Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 625 in total

  1. Merican MI
    Med J Malaysia, 1992 Dec;47(4):238-47.
    PMID: 1363889
    Variceal bleeding is the most important complication of portal hypertension. Mortality due to the first variceal bleeding is very high (50%) and of those surviving a variceal bleeding episode, up to 80% may rebleed. Proper management of the acute variceal bleeding episode, the prevention of rebleeding and primary prophylaxis for variceal haemorrhage are therefore mandatory in order to improve the morbidity and mortality of cirrhotic patients with variceal bleeding. Injection sclerotherapy would be the treatment of choice for acute variceal bleeding. Drug treatment in the form of either a combined vasopressinnitroglycerin regimen or somatostatin may be used as an alternative. Patients not responding to these treatments should be referred for surgery. For the prevention of variceal rebleeding, non-selective betablockers should be tried first, reserving long-terminjection sclerotherapy for patients with contraindications or intolerance to beta-blockers or in whom beta-blocker therapy has failed. Surgical rescue in the form of either shunt surgery or lever transplantation should be considered if either treatment fails. A new technique, transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic stent-shunt (TIPSS) may replace shunt surgery in the future. Beta-blockers is the treatment of choice for primary prophylaxis of variceal haemorrhage and has a role in preventing acute and chronic bleeding from congestive gastropathy. However, the above sequential approach from the least invasive to the more invasive therapeutic options may not be appropriate for all cirrhotic patients with variceal bleeding.
  2. Ibrahim MI
    World Health Forum, 1996;17(4):409-10.
    PMID: 9060246
    A small survey in Peninsular Malaysia indicates a marked tendency among the general population to treat minor ailments by self-medication with over-the-counter drugs and/or traditional medicines. The use of over-the-counter drugs appears to be favoured for skin conditions, general health care, aches and pains, and problems affecting the eyes, ears, mouth, gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract. A doctor is usually consulted if self-medication fails.
  3. Merican MI
    Med J Malaysia, 1992 Sep;47(3):158-69.
    PMID: 1283440
    The identification of the Hepatitis C virus using molecular cloning techniques, besides making the term Non-A Non-B Hepatitis obsolete, enables the development of specific assays for the detection of antibodies in HCV-infected individuals, thus making it possible to obtain sero-epidemiological data of the disease. The carriage of Hepatitis C antibody varies worldwide. The disease is most prevalent in intravenous drug abusers or haemophiliacs. Parenteral transmission is the most important route of transmission. Sexual, intra-familial and perinatal transmissions are uncommon. About 40% could be community-acquired (sporadic). Diagnostic tests include enzyme-linked immunosorbant (ELISA) anti-HCV assay, recombinant immunoblot assay, HCV-RNA by polymerase chain reaction and HCV-Ag. More than 50% of acute cases becomes chronic and runs a benign and indolent course. About 20% progress to cirrhosis and some of these develop hepatocellular carcinoma. Several published trials have consistently shown that treatment with interferon in some patients is useful. There is however a relapse rate of 50%. Further trials with interferon and other anti-viral agents like ribavirin are awaited for more effective treatment.
  4. Merican MI
    Med J Malaysia, 1989 Sep;44(3):183-8.
    PMID: 2626132
    Heat stroke is hardly seen in Malaysia. However, it occurs commonly in Saudi Arabia during the Haj season. Many Malaysian pilgrims are affected every year and some die. Having faced this environmental hazard for eight years, the Malaysian Medical Mission, sent each year to look after our pilgrims, modified its treatment strategy in 1988 and successfully decreased the overall morbidity and mortality of affected patients without the use of sophisticated equipment. A brief account of the management of 17 cases seen in 1988 is given. Only one died following treatment. The rest recovered fully without any residual neurological deficit or other complications.
  5. Yusof MI
    Singapore Med J, 2007 Aug;48(8):e234-6.
    PMID: 17657374
    Achilles tendon injury is common and surgical procedures related to it are frequently performed and are safe. The incidence of acute pulmonary embolism following these procedures is extremely rare. This case illustrates an incidence of acute pulmonary embolism following Achilles tendon repair in a 35-year-old woman. We discuss the possible causes and the need for thromboprophylaxis.
  6. Hussain A, Ibrahim MI
    East Mediterr Health J, 2012 Jun;18(6):635-40.
