Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 8306 in total

  1. Tan H
    Theor Appl Genet, 1977 Jan;50(1):29-34.
    PMID: 24407495 DOI: 10.1007/BF00273794
    Estimates of general combining ability of parents for yield and girth obtained separately from seedlings and their corresponding clonal families in Phases II and IIIA of the RRIM breeding programme are compared. A highly significant positive correlation (r = 0.71***) is found between GCA estimates from seedling and clonal families for yield in Phase IIIA, but not in Phase II (r = -0.03(NS)) nor for girth (r= -0.27(NS)) in Phase IIIA. The correlations for Phase II yield and Phase IIIA girth, however, improve when the GCA estimates based on small sample size or reversed rankings are excluded.When the best selections (based on present clonal and seedling information) are compared, all five of the parents top-ranking for yield are common in Phase IIIA but only two parents are common for yield and girth in Phases II and IIIA respectively. However, only one parent for yield in Phase II and two parents for girth in Phase IIIA would, if selected on clonal performance, have been omitted from the top ranking selections made by previous workers using seedling information.These findings, therefore, justify the choice of parents based on GCA estimates for yield obtained from seedling performance. Similar justification cannot be offered for girth, for which analysis is confounded by uninterpretable site and seasonal effects.
  2. Tan J
    Nephrology (Carlton), 2014 May;19(5):288-95.
    PMID: 24641721 DOI: 10.1111/nep.12228
    Brunei Darussalam is a small South East Asian country with a high prevalence and incidence of end stage kidney disease (ESRD). This study aims to compare key performance indicators recorded in the Brunei Dialysis and Transplant Registry and department records against international practice. Registries from the USA (USRDS), UK (UK Renal Registry), Australasia (ANZDATA), Europe (ERA-EDTA Registry) and Malaysia (MDTR) were used for comparisons.
  3. Tan J
    Zootaxa, 2018 Aug 07;4457(1):129-142.
    PMID: 30314183 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4457.1.6
    A new species of Argiope Audouin 1826, A. hoiseni new species is described from Perak and Selangor, Peninsular Malaysia based on morphology and DNA information of the mitochondrial (16S rRNA, COI and COII) and nuclear-encoded (H3A, 18S rRNA) molecular markers. Epigynal structure suggested Argiope hoiseni to be similar to A. jinghongensis Yin, Peng Wang 1994, A. luzona (Walckenaer 1841), A. pulchella Thorell 1881 and A. taprobanica Thorell 1887. Molecular sequence data including the new species inferred that it is monophyletic with an intraspecific variation of 0.87-3.59 % based on the 16S+COI+COII+H3A dataset. Phylogenetic analyses also revealed insights into the evolutionary lineages of Argiope species in Southeast Asia as well as corroborated recent taxonomic changes and species synonymies associated with Argiope. Two new distribution records were also reported for A. chloreis Thorell,1877 and A. doleschalli Thorell, 1873 in Peninsular Malaysia.
  4. Tan, S.G.
    The genetic relationship between any two populations is a function of the differences between them in allele frequencies, with this relationship commonly expressed in terms of a genetic distance. For example if the two populations are homozygous for different alleles at a particular locus, the distance is the maximum possible whereas if the allele frequencies in the two populations are identical, the distance is zero. The estimated genetic distances may vary among loci. Thus, the most accurate measures of relationships will be obtained by averaging many loci (Nei, 1978). In plant and animal breeding, it is expected that a cross between two individuals originating from two populations with a large genetic distance between them will result in maximum heterosis or hybrid vigour. Many estimates of genetic distances are available in the literature but Nei’s standard genetic distance, D, (Nei, 1972, 1978) had been extensively used in studies of human, animal and plant varieties, races, breeds, strains, populations, species and genera.
  5. S.L. Tan
    ASM Science Journal, 2013;7(2):129-138.
    The paper seeks to assuage the fears and worries over living modified organisms (LMOs). It describes how any research carried out on LMOs as well as any release activity on LMOs for public use in Malaysia is controlled by the Biosafety Act 2007. Stringent risk assessment of the LMO and its product/s is carried out to eradicate or minimize the negative effects of these on animal and human health, and to biological diversity and the environment. In contrast, no such risk assessment is carried out on introduced exotic species, or on the products of other types of technology, with the exception of pharmaceuticals. Examples are given comparing risk assessment on LMOs and exotic species.
  6. Tan, Hueyling
    Scientific Research Journal, 2012;9(1):43-61.
