Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 330 in total

  1. Farah, N. A., Ismail, M. S.
    Medicine & Health, 2017;12(2):321-328.
    Intussusception is a common cause of gastrointestinal emergency in the paediatric population and it is usually diagnosed through Barium enema radiography or ultrasound. The skill of using an ultrasound by a minimally trained medical officer in diagnosing this cases in the Emergency Department are very helpful and expedite the management. We present the case of a 7-month-old girl who presented to Emergency Department (ED) with the chief complaint of passing blood in stool. Clinically she was dehydrated, irritable and in compensated shock. There was generalised tenderness per abdomen but it was soft and not distended. There was no palpable mass and bowel sound normal. Immmediate fluid resuscitated commenced. Bedside abdominal ultrasound performed by ED medical officer showed a 1.8 cm x 2.5 cm mass of alternating hypo-echoic and hyper-echoic rings at the right lower quadrant, consistent with the ‘target’ sign of intussusception. Supine plain abdominal X-ray did not reveal any abnormality. The ultrasound finding of intussusception was later confirmed by the radiologist. She underwent immediate hydrostatic reduction and was discharged well.
    Keywords: diagnosis, Emergency Department, intussusception, paediatric, ultrasound
  2. Ismail MT
    Malays J Reprod Health, 1991 Jun;9(1):9-17.
    PMID: 12317444
    Health workers in Malaysia randomly assigned either a low-dose triphasic or a low-dose monophasic oral contraceptive (Triquilar and Marvelon, respectively) to 198 women to examine discontinuation rates and reasons for discontinuation. 15.3% of Triquilar women and 9.1% of Marvelon women forgot to take 1 pill at some time during the study while 6.1% and 3% forgot to take at least 3 consecutive pills. There were more complaints and/or complications among Triquilar women than among Marvelon women. The most serious complication was severe headaches (only 1 woman from each group). 2 women in the Marvelon group complained of either generalized itchiness or digestion impairment. Complaints of women in the Triquilar group included localized and generalized itchiness, weight gain, digestion impairment, dryness of vagina, and numbness of extremities. Women in the Triquilar group were more likely to have menstrual complaints than those in the Marvelon group (14.3% vs. 9.1%). The leading menstrual complaint in both groups was spotting (6.1% vs. 4%). No Marvelon women reported menorrhagia, scanty menses, or intermenstrual pelvic pain or discomfort while at least 1 woman did from the Triquilar group. The percentage of women with changes in complaints since admission were the same for both groups. Total discontinuation rates which included lost to follow ups were 46.9% and 40%, respectively. The most common reason for discontinuation for both groups was desired method change (11.2% Triquilar and 14.1% Marvelon). Method unrelated reasons (unable to return to clinic, moving/travel, and not interested in the study) were the next most common reason for discontinuation. 3 women conceived while taking Triquilar. These pregnancies were attributed to method failure, perhaps due to incomplete pituitary suppression. There were no accidental pregnancies in the Marvelon group.
  3. Ismail MT
    Malays J Reprod Health, 1994 Jun;12(1):43-8.
    PMID: 12320338
    PIP: Marvelon, a monophasic oral contraceptive (OC) containing 30 mcg of ethinyl estradiol and 150 mcg of desogestrel, has been available to Malaysian women through the national family planning program since 1982. To assess the safety, effectiveness, and side effects associated with this OC, 247 women who requested the pill were enrolled in a multicenter prospective study that included follow-up after the first, third, and sixth cycles of use. 81% of participants had never used any form of contraception before Marvelon. 194 women (79%) completed the 6-month study. There were no pregnancies recorded. Although women reported a slightly increased incidence of nausea, breast tenderness, and headache in the first treatment cycle, these side effects had abated by the end of the third cycle. After six cycles, mean body weight had decreased by an average of 0.4 kg. Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure were unaffected. An unexpected finding was a decrease in the severity of acne with continuous use of Marvelon. Although both spotting and breakthrough bleeding increased slightly in the first two cycles, irregular bleeding returned to pretreatment levels by the third cycle. The length of the withdrawal bleed in the pill-free week was reduced. The incidence of irregular bleeding and other side effects was substantially lower in this sample of Malaysian women than in Asian and Caucasian Marvelon users surveyed in other studies.
  4. Jabo, M.S.M., Ismail, M., Abdullah, A. M., Shamsudin, M. N.
    This paper examines food security determinants among rural farming households in Nigeria. A
    total of 3380 households from General Household Survey-panel data that adopt the World Bank
    Living Standard Measurement Survey (LSMS) technique was used for this study. The impacts
    of household characteristics, household endowments and activity related characteristics were
    explored using logistic regression analysis. Based on the Food and Agriculture Organization
    FAO recommended minimum 2120 kcal daily per adult equivalent was valued at (N138)
    equivalent and USD 0.87 food poverty threshold of per annum was derived for rural Nigeria.
    This threshold is the cost for purchasing recommended daily food allowances (RDA) of an
    adult equivalent for healthy life in rural Nigeria. The results of the study revealed that age of the
    household head, tertiary education, farm size, household size, value of livestock holdings, total
    remittances received by the household, participation in nonfarm enterprise and access to formal
    credit have significant impact on food security. We conjecture that, the higher incidence of food
    security during post harvesting season might likely be due to inability of smallholder farmers
    to utilize their extra time into non-farm income generating activities due to high demand for
    labour for farm operations.
  5. El-Badawy IM, Singh OP, Omar Z
    Technol Health Care, 2021;29(1):59-72.
    PMID: 32716337 DOI: 10.3233/THC-202198
    BACKGROUND: The quantitative features of a capnogram signal are important clinical metrics in assessing pulmonary function. However, these features should be quantified from the regular (artefact-free) segments of the capnogram waveform.