    PMID: 22888622
    Community pharmacies are valued for their potential role in the management of common ailments. This cross-sectional study aimed to document the management of diarrhoea by community pharmacies in 3 cities in Pakistan. Visits were performed to 371 randomly selected pharmacies to request advice for a simulated paediatric case of diarrhoea. The pharmacy's management was scored on a checklist including history taking and provision of advice and information. Customers were served by a salesperson in 97.3% of visits and by a pharmacist in only 2.2%. Medication was dispensed in 77.1% of visits. Of the medications dispensed, 58.7% were antiamoebics, 14.0% antibiotics and 18.9% antidiarrhoeals; only 8.4% were oral rehydration salts. None of the regimens matched with a standard prescription. The dosage regimen was explained to the customer in only 52.6% of cases. Drug safety, unqualified personnel, lack of history taking, inappropriate treatment and lack of counselling are concerns to be addressed.
  7. Venugopal A, Marya A, Karobari MI
    Br Dent J, 2021 07;231(1):3.
    PMID: 34244625 DOI: 10.1038/s41415-021-3238-y
  8. Nurjahan MI, Tevaraj P
    Malays Fam Physician, 2016;11(2-3):39-41.
    PMID: 28461860
    Hookworm-related cutaneous larva migrans (HrCLM) is a zoonosis which is endemic in many sub-tropic and tropical countries including Malaysia. We report a case of a 40-year old plantation worker who presented with a pruritic rash on his abdomen. It is important for clinicians to diagnose and treat HrCLM promptly as this condition results in considerable morbidity when treatment is delayed.
  9. Hanifah J, Joehaimey J, Yusof MI
    Malays Orthop J, 2017 Jul;11(2):85-88.
    PMID: 29021888 MyJurnal DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1707.018
    Spinal epidural abscess is a severe, generally pyogenic, infection of the epidural space of spinal cord or cauda equina. The swelling caused by the abscess leads to compression or vascular disruption of neurological structures that requires urgent surgical decompression to avoid significant permanent disability. We share a rare case of Klebsiella pneumoniae spinal epidural abscess secondary to haematogenous spread of previous lung infection that presented late at our centre with cauda equina syndrome that showed good short-term outcome in delayed decompression. A 50-year old female presented with one-week history of persistent low back pain with progressively worsening bilateral lower limb weakness for seven days and urinary retention associated with saddle anesthesia of 2-day duration. Magnetic resonance imaging with contrast of the lumbo-sacral region showed an intramuscular collection of abscess at left gluteus maximus and left multifidus muscle with a L3-L5 posteriorly placed extradural lesion enhancing peripherally on contrast, suggestive of epidural abscess that compressed the cauda equina. The pus was drained using the posterior lumbar approach. Tissue and pus culture revealed Klebsiella pneumoniae, suggestive of bacterial infection. The patient made immediate improvement of muscle power over bilateral lower limbs postoperative followed by ability to control micturition and defecation the 4th post-operative day. A good short-term outcome in delayed decompression of cauda equine syndrome is extremely rare. Aggressive surgical decompression combined with antibiotic therapy led to good short-term outcome in this patient despite delayed decompression of more than 48 hours.
  10. Zamri-Saad M, Kamarudin MI
    Asian Pac J Trop Med, 2016 12;9(12):1136-1140.
    PMID: 27955740 DOI: 10.1016/j.apjtm.2016.11.007
    Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease characterized by reproductive failure in animals and undulent fever in humans. In cattle, it is caused by Brucella abortus while in goats by Brucella melitensis, the main cause of brucellosis in humans. Brucellosis in livestock has been associated with importation of animals from breeder herd of unknown disease status. The prevalence of bovine brucellosis Brucella abortus in 2014 ranged between 1% and 2% in Thailand and Indonesia, and 4%-5% in Malaysia and Myanmar. Prevalence of goat brucellosis Brucella melitensis is approximately 1% in Malaysia and Thailand. 'Test-and-slaughter' is the general policy against brucellosis adopted by most ASEAN countries to eradicate the disease. Under this program, the Rose Bengal Plate Test (RBPT) is used as the screening test to identify infected farm/herd while the complement fixation test (CFT) is the confirmatory test. The test-and-slaughter eradication strategy that was implemented since 1979 had managed to keep the prevalence rate to less than 5%, from 3.3% in 1979, 0.23% in 1988, 1% in 1998 and 5% in 2016. The test-and-slaughter program seemed effective in reducing the prevalence of brucellosis but was unable to eradicate the disease due to several factors, which include failure to locate and identify the remaining affected animals and to control their movement, importation of breeder animals from non-brucellosis free countries and lack of participation by the farmers following unreliable test results. To support the eradication policy, research activities since 1980s have suggested combinations of serological tests to improve diagnosis while surveillance should be focused on hotspots areas. The prevalence can be further reduced by strictly sourcing breeder animals from brucella-free areas or countries.
