OBJECTIVES: The aim of the current study is to investigate and examine the oxidation status of dietary supplements containing fish oils and to identify important factors related to the oxidation status of such supplements available in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
METHODS: A total of 44 fish oil supplements were analysed in this study. For each product, the oxidative parameters peroxide value (PV), anisidine value (AV), and total oxidation (TOTOX) were calculated, and comparisons were made with the guidelines supplied by the Global Organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3s (GOED). Median values for each of the above oxidative parameters were tested using the Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests. P values < 0.05 were chosen as the statistically significant boundary.
RESULTS: The estimate for the average PV value was 6.4 with a 95% confidence interval (CI) [4.2-8.7] compared to the maximum allowable limit of 5 meq/kg. The estimate for the average P-AV was 11 with a 95% CI [7.8-14.2] compared to the maximum allowable limit of 20. The estimate for the average TOTOX value was 23.8 meq/kg with a 95% CI [17.4-30.3] compared to the maximum allowable limit of 26 according to the GOED standards.
CONCLUSION: This research shows that most, although not all, of the fish oil supplements tested are compliant with the GOED oxidative quality standards. Nevertheless, it is clear that there should be a high level of inspection and control regarding authenticity, purity, quality, and safety in the processes of production and supply of dietary supplements containing fish oils.
METHOD: A descriptive cross-sectional community-based study was conducted among 1280 randomly selected participants. Respondents were sent a web-based electronic link to the survey via email. Content validity, factor analyses and known group validity were used to develop and validate a new scale to identify falsified hand sanitizer. Test-retest reliability, internal consistency, item internal consistency (IIC), and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) were used to assess the reliability of the scale. SPSS version 24 was used to conduct data analysis.
RESULTS: A total of 1280 participants were enrolled in the study. The content validity index (CVI) was 0.83 with the final scale of 12 items. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) value was 0.788, with the Bartlett test of sphericity achieving statistical significance (p
OBJECTIVE: To quantify the PPD content in hair dyes by measuring the PPD concentration after mixing the ingredients of commercial hair dyes.
METHODS: A total of 290 permanent hair dyes were tested. RP-HPLC-DAD analysis was performed to determine and quantify the PPD content.
RESULTS: The estimated mean of the PPD limit was 0.89 (95% CI [0.81-0.96]). Of the 290 tested hair dyes, 7.2% (n = 21) exceeded the recommended PPD concentration after mixing. Significantly more hair dyes manufactured in India and China had a PPD content exceeding 2% after mixing compared to dyes from other regions (P = 0.001). Moreover, hair dyes manufactured in India and the UAE were more likely to have incomplete descriptions of the conditions of use and warnings on the label (P = 0.002).
CONCLUSION: The effectiveness of the current regulations relevant to these products should be reevaluated. Moreover, through the use of good manufacturing procedures (GMPs), research, and the reporting of adverse reactions, hair dyes should be subjected to better control and monitoring in terms of their safety and quality.
OBJECTIVES: To investigate the benefits and risks associated with the application of ChatGPT in managing diabetes and metabolic illnesses by exploring the perspectives of endocrinologists and diabetologists.
METHODS AND MATERIALS: The study employed a qualitative research approach. A semi-structured in-depth interview guide was developed. A convenience sample of 25 endocrinologists and diabetologists was enrolled and interviewed. All interviews were audiotaped and verbatim transcribed; then, thematic analysis was used to determine the themes in the data.
RESULTS: The findings of the thematic analysis resulted in 19 codes and 9 major themes regarding the benefits of implementing AI and ChatGPT in managing diabetes and metabolic illnesses. Moreover, the extracted risks of implementing AI and ChatGPT in managing diabetes and metabolic illnesses were categorized into 7 themes and 14 codes. The benefits of heightened diagnostic precision, tailored treatment, and efficient resource utilization have potential to improve patient results. Concurrently, the identification of potential challenges, such as data security concerns and the need for AI that can be explained, enables stakeholders to proactively tackle these issues.
CONCLUSIONS: Regulatory frameworks must evolve to keep pace with the rapid adoption of AI in healthcare. Sustained attention to ethical considerations, including obtaining patient consent, safeguarding data privacy, ensuring accountability, and promoting fairness, remains critical. Despite its potential impact on the human aspect of healthcare, AI will remain an integral component of patient-centered care. Striking a balance between AI-assisted decision-making and human expertise is essential to uphold trust and provide comprehensive patient care.
METHODS: Five pharmacy students in the last year of their studies polled employees of neighbourhood pharmacies in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and the Northern Emirates from April 2022 to July 2022. The study's questionnaire was divided into two sections: questions that inquired about the respondents' demographic data and questions that evaluated the respondents' understanding and usage of the deprescribing of potentially harmful medications for patients. The original Bloom's cutoff points were revised and modified to assess the general knowledge and deprescribing practices of United Arab Emirates (UAE) community pharmacists. Multivariate logistic regression identified the variables influencing respondents' deprescribing knowledge and practice.
