Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 1531 in total

  1. Ravi C
    Family Physician, 1990;2:51-51.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast
  2. Ruby M
    Family Practitioner, 1977;2:47-48.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast; Breast Feeding
  3. Teoh SK
    Family Practitioner, 1977;2:25-27.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast Feeding
  4. Khoo EM
    Family Physician, 1996;8:3-7.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast Neoplasms
  5. Ho, Hui Lian, Ambikapathan, Theiyallen, Nornazirah Azizan, Lee, Li Ping Doreen, Siti Zubaidah Sharif, Firdaus Hayati
    Phyllodes tumour (PT) of the breast is firstly described in literature as early as 1838. This article reports the youngest recorded case of giant complicated PT and the role of toilet mastectomy as a salvage surgery. A 19-year-old lady presented with a gigantic lump of the left breast for 6 months which was rapidly growing (20 x 20 cm) and complicated with a foul-smelling blackish discoloration of the breast skin and tissues. Toilet mastectomy was performed as a result. The specimen weighed 4.0 kg with histopathological report of the tumor being borderline phyllodes. Herein, we describe a case of PT, who presented with breast necrosis and we discuss its medico-social aspect of it.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast; Breast Diseases; Breast Neoplasms
  6. Zulfiqar MA, Nair S, Lily M, Norizan MA
    Med J Malaysia, 1999 Dec;54(4):471-7.
    PMID: 11072464
    This is a review of the positive biopsy rate of nonpalpable breast lesions detected on mammography. The histology of 130 hookwire excision biopsy from 1990 to 1995 and the cytology of 39 stereotactic fine needle aspiration cytology in 1995 were reviewed. The yearly positive biopsy rate of each procedure was determined. In 1990, the positive biopsy rate for hookwire excision biopsy was 15%, in 1991 20%, in 1992 11%, in 1993 17%, in 1994 33% and in 1995 39%. In 1995, the positive biopsy rate for stereotactic fine needle aspiration cytology was 21%. The positive biopsy rate for hookwire excision biopsy had improved from 15% in 1990 to 39% in 1995.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast/pathology*; Breast Diseases/pathology*; Breast Diseases/radiography*
  7. Nik Ab Kadir MN, Mohd Hairon S, Yaacob NM, Yusof SN, Musa KI, Yahya MM, et al.
    PMID: 36833678 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph20042985
    Women with breast cancer are keen to know their predicted survival. We developed a new prognostic model for women with breast cancer in Malaysia. Using the model, this study aimed to design the user interface and develop the contents of a web-based prognostic tool for the care provider to convey survival estimates. We employed an iterative website development process which includes: (1) an initial development stage informed by reviewing existing tools and deliberation among breast surgeons and epidemiologists, (2) content validation and feedback by medical specialists, and (3) face validation and end-user feedback among medical officers. Several iterative prototypes were produced and improved based on the feedback. The experts (n = 8) highly agreed on the website content and predictors for survival with content validity indices ≥ 0.88. Users (n = 20) scored face validity indices of more than 0.90. They expressed favourable responses. The tool, named Malaysian Breast cancer Survival prognostic Tool (myBeST), is accessible online. The tool estimates an individualised five-year survival prediction probability. Accompanying contents were included to explain the tool's aim, target user, and development process. The tool could act as an additional tool to provide evidence-based and personalised breast cancer outcomes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast; Breast Neoplasms*
  8. Mohd Omar R, Ismail IA, Md Yasin M, Ahmad Affandi K, Hasbullah HH, Mohamad Ali ND
    Am J Case Rep, 2023 Aug 23;24:e940594.
