Displaying all 17 publications

  1. Wahab, Z.A., Embong, R., Isa, N.B.M., Azmi, A.
    One of the ways to calculate dividend for an investment is by using average lowest balance (ALB) concept. The existing calculation of dividend based on ALB concept can only be done yearly. This paper discusses on the development of a general formula to calculate the accumulated amount for any period of time, based on the ALB concept that considers different yearly dividend rates. The patterns for each variable and coefficient for the calculated yearly accumulated amount were analysed. The general forms of each variable and coefficient were then combined to form the general formula for calculating the accumulated amount. Validity of the general formula is confirmed by calculating the percentage errors and proven by using mathematical induction.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food, Formulated
  2. Norazli Othman, Lariyah Mohd Sidek, Nor Ezlin Ahmad Basri, Muhd Noor Muhd Yunus, Nor Azizi Othman
    Pengeluaran produk elektronik merupakan salah satu industri yang berkembang pesat di dunia pada masa kini. Peningkatan jumlah penggunaan plastik oleh sektor tersebut menjadi faktor kepada penghasilan sisa plastik elektronik. Bahan plastik elektronik kebiasaannya mengandungi pelbagai unsur kimia bagi membolehkannya bertindak sebagai perintang pemanasan semasa alat elektronik beroperasi. Umumnya, pendekatan terhadap konsep mengitar semula sisa plastik elektronik perlu diketengahkan bagi memelihara alam sekitar. Bagi tujuan tersebut, kajian dijalankan terhadap sisa plastik elektronik yang terdiri daripada pelbagai damar bagi mengenal pasti potensinya sebagai sumber kepada penghasilan tenaga dan bahan mentah. Kajian dibahagikan kepada dua bahagian iaitu penentuan ciri fizikal dan kimia damar plastik dan pengiraan nilai pemanasan damar plastik berdasarkan formula Dulong. Hasil kajian mendapati nilai purata pemanasan sisa elektronik adalah sebanyak 30,872.42 kJ/kg (7,375 kcal/kg) manakala analisis faktor pancaran pula mendapati secara keseluruhannya kepekatan nilai pancaran yang berkemungkinan terhasil akibat daripada pelbagai aktiviti pengurusan adalah kurang daripada had-had parameter yang telah ditetapkan oleh Akta Kualiti Alam Sekitar 1974. Secara asasnya, kajian ini berjaya membuktikan potensi sisa plastik elektronik sebagai salah satu sumber kepada penghasilan bahan mentah dan juga penghasilan tenaga.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food, Formulated
  3. Adam A, Ibrahim NA, Tah PC, Liu XY, Dainelli L, Foo CY
    JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr, 2023 Nov;47(8):1003-1010.
    PMID: 37497593 DOI: 10.1002/jpen.2554
    BACKGROUND: Prevention of enteral feeding interruption (EFI) improves clinical outcomes of critically ill intensive care unit (ICU) patients. This leads to shorter ICU stays and thereby lowers healthcare costs. This study compared the cost of early use of semi-elemental formula (SEF) in ICU vs standard polymeric formula (SPF) under the Ministry of Health (MOH) system in Malaysia.

    METHODS: A decision tree model was developed based on literature and expert inputs. An epidemiological projection model was then added to the decision tree to calculate the target population size. The budget impact of adapting the different enteral nutrition (EN) formulas was calculated by multiplying the population size with the costs of the formula and ICU length of stay (LOS). A one-way sensitivity analysis (OWSA) was conducted to examine the effect each input parameter has on the calculated output.

    RESULTS: Replacing SPF with SEF would lower ICU cost by MYR 1059 (USD 216) per patient. The additional cost of increased LOS due to EFI was MYR 5460 (USD 1114) per patient. If the MOH replaces SPF with SEF for ICU patients with high EFI risk (estimated 7981 patients in 2022), an annual net cost reduction of MYR 8.4 million (USD 1.7 million) could potentially be realized in the MOH system. The cost-reduction finding of replacing SPF with SEF remained unchanged despite the input uncertainties assessed via OWSA.

    CONCLUSION: Early use of SEF in ICU patients with high EFI risk could potentially lower the cost of ICU care for the MOH system in Malaysia.

