Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 753 in total

  1. Muftah Eltariki FE, Tiwari K, Alhoot MA
    F1000Res, 2021;10:895.
    PMID: 34745563 DOI: 10.12688/f1000research.70644.1
    Background: A large number of undiscovered fungal species still exist on earth, which can be useful for bioprospecting, particularly for single cell oil (SCO) production. Mortierella is one of the significant genera in this field and contains about hundred species. Moreover, M. alpina is the main single cell oil producer at commercial scale under this genus. Methods: Soil samples from four unique locations of North-East Libya were collected for the isolation of oleaginous Mortierella alpina strains by a serial dilution method. Morphological identification was carried out using light microscopy (Olympus, Japan) and genetic diversity of the isolated Mortierella alpina strains was assessed using conserved internal transcribed spacer (ITS) gene sequences available on the NCBI GenBank database for the confirmation of novelty. The nucleotide sequences reported in this study have been deposited at GenBank (accession no. MZ298831:MZ298835). The MultAlin program was used to align the sequences of closely related strains. The DNA sequences were analyzed for phylogenetic relationships by molecular evolutionary genetic analysis using MEGA X software consisting of Clustal_X v.2.1 for multiple sequence alignment. The neighbour-joining tree was constructed using the Kimura 2-parameter substitution model. Results: The present research study confirms four oleaginous fungal isolates from Libyan soil. These isolates (barcoded as MSU-101, MSU-201, MSU-401 and MSU-501) were discovered and reported for the first time from diverse soil samples of district Aljabal Al-Akhdar in North-East Libya and fall in the class: Zygomycetes; order: Mortierellales. Conclusions: Four oleaginous fungal isolates barcoded as MSU-101, MSU-201, MSU-401 and MSU-501 were identified and confirmed by morphological and molecular analysis. These fungal isolates showed highest similarity with Mortierella alpina species and can be potentialistic single cell oil producers. Thus, the present research study provides insight to the unseen fungal diversity and contributes to more comprehensive Mortierella alpina reference collections worldwide.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Variation
  2. Seri Masran SNA, Ab Majid AH
    J Med Entomol, 2017 11 07;54(6):1453-1462.
    PMID: 28981881 DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjx137
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Variation*
  3. Mohd-Hafifi AB, Mohamed Nor NMI, Zakaria L, Mohd MH
    Sci Rep, 2024 Nov 29;14(1):29708.
    PMID: 39613784 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-78195-8
    Fusarium oxysporum is a cosmopolitan fungus, consisting of both pathogenic and non-pathogenic members and known to be the causative agent of several diseases on various host plants. In Malaysia, most studies have focused on pathogenic F. oxysporum isolates because of their implications for agricultural production, but less attention has been given to non-pathogenic isolates. The aim of this study was to determine the phylogenetic relationship, genetic diversity, pathogenicity and host range of F. oxysporum in Malaysia. A total of 133 isolates of F. oxysporum were isolated from symptomatic plants of Abelmoschus esculentus, Solanum melongena, Solanum tuberosum, Cucumis sativus, Solanum lycopersicum, Cucumis melo, Musa paradisiaca var. awak, Hymenocallis littoralis, Asparagus officinalis, and Sansevieria trifasciata and non-agricultural soils in Malaysia. Comparison of nucleotide sequences of translation elongation factor 1-alpha (tef1-α) and mitochondrial small subunit (mtSSU) showed that the isolates were 98-100% similar to F. oxysporum from GenBank, thus, confirming the fungal identity. Besides, Malaysian isolates of F. oxysporum exhibited polyphyletic evolutionary origin, wide host range, and genetically diverse by grouping into 20 VCGs and 17 IGS haplotypes. This finding is beneficial for the purpose of quarantine, monitoring and disease management in the agricultural settings in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Variation*
  4. Ismail NA, Rafii MY, Mahmud TMM, Hanafi MM, Miah G
    Biomed Res Int, 2019;2019:5904804.