    PMID: 37608536 DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.940594
    BACKGROUND Carcinoma of unknown primary (CUP) is a diverse category of malignancies diagnosed in patients who have metastatic disease but without an identifiable primary tumor at initial presentation. CASE REPORT We report a case of CUP which was later diagnosed to be metastatic adenocarcinoma of the breast in a 62-year-old woman. The patient initially presented to a primary care clinic with an incidental finding of a small hard mass in the middle of the sternum, with no other clinical findings in the breast or axillary lymph nodes. Chest X-ray, ultrasound, and CT scan of the sternum suggested a benign sternal lesion, and a mammogram was normal. Due to the persistence of the mass, a biopsy was performed. The histopathological findings revealed a metastatic adenocarcinoma, most likely from breast origin, with positive estrogen receptor (ER) and mammaglobin on immunohistochemistry studies. The patient subsequently underwent PET scan, repeat mammogram, and MRI of the breast. Following high uptake in the rectum on PET, a colonoscopy was performed, revealing a suspicious rectal mass. The mass was surgically excised, and the final histopathological examination concluded the mass was a second primary adenocarcinoma of the rectum. Genetic analyses for BRCA1 and BRCA2 were negative. CONCLUSIONS This is a rare case of an isolated bone-like lesion on the sternum due to metastatic adenocarcinoma of the breast in a patient with no prior history of breast cancer and lacking any clinical or radiological evidence of breast or axillary lymph node lesions on presentation. The patient was also subsequently diagnosed with 2 primary carcinomas. Thorough clinical examination, extensive radiological investigations, laboratory investigations, histopathological examination, and a multidisciplinary approach are essential in managing CUP.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast; Breast Neoplasms*
  9. Suppiah S, Rahmat K, Rozalli FI, Azlan CA
    Clin Radiol, 2014 Feb;69(2):e110-1.
    PMID: 24183264 DOI: 10.1016/j.crad.2013.09.012
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast Neoplasms/diagnosis*; Carcinoma, Ductal, Breast/diagnosis*
  10. Poovaneswaran S, Lee ZEJ, Lim WY, S Raja Gopal N, Mohd Dali F, Mohamad I
    Med J Malaysia, 2013 Apr;68(2):168-70.
    PMID: 23629568 MyJurnal
    Male breast cancer accounts for only 1% of cancers in men and 1% of breast cancers. Cutaneous metastases occur less than 10% of all patients with visceral malignancies and are considered a rare and late event in progression of metastatic disease. A 45-year-old man presented with a lump in the left breast which was confirmed to be infiltrating ductal carcinoma. He underwent a left mastectomy and axillary clearance followed by chemotherapy and radiotherapy to the left chest wall. However, he was non-compliant to adjuvant tamoxifen due to hot flushes. One year later, he presented with biopsy proven cutaneous metastases. Initially he had complete excision of the lesions, however, two months later more skin lesions appeared predominantly over the chest wall and back. Hormonal therapy failed to control the metastases as such he was treated with systemic chemotherapy. He is currently on third line chemotherapy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast Neoplasms*; Breast Neoplasms, Male*
  11. Abdul Kader H
    Family Practitioner, 1983;6(1):13-22.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast Feeding
  12. Taib NA, Rahmat K
    Adv Exp Med Biol, 2020;1252:43-51.