    Matched MeSH terms: Food, Formulated*
  4. CMS Collaboration, Khachatryan V, Sirunyan AM, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Bergauer T, et al.
    Eur Phys J C Part Fields, 2014 09 26;74(9):3036.
    PMID: 25814912
    Searches for the direct electroweak production of supersymmetric charginos, neutralinos, and sleptons in a variety of signatures with leptons and [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text], and Higgs bosons are presented. Results are based on a sample of proton-proton collision data collected at center-of-mass energy [Formula: see text] with the CMS detector in 2012, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.5 [Formula: see text]. The observed event rates are in agreement with expectations from the standard model. These results probe charginos and neutralinos with masses up to 720 [Formula: see text], and sleptons up to 260 [Formula: see text], depending on the model details.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food, Formulated
  5. Ali SKI, Khandaker MU, Kassim HA
    Appl Radiat Isot, 2018 May;135:239-250.
    PMID: 29448240 DOI: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2018.01.035
    Re (T1/2= 89.24 h, [Formula: see text] 346.7 keV, [Formula: see text] ), an intense beta-emitter shows great potential to be used as an active material in therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals due to its suitable physico-chemical properties.186Re can be produced in several ways, however charged-particle induced reactions show to be promising towards no carrier added production. In this work, production cross-sections of186Re were evaluated following the light-charged particle induced reactions on tungsten. An effective evaluation technique such as Simultaneous Evaluation on KALMAN code combined with least squares concept was used to obtain the evaluated data together with covariances. Knowledge of the underlying uncertainties in evaluated nuclear data, i.e., covariances are useful to improve the accuracy of nuclear data.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food, Formulated
  6. Bhat R, binti Yahya N
    Food Chem, 2014 Aug 1;156:42-9.
    PMID: 24629936 DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.01.063
    Belinjau (Gnetum gnemon L.) seed flour was evaluated for nutritional composition, antioxidant activity and functional properties. Seed flour was found to be rich in protein (19.0g/100g), crude fibre (8.66g/100g), carbohydrates (64.1%), total dietary fibre (14.5%) and encompassed adequate amounts of essential amino acids, fatty acids and minerals. Antioxidant compounds such as total phenols (15.1 and 12.6mgGAE/100g), tannins (35.6 and 16.1mgCE/100g) and flavonoids (709 and 81.6mgCEQ/100g) were higher in ethanolic extracts over aqueous extracts, respectively. Inhibition of DPPH was high in ethanol extracts (48.9%) compared to aqueous extracts (19.7%), whereas aqueous extracts showed a higher FRAP value compared to ethanol extracts (0.98 and 0.61mmolFe(II)/100g, respectively). Results on functional properties revealed acceptable water and oil absorption capacities (5.51 and 1.98g/g, respectively), emulsion capacity and stability (15.3% and 6.90%, respectively), and foaming capacity (5.78%). FTIR spectral analysis showed seed flour to encompass major functional groups such as: amines, amides, amino acids, polysaccharides, carboxylic acids, esters and lipids. As belinjau seed flour possesses a rich nutraceutical value, it has high potential to be used as a basic raw material to develop new low cost nutritious functional foods.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food, Formulated/analysis*
  7. Lee ZY, Barakatun-Nisak MY, Noor Airini I, Heyland DK
    Nutr Clin Pract, 2016 Feb;31(1):68-79.
    PMID: 26385874 DOI: 10.1177/0884533615601638
    Nutrition support is an integral part of care among critically ill patients. However, critically ill patients are commonly underfed, leading to consequences such as increased length of hospital and intensive care unit stay, time on mechanical ventilation, infectious complications, and mortality. Nevertheless, the prevalence of underfeeding has not resolved since the first description of this problem more than 15 years ago. This may be due to the traditional conservative feeding approaches. A novel feeding protocol (the Enhanced Protein-Energy Provision via the Enteral Route Feeding Protocol in Critically Ill Patients [PEP uP] protocol) was proposed and proven to improve feeding adequacy significantly. However, some of the components in the protocol are controversial and subject to debate. This article is a review of the supporting evidences and some of the controversy associated with each component of the PEP uP protocol.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food, Formulated/standards*
  8. Kistler BM, Biruete A, Wong MMY, Wang AY, Martin-Del-Campo F, Nerbass FB, et al.
    Nutr Clin Pract, 2025 Apr;40(2):307-318.
    PMID: 39891426 DOI: 10.1002/ncp.11271
    Protein-energy wasting is common in people with chronic kidney disease (CKD), especially in those undergoing kidney replacement therapy. Oral nutrition supplements and enteral nutrition are strategies that have been shown to improve nutrition status, and potentially outcomes. However, access to specialized commercial products for people with CKD is limited by factors including cost and regional availability. Homemade formulas represent a potentially cheaper, accessible, and more flexible option than commercial products, but they come with their own unique set of challenges. Furthermore, some aspects of homemade products, including consistency of nutrients, physical properties, and food safety, may pose challenges in the context of physiological changes that occur in CKD. Despite evidence of their use in CKD clinics, there have been few studies using homemade formulas in this population. This narrative review article summarizes the available literature on the potential usage, benefits, and concerns related to homemade formulas, emphasizing the unique challenges in people with CKD. Given the potential usage and limited research on homemade formulas in people with CKD, additional education and research are warranted to optimize the use of these tools in this clinical population.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food, Formulated*
  9. Vandenplas Y, Alarcon P, Fleischer D, Hernell O, Kolacek S, Laignelet H, et al.