    OBJECTIVE: This paper presents a machine learning-based approach for the automatic classification of regular and irregular capnogram segments.

    METHODS: Herein, we proposed four time- and two frequency-domain features experimented with the support vector machine classifier through ten-fold cross-validation. MATLAB simulation was conducted on 100 regular and 100 irregular 15 s capnogram segments. Analysis of variance was performed to investigate the significance of the proposed features. Pearson's correlation was utilized to select the relatively most substantial ones, namely variance and the area under normalized magnitude spectrum. Classification performance, using these features, was evaluated against two feature sets in which either time- or frequency-domain features only were employed.

    RESULTS: Results showed a classification accuracy of 86.5%, which outperformed the other cases by an average of 5.5%. The achieved specificity, sensitivity, and precision were 84%, 89% and 86.51%, respectively. The average execution time for feature extraction and classification per segment is only 36 ms.

    CONCLUSION: The proposed approach can be integrated with capnography devices for real-time capnogram-based respiratory assessment. However, further research is recommended to enhance the classification performance.

  6. Fareez IM, Lim SM, Ramasamy K
    Probiotics Antimicrob Proteins, 2019 06;11(2):447-459.
    PMID: 30003409 DOI: 10.1007/s12602-018-9442-7
    Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) with probiotic properties are useful options for prophylactic and therapeutic applications against gastrointestinal diseases. The safety of probiotics should, however, be verified before incorporation into food or drinks. The present study had encapsulated Lactobacillus plantarum LAB12 within microcapsules that could withstand extremely high temperature (up to 100 °C) during pelletisation. The microencapsulated LAB12 were then tested for their acute (single dosing) and sub-chronic (a 90-day feeding) toxicity. For acute toxicity study, six male Sprague-Dawley rats were being administered with a single dose of freeze-dried microencapsulated LAB12 at 11 log CFU/kg BW through oral gavage. No clear treatment-related effects were observed after 14 days. For sub-chronic toxicity study, rodents were randomly divided into four groups (6 rats/sex/group) and treated with 0, 8, 9 and 10 log CFU/kg BW of microencapsulated LAB12 in pellet form. No mortality or treatment-related findings were observed in terms of clinical body weight, water intake, or food consumption. No treatment-related adverse effects were observed in blood and tissue samples. The no-observed-adverse-effect-level (NOAEL) for microencapsulated LAB12 was 2.5 × 1010 CFU/kg BW for both genders. These results imply that LAB12 are likely non-pathogenic and non-toxic.
  7. Fareez IM, Lim SM, Ramasamy K
    Probiotics Antimicrob Proteins, 2024 Feb;16(1):99-112.
    PMID: 36508139 DOI: 10.1007/s12602-022-10020-y