KEY FINDINGS: The average age of the participants was 30.8 ± 6.4 SD. Of the total, 255 (37.7%) were male and 422 (62.3%) were female. Pharmacists from independent pharmacies constituted 52.9% of the study sample and 47.1% were from Chain pharmacies. Among the participants, 58.8% (n = 398) had 1-5 years of experience and 41.2% (n = 279) had more than 5 years. Nearly three-quarters of the pharmacists (72.1%, 488) graduated from local universities and 27.9% (n = 189) graduated from regional/international universities. The vast majority of the study sample (84.8%, 574) were bachelor's degree holders and 88.3% (n = 598) were pharmacists in charge. Of the total, 69.3% (n = 469) received deprescribing training to treat patients with multimorbid diseases. The knowledge and practice score was 71.3% with a 95% confidence interval [70.2%, 72.4%]. Of the total participants, 113 (16.7%) had poor knowledge and practice about deprescribing, 393 (58.1%) had moderate knowledge and practice and 171 (25.3%) had good knowledge and practice.
CONCLUSION: This study highlights the level of understanding of community pharmacists about deprescribing in the UAE. Although most of the respondents in this study received training on deprescribing, less than half of the community pharmacists were unaware of certain classes (long-acting sulfonylureas, anti-diabetic, antihyperlipidemic and psychotropic drugs) of drugs that are candidates for potential deprescribing. This finding indicates that their knowledge about deprescribing was insufficient. Several barriers community pharmacists face in deprescribing were also identified, with patients' resistance and insufficience being the most prevalent. Therefore, there is a need for improved deprescribing practices to ensure drug safety.
METHODS: This retrospective cohort study involved a population of heart failure (HF) patients who visited cardiology clinics at An-Najah National University Hospital and the National Hospital, Palestine. The primary outcome measures of interest were the proportions of patients prescribed guideline-based cardiovascular medications (GBCMs), such as angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs)/angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs), β-blockers, and mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists (MRAs), and the corresponding optimized doses at ≥ 50 % of targets and the reasons underlying the non-prescription of GDMT.
RESULTS: A total of 70.5%, 56.6%, and 88.6% of patients were on ACEIs/ARBs, MRAs, and β-blockers, respectively. Of all patients, 38.7% were on the triple GDMT regimen.
CONCLUSION: Less than half the patients received the triple combination treatment. Age, diabetes mellitus, chronic renal disease, and admission to the hospital for HF all had significant independent relationships with the reduced utilization and inadequate dosage of GDMT.
OBJECTIVES: This study seeks to assess the effectiveness of a community pharmacist-led point-of-care CRC screening program utilizing fecal immunochemical test (FIT) kits to identify CRC prevalence in high-risk individuals.
METHODS AND MATERIALS: Over the course of a 10-month prospective intervention conducted in UAE community pharmacies, we evaluated the impact of a pharmacist-led point-of-care colorectal cancer screening program. Six pharmacies were selected based on their services and capabilities. Eligible participants were those identified during medication reviews as exhibiting colorectal cancer risk factors. Pharmacists provided communication materials, distributed FIT kits, and implemented reminders. Participants collected samples for hemoglobin analysis, which served as an indicator of colorectal bleeding. Collected data encompassed demographics, lifestyle, and health-related characteristics. Pharmacists performed medication reviews and offered recommendations.
RESULTS: A total of four hundred and one recruited int the study. The mean age of study cohort at baseline was 66.6 ± 11.3 years. In our study with 401 participants, 36.4 % had undiagnosed colorectal cancer (CRC). Univariate logistic regression identified older age, a history of Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM), and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) as significant factors associated with increased CRC prevalence, while aspirin users exhibited a lower likelihood of CRC. In the multivariate regression model, the history of Type 2 DM and IBD remained significant predictors for heightened CRC risk.
CONCLUSION: This study strengthens the plausibility of cause-and-effect relationships between colorectal cancer and demographic variables using epidemiological evidence. The significant relationships found between prevalence of CRC and age, type 2 diabetes, IBD and aspirin use support the effectiveness of using FIT kits in community pharmacist-led point-of-care CRC screening program to identify high-risk individuals. The finding highlights the significance of improving efforts on colorectal cancer prevention and control.
Objective: The current study aimed to assess the beliefs and implementations of community pharmacists in the UAE regarding evidence-based practice (EBP) and to explore the significant factors governing their EBP.
Setting: Community pharmacies in Dubai and the Northern Emirates, UAE.
Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted over six months between December 2017 and June 2018. Community pharmacists who had three months' professional experience or more and were registered with one of three regulatory bodies (Ministry of Health, Health Authority Abu Dhabi, or Dubai Health Authority) were interviewed by three trained final-year pharmacy students. Face-to-face interviews were then carried out and a structured questionnaire was used.
Metrics: The average beliefs score was 36% (95% CI: [34%, 39%]) compared to an implementation score of 35% (95% CI: [33%, 37%]).
Results: A total of 505 subjects participated in the study and completed the entire questionnaire. On average, participants scored higher in beliefs score than implementation score. The results of the statistical modelling showed that younger, female, higher-position pharmacists with more experience and with low percentages of full-time working, and graduates from international/regional universities were more likely to believe in and implement the concept of EBP.
Conclusion: A gap was identified between the beliefs and implementation of EBP. Developing educational EBP courses in undergraduate pharmacy curricula is of high importance, not only to increase knowledge levels but also to encourage commitment in those pharmacists to strive for professionalism and to support the provided patient care with evidence.