Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 226 in total

  1. Udin, W. S., Ahmad, A., Ismail, Z.
    In recent years image acquisition in close range photogrammetry relies on digital sensors such as digital cameras, video cameras, CCD cameras etc that are not specifically designed for photogrammetry. This study is performed to evaluate the compatibility of the digital metric camera and non-metric camera for the purpose of mapping meandering flume, using close range photogrammetric technique and further, to determine the accuracy that could be achieved using such a technique. The meandering flume provides an opportunity to conduct an experimental study in a controlled environment. In this study, the digital images of the whole meandering flume were acquired using a compact digital camera - Nikon Coolpix S560, a Single Lens Reflex (SLR) Nikon D60 and also a metric digital camera Rollei D30. A series of digital images were acquired to cover the whole meandering flume. Secondary data of ground control points (GCP) and check points (CP), established using the Total Station technique, was used. The digital camera was calibrated and the recovered camera calibration parameters were then used in the processing of digital images. In processing the digital images, digital photogrammetric software was used for processes such as aerial triangulation, stereo compilation, generation of digital elevation model (DEM) and generation of orthophoto. The whole process was successfully performed and the output produced in the form of orthophoto. The research output is then evaluated for planimetry and vertical accuracy using root mean square error (RMSE). Based on the analysis, sub-meter accuracy is obtained. It can be concluded that the differences between the different types of digital camera are small . As a conclusion, this study proves that close range photogrammetry technique can be used for mapping meandering flume using both the metric digital camera and non-metric digital camera.
  2. Karupiah S, Ismail Z
    AAPS PharmSciTech, 2015 Jun;16(3):548-53.
    PMID: 25374344 DOI: 10.1208/s12249-014-0245-1
    Obesity is one of the major public health problems worldwide and it is generally associated with many diseases. Although synthetic drugs are available for the treatment of obesity, herbal remedies may provide safe, natural, and cost-effective alternative to synthetic drugs. One example of such drugs is Melastoma malabathricum var Alba Linn (MM). Although several studies have been reported for the pharmacological activities of MM, there is no report on the anti-obesity effect of MM. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the anti-obesity potential of methanolic extract of MM. The anti-obesity effect of MM on rats fed with a high-fat diet was investigated through determination of the changes in body weight, fat weight, organ weights, and blood biochemicals. The animals in this study were divided into three groups: a normal group with a standard diet (N), a control group fed with high-fat diet (C), and a MM treatment group fed with high-fat (HFD + MM) diet for 8 weeks. There was no significant difference in the amount of food intake between control and HFD + MM treatments. These results also suggest that MM does not induce a dislike for the diet due to its smell or taste. The study shows that MM significantly prevented increases in body weight, cholesterol, LDL, HDL, and total lipids that resulted from the high-fat diet. MM also decreased the epididymal fat (E-fat) and retroperitoneal fat (R-fat) weights and phospholipid concentrations induced by the high-fat diet. On the basis of these findings, it was concluded that MM had anti-obesity effects by suppressing body weight gain and abdominal fat formation.
  3. Razali SM, Ismail Z
    J Ment Health, 2014 Aug;23(4):176-80.
    PMID: 24784779 DOI: 10.3109/09638237.2014.910644
    The stigma attached to mental disorders has been recognized as a major concern in healthcare services across societies.
  4. Hussain K, Ismail Z, Sadikun A, Ibrahim P
    Nat Prod Res, 2009;23(3):238-49.
    PMID: 19235024 DOI: 10.1080/14786410801987597
    Ethanol and aqueous extracts of the different parts of Piper sarmentosum were analysed by HPLC for marker compounds to standardise these extracts. The standardised extracts were investigated for antioxidant activity (beta-carotene linoleate model and DPPH model), anti-TB activity (microplate tetrazolium assay), and estimation of total phenolic and amide contents. The extracts of the different parts exhibited different antioxidant activity, phenolic and amide contents (p < 0.01). The ethanol extracts exhibited better antioxidant activity as compared to the aqueous extracts. The leaf ethanol extract was further investigated for dose response relationship and its EC(50) was found to be 38 microg mL(-1). All the extracts have exhibited anti-TB activity with MIC/MBC 12.5 microg mL(-1). The leaf methanol extract was fractionated and the ethyl acetate fraction exhibited anti-TB activity with MIC/MBC 3.12 microg mL(-1) while MIC/MBC of isoniazid (INH) was found to be 0.5 microg mL(-1). A positive correlation was found between antioxidant activity and total polyphenols, flavonoids and amides, in the beta-carotene linoleate model (p = 0.05) and in the DPPH model (p = 0.01). The analytical method was found to have linearity >0.9922, coefficient of variance <5% and accuracy 95.5 +/- 5 to 96.9 +/- 5. This plant possesses promising antioxidant as well as anti-TB properties.