    The pathogenesis of colorectal cancer (CRC) is associated with gut dysbiosis that is attributed to unhealthy lifestyles and dietary habits. Consumption of microencapsulated probiotics may potentially restore the gut microbiota in favour of prevention against CRC. This study determined the fate of microencapsulated Lactiplantibacillus plantarum (formerly known as Lactobacillus plantarum) LAB12 in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and assessed the chemopreventive effect of microencapsulated L. plantarum LAB12 in vivo. The targeted release of L. plantarum LAB12 from Alg-based microcapsules at the stomach, ileum, caecum and colon of Sprague-Dawley rats was examined by confocal microscopy and qPCR. Microcapsules loaded with L. plantarum LAB12 remained intact in the stomach. Free L. plantarum LAB12 were present in abundance (> 7 log CFU) only in the intestines. Subsequently, the chemopreventive properties of microencapsulated L. plantarum LAB12 were validated against NU/NU nude mice bearing orthotopic transplanted CT-26 CRC (12 female mice; 4-6 weeks old; 20-22 g; n = 6/group). Orthotopic mice pre-supplemented with microencapsulated L. plantarum LAB12 (10 log CFU kg-1 BW for 11 weeks) were presented with significantly (p 
  8. Imam MU, Ismail M
    Int J Mol Sci, 2012;13(7):8597-608.
    PMID: 22942722 DOI: 10.3390/ijms13078597
    Xenobiotics constantly influence biological systems through several means of interaction. These interactions are disturbed in type 2 diabetes, with implications for disease outcome. We aimed to study the implications of such disturbances on type 2 diabetes and rice consumption, the results of which could affect management of the disease in developing countries. In a type 2 diabetic rat model induced through a combination of high fat diet and low dose streptozotocin injection, up-regulation of xenobiotic metabolism genes in the diabetic untreated group was observed. Xenobiotic metabolism genes were upregulated more in the white rice (WR) group than the diabetic untreated group while the brown rice (BR) group showed significantly lower expression values, though not as effective as metformin, which gave values closer to the normal non-diabetic group. The fold changes in expression in the WR group compared to the BR group for Cyp2D4, Cyp3A1, Cyp4A1, Cyp2B1, Cyp2E1, Cyp2C11, UGT2B1, ALDH1A1 and Cyp2C6 were 2.6, 2, 1.5, 4, 2.8, 1.5, 1.8, 3 and 5, respectively. Our results suggest that WR may upregulate these genes in type 2 diabetes more than BR, potentially causing faster drug metabolism, less drug efficacy and more toxicity. These results may have profound implications for rice eating populations, constituting half the world's population.
  9. Imam MU, Ismail M
    Mol Nutr Food Res, 2013 Mar;57(3):401-11.
    PMID: 23307605 DOI: 10.1002/mnfr.201200429
    SCOPE: Chronic sustained hyperglycemia underlies the symptomatology and complications of type 2 diabetes mellitus, and dietary components contribute to it. Germinated brown rice (GBR) improves glycemic control but the mechanisms involved are still the subject of debate. We now show one mechanism by which GBR lowers blood glucose.

    METHODS AND RESULTS: Effects of GBR, brown rice, and white rice (WR) on fasting plasma glucose and selected genes were studied in type 2 diabetic rats. GBR reduced plasma glucose and weight more than metformin, while WR worsened glycemia over 4 weeks of intervention. Through nutrigenomic suppression, GBR downregulated gluconeogenic genes (Fbp1 and Pck1) in a manner similar to, but more potently than, metformin, while WR upregulated the same genes. Bioactives (gamma-amino butyric acid, acylated steryl glycoside, oryzanol, and phenolics) were involved in GBR's downregulation of both genes. Plasma glucose, Fbp1 and Pck1 changes significantly affected the weight of rats (p = 0.0001).