    PMID: 32816261 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-41596-9_6
    Benign cystic or solid lumps frequently occur in the breasts of young women, and consequently can also be seen during pregnancy and lactation. Simple cysts do not increase the risk of malignancy. The current management is routine follow-up. Complex cysts are thick walled or contain a mass, and should be followed by a US-guided biopsy and then treated similar to any non-gravid, non-lactating patient.Galactoceles can be detected during the last trimester of pregnancy and during or after stopping lactation. Aspiration can be done to confirm the content. Co-existence of galactocele and malignancy is extremely rare, and the key is to follow up until it resolves.Fibroadenoma is the most frequent lesion found during pregnancy and lactation. Management is usually conservative after triple assessment. Surgery is usually not recommended in pregnant and lactating women unless rapid increase in size occurs or there is discordance in the triple assessment.Lactating adenomas are sometimes interpreted as a variant of fibroadenoma . They can naturally disappear at the end of pregnancy or lactation. Management is usually conservative, and an excisional biopsy is only mandated if it is rapidly enlarging or if there is discordance in the triple assessment.Gestational gigantomastia is a rare condition consisting of diffuse severe hypertrophy of both breasts during pregnancy . Mastectomy and reconstruction may rarely be required in such cases.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast; Breast Diseases*; Breast Cyst
  13. Noriah Jamal, Ng, Kwan-Hoong, McLean, Donald
    The objective of this study is to compare low-contrast detectability of computed radiography (CR) and screen/film (SF) mammography systems. The Nijimegen contrast detail test object (CDMAM type 3.4) was imaged at 28 kV, in automatic exposure control mode separately. Six medical imaging physicists read each CDMAM phantom image. Contrast detail curves were plotted to compare lowcontrast detectability of CR (soft copy and hard copy) and SF mammography systems. Effect of varying exposure parameters, namely kV, object position inside the breast phantom, and entrance surface exposure (ESE) on the contrast detail curve were also investigated using soft copy CR. The significance of the difference in contrast between CR and SF, and for each exposure parameter, was tested using non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test. The low- contrast detectability of the CR (soft copy and hard copy) system was found to be not significantly different to that of the SF system (p>0.05, Kruskal-Wallis test). For CR soft copy, no significant relationship (p>0.05, Kruskal-Wallis test) was seen for variation of kV, object position inside the breast phantom and ESE. This indicates that CR is comparable with SF for useful detection and visualization of low-contrast objects such as small lowcontrast areas corresponding to breast pathology.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast
  14. Thevi Rajendran P, Krishnapillai V, Tamanang S, Kumari Chelliah K
    Malays J Med Sci, 2012 Jan;19(1):52-9.
    PMID: 22977375 MyJurnal
    Digital mammography is slowly replacing screen film mammography. In digital mammography, 2 methods are available in acquiring images: digital storage phosphor plate and full-field digital mammography. The aim of this study was to compare the image quality acquired from the 2 methods of digital mammography in the detection of breast cancer.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast Neoplasms
  15. Pau Ni IB, Zakaria Z, Muhammad R, Abdullah N, Ibrahim N, Aina Emran N, et al.
    Pathol Res Pract, 2010 Apr 15;206(4):223-8.
    PMID: 20097481 DOI: 10.1016/j.prp.2009.11.006
    Genomic and transcriptomic alterations that affect cellular processes, such as cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis and invasion, commonly occur in breast oncogenesis. Epidemiological evidence has proven that the risk of breast cancer predisposition varies among different ethnicities. This study aims to identify the transcriptome changes that commonly occur during the transition of normal breast epithelium to carcinoma in three local ethnic groups (Malays, Chinese and Indians). The gene expression patterns of 43 breast carcinomas with 43 patient-matched normal breast tissues were investigated using Affymetrix U133A GeneChip (containing 22,283 probe sets targeting approximately 18,400 different transcripts) and analyzed with GeneSpring GX10. Our findings revealed a total of 33 significantly differentially expressed genes, which showed>2-fold change at a 99.9% confidence interval level (p<0.001). The significantly differentially expressed genes included CD24, CD36, CD9, TACSTD1, TACSTD2, HBB, LEP, LPL, AKR1C1, AKR1C2 and AKR1C3. Our results indicate that the vast majority of gene expression changes, from normal breast epithelial to carcinoma, found in our three major ethnic populations are similar to those in the Caucasian population. Further study of the differentially expressed genes identified in our present study is needed to search for potential breast tumor biomarkers. This will eventually help to improve the therapeutic and treatment strategies for breast cancer patients in the future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast/metabolism*; Breast/pathology; Breast Neoplasms/genetics*; Breast Neoplasms/metabolism; Breast Neoplasms/pathology; Carcinoma, Ductal, Breast/genetics*; Carcinoma, Ductal, Breast/metabolism; Carcinoma, Ductal, Breast/pathology
  16. Taib N, Yip Ch, Ranganathan S, Moosa F, Mun K
    Biomed Imaging Interv J, 2006 Jul;2(3):e30.