  5. Salahuddin L, Ismail Z
    Int J Med Inform, 2015 Nov;84(11):877-91.
    PMID: 26238706 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2015.07.004
    This paper provides a systematic review of safety use of health information technology (IT). The first objective is to identify the antecedents towards safety use of health IT by conducting systematic literature review (SLR). The second objective is to classify the identified antecedents based on the work system in Systems Engineering Initiative for Patient Safety (SEIPS) model and an extension of DeLone and McLean (D&M) information system (IS) success model.
  6. Zakaria R, Ismail Z, Chatterjee A
    Pharmacol Res, 2000 Aug;42(2):183-6.
    PMID: 10887050
    Reproductive dysfunction in the female diabetic rat is associated with impaired hypothalamic-hypophyseal system, anovulation, insufficiency of ovarian steroidogenesis and spontaneous failure of pregnancy. Formation of decidua, the highly modified endometrium of pregnancy and pseudopregnancy could only be achieved when the uterus was sensitized by a sequence of oestrogen and progesterone. In this study, we examined whether the impaired expression of endometrial decidualization in the pseudopregnant rat is linked with diabetes-associated hypersecretion of testosterone. Rats were made pseudopregnant by sterile mating. Diabetes was induced by streptozotocin on day 1 p.c. Deciduogenic stimulus was given on day 5 p.c. Treatment of cyproterone acetate (10 mg kg(-1)) was scheduled from day 5 through day 9 p.c. Animals were killed on day 10 p.c, and the degree of endometrial decidual growth, plasma levels of oestradiol, progesterone, ACTH and testosterone were determined. Results showed that compared to controls there was a concomitant drop in endometrial decidual growth concurrently with impaired levels of oestradiol and progesterone in diabetic pseudopregnant rats. ACTH and testosterone levels were, however, profoundly elevated. Cyproterone acetate treatment in the diabetic pseudopregnant rat resulted in a simultaneous elevation of oestradiol and progesterone, which eventually helped the endometrial differentiation to decidua in the diabetic pseudopregnant rat parallel to controls. Present experimental data suggest that diabetes-associated impaired endometrial decidualization in the pseudopregnant rat is possibly caused by testosterone-induced oestrogen deficiency.
  7. Miswan, M.S., Aznan, E.A.M., Ismail, Z., Jamaludin, M., Mohd Kassim, A.F.
    Movement Health & Exercise, 2018;7(2):117-126.
    Ability to possess ball during football matches are link to success. Domination of Johor Darul Ta’zim FC (JDT FC) in recent years in Malaysia Super League impressed many. The aim of this study was to compare the performance between JDT FC and their opponents in Malaysia Super League 2015 season. Successful and unsuccessful passes, ball possession rates, attempt on goal, shot on target, and goal scored were selected as Performance Indicator (P.I) in this study. Twelve matches from Malaysia Super League (MSL) season 2015 were selected. The video of 12 matches was obtained from Media Prima Sdn. Bhd., www.youtube.com and live recordings. Longo Match 1.0 match analysis software was used for post-coding. Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z was used to analyses the differences while Spearman's rho correlation test was utilized to determine the correlation. Percentage of successful passes (p=0.034), ball possessions rate (p=0.000), and goal scored (p=0.002) were significantly different between JDT FC and their opponents. There were also positive correlations between possessions and all variables except for unsuccessful passes. This study concluded that in Malaysian football matches, high percentage of successful passes, and high rate of ball possessions influenced total shot in football game.
  8. Miswan, M.S., Aznan, E.A.M., Ismail, Z., Jamaludin, M., Mohd Kassim, A.F.
    Movement Health & Exercise, 2018;7(2):111-126.