    CONCLUSION: The fact that GBR downregulates gluconeogenic genes similar to metformin, but produces better glycemic control in type 2 diabetic rats, suggests other mechanisms are involved in GBR's antihyperglycemic properties. GBR as a staple could potentially provide enhanced glycemic control in type 2 diabetes mellitus better than metformin.

  10. Muthu A, Qureshi A, Ismail MA
    Med J Malaysia, 1999 Sep;54(3):374-6.
    PMID: 11045068
    Non-steriodal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) are not only associated with bleeding in the stomach and duodenum, but can also complicate pre-existing diverticular disease of the colon. Here, a 58 year-old male with severe per rectal bleeding is presented and the role of NSAID as a causative factor of his problem is discussed.
  11. Ismail MA, Qureshi MA
    Ann R Coll Surg Engl, 2002 Jul;84(4):263-4.
    PMID: 12215030
    BACKGROUND: Haemorrhagic radiation proctitis frequently presents as a problem in management. We analysed the technique of formalin dab in its management.

    PATIENTS AND METHODS: Twenty patients presenting with haemorrhagic radiation proctitis and treated with formalin dab were prospectively analysed.

    RESULTS: Twelve patients ceased to bleed following one session of formnalin dab. Six patients needed more than one session to effect haemostasis. Two of three patients with torrential bleeding failed to respond to formalin dab and required surgical excision of the rectum.

    CONCLUSION: Formalin dab is a simple, effective and safe treatment modality in the management of chronic haemorrhagic radiation proctitis, and hence should be considered as the initial treatment modality for such a condition.