    J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr, 2016 Jan;62(1):22-35.
    PMID: 26513620 DOI: 10.1097/MPG.0000000000001014
    Partially hydrolyzed formulas (pHFs) are increasingly used worldwide, both in the prevention of atopic disease in at-risk infants and in the therapeutic management of infants with functional gastrointestinal manifestations. Because prevention is always preferable to treatment, we reviewed the literature aiming to find an answer for the question whether pHF may be recommended for feeding all infants if breast-feeding is not possible. PubMed and Cochrane databases were searched up to December 2014. In addition, to search for data that remained undetected by the searches, we approached authors of relevant articles and major producers of pHFs asking for unpublished data. Because few data were found, nonrandomized, controlled trials and trials in preterm infants were included as well. Overall, only limited data could be found on the efficacy and safety of pHF in healthy term infants. Available data do not indicate that pHFs are potentially harmful for healthy, term infants. With respect to long-term outcomes, particularly referring to immune, metabolic and hormonal effects, data are, however, nonexistent. From a regulatory point of view, pHFs meet the nutrient requirements to be considered as standard formula for term healthy infants. Cost, which is different from country to country, should be considered in the decision-making process. Based on limited available data, the use of pHF in healthy infants is safe with regard to growth. The lack of data, in particular for metabolic consequences and long-term outcomes, is, however, the basis for our recommendation that health authorities should develop and support long-term follow-up studies. Efficacy and long-term safety data are required before a recommendation of this type of formula for all infants can be made.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food, Formulated
  10. Mohd Desa, S. N. F., Muhamad, N. A., Mohd Nor, N. A., Abdul Razak, F., Abdul Manan, N. S., Abdul Manan, N. S., et al.
    The window of maximum susceptibility for the development of dental fluorosis for anterior
    teeth is during the first two to three years of life. The primary source of fluoride intake for
    infants at this age is mainly from the diet including infant formula. Thus, the present work
    aimed to investigate the fluoride concentration in commercially available Malaysian infant
    formulas that required reconstitution before consumption. A total of 29 infant formulas available in the Malaysian market were reconstituted with deionised water, fluoridated tap water,
    and filtered tap water. The fluoride concentration of the infant formulas was analysed directly
    using a fluoride ion selective electrode. The daily fluoride intake estimation from the infant
    formulas was calculated using the median infant body weight and recommended volumes for
    formula consumption from newborn to > 12 months of age. Results showed that the fluoride
    concentration of the infant formulas when reconstituted with deionised water ranged between
    0.009 to 0.197 mg/L that contributed to the estimated daily fluoride intake ranging from 0.005
    to 0.100 mg (total intake per day) or 0.001 to 0.025 mg/kg (total intake per body weight/day).
    The fluoride concentration in the selected infant formulas was low, but after reconstitution
    with fluoridated tap water, the overall fluoride concentration in infant formulas sample significantly increased (p < 0.001). Nevertheless, the estimated daily fluoride intake from infant
    formulas alone did not exceed the lowest-observed-adverse-effect level (LOAEL) of fluoride
    at 0.10 mg/kg/day.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food, Formulated
  11. Raja Muhammad Zuha, Balkhis Bashuri, Supriyani Mustamin, Baharudin Omar, Nazni Wasi Ahmad
    In forensic entomology practice, it is more common to use raw animal tissue to breed dipteran larvae and it often brings unpleasant odour in the laboratory. Few studies suggested the use of synthetic diets, mainly agar-based media, as alternatives to animal tissue but it is rarely being practiced in forensic entomology laboratory. The present study observed the growth of a forensically important fly, Megaselia scalaris (Loew) on raw cow’s liver, nutrient agar, casein agar and cow’s liver agar. A total of 100 M. scalaris eggs were transferred each into the different media and placed in an incubator at 30°C in a continuous dark condition. Data on length and developmental period were collected by randomly sampling three of the largest larvae from each rearing media, twice a day at 0900 and 1500 hours until pupariation. M. scalaris larvae reared on raw cow’s liver recorded the highest mean length (4.23 ± 1.96 mm) followed by cow’s liver agar (3.79 ± 1.62 mm), casein agar (3.14 ± 1.16 mm) and nutrient agar (3.09 ± 1.11 mm). Larval length in raw liver and liver agar were significantly different from those in nutrient and casein agar (p < 0.05). Larvae bred in liver agar and raw liver recorded the shortest larval duration before entering the post-feeding stage (89 hours), followed by nutrient agar (119 hours) and casein agar (184 hours). Total developmental time from oviposition until adult emergence for M. scalaris in liver agar and raw liver was approximately 163 hours. All puparia in nutrient agar and casein agar failed to hatch. This research highlighted the potential use of cow’s liver agar as an alternative diet of raw liver to culture M. scalaris in laboratory.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food, Formulated
  12. Mohammad Azmi N, Nadzira A, Abdul Rahman NA, Mohd Azman ZA, Chandrakanthan SB, Dualim DM, et al.
    World J Surg, 2025 Mar;49(3):576-583.
    PMID: 39843355 DOI: 10.1002/wjs.12490
    BACKGROUND: Aims conventional bowel preparation restricts dietary intake up to 72 h prior to colonoscopy. Bowel preparation process is often perceived as unpleasant leading to poor compliance and subsequent poor bowel preparation. The aim of this trial is to compare the efficacy of low-residue semi-elemental enteral formula (LREF) incorporated diet versus the standard diet in polyethylene glycol (PEG)-based bowel preparation in the aim of creating a more tolerable bowel preparation regimen without compromising bowel cleanliness.

