Haematol., 1990;84(2):82-8.
    PMID: 2120891 DOI: 10.1159/000205034
    The spectrum of beta-thalassemia mutations in Malaysia has been determined in 45 beta-thalassemia chromosomes using dot blot hybridization of the polymerase chain reaction amplified DNA and direct DNA sequencing. Eleven different molecular defects, including those previously detected in Chinese, Asian Indians, and American blacks, and a novel frameshift mutation causing beta zero-thalassemia were detected. Since this novel mutation, a T deletion in codon 15 creates a new restriction site for EcoRII enzyme; the mutation could be detected by EcoRII digestion of the appropriate amplified fragment. The results of the present study provide additional information on the molecular heterogeneity of beta-thalassemia in this population. We also demonstrated the nonradioactive detection method of the beta-thalassemia mutation based upon the digoxigenin-labeled oligonucleotide probes.
  15. Mahmood H, Habib M, Aslam W, Khursheed S, Fatima S, Aziz S, et al.
    BMC Res Notes, 2021 Sep 10;14(1):354.
    PMID: 34507605 DOI: 10.1186/s13104-021-05768-5
    OBJECTIVE: Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common type of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL). The aim of this study was to assess the clinico pathological characteristics of DLBCL specifically, among the affected individuals residing in Northern areas of Pakistan who had not been previously included in major lymphoma studies due to their remote location.

    RESULTS: Mean age of the patients was 49.7 years. Male: female ratio was 1.5:1. Primary site was lymph node in 99 (71.74%) patients, out of which, 36 (26.09%) patients had B symptoms and 19 (13.77%) patients had stage IV disease. 39 (28.26%) patients had primary extra nodal involvement, 4 (2.90%) patients had B symptoms and 3 (2.17%) had stage IV disease. Extra nodal sites involved in primary extra nodal DLBCL were gastrointestinal tract (GIT) 19 (48.72%), tonsils 6 (15.38%), spine 4 (10.26%), soft tissue swelling 3 (7.69%), parotid gland 2 (5.13%), thyroid 2 (5.13%) central nervous system (CNS) 1 (2.56), breast 1 (2.56%) and bone marrow 1 (2.56%). Our study revealed increased percentage of patients with nodal DLBCL in stage IV and with B symptoms. Few patients with primary extra nodal DLBCL had B symptoms and stage IV disease at presentation. GIT was the most common site of involvement in primary extra nodal DLBCL.

  16. Rampal L, Aziz SI, Razin A, Sanjay R
    A cross sectional study was conducted in Kelantan state with the objectives to determine the prevalence of smoking in 2004 and to determine the relationship between smoking and age, sex, educational level, family and peer influence. All residents aged 15 years and above from all the selected households were included in this study. A standardized pre-tested structured questionnaire was used in this study. Out of 1025 respondents interviewed the prevalence of ever and current smokers was 34% and 25.1% respectively.The prevalence of ever smokers and current smokers was significantly higher In males as compared to females (p.<0.001). The mean initiation age for the males current smokers was 10.4 (95% CI = 19.4, 21.5) years with a range from 7 to 66 years. For the females the mean initiation age was 31 (95% Cl =26.8, 35.2) years with a range from 15 to 64 years. The difference between the mean initiation age between male and female smokers was statistically significant (p<0.0001). The overall mean duration of smoking was 23.9 years with a median of 23 years. It ranged from less than 1 year to 66 years. There was no significant difference between the mean duration of smoking between male and females current smokers (p =0.59). There was a significant association between current smoking status and education level (p<0.01 ) and between smoking and peer influence (p<0.01). There was no significant difference in smokers whose parents were smokers as compared to non-smokers whose parents were smokers. In conclusion the prevalence of smoking in Kelantan state in 2004 is lower than the reported prevalence in 1996. However, it is still very high especially in the males.
    Key words: Smoking, peer influence, Kelantan
  17. Ahadon M, Abdul Aziz S, Wong CL, Leong CF
    Malays J Pathol, 2018 Apr;40(1):41-48.
    PMID: 29704383 MyJurnal
    INTRODUCTION: Microparticles are membrane bound vesicles, measuring less than 1.0 um, which are released during cellular activation or during apoptosis. Studies have shown that these circulating microparticles play a role in coagulation, cell signaling and cellular interactions. Increased levels of circulating microparticles have been observed in a number of conditions where there is vascular dysfunction, thrombosis and inflammation. The objective of this study was to determine the various plasma-derived microparticles in patients with polycythaemia vera (PV) in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre and to compare them with normal control.

    METHODS: A total of 15 patients with PV and 15 healthy volunteers were included in this cross-sectional descriptive study. Plasma samples from both patients and healthy volunteers were prepared and further processed for isolation of microparticles. Flow cytometry analyses were then carried out in all samples to determine the cellular origin of the microparticles. Full blood count parameters for both groups were also collected. Data collected were analyzed using SPSS version 12.0.

    RESULTS: Patients with PV had a significantly higher percentage of platelet derived microparticles compared to healthy controls (P <0.05). The control group had a higher level of endothelial derived microparticles but the differences were not statistically significant (P > 0.05).

    CONCLUSION: The median percentage of positive events for platelet derived microparticles was higher in patients with PV compared to normal healthy controls.

  18. Lubis SH, Hisham JH, Abdul Aziz S
    Family Practitioner, 1986;9(2):41-45.
    A study was undertaken to evaluate the efficiency of health services at two maternal and child health (MCH) clinics in Kuala Lumpur. The time spent for individual patient care by the clinic staff was used as an indicator for the evaluation. The main objective was to derive a model of ideal operation time for specific patient care activities at a MCH clinic. Primary data was collected through systematic random sampling of patients between 25/7/1985 and 31/7/1985. Secondary data was obtained from available clinic records for July, 1985. The time a patient spent at the clinic and the time she spent at each examination station and waiting between stations was recorded with digital watches. Results show tha patients spent 80% of their time at the clinics waiting. The actual time spent on each patient was found to be considerably less than the ideal time measured under ideal conditions. Various recommendation are presented in the paper to reduce waiting time and extend examination time. The ideal patient capacity for the two clinics was also calculated.
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