  12. Rauf A, Razak M, Ismail M
    Med J Malaysia, 1998 Sep;53 Suppl A:107-14.
    PMID: 10968192
    From January 1992 to January 1996, thirty-three patients with persistent clinical and functional knee instability due to anterior cruciate insufficiency underwent ACL reconstruction using central third of the bone-patellar ligament-bone graft. An early experience was presented with average follow-up of 9.8 months (range six to thirty-three months). There thirty-two male and two females. The average age was twenty-four months. Eighty-three percent were involved in football injury. The average time interval from initial injury to operation was twenty-five months. Majority presented with knee pain and giving way. Meniscal tear was the commonest associated injury in more than 70 percent; the lateral meniscus being more frequently injured (42 percent) than the medial meniscus (15 percent). Using modified criteria by Paterson and Trickey (1986), nine patients (27 percent) had good results and twenty-two (67 percent) has satisfactory results. Two patients (6 percent) who had post-operative infection were graded as poor. Functional stability was achieved in twenty-eight (85 percent) and instability persisted in five (15 percent). There were marked clinical improvement in the Lachman and anterior drawer grading post-operatively. The accelerated rehabilitation programme was effective in obtaining early clinical improvement and in reducing post-operative knee stiffness.
  13. Kamarudin KA, Ismail M
    Movement Health & Exercise, 2019;8(1):45-56.
    The purpose of this study is to look at the effects of music during physical activities towards the mood of primary school children. The results of this study show a result that found a positive mood effect during physical education activities by incorporating music elements in teaching and teaching sessions. The study was conducted for two weeks. A week-long three Physical Education subject sessions per session take about 30 minutes. This study was conducted on primary school pupils in Seremban which involves
    three (n = 3) schools, focusing on schools in rural areas only encompassing one hundred and eighty (n = 180) ie 90 pupils men and 90 girls. All nine-year study subjects were broken down into three groups ie control groups A, B, and C. The study was experimental. Group A follows the Three Year syllabus syllabus provided by the Curriculum Development Division of the Ministry of Education, which is applicable in primary schools in Malaysia. Group B runs free games that are not tied to curriculum syllabus and Group C similar
    to group A also follow the same syllabus of the Year Three syllabus but during the lesson the pupils are played with the background of music in each learning session. The findings show that the C group absorbed by the music element shows the tendency of a better and positive mood compared to other groups. The results of this study also attract the children to participate in the Physical Education class more actively and give positive impact to the individual in terms of the development of their gross motor and is a fun subject and lead to the formation of a balanced, physical, emotional, spiritual, and intellectuality.
    Keywords: Mood, music, physical education, gross motor
    Study site: Three primary schools (SK Mantin, SK Labu Batu 10, dan SK Desa Cempaka), Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
  14. Chekima, K., Wong, B. T. Z., Ooi, Y. B. H., Ismail M. N., Tan, C. H.
    Introduction: Type 2 diabetes is increasing at an alarming rate worldwide. One of the leading factors to this condition is obesity. Low glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL) diets have been proposed as lifestyle changes to address obesity, however, there is a lack of consensus on the optimal approach for weight loss, glycemic control and improving insulin sensitivity. In addition, the outcome of these diets are equivocal, with some studies suggesting beneficial outcomes and others suggesting otherwise. Furthermore, discrepant study designs have led to divergent conclusions. In order to provide a comprehensive overview of the low GI and low GL diets, a systematic review of literature on relevant observational studies and randomised control trials was performed on these databases:- The Cochrane Library, Medline, PubMed, Embase, Cinahl and Web of Science. Methods: The review was conducted based on the methodological standards for the conduct and reporting of Cochrane intervention reviews, Version 1.07, November 2018. Population, Intervention, Comparison and Outcomes (PICO) tool was used as the organising framework to define key elements of the review question. Results: Pertinent outcome variables include body weight, insulin resistance, HbA1c, fasting serum glucose, BMI, waist-to-hip ratio, triglyceride, HDL and LDL cholesterol. Our current understanding of these diets has been complicated by the reports that were based on different study designs and study populations. This review defines the issues, gaps in the research, study design, and evidence that is needed to inform practice, policy making and future research. There is also a dearth of information on the effect of low GI and GL diets on the Asian populations, specifically on improving insulin resistance. High carbohydrate diets are a mainstay of Asian societies. Conclusion: As cases of obesity and type 2 diabetes surge, there is an urgent need for research on low GI and GL dietary modifications among the Asian populations.
