Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 85 in total

  1. Parthiban A, Gopal AAR, Siwayanan P, Chew KW
    J Hazard Mater, 2021 Sep 05;417:126107.
    PMID: 34020356 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.126107
    Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) is the most potent greenhouse gas contributed by the power and semiconductor industries. The global emissions of gas in the past 10 years have increased tremendously due to lack of disposal routes. This was brought to 190 nations' attention in the Kyoto Protocol for the need of emission control measures to reduce its impacts of climate change and global warming. Various novel techniques have surfaced to tackle this issue, such as non-thermal plasma (NTP) which includes radio frequency plasma, microwave plasma, dielectric barrier discharge, and electron beam. The main by-products resulting from the decomposition of SF6 by these techniques are sulfur oxyfluorides, sulfur dioxide, hydrofluoric acid, and fluorine gas. This environmental and health effects as well as global emission of SF6 gas are considered a threat to humans and the climate, where modern disposal methods of contaminated SF6 gas and its by-products should replace the conventional approaches. Relevant government policies on the safety and disposal concern of SF6 gas are reviewed and challenges and further research directions for the disposal of SF6 gas are highlighted in this review article.
  2. Silvanir, Lai SY, Asmawi AA, Chew KW, Ngan CL
    Bioresour Technol, 2024 Feb;393:130094.
    PMID: 38000640 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2023.130094
    Microalgae is a sustainable alternative source to traditional proteins. Existing pretreatment methods for protein extraction from microalgae still lack scalability, are uneconomical and inefficient. Herein, high shear mixing (HSM) was applied to disrupt the rigid cell walls and was found to assist in protein release from microalgae. This study integrates HSM in liquid biphasic system with seven parameters being investigated on extraction efficiency (EE) and protein yield (Y). The highest EE and Y obtained are 96.83 ± 0.47 % and 40.98 ± 1.27 %, respectively, using 30% w/v K3PO4 salt, 60 % v/v alcohol, volume ratio of 1:1 and 0.5 % w/v biomass loading under shearing rate of 16,000 rpm for 1 min.
  3. Fayyaz M, Chew KW, Show PL, Ling TC, Ng IS, Chang JS
    Biotechnol Adv, 2020 11 01;43:107554.
    PMID: 32437732 DOI: 10.1016/j.biotechadv.2020.107554
    Microalgae-based bioproducts are in limelight because of their promising future, novel characteristics, the current situation of population needs, and rising prices of rapidly depleting energy resources. Algae-based products are considered as clean sustainable energy and food resources. At present, they are not commercialized due to their high production cost and low yield. In recent years, novel genome editing tools like RNAi, ZNFs, TALENs, and CRISPR/Cas9 are used to enhance the quality and quantity of the desired products. Genetic and metabolic engineering are frequently applied because of their rapid and precise results than random mutagenesis. Omic approaches help enhance biorefinery capabilities and are now in the developing stage for algae. The future is very bright for transgenic algae with increased biomass yield, carbon dioxide uptake rate, accumulating high-value compounds, reduction in cultivation, and production costs, thus reaching the goal in the global algal market and capital flow. However, microalgae are primary producers and any harmful exposure to the wild strains can affect the entire ecosystem. Therefore, strict regulation and monitoring are required to assess the potential risks before introducing genetically modified microalgae into the natural ecosystem.
  4. Qian Y, Bian L, Wang K, Chia WY, Khoo KS, Zhang C, et al.
    Chemosphere, 2021 Mar;266:128948.