    Molecular self-assembly is ubiquitous in nature and has emerged as a new approach to produce new materials in chemistry, engineering, nanotechnology, polymer science and materials. Molecular self-assembly has been attracting increasing interest from the scientific community in recent years due to its importance in understanding biology and a variety of diseases at the molecular level. In the last few years, considerable advances have been made in the use of peptides as building blocks to produce biological materials for wide range of applications, including fabricating novel supra-molecular structures and scaffolding for tissue repair. The study of biological self-assembly systems represents a significant advancement in molecular engineering and is a rapidly growing scientific and engineering field that crosses the boundaries of existing disciplines. Many self-assembling systems are range from bi- and tri-block copolymers to DNA structures as well as simple and complex proteins and peptides. The ultimate goal is to harness molecular self-assembly such that design and control of bottom-up processes is achieved thereby enabling exploitation of structures developed at the meso- and macro-scopic scale for the purposes of life and non-life science applications. Such aspirations can be achieved through understanding the fundamental principles behind the selforganisation and self-synthesis processes exhibited by biological systems.
  7. Tan, S.G.
    Malaysia, with her tropical jungles, mangroves and seas, is blessed with riches in biodiversity, being one of the twelve megabiodiversity countries on earth. Genetics has contributed substantially to the success of our country's agricultural production especially of rubber and palm oil. Hence, it should play a pivotal role in helping Malaysia fulfill her responsibility to identify, characterize and sustainably utilize her numerous indigenous bioresources for the benefit of humanity.
  8. Tan, H.P.J.
    This article highlights the case of a 44-year old Malay man who is diagnosed as having treatment resistant schizophrenia on Clozapine, which then developed Polycythemia Rubra Vera (PRV). It is known that a major side effect for Clozapine is of agranulocytosis, that is a potentially fatal side effect. However, there have been reported disturbances of other hematological parameters, which result in other abnormalities including leucopenia, leucocytosis, thrombocytopenia, thrombocytosis and eosinophilia. Could this case be a pure medical condition of PRV or is there a relation to the effects of Clozapine? In this paper, the aim is to report a case of blood dyscrasia in a 44-year old male who developed Polycythemia Rubra Vera a year after he was observed to have abnormal full blood count results.
  9. Tan, S.L.
    ASM Science Journal, 2015;9(1):21-27.
    Public awareness and understanding of the technology behind the creation of Genetically Modified Organisms
    (GMOs) varies greatly from country to country, and indeed within the different sectors of any one country. Perhaps,
    it is “the fear of the unknown” at work, or it is just a pure rejection of the idea that “Man is playing God”. For whatever
    reason, and for whatever vested interest, there is often widespread clamor for stringent studies to be carried out
    when conducting a risk assessment of GMOs.
    For example, in Indonesia, regulation on the release of GMOs requires studies on any impact on non-target
    organisms (NTOs) as well as on soil microorganisms (Machmud Thohari 2014). Similarly, in Vietnam, it is mandatory
    to determine if there is any impact to the soil environment or ecosystem (Truong 2014), while in Cambodia, there is
    worry over high levels of damage to NTOs and the environment from GMOs, because of the lack of capacity to cope
    with such damage if it occurs (Pisey 2014).
    All too often, opponents of modern biotechnology (a term used to define technologies resulting in GMOs), and,
    indeed, the regulators themselves forget that there is already a procedure in place to provide a check and balance;
    the risk assessment (RA) protocol. Most times, RA is far more stringent when conducted on GMOs compared with
    when exotic species which are non-GMOs are involved (Tan 2013). It is also overlooked that modern biotechnology
    can after all be considered a sophisticated new tool in plant breeding, an activity which has been practiced both by
    farmers and scientists for millennia, and a technology accepted by all and sundry.
    While GMOs are currently used in biological and medical research, for the production of pharmaceutical drugs,
    in experimental medicine (e.g. gene therapy) and in agriculture, this paper is confined to discussions on GMOs in
  10. Tan YY, Tan K
    Clin Med (Lond), 2019 Nov;19(6):511-513.
    PMID: 31732595 DOI: 10.7861/clinmed.2019-0247
    Hypertensive encephalopathy (HE) is a subset of posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome. It typically involves the posterior supratentorial structures, but variations do occur. However, isolated brainstem involvement in HE is rare, with a few cases reported in the literature. Herein, we report a case of acute hypertensive brainstem encephalopathy in which the patient had mild symptoms with very high blood pressure and normal neurological examination. The computed tomography of the brain showed diffuse hypodensity at brainstem. The patient's symptoms improved drastically after hypertension had been controlled. Marked clinical-radiologic dissociation in this particular case was highly suggestive of hypertensive brainstem encephalopathy. Prompt recognition of the condition and aggressive treatment of hypertension in such patients is crucial to relieve oedema and to prevent life-threatening progression. Nevertheless, there is still a lack of awareness among physicians and radiologists regarding this rare clinical entity.
  11. Tan SH
    Disabil Health J, 2015 Jul;8(3):414-23.
    PMID: 25595295 DOI: 10.1016/j.dhjo.2014.11.003
    BACKGROUND: Planning and evaluation of health care services for children with disabilities requires information on their caregivers' needs.
    OBJECTIVE: This paper aims to present the development and psychometric properties of the Caregiver Needs Scale (CNS), a scale assessing the needs of caregivers of children with disabilities aged 0-12 years in Malaysia.
