METHODS: We reviewed the medical records of BA patients who underwent Kasai procedure at the Dr. Sardjito Hospital, Indonesia from August 2012 to December 2018. The cut-off values of TB7/TB0, GGT7/GGT0, and ALT7/ALT0 for prediction of patients' survival were determined by receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curves. Log-rank tests were utilised to test the association between cut-off values and overall survival.
RESULTS: In all 46 BA patients (23 males and 23 females) after Kasai procedure were included, consisting of one type 1, 17 type 2A, seven type 2B, and 21 type 3. The cut-off values of TB7/TB0, ALT7/ALT0 and GGT7/GGT0 for overall survival was 0.455 (sensitivity 87.5%, specificity 22.7%, area under curve (AUC) 0.59; 95% Confidence Interval (95%CI): 0.42, 0.75), 0.481 (sensitivity 87.5%, specificity 18.2%, AUC 0.49; 95%CI: 0.31, 0.65), and and 0.31 (sensitivity 79.2%, specificity 9.1%, AUC 0.34; 95%CI: 0.18, 0.50), respectively. However, these cut-off values were not significantly associated with overall survival, with p-values of 0.18, 0.49, and 0.56, respectively.
CONCLUSION: The TB7/TB0, ALT7/ALT0, and GGT7/GGT0 might not predict the overall survival of BA patients after Kasai procedure. Further multicentre studies with a larger sample size is needed to clarify our findings.
METHODOLOGY: The data show that the status of atmospheric environment in Malaysia, in particular in highly industrialized areas such as Klang Valley, was determined both by local and transboundary emissions and could be described as haze and non-haze periods.
RESULTS: During the non-haze periods, vehicular emissions accounted for more than 70% of the total emissions in the urban areas and have demonstrated two peaks in the diurnal variations of the aforementioned air pollutants, except ozone. The morning 'rush-hour' peak was mainly due to vehicle emissions, while the late evening peak was mainly attributed to meteorological conditions, particularly atmospheric stability and wind speed. Total suspended particulate matter was the main pollutant with its concentrations at few sites often exceeding the Recommended Malaysia Air Quality Guidelines. The levels of other pollutants were generally within the guidelines. Since 1980, six major haze episodes were officially reported in Malaysia: April 1983, August 1990, June 1991, October 1991, August to October 1994, and July to October 1997. The 1997 haze episode was the worst ever experienced by the country. Short-term observations using continuous monitoring systems during the haze episodes during these periods clearly showed that suspended particulate matter (PM10) was the main cause of haze and was transboundary in nature. Large forest fires in parts of Sumatra and Kalimantan during the haze period, clearly evident in satellite images, were identified as the probable key sources of the widespread heavy haze that extended across Southeast Asia from Indonesia to Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei. The results of several studies have also provided strong evidence that biomass burning is the dominating source of particulate matter. The severity and extent of 1997's haze pollution was unprecedented, affecting some 300 million people across the region. The amount of economic costs suffered by Southeast Asian countries during this environmental disaster was enormous and is yet to be fully determined. Among the important sectors severely affected were air and land transport, shipping, construction, tourism and agro-based industries. The economic cost of the haze-related damage to Malaysia presented in this study include short-term health costs, production losses, tourism-related losses and the cost of avertive action. Although the cost reported here is likely to be underestimated, they are nevertheless significant (roughly RM1 billion).
CONCLUSIONS: The general air quality of Malaysia since 1970 has deteriorated. Studies have shown that should no effective countermeasures be introduced, the emissions of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide in the year 2005 would increase by 1.4, 2.12, 1.47 and 2.27 times, respectively, from the 1992 levels.
METHODS: This was an in vivo study with quasi-experimental methods on 32 Wistar mice. Full-thickness wounds were made and then treated with mitomicyn-C. The mice were divided into 4 groups: a control group with NaCl 0.9% vitreous gel of cow eyeball (VGCE), 1% povidone-iodine, and a combination of VGCE and 1% povidone-iodine groups. Macroscopic and microscopic observations of the process of wound healing were performed on days 3, 7, and 14.
RESULTS: Vitreous gel administration produced significant wound healing rates within the first three days, and histological analysis revealed an increased number of fibroblasts and polymorphonuclear cells. However, the povidone iodine group and the combination group with vitreous gel did not produce significant results.
CONCLUSION: The single administration of VGCE can accelerate the wound healing process, increase the number of fibroblasts, and reduce inflammation in a chronic wound model.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This interventional experimental study was conducted on nine Dio UFII implants with hybrid sandblasted and acid-etched (SLA) surface treatments, divided equally into three groups. Control group A samples were not given UV irradiation, while groups B and C samples were given UVA (382 nm, 25 mWcm2) and UVC (260 nm, 15 mWcm2) irradiation, respectively. The atomic ratio of carbon, titanium, and oxygen was compared through XPS.
RESULTS: Mean carbon-to-titanium ratio and C1 peaks considerably increased in Group A compared to those in experimental Groups B and C. The intensity of Ti2p and O1s peaks was more pronounced for group C compared to that for groups A and B.
CONCLUSIONS: Although the decrease in surface hydrocarbons was the same in both UV-treated groups, the peak intensity of oxygen increased in the UVC-treated group. Thus, it can be concluded that compared with UVA irradiation, UVC irradiation has the potential to induce more hydrophilicity on SLA-coated implants.
METHODS: A website called D-PATH was developed, consisting of 6 learning units for managing hypertension. A 4-week program was implemented, and a pre- and post-intervention assessment was conducted to measure acceptability and changes in knowledge, attitude and practice, dietary intake, physical activity, and anthropometric status.
RESULTS: The D-PATH website was acceptable in terms of understandability, actionability and cognitive load. Knowledge, attitude and practice, and physical activity levels were improved, but no changes were noted for dietary intake and blood pressure level.
CONCLUSION: The D-PATH website was accepted and feasible for the intervention study. This study has shed light on using the website to promote behavioral change in patients with cardiometabolic risks.