    PMID: 33220979 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.128948
    In this study, to improve the mechanical and thermal properties of curdlan film, a curdlan/nanocellulose (NC) blended film was prepared and characterized for the first time. NC was successfully prepared from microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) with NaOH/urea treatment. The particle size of NC was observed to be 70-140 nm by cryo-electron microscope (cryo-EM). The blended film was prepared by adding the NC to curdlan solution. The tensile strength (TS) of the blended film reached the maximum value of 38.6 MPa, and the elongation at break (EB) was 40%. The DSC curve showed that the heat absorption peak of the film was 240 °C, indicating that the blended film has good temperature stability. Additionally, some other film properties were also improved, including gas barrier properties and transparency. Obvious morphological and molecular differences between the blended film and the pure curdlan film were discovered by SEM and FTIR analysis. Finally, the blended film was used for the preservation of chilled meat and extended the storage time of meat to 12 days. These results provided a theoretical basis for future application and development of biodegradable film.
  5. Khoo KS, Chew KW, Ooi CW, Ong HC, Ling TC, Show PL
    Bioresour Technol, 2019 Oct;290:121794.
    PMID: 31319214 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2019.121794
    This work aimed to study the application of liquid biphasic flotation (LBF) for the efficient and rapid recovery of astaxanthin from H. pluvialis microalgae. The performance of LBF for the extraction of astaxanthin was studied comprehensively under different operating conditions, including types and concentrations of food-grade alcohol and salt, volume ratio, addition of neutral salt, flotation period, and mass of dried H. pluvialis biomass powder. The maximum recovery, extraction efficiency and partition coefficient of astaxanthin obtained from the optimum LBF system were 95.11 ± 1.35%, 99.84 ± 0.05% and 385.16 ± 3.87, respectively. A scaled-up LBF system was also performed, demonstrating the feasibility of extracting natural astaxanthin from microalgae at a larger scale. This exploration of LBF system opens a promising avenue to the extraction of astaxanthin at lower cost and shorter processing time.
  6. Chia SR, Mak KY, Khaw YJ, Suhaidi N, Chew KW, Show PL
    Bioresour Technol, 2019 Dec;294:122158.
    PMID: 31550634 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2019.122158
    Microalgae are rich in valuable biomolecules and grow on non-arable land with rapid growth rate, which has a host of new possibility as alternative protein sources. In the present study, extraction of proteins from Chlorella vulgaris via an efficient technique, Liquid Triphasic Flotation (LTF) system, was studied. The optimized conditions in LTF system were 70% v/v of t-butanol, 40% w/v of salt solution, 0.5% w/v of biomass, pH 5.54, 1:1 of salt to t-butanol solution, and 10 min of air flotation time to attain 87.23% of protein recovery and 56.72% of separation efficiency. Besides, the study on recycling t-butanol has demonstrated that only one run was sufficient to maintain the performance of system. The efficiency of LTF in extracting protein has performed better than just Three Phase Partitioning (TPP) system. LTF system is hence an effective protein extraction and purification method with minimum operation unit and processing time.
  7. Chew KW, Chia SR, Chia WY, Cheah WY, Munawaroh HSH, Ong WJ
    Environ Pollut, 2021 Mar 01;278:116836.
    PMID: 33689952 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2021.116836
    The remarkable journey of progression of mankind has created various impacts in the form of polluted environment, amassed heavy metals and depleting resources. This alarming situation demands sustainable energy resources and approaches to deal with these environmental hazards and power deficit. Pyrolysis and co-pyrolysis address both energy and environmental issues caused by civilization and industrialization. The processes use hazardous waste materials including waste tires, plastic and medical waste, and biomass waste such as livestock waste and agricultural waste as feedstock to produce gas, char and pyrolysis oil for energy production. Usage of hazardous materials as pyrolysis and co-pyrolysis feedstock reduces disposal of harmful substances into environment, reducing occurrence of soil and water pollution, and substituting the non-renewable feedstock, fossil fuels. As compared to combustion, pyrolysis and co-pyrolysis have less emission of air pollutants and act as alternative options to landfill disposal and incineration for hazardous materials and biomass waste. Hence, stabilizing heavy metals and solving the energy and waste management problems. This review discusses the pyrolysis and co-pyrolysis of biomass and harmful wastes to strive towards circular economy and eco-friendly, cleaner energy with minimum waste disposal, reducing negative impact on the planet and creating future possibilities.