  15. Chee S, Zawiah H, Ismail M, Ng K
    Malays J Nutr, 1996 Sep;2(2):112-26.
    PMID: 22692134 MyJurnal
    Studies were carried out in two estates in Kedah and Johor to characterize the anthropometry and dietary patterns of 334 (169 females, 165 males) Malaysian estate workers. Subjects were Malay and Indian adults (aged 18 to 60 years) engaged in various work activities including rubber tappers, palm fruit harvesters, field supervisors and workers in the estate factories. Anthropometric results showed that the prevalence of overweight (26% in men, 25% in women) and obesity (5% in men, 11% in women) were higher compared to prevalence of underweight (11% in men, 9% in women) in these workers despite being engaged in moderate to heavy activities. The dietary intake pattern revealed that the main sources of calories in the diet were rice, cooking oil and sugar. Major sources of protein in the Malay diet were anchovies and fish whilst in the Indian diet protein was provided by salted fish, anchovies, eggs, fish, and pulses. The consumption of poultry, meat and dairy products were low for both ethnic groups. The dietary intakes of a subsampel of 108 normal weight subjects (56 females, 52 males) were recorded for 3 days. The results showed that the mean energy intake was 8.44 ± 2.12 MJ in males and 6.48 ± 1.29 MJ in females. The contribution of calories from protein, fat and carbohydrate were 13%, 22% and 60% in males and 12%, 23% and 65% in females, respectively. Alcohol intake was found to contribute five percent of energy in the diet of the Indian male subjects. Calcium, iron, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin and niacin intake were below 66% of the Malaysian RDA, particularly amongst the women. Income appeared to have a significant correlation with energy and iron intakes of the female workers as well as thiamin, niacin and riboflavin intakes of the male workers. There is a need for improving the quality of the dietary intakes of these workers as well as nutrition education on the prevention of obesity and its consequences.
  16. Poh B, Zawiah H, Ismail M, Henry C
    Malays J Nutr, 1996 Mar;2(1):1-10.
    PMID: 22692096 MyJurnal
    A study was carried out on 117 schoolchildren comprising 51 boys and 66 girls between the ages of 10 and 13 years to evaluate the effect of Ramadan-fasting on body weight. The results revealed that more than 90% of the subjects experienced a decrease in body weight during Ramadan. The initial mean body weight of the boys and girls were 35.7 ± 6.7 kg and 35.2 ± 6.1 kg respectively. After four weeks' fast, the boys and girls significantly lost (p<0.001) an average of 4.2% and 3.7% of their initial body weight respectively. Dietary intake and activity pattern were also assessed in a subgroup of 20 boys and 30 girls during the same period. The mean daily energy intake during Ramadan-fasting {boys 1230 ± 363 kcal (5.15 ± 1.52 MJ), girls 1034 ± 290 kcal (4.33 ± 1.21 MJ)} was significantly lower (p<0.001) than intake assessed before Ramadan {boys 1520 ± 463 kcal (6.36 ± 1.94 MJ), girls 1344 ± 428 kcal (5.62 ± 1.79 MJ)}. Both values were found to be below the suggested daily dietary intake for Malaysians of similar sex and age group recommended by Teoh (1975). Both boys and girls significantly decreased their intakes of fat, carbohydrate and thiamine during Ramadan. However, intakes of protein, niacin, vitamins A and C were found to be comparable to non-fasting values. During Ramadan, the mean intake of all nutrients analysed except protein were lower than recommended values. The boys spent significantly more (p<0.05) time sitting and significantly less (p<0.05) time standing and in moderately active pursuits during Ramadan. During this period, the boys spent more time in prayers compared with the girls. Time spent on all other activities did not differ between the fasting and non-fasting months. The findings suggest that the decrease in body weight during Ramadan may be primarily due to the reduction in energy intake since activity pattern remain fairly constant. The nutrient intake pattern of the adolescents studied may be of great concern in the long-term, as it does not meet the requirements for the normal growth of adolescents.
  17. Ismail M, Chee S, Roslee R, Zawiah H
    Malays J Nutr, 1998 Dec;4(1):73-80.
    PMID: 22692343