    The ability to possess the ball during soccer matches is linked to success. The
    domination of Johor Darul Ta’zim FC (JDT FC) in recent years in the
    Malaysia Super League has impressed many. The aim of this study was to
    compare the performance between JDT FC and their opponents in Malaysia
    Super League 2015 season. Successful and unsuccessful passes, ball
    possession rates, attempt on goal, shot on target, and goals scored were
    selected as Performance Indicators (P.I) in this study. Twelve matches from
    Malaysia Super League (MSL) season 2015 were selected. Video of 12
    matches was obtained from Media Prima Sdn. Bhd., www.youtube.com and
    live recordings. Longo Match 1.0 match analysis software was used for
    post-coding. Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z was used to analyses the differences
    while Spearman's rho correlation test was utilized to determine the
    correlation. Percentage of successful passes (p=0.034), ball possessions rate
    (p=0.000), and goal scored (p=0.002) were significantly difference between
    JDT FC and their opponents. There were also positive correlations between
    possessions and all variables except for unsuccessful passes. This study
    concludes that in Malaysian soccer matches, a high percentage of successful
    passes and high rate of ball possessions influence total shots in a soccer
  9. Zain NM, Ismail Z
    PLoS One, 2023;18(2):e0276576.
    PMID: 36780455 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0276576
    This paper presents a numerical analysis of blood flow in a diseased vessel within the presence of an external magnetic field. The blood flow was considered to be incompressible and fully developed, in that the non-Newtonian nature of the fluid was characterised as a generalised power law model for shear-thinning, Newtonian, and shear-thickening fluids. The impact of a transverse directed external magnetic field on blood flow through a stenosed bifurcated artery was investigated. The arterial geometry was considered as a bifurcated channel with overlapping shaped stenosis. The problem was treated mathematically using the Galerkin Least-Squares (GLS) method. The implementation of this numerical method managed to overcome the numerical instability faced by the classical Galerkin technique when adopted to a highly viscous flow. The benefit of GLS in circumventing the Ladyzhenskaya-Babuška-Brezzi (LBB) condition was utilized by evaluating both the velocity and pressure components at corner nodes of a unstructured triangular element. The non-linearity that emerged from the convective terms was then treated using the Newton-Raphson method, while the numerical integrals were computed using a Gaussian quadrature rule with six quadrature points. The findings obtained from this study were then compared with available results from the literature as well as Comsol multiphysics software to verify the accuracy and validity of the numerical algorithms. It was found that the application of magnetic field was able to overcome flow reversal by 39% for a shear-thinning fluid, 26% for a Newtonian fluid, and 27% for a shear-thickening fluid. The negative pressure and steep wall shear stress which occurs at the extremities of an overlapping stenosis throat were diminished by rise in magnetic intensity. This prevented thrombosis occurrence and produced a uniform calm flow.
  10. Ismail Z, Go YI
    Glob Chall, 2021 May;5(5):2000036.
    PMID: 33976904 DOI: 10.1002/gch2.202000036
    Water is indispensable for human survival. Freshwater scarcity and unsustainable water are the main growing concerns in the world. It is estimated that about 800 million people worldwide do not have basic access to drinking water and about 2.2 billion people do not have access to safe water supply. Southeast Asia is most likely to experience water scarcity and water demand as a result of climate change. Climate change and the increasing water demand that eventually contribute to water scarcity are focused upon here. For Southeast Asia to adapt to the adverse consequences of global climate change and the growing concern of environmental water demand, fog water harvesting is considered as the most promising method to overcome water scarcity or drought. Fog water collection technique is a passive, low maintenance, and sustainable option that can supply fresh drinking water to communities where fog is a common phenomenon. Fog water harvesting system involves the use of mesh nets to collect water as fog passes through them. Only minimal cost is required for the operation and maintenance. In conclusion, fog water harvesting seems to be a promising method that can be implemented to overcome water scarcity and water demand in Southeast Asia.
  11. Ahmad AH, Ismail Z
    Malays J Med Sci, 2002 Jan;9(1):3-8.
    PMID: 22969311 MyJurnal
    The discovery that c-fos, a proto-oncogene, has a role in pain, has triggered extensive research on the consequences of c-fos expression. It has been shown that c-fos, through its protein form, FOS, leads to expression of dynorphin gene and subsequently dynorphin protein which is implicated in the development of a pain state. This mini review looks at the properties of c-fos and the consequences of its expression following noxious (painful) stimulation.
  12. Abdullah NR, Ismail Z, Ismail Z
    Phytomedicine, 2009 Mar;16(2-3):222-6.
    PMID: 17498941
    The acute toxicity of standardized extract of Orthosiphon stamineus was studied in Sprague Dawley rats. The rats were administered a single dose of 5000 mg/kg body weight (BW) orally on Day 0 and observed for 14 days. There were no deaths recorded and the animals did not show signs of toxicity during the experimental period. The effect of the extract on general behavior, BW, food and water intake, relative organ weight per 100 g BW, hematology and clinical biochemistry were measured. All the parameters measured were unaffected as compared to the control. The acute toxicity LD(50) was estimated to be > 5000 mg/kg BW.