  8. Tan JS, Lee SY, Chew KW, Lam MK, Lim JW, Ho SH, et al.
    Bioengineered, 2020 12;11(1):116-129.
    PMID: 31909681 DOI: 10.1080/21655979.2020.1711626
    The richness of high-value bio-compounds derived from microalgae has made microalgae a promising and sustainable source of useful product. The present work starts with a review on the usage of open pond and photobioreactor in culturing various microalgae strains, followed by an in-depth evaluation on the common harvesting techniques used to collect microalgae from culture medium. The harvesting methods discussed include filtration, centrifugation, flocculation, and flotation. Additionally, the advanced extraction technologies using ionic liquids as extractive solvents applied to extract high-value bio-compounds such as lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, and other bioactive compounds from microalgae biomass are summarized and discussed. However, more work needs to be done to fully utilize the potential of microalgae biomass for the application in large-scale production of biofuels, food additives, and nutritive supplements.
  9. Khoo KS, Ooi CW, Chew KW, Foo SC, Show PL
    Bioresour Technol, 2021 Feb;322:124520.
    PMID: 33348114 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2020.124520
    Ionic liquids (ILs) have emerged as an alternative solvent used in the bioprocessing of microalgae for recovery of valuable biomolecules. The aim of this work is to extract fucoxanthin from Chaetoceros calcitrants (C. calcitrans) by using the readily distillable CO2-based alkyl carbamate ILs. The degree of cell permeabilization was analysed by the quantification of extracted fucoxanthin and the analyses of cell surface morphology. Among the tested CO2-based alkyl carbamate ILs, diallylammonium diallylcarbamate (DACARB) extraction system gave the maximal yield of fucoxanthin at 17.51 mg/g under the optimal extraction conditions [90% (v/v), 3 min and 25 °C]. Moreover, the extracted fucoxanthin fraction exhibited the satisfactory antioxidant activities. The recyclability of DACARB was demonstrated in the multiple batches of fucoxanthin extraction. Hence, CO2-based alkyl carbamate ILs can prospectively substitute conventional organic solvents in the downstream processing of bioactive compounds from microalgae.
  10. Yong JJJY, Chew KW, Khoo KS, Show PL, Chang JS
    Biotechnol Adv, 2020 12 30;47:107684.
    PMID: 33387639 DOI: 10.1016/j.biotechadv.2020.107684
    The coexistence of algae and bacteria in nature dates back to the very early stages when life came into existence. The interaction between algae and bacteria plays an important role in the planet ecology, cycling nutrients, and feeding higher trophic levels, and have been evolving ever since. The emerging concept of algal-bacterial consortia is gaining attention, much towards environmental management and protection. Studies have shown that algal-bacterial synergy does not only promote carbon capture in wastewater bioremediation but also consequently produces biofuels from algal-bacterial biomass. This review has evaluated the optimistic prospects of algal-bacterial consortia in environmental remediation, biorefinery, carbon sequestration as well as its contribution to the production of high-value compounds. In addition, algal-bacterial consortia offer great potential in bloom control, dye removal, agricultural biofertilizers, and bioplastics production. This work also emphasizes the advancement of algal-bacterial biotechnology in environmental management through the incorporation of Industry Revolution 4.0 technologies. The challenges include its pathway to greener industry, competition with other food additive sources, societal acceptance, cost feasibility, environmental trade-off, safety and compatibility. Thus, there is a need for further in-depth research to ensure the environmental sustainability and feasibility of algal-bacterial consortia to meet numerous current and future needs of society in the long run.
  11. Chew KW, Khoo KS, Foo HT, Chia SR, Walvekar R, Lim SS
    Chemosphere, 2020 Dec 15;268:129322.