    PMID: 21614243 MyJurnal DOI: 10.2349/biij.2.3.e30
    Angiosarcoma of the breast is an extremely rare condition. This case illustrates the use of embolisation as a modality of treatment for primary breast angiosarcoma. No other case has been reported on the use of embolisation for this disorder.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast; Breast Neoplasms
  17. Nawawi O, Ying Goh K, Rahmat K
    Iran J Radiol, 2012 Nov;9(4):212-6.
    PMID: 23408015 DOI: 10.5812/iranjradiol.8517
    Primary neuroendocrine carcinoma of the breast is a very rare malignant tumor. There are not many cases reported in the English literature since it was first documented in 1983. Reports on the imaging features, in particular the ultrasonographic features of this rare tumor are scarce. Herein, we report a case of aggressive primary infiltrating neuroendocrine carcinoma of the breast, masquerading as an inflammatory breast condition in a 22-year-old young lady, perhaps the youngest case ever reported in the English literature. We discuss the imaging features and highlight the Doppler ultrasonographic findings of this rare breast carcinoma. This is the first documentation on Doppler ultrasonographic findings of primary neuroendocrine carcinoma of the breast in the literature.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast; Breast Neoplasms
  18. Leong PP, Muhammad R, Ibrahim N, Cheong SK, Seow HF
    Med Oncol, 2011 Mar;28(1):51-6.
    PMID: 20069393 DOI: 10.1007/s12032-009-9414-6
    Breast cancer is the most common malignancy among females in Malaysia. Attempts have been made to investigate the association between breast cancer and human leukocyte antigen (HLA) types. However, data from those previous studies are highly variable. The aim of this study is to investigate the association between HLA-A types and clinicopathological factors in breast cancer. The frequencies of HLA-A type in 59 female patients with infiltrating ductal of the breast were determined by polymerase chain reaction method. HLA-A2/A30 and A2/A31 haplotype (5.1%; P = 0.045) as well as HLA-A30 (5.1%, P = 0.045) and A31 (6.8%; P = 0.020) allele were significant higher in the patients than controls (0%). HLA-A24 allele was negatively related to lymph node metastasis (r = -0.316; P = 0.021) whereas, A26 (r = -0.430; P = 0.001) and A36 (r = -0.430; P = 0.001) alleles were negatively correlated to distant metastasis in breast cancer. Negative correlations between HLA-A26/A36 (r = -0.430; P = 0.001), A2/A11 (r = -0.276; P = 0.044), A24/A34 (r = -0.430; P = 0.001) haplotypes and distant metastasis were identified. Interestingly, Her2 expression in breast carcinoma was negatively correlated to A11/24 haplotypes (r = -0.294; P = 0.034) but positively correlated to homozygous HLA-A24 (r = 0.396; P = 0.040). In conclusion, HLA-A2, -A30 and A31 were associated with breast cancer.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast/pathology; Breast Neoplasms/genetics; Breast Neoplasms/metabolism*; Carcinoma, Ductal, Breast/genetics; Carcinoma, Ductal, Breast/metabolism*
  19. Norly Salleh, Aishah Ibrahim, Ros’aini Paijan
    Leiomyosarcoma is a rare cancer and the presence of this type of cancer in the breast is even rarer. Due to its rarity, the management options for leiomyosarcoma of the breast are not well documented. Literature review was done to establish the best treatment options for this type of breast cancer.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast; Breast Neoplasms
  20. Norfaidhi Akram, M.N., Samuel, T., Norly, S., Ros’aini, P.
    Breast carcinoma to the colon and rectum is rare type of metastatic spread. We report a case of colonic metastasis
    from a lobular carcinoma of the breast twelve years after the initial diagnosis. Accurate diagnosis and early treatment
    of systemic therapy can be done if awareness is increased.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast; Breast Neoplasms
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