    METHODS: This was a multicenter, prospective, single-blinded, randomized controlled noninferiority trial. The noninferiority margin was set at 15%. One hundred sixty-seven patients were recruited and randomized to either the LREF group or the standard diet (SD) group using a 3L PEG preparation regimen.

    RESULTS: The LREF group results in comparable satisfactory preparation rating to the standard diet group with a mean BPPS score of 6.87 (SD 1.59) versus 7.14 (SD 1.54) (95% CI[-0.86; 0.32] and p = 0.367). The mean difference (MD) of the BBPS total score between the two groups was -0.27 (95% CI [-0.764 and 0.224]). Equivalence were demonstrated using the two one-sided test (alpha = 5%) with the lower t-value of 2.682 (p = 0.0042) and the upper t-value of -4.493 (p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Food, Formulated
  13. Leong YK, Awang A
    Microbiol. Immunol., 1990;34(2):153-62.
    PMID: 2161071
    Rotaviral infections in cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fasicularis) were studied to ascertain its suitability as a model of infection and diarrhea caused by group A human rotaviruses. Formula-fed monkeys were used as they could be observed closely. Experimental rotaviral infection of cynomolgus monkeys was age-dependent; only young monkeys were readily infected. Formula-fed newborns were readily infected with cell-culture-adapted human (WA) and simian (SA11) viruses and with a rotavirus from a human fecal specimen. However, diarrhea was detected only in very young animals. A number of rotaviral shedding patterns as a function of time were observed. Although there was no typical viral shedding pattern which represented exclusive association of viral infection with diarrhea, the initial level of viral excretion and the maximum level of viral shedding attained were much higher in animals with diarrhea. Seroconversion occurred in less than half of the inoculated animals. The presence of maternal rotaviral antibodies did not prevent infection or diarrhea.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food, Formulated*
  14. Rai VRH, Phang LF, Sia SF, Amir A, Veerakumaran JS, Kassim MKA, et al.
    BMC Anesthesiol, 2017 06 15;17(1):81.
    PMID: 28619005 DOI: 10.1186/s12871-017-0369-4
    BACKGROUND: Head injury is one of the top three diagnosis leading to intensive care unit (ICU) admission in Malaysia. There has been growing interest in using immunonutrition as a mode of modulating the inflammatory response to injury or infection with the aim of improving clinical outcome. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of an immunonutrition on biomarkers (IL-6, glutathione, CRP, total protein and albumin) in traumatic brain injury patients.