    PMID: 31198786 DOI: 10.1155/2019/5904804
    Fifty-seven accessions of torch ginger (Etlingera elatior) collected from seven states in Peninsular Malaysia were evaluated for their molecular characteristics using ISSR and SSR markers to assess the pattern of genetic diversity and association among the characteristics. Diversity study through molecular characterization showed that high variability existed among the 57 torch ginger accessions. ISSR and SSR molecular markers revealed the presence of high genetic variability among the torch ginger accessions. The combination of different molecular markers offered reliable and convincing information about the genetic diversity of torch ginger germplasm. This study found that SSR marker was more informative compared to ISSR marker in determination of gene diversity, polymorphic information content (PIC), and heterozygosity in this population. SSR also revealed high ability in evaluating diversity levels, genetic structure, and relationships of torch ginger due to their codominance and rich allelic diversity. High level of genetic diversity discovered by SSR markers showed the effectiveness of this marker to detect the polymorphism in this germplasm collection.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Variation*
  5. Houge G, Bratland E, Aukrust I, Tveten K, Žukauskaitė G, Sansovic I, et al.
    Eur J Hum Genet, 2024 Jul;32(7):858-863.
    PMID: 38778080 DOI: 10.1038/s41431-024-01617-8
    The ABC and ACMG variant classification systems were compared by asking mainly European clinical laboratories to classify variants in 10 challenging cases using both systems, and to state if the variant in question would be reported as a relevant result or not as a measure of clinical utility. In contrast to the ABC system, the ACMG system was not made to guide variant reporting but to determine the likelihood of pathogenicity. Nevertheless, this comparison is justified since the ACMG class determines variant reporting in many laboratories. Forty-three laboratories participated in the survey. In seven cases, the classification system used did not influence the reporting likelihood when variants labeled as "maybe report" after ACMG-based classification were included. In three cases of population frequent but disease-associated variants, there was a difference in favor of reporting after ABC classification. A possible reason is that ABC step C (standard variant comments) allows a variant to be reported in one clinical setting but not another, e.g., based on Bayesian-based likelihood calculation of clinical relevance. Finally, the selection of ACMG criteria was compared between 36 laboratories. When excluding criteria used by less than four laboratories (<10%), the average concordance rate was 46%. Taken together, ABC-based classification is more clear-cut than ACMG-based classification since molecular and clinical information is handled separately, and variant reporting can be adapted to the clinical question and phenotype. Furthermore, variants do not get a clinically inappropriate label, like pathogenic when not pathogenic in a clinical context, or variant of unknown significance when the significance is known.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Variation*
  6. Wong WC, Goh YK, Wong CK, Goh YK, Marzuki NF, Choo CHY, et al.
    Plant Dis, 2024 Jul;108(7):1982-1986.
    PMID: 38937876 DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-07-23-1426-SC
    Ganoderma boninense is a basidiomycete pathogen of African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) and the causal agent of basal stem rot (BSR) disease, which is the most destructive fungal disease of oil palm in Southeast Asia. The disease is fatal for infected palms and can result in 50 to 80% losses in oil yields because of a reduction in productive life span and a yield decline of infected oil palms. In this study, G. boninense isolates collected from different locations and planting blocks with different palm ages were molecularly characterized using microsatellite genotyping. Results showed high pathogen genetic diversity (He = 0.67 to 0.74) among planting blocks and between oil palm estates. Two nearby planting blocks with similar planting ages (i.e., 1999 and 2001) had a similar percentage of BSR incidence (>20%) but showed distinct Ganoderma genetic structure as detected using STRUCTURE. Similar results were obtained from another trial site where planting blocks differing in planting age but located only less than 1 km apart showed a diverse genetic background. The pathogen genetic admixture of the oldest planting (>30% BSR incidence) differed significantly from the younger planting (1.8 to 2.8% BSR incidence, breeding trial block), suggesting that the host-pathogen genotype interaction may impact the Ganoderma genetic variation over time. The genetic structure of G. boninense, as revealed in this study, implies positive selection resulting from the pathogen genetic variation, host-pathogen interaction, and possible introductions of novel genetic variants (through spores) from adjacent plantings. These findings offer new insights into the genetic changes of G. boninense over time. The information is essential to design disease management strategies and breeding for BSR resistance in oil palm.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Variation*
  7. García-Berro A, Talla V, Vila R, Wai HK, Shipilina D, Chan KG, et al.
    Mol Ecol, 2023 Feb;32(3):560-574.