  11. Hashim Z, Noor MI
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 1994;7(1):34-8.
    PMID: 8074944
    The study was designed to determine if the activity pattern of pregnancy women on an intake of energy lower than that recommended will affect fetal growth. Subjects who volunteered were either attending public or private hospitals. Pregnant women in the "private" group were significantly older (p < 0.001) weighed somewhat less and significantly taller (p < 0.001) when compared to the "public" group. Differences in energy intake during the second and third trimesters between the "public" and "private" groups were small; 1608 +/- 334, 1726 +/- 271 kcal and 1627 +/- 367, 1778 +/- 260 kcal, respectively. However, daily activity patterns revealed that the "public" group was more active as reflected by the higher energy expenditure of 1412 +/- 74 kcal and 1578 +/- kcal during the second and third trimesters respectively. There was a significant difference (p < 0.01) in birth weight between the "public" and "private" groups; 2951 +/- 377 g and 3173 +/- 357 g respectively. This study indicates that energy intakes lower than recommended and sedentary lifestyles have no direct influence on birth weights of babies.
  12. Suderman, N., Isa, M. I. N., Sarbon, N. M.
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the functional properties (thickness; water vapor
    permeability (WVP); film microstructure, tensile strength (TS) and biodegradability) of
    carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC)/gelatin (gel)/chitosan (chi) biocomposite film as influenced
    by different drying temperature (25 and 60 °C). Seven formulations (CMC/gel/chi) prepared
    were control (100/0/0), formulations A (80/20/0), B (80/0/20), C (80/10/10), D (60/20/20),
    E (60/30/10), and F (60/10/30). Different drying temperature resulted in different time taken
    for the film to dry. Results revealed that formulation F was optimal due to its high tensile
    strength and low WVP rate which support its biodegradability for both drying conditions. FTIR
    assay revealed a strong carboxyl group for CMC, which contributed to high biodegradability
    results (85.3 vs. 85.50%) for room vs. oven dried specimens, respectively. Such desirable
    characteristics demonstrated that film F holds remarkable potential as edible films material
    with enhanced positive impacts on the environment and community.
  13. Tan AKG, Yen ST, Feisul MI
    DOI: 10.1007/s10389-013-0569-4
    Aim: To investigate the association between smoking status and body-mass-index (BMI) categories.
    Subject and methods: Data are obtained from 2,340 observations from the Malaysia Non-Communicable Disease Surveillance-1. An ordered probability model for BMI categories with ordinal smoking treatment categories is developed and estimated. Marginal and treatment effects are calculated.
    Results: Socio-demographic and health-lifestyle factors play significant roles in body weight categories, conditional upon smoking status. Education levels are inversely correlated with BMI categories amongst non-smokers only. Age and income levels are associated with BMI within non-smokers and compulsive smokers. Gender (female), family history of serious illnesses, individual health conditions (hypercholesterolemic, hypertensive), ethnicity (Malays and Indians) and regional locations (metropolitan) are associated with higher BMI levels, irrespective of smoking status. Additionally, BMI categories and levels are closely associated with smoking habits. As individuals switch from non-smoking to casual smoking, the probability of being overweight or obese increases, with an upsurge of 1.89 BMI units. As the casual smoking habit evolves into compulsive smoking, overweight or obese likelihoods are lowered as individuals are more likely to be in the underweight, normal weight or at-risk weight BMI ranges instead, while experiencing a decline of 1.75 BMI units.
    Conclusions: There exists close association between BMI categories and levels with smoking habits. As smoking tendencies develop from being a non-smoker to a casual (compulsive) smoker, overweight or obese likelihoods increase (decrease), as individuals realize an upsurge (reduction) in BMI levels.
    Study name: Malaysia Non-Communicable Disease Surveillance-1 (MyNCDS-1) survey
  14. Ahmad NH, Isa MIN
    Carbohydr Polym, 2016 Feb 10;137:426-432.
    PMID: 26686147 DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2015.10.092
    Two solid biopolymer electrolytes (SBEs) systems of carboxymethyl cellulose doped ammonium chloride (CMC-AC) and propylene carbonate plasticized (CMC-AC-PC) were prepared via solution casting technique. The ionic conductivity of SBEs were analyzed using electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) in the frequency range of 50 Hz-1 MHz at ambient temperature (303K). The highest ionic conductivity of CMC-AC SBE is 1.43 × 10(-3)S/cm for 16 wt.% of AC while the highest conductivity of plasticized SBE system is 1.01 × 10(-2)S/cm when added with 8 wt.% of PC. TGA/DSC showed that the addition of PC had increased the decomposition temperature compared of CMC-AC SBE. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra showed the occurrence of complexation between the SBE components and it is proved successfully executed by Gaussian software. X-ray diffraction (XRD) indicated that amorphous nature of SBEs. It is believed that the PC is one of the most promising plasticizer to enhance the ionic conductivity and performance for SBE system.