  13. Rosli, N.A., Azilan, N A., Mahyudin, N.A., Mahmud Ab Rashid, N.K., Meon, F.N.S., Ismail, Z., et al.
    Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) and coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) are known to possess good antimicrobial properties. In the present work, spice-infused frozen parathas were formulated to investigate the effect of fennel and coriander on microbial (aerobic mesophilic bacteria, yeast and mould, and Bacillus cereus) reduction and sensory acceptability of frozen paratha throughout the storage at -18°C. The present work was also aimed at determining the relationship between spice concentrations and storage durations on microbiological quality of the samples. Fennel and coriander seed powder were used at concentrations of 2, 4 and 6% of wheat flour (w/w). The microbiological analysis was performed by total plate count, yeast and mould count, and Bacillus cereus count after 9, 12 and 15 weeks of storage. Sensory evaluation was conducted using hedonic scales at the end of storage durations. Results showed that spice infusion in frozen paratha significantly delayed the growth of aerobic mesophilic bacteria, yeasts and moulds, and Bacillus cereus during storage. The lowest log count was demonstrated by coriander at 6% in total plate count (3.85, 3.90 and 3.91 log10 CFU/g), and yeast and mould count (2.54, 2.59 and 2.60 log10 CFU/g) after 9, 12 and 15 weeks, respectively. Bacillus cereus was not detected throughout the storage durations. Fennel exhibited minimum activity against Bacillus cereus with no significant difference on log count reduction when compared with control. Coriander showed the highest decrease in both total plate count and Bacillus cereus count during the storage duration. Sensory evaluation result indicated that control sample exhibited the highest preference over all attributes when compared with fennel and coriander. Coriander-infused paratha was slightly darker in colour due to high concentration of 6%. Fennel yielded the lowest score in terms of taste among all samples. Fennel and coriander showed no significant difference for sensory acceptability. Overall, all frozen parathas were in good quality after 15 weeks of frozen storage. It can thus be concluded that fennel and coriander can be used as potential natural preservatives to inhibit the growth of microorganisms in paratha during frozen storage. Nevertheless, the optimum spice concentration should be determined to minimise the effects on the sensory attributes.
  14. Ting SMV, Ismail Z, Hanafiah A
    Malays J Pathol, 2024 Apr;46(1):79-89.
    PMID: 38682847
    INTRODUCTION: Beta-lactamase producing bacterial infection has been on surge due to selection pressure and injudicious antibiotics usage. Organisms that co-produced more than one beta lactamase enzyme posed diagnostic challenges which may result in inadequate treatment. To date, there is no standardised guideline offering phenotypic detection of AmpC β-lactamase. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of ESBLs, AmpC β-lactamase and co-producer organisms in a teaching hospital.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Three hundred and four isolates of E. coli and Klebsiella sp. had been selected via convenient sampling. These isolates were identified using conventional laboratory methods and their antimicrobial susceptibilities were determined using disc diffusion method. Those isolates were then proceeded with ESBL confirmatory test, cloxacillin-containing Muller Hinton confirmatory test, modified double disk synergy test and AmpC disk test.

    RESULTS: Out of 304 isolates, 159 isolates were E. coli and 145 were Klebsiella sp. The prevalence of organisms which co-produced AmpC β-lactamase and ESBL enzymes were 3.0%. Besides that, 39 cefoxitin resistant and three cefoxitin susceptible isolates (13.8%) were proven to produce AmpC β-lactamase through AmpC disk test. Through the CLSI confirmatory test, 252 (82.9%) isolates were identified as ESBLs producers and the prevalence increased slightly when cloxacillin-containing Muller Hinton were used. Only three ESBLs positive organisms were positive for modified double disk synergy test.

    CONCLUSION: Distinguishing between AmpC β-lactamase and ESBL-producing organisms has epidemiological significance as well as therapeutic importance. Moreover, AmpC β-lactamase and ESBLs co-producing organisms can lead to false negative ESBL confirmatory test. Therefore, knowing the local prevalence can guide the clinician in navigating the treatment.

  15. Mohamad M, Selamat MI, Ismail Z
    J Environ Public Health, 2014;2014:459173.