    METHODS: Development of the scale went through a multistage process of literature review, modification of an existing instrument, input from experts and feedback from service users. Literature review identified content domains and response options. An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was undertaken to identify subscales of caregiver needs. The internal consistency reliability, convergent validity and discriminant validity of the new scale were examined.
    RESULTS: 273 caregivers of children with disabilities completed the fielded questionnaire. EFA revealed 4 subscales of caregiver needs: need for 'Help getting information and services for the child,' 'Help coping with the child,' 'Help getting child care' and 'Help with finances.' Three items with factor loading <0.4 were dropped. Cronbach's alpha coefficients of the subscales ranged from 0.813 to 0.903. Total CNS score correlated with number of child's needs and unmet needs. The score was also higher in families with financial and employment problems.
    CONCLUSION: A new instrument was developed to assess the needs of caregivers of children with disabilities for use in the Malaysian population. The CNS showed satisfactory psychometric properties but further examination is warranted to confirm its validity.
    KEYWORDS: Caregivers; Children with disabilities; Instrument development; Needs assessment; Psychometric properties
  12. Tan CT
    Neurology, 2015 Feb 10;84(6):623-5.
    PMID: 25666629 DOI: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000001224
    Asia is important as it accounts for more than half of the world population. The majority of Asian countries fall into the middle income category. As for cultural traditions, Asia is highly varied, with many languages spoken. The pattern of neurologic diseases in Asia is largely similar to the West, with some disease features being specific to Asia. Whereas Asia constitutes 60% of the world's population, it contains only 20% of the world's neurologists. This disparity is particularly evident in South and South East Asia. As for neurologic care, it is highly variable depending on whether it is an urban or rural setting, the level of economic development, and the system of health care financing. To help remedy the shortage of neurologists, most counties with larger populations have established training programs in neurology. These programs are diverse, with many areas of concern. There are regional organizations serving as a vehicle for networking in neurology and various subspecialties, as well as an official journal (Neurology Asia). The Asian Epilepsy Academy, with its emphasis on workshops in various locations, EEG certification examination, and fellowships, may provide a template of effective regional networking for improving neurology care in the region.
  13. Tan MK
    Zootaxa, 2014;3826(2):329-40.
    PMID: 24990050 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3826.2.3
    The taxonomy of three genera of little-known Phaneropterinae from Malay Peninsula (Singapore and Peninsular Malaysia) is reviewed: Cesasundana Koçak & Kemal, 2009, Elbenia Stål, 1876 and Macedna Karsch, 1891. One new species each from the genera Cesasundana and Elbenia are described from Singapore and Peninsular Malaysia respectively: Cesasundana lorniensis sp. n. and Elbenia fraser sp. n. Keys to species of Cesasundana and Elbenia are also included. The taxonomic position of monotypic genus Macedna is validated, male is redescribed and the female is described for the first time.
  14. Tan AP
    Med J Malaysia, 2013 Dec;68(6):482-9.
    PMID: 24632922
    Down syndrome (Trisomy 21) is the most common chromosomal abnormality among liveborn infants. It is the most frequent form of intellectual disability caused by a microscopically demonstrable chromosomal aberration. Management requires a multidisciplinary approach to the ongoing evaluation and monitoring for associated congenital anomalies and acquired disorders.Trisomy 21 is characterized by a variety of dysmorphic features, congenital anomalies and associated medical conditions. Knowledge of these associated conditions are important for clinicians involved in the management of these patients. Appropriate radiologic imaging with prompt, accurate interpretation plays an important role in the diagnosis and management of these diseases. The primary goal of this pictorial review is to unravel the radiological findings of these associated conditions.
  15. Tan KH
    PMID: 21622044 DOI: 10.1109/TUFFC.2011.1889
    A positive feedback system oscillating under self-sustained mode is shown to have an extremely high gain. Modeled as one port, the expected Q is much higher than the loaded Q-factor of the resonator. With just thermal noise present, random phase/frequency deviation is linear. Centered about the oscillator frequency omega/(0), noise frequency on both sides is more amplified with decreasing separation distance. Ultimately, frequency pulling may result in synchronous locking with hysteresis, which occurs because a real oscillator displays a truncated limiting curve. Once locked onto a signal, smaller levels are ignored. A new approach to the design and characterization of a simple tuned oscillator is offered: According to the phenomenon of injection locking, there exists an expected quality factor relating the shape of the truncated limiting curve to an ideal curve. In this paper, synthesis and innovative analytical methods of academic interest are revealed: 1) application of the transducer loss method is revised to establish a new method for oscillator characterization; 2) a transparent method of normalizing a two-port network in the presence of white noise is developed; and 3) in quartz crystal controlled oscillators, characterization of the noise originating from an equivalent noise-resistance determined from parameter of the quartz crystal is proposed. It is shown that the two-port model can also be approximated on a one-port basis. In conclusion, a sample of closed-form estimation of expected Q-factor order of magnitude of piezoelectric resonator oscillators is calculated.
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