  15. Abdullah H, Asmahan MI, Rosman A
    Med J Malaysia, 2012 Feb;67(1):125-6.
    PMID: 22582566 MyJurnal
    Urate lowering therapy in this country has mainly been achieved by the use of allopurinol and probenecid. A new xanthine oxidase inhibitor called febuxostat has been approved in 2009 for treatment of hyperuricaemia in gout. In this report, we describe the management of a patient with chronic tophaceous gout using febuxostat. The reduction in serum uric acid to target levels was rapid, and the tophi size had also reduced significantly while on therapy. There was no unwanted side effect observed during the therapy. Therefore, febuxostat would be a useful alternative drug in the treatment of hyperuricaemia in gout patients who have contraindications to allopurinol and probenecid.
    Study site: Rheumatology clinic, Selayang Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  16. Babar ZD, Izham MI
    Public Health, 2009 Aug;123(8):523-33.
    PMID: 19665741 DOI: 10.1016/j.puhe.2009.06.011
    Previous studies on anti-infective and cardiovascular drugs have shown extraordinary price increases following privatization of the Malaysian drug distribution system. Therefore, it was felt that there was a need to undertake a full-scale study to evaluate the effect of privatization of the Malaysian drug distribution system on drug prices.
  17. Norlinah MI, Shahizon AM
    Med J Malaysia, 2008 Dec;63(5):410-2.
    PMID: 19803303 MyJurnal
    Secondary paroxysmal dyskinesias (PxD) have been previously reported in patients with multiple sclerosis, lacunar infarcts, head trauma, metabolic disorders such as hyperglycaemia, hypocalcaemia, migraine and central nervous system (CNS) infections. The causative lesions typically involve the basal ganglia structures, medulla and rarely the spinal cord. We report two patients who presented with paroxysmal dyskinesias as the only manifestation of subcortical white-matter ischaemia. Patient 1 presented with 3-year history of paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia (PKD) and patient 2 with 6-month history of paroxysmal nonkinesigenic dyskinesia (PNKD). All investigations, including CSF oligoclonal bands were negative, except for a brain MRI which showed multiple, non-enhancing subcortical white matter lacunar infarcts. Therefore, subcortical white matter ischaemia should also be included in the differential diagnosis of PxD.
  18. Saad B, Ariffin M, Saleh MI
    Talanta, 1998 Dec;47(5):1231-6.
    PMID: 18967428
    A flow injection potentiometric method for the rapid determination of paraquat in herbicide formulations and biological samples is described. It is based on the utilization of a flow-through potentiometric detector containing polyvinyl chloride-immobilised octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane, a lipophilic plasticizer (tetra-n-undecyl 3,3',4,4'-benzophenone tetracarboxylate) and membrane additive potassium tetrakis(4-chlorophenyl)borate. The detector was minimally interfered by the presence of constituents such as Na(+), K(+), Ca(2+), Mg(2+), glucose, urea, lactic and citric acids at physiological levels, respectively. Good correlation between results of the proposed method and HPLC for the formulation samples was found, while results for the determination of paraquat in biological samples such as urine, vomitus and stomach washout was less satisfactory.
  19. Merican MI, Rohaizat Y, Haniza S
    Med J Malaysia, 2004 Mar;59(1):84-93.
    PMID: 15535341 MyJurnal
    The Malaysian health care system is a success story among countries of equivalent socio-economic status. However there are numerous challenges faced by the nation, which create the need for changes and reform. There is rising consumer demands and expectations for high technology and high cost medical care due to improved standards of living, changing disease patterns and demographic changes, inadequate integration of health services, maldistribution of resources and the threats as well as opportunities of globalisation and liberalisation. The changes in health policy, priorities and planning for the country are guided by the country's development policies, objectives and the challenges of Vision 2020, Vision for Health and the goals of the health system in ensuring universal access, improving equity and efficiency and the quality of life of the population. The essential services in the health system of the future are information and education of individuals to empower support for the wellness paradigm. There is also a need to restructure the national health care financing and the health care delivery system. The present roles and responsibilities of MOH also need to be reviewed.
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