    PMID: 25309602 DOI: 10.1155/2014/459173
    In order to reduce the risk of dengue outbreak recurrence in a dengue outbreak prone area, the members of the community need to sustain certain behavior to prevent mosquito from breeding. Our study aims to identify the factors associated with larval control practices in this particular community. A cross-sectional study involves 322 respondents living in a dengue outbreak prone area who were interviewed using a pretested questionnaire. The level of knowledge about Aedes mosquitoes, dengue transmission, its symptoms, and personal preventive measures ranges from fair to good. The level of attitude towards preventive measures was high. However, reported level of personal larval control practices was low (33.2%). Our multiple logistic regression analysis showed that only those with a good level of attitude towards personal preventive measure and frequent attendance to health campaigns were significantly associated with the good larval control practices. We conclude that, in a dengue outbreak prone area, having a good attitude towards preventive measures and frequent participation in health campaigns are important factors to sustain practices on larval control.
  16. Abdollahi A, Abu Talib M, Yaacob SN, Ismail Z
    J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs, 2014;21(9):789-96.
    PMID: 24661763 DOI: 10.1111/jpm.12142
    The relevance of the study of happiness and stress in nurses has been emphasized. In this sense, the intelligent use of hardiness is enable nurses to cope better with stress and contribute to being happier. This study aimed to examine the relationship among hardiness, perceived stress, and happiness in nurses. Moreover, we examined the mediator role of hardiness on the relationship between perceived stress and happiness in nurses. Our study revealed that hardi-attitude nurses evaluate situations as less stressful which results in a higher happiness. This study showed hardiness as being a protective factor against perceived stress and a facilitating factor for happiness in nurses. The findings could be important in training future nurses so that hardiness can be imparted, thereby giving them the ability to control their stress. Nursing is a stressful occupation with high levels of stress within the health professions. Given that hardiness is an important construct to enable nurses to cope better with stress and contribute to being happier; therefore, it is necessary we advance our knowledge about the aetiology of happiness, especially the role of hardiness in decreasing stress levels and increasing happiness. The present study sought to investigate the role of hardiness as a mediator between perceived stress and happiness. The participants, comprising 252 nurses from six private hospitals in Tehran, completed the Personal Views Survey, the Perceived Stress Scale, and the Oxford Happiness Inventory. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used to analyse the data and answer the research hypotheses. As expected, hardiness partially mediated between perceived stress and happiness among nurses, and nurses with low levels of perceived stress were more likely to report greater hardiness and happiness. In addition, nurses with high levels of hardiness were more likely to report happiness. This study showed hardiness as being a protective factor against perceived stress and a facilitating factor for happiness in nurses. The findings could be important in training future nurses so that hardiness can be imparted, thereby giving them the ability to control their stress.
  17. Long I, Suppian R, Ismail Z
    Korean J Pain, 2013 Jul;26(3):255-64.
    PMID: 23861999 DOI: 10.3344/kjp.2013.26.3.255
    We investigated the effects of pre-emptive administration of ketamine and norBNI on pain behavior and the expression of DREAM, c-Fos, and prodynorphin proteins on the ipsilateral side of the rat spinal cord at 2 and 4 hours after formalin injection.
  18. Lua PL, Talib NS, Ismail Z
    J Pharm Pract, 2013 Dec;26(6):541-50.
    PMID: 23764566 DOI: 10.1177/0897190013489574
    This study intended to (1) describe the baseline patient satisfaction level and preferred coping strategies and (2) assess patient satisfaction and coping mechanisms pre- and postintervention. Patients on methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) in Terengganu, Malaysia, were randomized into either MMT or MMT plus auricular acupuncture (MMT + AA) groups. All received the standard MMT, while participants on MMT + AA underwent concurrent AA session thrice weekly for 2 months (each session = 30 minutes). Data analysis was carried out using SPSS 16.0, employing descriptive and nonparametric statistics. Participations were received from 97 eligible male patients (median age = 36.0 years; Malay = 97.9%). After screening for dropouts, only 69 patients were considered for subsequent analysis (MMT = 40; MMT + AA = 29). At preintervention, both groups did not differ significantly in the parameters investigated. During postintervention, no significant difference was detected for satisfaction level but coping-wise, substance use was significantly and frequently adopted by MMT + AA patients compared to MMT respondents (P < .05). On separate analysis, those who received MMT alone adopted active coping, venting, and self-blame significantly more frequently postintervention (P < .05). Nevertheless, no significant difference for coping styles of MMT + AA patients was exhibited over time (P >.05). The addition of AA therapy into the standard MMT treatment did not seem to influence patient satisfaction and their coping ways.
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