    PMID: 33359993 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.129322
    With the rapid urbanisation happening around the world followed by the massive demand for clean energy resources, green cities play a pivotal role in building a sustainable future for the people. The continuing depletion of natural resources has led to the development of renewable energy with algae as the promising source. The high growth rate of microalgae and their strong bio-fixation ability to convert CO2 into O2 have been gaining attention globally and intensive research has been conducted regarding the microalgae benefits. The focus on potential of microalgae in contributing to the development of green cities is rising. The advantage of microalgae is their ability to gather energy from sunlight and carbon dioxide, followed by transforming the nutrients into biomass and oxygen. This leads to the creation of green cities through algae cultivation as waste and renewable materials can be put to good use. The challenges that arise when using algae and the future prospect in terms of SDGs and economy will also be covered in this review. The future of green cities can be enhanced with the adaptation of algae as the source of renewable plants to create a better outlook of an algae green city.
  12. Koyande AK, Chew KW, Show PL, Munawaroh HSH, Chang JS
    Bioresour Technol, 2021 Aug;333:125075.
    PMID: 33872996 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2021.125075
    Microalgae are potential sustainable renewable sources of energy but are highly underutilized due to the expensive and time-consuming downstream processing. This study aims at curbing these obstacles by extracting multiple components with a single processing unit. In this work, an ultrasound-assisted liquid triphasic flotation system was incorporated to extract proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates by phase separation. The parameters involved were optimized and the final recovery efficiency of proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates was determined. A control run involving conventional three-phase partitioning and a 15-fold scale-up system with the recycling of phase components were also performed. Gas Chromatograph and Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy were used to examine the potential of extracted products as a source of biofuel. This biorefinery approach is crucial in commercializing microalgae for biodiesel and bioethanol generation with a side product of purified proteins as feed.
  13. Allouzi MMA, Tang DYY, Chew KW, Rinklebe J, Bolan N, Allouzi SMA, et al.
    Sci Total Environ, 2021 Sep 20;788:147815.
    PMID: 34034191 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.147815
    Global plastic pollution has been a serious problem since many years and micro (nano) plastics (MNPs) have gained attention from researchers around the world. This is because MNPs able to exhibit toxicology and interact with potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in the environment, causing soil toxicity. The influences of MNPs on the soil systems and plant crops have been overlooked despite that MNPs can accumulate in the plant root system and generate detrimental impacts to the terrestrial environments. The consumption of these MNPs-contaminated plants or fruits by humans and animals will eventually lead to health deterioration. The identification and measurement of MNPs in various soil samples is challenging, making the understanding of the fate, environmental and ecological of MNPs in terrestrial ecosystem is limited. Prior to sample assessment, it is necessary to isolate the plastic particles from the environment samples, concentrate the plastic particles for analysis purpose to meet detection limit for analytical instrument. The isolation and pre-concentrated steps are challenging and may cause sample loss. Herein, this article reviews MNPs, including their fate in the environment and toxic effects exhibited towards soil microorganisms, plants and humans along with the interaction of MNPs with PTEs. In addition, various analysis methods of MNPs and management of MNPs as well as the crucial challenges and future research studies in combating MNPs in soil system are also discussed.
  14. Yap JK, Sankaran R, Chew KW, Halimatul Munawaroh HS, Ho SH, Rajesh Banu J, et al.
    Chemosphere, 2021 Oct;281:130886.
    PMID: 34020196 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.130886
    Microalgae have drawn significant interest worldwide, owing to their enormous application potential in the green energy, biopharmaceutical, and nutraceutical industries. Many studies have proved and stated the potential of microalgae in the area of biofuel which is economically effective and environmentally friendly. Besides the commercial value, the potential of microalgae in environmental protection has also been investigated. Microalgae-based process is one of the most effective way to treat heavy metal pollution, compared to conventional methods, it does not release any toxic waste or harmful gases, and the aquatic organism will not receive any harmful effects. The potential dual role of microalge in phytoremedation and energy production has made it widely explored for its capability. The interest of microalgae in various application has motivated a new focus in green technologies. Considering the rapid population growth with the continuous increase on the global demand and the application of biomass in diverse field, significant upgrades have been performed to accommodate green technological advancement. In the past decade, noteworthy advancement has been made on the technology involving the diverse application of microalgae biomass. This review aims to explore on the application of microalgae and the development of green technology in various application for microalgae biomass. There is great prospects for researchers in this field to delve into other potential utilization of microalgae biomass not only for bioremediation process but also to generate revenues from microalgae by incorporating clean and green technology for long-term sustainability and environmental benefits.