    In the field of human energy expenditure, the measurement of basal metabolic rate (BMR) is an essential element to derive energy requirement estimates for any given population. Besides basic anthropometrics data, this paper reports the generation of predictive equation for basal metabolic rates of healthy Malaysian adult from prospective measurements on 307 male and 349 females aged 18-60 years, using the Douglas bag technique. These new equations based on body-weight reveal that the current FAO/WHO/UNU (1985) predictive equations overestimate BMR of adult Malaysian by an average of 13% in males and 9% in female subjects while differences of between 4-5% were observed when compared to Henry and Rees (1991) equations for tropical people. There is a good reason to believe that the capacity to slow down metabolism amidst the hot and humid climate experience throughout the year as a genuine phenomenon for Malaysians. Similarly, these findings suggest that at equal energy intake recommendation for similar body weight, the lower energy needs of Malaysian could put them at greater risk for developing obesity. These observed deviations must be taken into account in formulating energy requirements of the population.
  18. Sulaiman NN, Ismail M
    Dalton Trans, 2016 Dec 06;45(48):19380-19388.
    PMID: 27878178
    The composite of MgH2/K2NiF6/carbon nanotubes (CNTs) is prepared by ball milling, and its hydrogenation properties are studied for the first time. MgH2 co-catalyzed with K2NiF6 and CNTs exhibited an improvement in the onset dehydrogenation temperature and isothermal de/rehydrogenation kinetics compared with the MgH2-K2NiF6 composite. The onset dehydrogenation temperature of MgH2 doped with 10 wt% K2NiF6 and 5 wt% CNTs is 245 °C, which demonstrated a reduction of 25 °C compared with the MgH2 + 10 wt% K2NiF6 composite. In terms of rehydrogenation kinetics, MgH2 doped with 10 wt% K2NiF6 and 5 wt% CNTs samples absorbed 3.4 wt% of hydrogen in 1 min at 320 °C, whereas the MgH2 + 10 wt% K2NiF6 sample absorbed 2.6 wt% of hydrogen under the same conditions. For dehydrogenation kinetics at 320 °C, the MgH2 + 10 wt% K2NiF6 + 5 wt% CNTs sample released 3.3 wt% hydrogen after 5 min of dehydrogenation. By contrast, MgH2 doped with 10 wt% K2NiF6 released 3.0 wt% hydrogen in the same time period. The apparent activation energy, Ea, for the dehydrogenation of MgH2 doped with 10 wt% K2NiF6 reduced from 100.0 kJ mol-1 to 70.0 kJ mol-1 after MgH2 was co-doped with 10 wt% K2NiF6 and 5 wt% CNTs. Based on the experimental results, the hydrogen storage properties of the MgH2/K2NiF6/CNTs composite is enhanced because of the catalytic effects of the active species of KF, KH and Mg2Ni that are formed in situ during dehydrogenation, as well as the unique structure of CNTs.
  19. Imam MU, Ismail M
    Glob Chall, 2017 Nov 16;1(8):1700043.
    PMID: 31565292 DOI: 10.1002/gch2.201700043
    Noncommunicable chronic diseases (NCCDs) are the leading causes of morbidity and mortality globally. The mismatch between present day diets and ancestral genome is suggested to contribute to the NCCDs burden, which is promoted by traditional risk factors like unhealthy diets, physical inactivity, alcohol and tobacco. However, epigenetic evidence now suggests that cumulatively inherited epigenetic modifications may have made humans more prone to the effects of present day lifestyle factors. Perinatal starvation was widespread in the 19th century. This together with more recent events like increasing consumption of western and low fiber diets, smoking, harmful use of alcohol, physical inactivity, and environmental pollutants may have programed the human epigenome for higher NCCDs risk. In this review, on the basis of available epigenetic data it is hypothesized that transgenerational effects of lifestyle factors may be contributing to the current global burden of NCCDs. Thus, there is a need to reconsider prevention strategies so that the subsequent generations will not have to pay for our sins and those of our ancestors.
  20. Zawawi N, Ismail M
    Malays J Med Sci, 2018 Nov;25(6):46-58.
    PMID: 30914878 MyJurnal DOI: 10.21315/mjms2018.25.6.5
    Background: Strobilanthes crispus (S. crispus) leaves were traditionally consumed for its body weight lowering effect. In this study, we investigated the anti-obesity effect of S. crispus leaves extract (SCE).

    Methods: Mice (n = 48) were fed high-fat diet (HFD) for 25 weeks to induce obesity, after which half were maintained on HFD and half switched to low-fat diet (LFD)while they were given normal water (H2O) or 0.1% (w/v) SCE in water at week 0-4 which was increased to 1% (w/v) at week 5-9. Effects of treatment with SCE were compared between HFDH2O, HFDSCE, LFDH2O and LFDSCE groups. Respiratory exchange ratios (RER) were measured at weeks 0, 5 and 10. Food, water intake and body weight were measured weekly. Plasma lipid profile and organ weights were determined at week 10.

    Results: SCE had significantly reduced RER at week 9 (P = 0.011). Food intake, body weight, and abdominal adipose tissue weight were not altered by SCE at weeks 5 and 10. However, significant increase in plasma and liver cholesterol (P < 0.050) was observed.

    Conclusion: Our findings suggest that SCE induced lipolysis and body fat oxidation and increased energy expenditure. Further studies in other animal models should be done to confirm the consistency of these results.

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