    PMID: 36336800 DOI: 10.1111/mec.16770
    Migration is typically associated with risk and uncertainty at the population level, but little is known about its cost-benefit trade-offs at the species level. Migratory insects in particular often exhibit strong demographic fluctuations due to local bottlenecks and outbreaks. Here, we use genomic data to investigate levels of heterozygosity and long-term population size dynamics in migratory insects, as an alternative to classical local and short-term approaches such as regional field monitoring. We analyse whole-genome sequences from 97 Lepidoptera species and show that individuals of migratory species have significantly higher levels of genome-wide heterozygosity, a proxy for effective population size, than do nonmigratory species. Also, we contribute whole-genome data for one of the most emblematic insect migratory species, the painted lady butterfly (Vanessa cardui), sampled across its worldwide distributional range. This species exhibits one of the highest levels of genomic heterozygosity described in Lepidoptera (2.95 ± 0.15%). Coalescent modelling (PSMC) shows historical demographic stability in V. cardui, and high effective population size estimates of 2-20 million individuals 10,000 years ago. The study reveals that the high risks associated with migration and local environmental fluctuations do not seem to decrease overall genetic diversity and demographic stability in migratory Lepidoptera. We propose a "compensatory" demographic model for migratory r-strategist organisms in which local bottlenecks are counterbalanced by reproductive success elsewhere within their typically large distributional ranges. Our findings highlight that the boundaries of populations are substantially different for sedentary and migratory insects, and that, in the latter, local and even regional field monitoring results may not reflect whole population dynamics. Genomic diversity patterns may elucidate key aspects of an insect's migratory nature and population dynamics at large spatiotemporal scales.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Variation/genetics
  8. Bizhanova N, Nanova O, Fadakar D, Grachev A, Hong Z, Mohd Sah SA, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2024 Mar 02;14(1):5186.
    PMID: 38431728 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-55807-x
    The Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) exhibits geographic variability and phylogenetic intraspecific relationships. Previous morphological studies have suggested the existence of multiple lynx subspecies, but recent genetic research has questioned this classification, particularly in Central Asia. In this study, we aimed to analyse the geographic and genetic variation in Central Asian lynx populations, particularly the Turkestan lynx and Altai lynx populations, using morphometric data and mtDNA sequences to contribute to their taxonomic classification. The comparative analysis of morphometric data revealed limited clinal variability between lynx samples from the Altai and Tien Shan regions. By examining mtDNA fragments (control region and cytochrome b) obtained from Kazakhstani lynx populations, two subspecies were identified: L. l. isabellinus (represented by a unique haplotype of the South clade, H46) and L. l. wrangeli (represented by haplotypes H36, H45, and H47 of the East clade). L. l. isabellinus was recognized only in Tien Shan Mountain, while Altai lynx was likely identical to L. l. wrangeli and found in northern Kazakhstan, Altai Mountain, Saur and Tarbagatai Mountains, and Tien Shan Mountain. The morphological and mtDNA evidence presented in this study, although limited in sample size and number of genetic markers, renders the differentiation of the two subspecies challenging. Further sampling and compilation of whole-genome sequencing data are necessary to confirm whether the proposed subspecies warrant taxonomic standing.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Variation*
  9. Vankova OE, Brusnigina NF, Novikova NA
    Sovrem Tekhnologii Med, 2023;15(2):41-46.
    PMID: 37389021 DOI: 10.17691/stm2023.15.2.04
    Modern molecular genetic methods, massive parallel sequencing in particular, allow for genotyping of various pathogens with the aim of their epidemiological marking and improvement of molecular epidemiological surveillance of actual infections, including cytomegalovirus infection. The aim of the study is to evaluate the next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology for genotyping clinical isolates of cytomegalovirus (CMV).

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: The object of the study were samples of biological substrates (leukocyte mass, saliva, urine) taken from patients who underwent liver and kidney transplantation. Detection of CMV DNA was carried out by a real-time PCR using commercial diagnostic AmpliSense CMV-FL test systems (Central Research Institute for Epidemiology, Moscow, Russia). DNA extraction was performed using DNA-sorb AM and DNA-sorb V kits (Central Research Institute for Epidemiology) in accordance with manufacturer's manual. The quality of the prepared DNA library for sequencing was assessed by means of the QIAxcel Advanced System capillary gel electrophoresis system (QIAGEN, Germany). Alignment and assembly of nucleotide sequences were carried out using CLC Genomics Workbench 5.5 software (CLC bio, USA). The sequencing results were analyzed using BLAST of NCBI server.

    RESULTS: CMV DNA samples were selected for genotyping. The two variable genes, UL55(gB) and UL73(gN), were used for CMV genotype determination, which was performed using NGS technology MiSeq sequencer (Illumina, USA). Based on the exploratory studies and analysis of literature sources, primers for genotyping on the UL55(gB) and UL73(gN) genes have been selected and the optimal conditions for the PCR reaction have been defined. The results of sequencing the UL55(gB) and UL73(gN) gene fragments of CMV clinical isolates from recipients of solid organs made it possible to determine the virus genotypes, among which gB2, gN4c, and gN4b were dominant. In some cases, association of two and three CMV genotypes has been revealed.