  15. Leong YK, Chew KW, Chen WH, Chang JS, Show PL
    Trends Plant Sci, 2021 07;26(7):729-740.
    PMID: 33461869 DOI: 10.1016/j.tplants.2020.12.010
    Given their advantages of high photosynthetic efficiency and non-competition with land-based crops, algae, that are carbon-hungry and sunlight-driven microbial factories, are a promising solution to resolve energy crisis, food security, and pollution problems. The ability to recycle nutrient and CO2 fixation from waste sources makes algae a valuable feedstock for biofuels, food and feeds, biochemicals, and biomaterials. Innovative technologies such as the bicarbonate-based integrated carbon capture and algae production system (BICCAPS), integrated algal bioenergy carbon capture and storage (BECCS), as well as ocean macroalgal afforestation (OMA), can be used to realize a low-carbon algal bioeconomy. We review how algae can be applied in the framework of integrated low-carbon circular bioeconomy models, focusing on sustainable biofuels, low-carbon feedstocks, carbon capture, and advances in algal biotechnology.
  16. Ali S, Paul Peter A, Chew KW, Munawaroh HSH, Show PL
    Bioresour Technol, 2021 Jun 26;337:125461.
    PMID: 34198241 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2021.125461
    Industrial effluents such as pharmaceutical residues, pesticides, dyes, and metal processes holds abundant value-added products (VAPs), where its recovery has become essential. The purpose of such recovery is for sustainable treatment, which is an approach that considers the economic, social, and environmental aspects. Microalgae with its potential in the recovery process from effluents, can reduce energy usage of waste management strategies and regenerate nutrients such as carbon, phosphorus, and nitrogen. Microalgae cultures offer the use of inorganic materials by microalgae for their growth and the help of bacteria to produce biomass, thus, resulting in the absence of secondary emissions due to its ability to eliminate volatile organic compounds. Moreover, recovered bioactive compounds are transformed into bioethanol, bio-fertilizers, biopolymer, health supplements and animal feed. Therefore, it is significant to focus on an economical and efficient utilization of microalgae in recovering nutrients that can be further used in various commercial applications.
  17. Foo WH, Chia WY, Tang DYY, Koay SSN, Lim SS, Chew KW
    J Hazard Mater, 2021 Sep 05;417:126129.
    PMID: 34229396 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.126129
    Waste cooking oil (WCO) is considered as one of the hazardous wastes because improper disposal of WCO can cause significant environmental problems such as blockages of drains and sewers as well as water or soil pollution. In this review, the physical and chemical properties of WCO are evaluated along with its regulations and policies in different countries to promote WCO refined biofuels. Blended WCO can be an auxiliary fuel for municipal solid waste incinerators while the heat produced is able to form superheated steam and subsequently generate electricity via combined heat and power system. Also, WCO contains high ratio of hydrogen atoms compared to carbon and oxygen atoms, making it able to be catalytically cracked, synthesizing hydrogen gas. WCO-based biodiesel has been traditionally produced by transesterification in order to substitute petroleum-based diesel which has non-degradability as well as non-renewable features. Hence, the potentials of hazardous WCO as a green alternative energy source for electricity generation, hydrogen gas as well as biofuels production (e.g. biodiesel, biogas, biojet fuel) are critically discussed due to its attractive psychochemical properties as well as its economic feasibility. Challenges of the WCO utilization as a source of energy are also reported while highlighting its future prospects.
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