    METHODS: Thirty six patients with head injury admitted to neurosurgical ICU in University Malaya Medical Centre were recruited for this study, over a 6-month period from July 2014 to January 2015. Patients were randomized to receive either an immunonutrition (Group A) or a standard (Group B) enteral feed. Levels of biomarkers were measured at day 1, 5 and 7 of enteral feeding.

    RESULTS: Patients in Group A showed significant reduction of IL-6 at day 5 (p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Food, Formulated*
  15. Sundram K, Pathmanathan R, Wong KT, Baskaran G
    Asia Pac J Clin Nutr, 1997 Mar;6(1):31-5.
    PMID: 24394650
    Thirty six-male New Zealand White rabbits subdivided into four dietary groups (9 animals per group) were fed high fat (36% en), cholesterol-free diets for nine months. The dietary oil blends were formulated to contain high levels of the target fatty acids namely trans-rich (partially hydrogenated soybean oil; TRANS), cis monounsaturated-rich (rapeseed, sunflower seed oil and palm olein; MONO), palmitic-rich (palm olein; POL) and lauric-myristic rich (coconut, palm kernel and corn oils; LM). Ad libitum feeding of the rabbits resulted in normal growth throughout the nine months and no differences in the final body weights of the animals were evident at autopsy. Plasma total cholesterol was significantly elevated only by the LM enriched diet compared with all other treatments; values were comparable between the other three treatment groups. Changes in the total cholesterol were not reflected in the VLDL and LDL lipoproteins. However, HDL-cholesterol was significantly lowered by the TRANS diet compared with all other dietary groups. HDL-cholesterol was also significantly increased by the LM diet in comparison to the POL-diet. Both adipose and liver triglyceride fatty acid compositions tended to reflect the type of fatty acids fed the animals. Trans fatty acids were evident only in animals fed the trans diet and it was apparent that the trans fatty acids competed with linoleic acid for incorporation into these tissues. Increased concentrations of lauric and myristic fatty acids in the LM-fed animals were also evident. In the POL and high MONO fed rabbits, palmitic and oleic fatty acids (respectively) were concentrated in the adipose and liver. The diets, however, failed to induce severe atherosclerosis in this study. This can be explained, in part, by the lack of dietary cholesterol and the use of plant (rather than animal) proteins in our dietary formulations. The effect of these important atherosclerosis modulators in association with these fatty acids requires further evaluation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food, Formulated
  16. Mottalib A, Mohd-Yusof BN, Shehabeldin M, Pober DM, Mitri J, Hamdy O
    Nutrients, 2016 Jul 22;8(7).
    PMID: 27455318 DOI: 10.3390/nu8070443
    Diabetes-specific nutritional formulas (DSNFs) are frequently used as part of medical nutrition therapy for patients with diabetes. This study aims to evaluate postprandial (PP) effects of 2 DSNFs; Glucerna (GL) and Ultra Glucose Control (UGC) versus oatmeal (OM) on glucose, insulin, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), free fatty acids (FFA) and triglycerides (TG). After an overnight fast, 22 overweight/obese patients with type 2 diabetes were given 200 kcal of each of the three meals on three separate days in random order. Blood samples were collected at baseline and at 30, 60, 90, 120, 180 and 240 min. Glucose area under the curve (AUC0-240) after GL and UGC was lower than OM (p < 0.001 for both). Insulin positive AUC0-120 after UGC was higher than after OM (p = 0.02). GLP-1 AUC0-120 and AUC0-240 after GL and UGC was higher than after OM (p < 0.001 for both). FFA and TG levels were not different between meals. Intake of DSNFs improves PP glucose for 4 h in comparison to oatmeal of similar caloric level. This is achieved by either direct stimulation of insulin secretion or indirectly by stimulating GLP-1 secretion. The difference between their effects is probably related to their unique blends of amino acids, carbohydrates and fat.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food, Formulated*
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