    CONCLUSION: The application of the NGS technology for genotyping cytomegalovirus strains can become one of the main methods of CMV infection molecular epidemiology, as it allows for obtaining reliable results with a significant reduction in research time.

    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Variation/genetics
  10. Mohsin Mohsen N, Aziz MA, Thangaraja K, Mohammad Nasir MA, Md Zoqratt MZH, Bhassu S, et al.
    Environ Monit Assess, 2024 Nov 04;196(12):1154.
    PMID: 39495404 DOI: 10.1007/s10661-024-13321-7
    Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) is a plant virus transmitted by aphids that has spread throughout many countries, including Malaysia, causing yield losses and economic impacts to the papaya industry worldwide. PRSV infection in papaya-distinctive ring-shaped patterns on papaya leaves resulted in stunted growth and reduced fruit quality. Management strategies such as the use of resistant varieties, cultural practices, and vector control are employed to mitigate the spread of PRSV. However, the evolution of new virus strains and the uncertainties posed by climate change pose ongoing challenges for the management of PRSV worldwide. Therefore, in this present study, we aim to confirm the presence of PRSV in symptomatic papaya leaves, to depict the current status of PRSV in Malaysia. Using reverse-transcription PCR (RT-PCR) targeting PRSV partial nuclear inclusion b protein (NIb) and coat protein (CP), 13 out of 40 papaya leaves collected were found positive for the PRSV strain-P (PRSV-P). Nucleotide analysis revealed a high similarity with strains from Taiwan and India, showing 96.83%, 97.03%, and 97.03% identity with the Taiwan strains (DQ340771, AY027810) and the India strain (KJ755852), respectively. Compared to the CP gene of Malaysian isolates reported in 2016 (EU082207), several nonsynonymous mutations have been discovered suggesting genetic diversity within the PRSV population in Malaysia. Overall, this study confirms the current circulation of PRSV infection in Malaysia since it was first identified in Johore in 1991. The re-occurrence of PRSV-P in this study highlights the need for continuous monitoring and targeted management strategies to prevent the further spread of PRSV-P in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Variation*
  11. Nikzad S, Tan SG, Yong Seok Yien C, Ng J, Alitheen NB, Khan R, et al.
    J Med Primatol, 2014 Dec;43(6):433-44.
    PMID: 24930735 DOI: 10.1111/jmp.12130
    The genetic diversity and structure of long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) in Peninsular Malaysia, a widely used non-human primate species in biomedical research, have not been thoroughly characterized.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Variation*
  12. Noh A, Rafii MY, Saleh G, Kushairi A, Latif MA
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2012;2012:792601.
    PMID: 22701095 DOI: 10.1100/2012/792601
    The performance of 11 oil palm AVROS (Algemene Vereniging van Rubberplanters ter Oostkust van Sumatra) pisiferas was evaluated based on their 40 dura x pisifera (DxP) progenies tested on inland soils, predominantly of Serdang Series. Fresh fruit bunch (FFB) yield of each pisiferas ranged from 121.93 to 143.9 kg palm⁻¹ yr⁻¹ with trial mean of 131.62 kg palm⁻¹ yr⁻¹. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed low genetic variability among pisifera parents for most of the characters indicating uniformity of the pisifera population. This was anticipated as the AVROS pisiferas were derived from small population and were inbred materials. However, some of the pisiferas have shown good general combining ability (GCA) for certain important economic traits. Three pisiferas (P1 (0.174/247), P3 (0.174/498), P11 (0.182/308)) were identified of having good GCA for FFB yield while pisiferas P1 (0.174/247), P10 (0.182/348), and P11 (0.182/308) were good combiners for oil-to-bunch ratio (O/B). The narrow genetic base of these materials was the main obstacle in breeding and population improvement. However, efforts have been made to introgress this material with the vast oil palm germplasm collections of MPOB for rectifying the problem.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Variation/genetics*
  13. Sohrabi M, Rafii MY, Hanafi MM, Siti Nor Akmar A, Latif MA
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2012;2012:416291.
    PMID: 22654604 DOI: 10.1100/2012/416291
    Genetic diversity is prerequisite for any crop improvement program as it helps in the development of superior recombinants. Fifty Malaysian upland rice accessions were evaluated for 12 growth traits, yield and yield components. All of the traits were significant and highly significant among the accessions. The higher magnitudes of genotypic and phenotypic coefficients of variation were recorded for flag leaf length-to-width ratio, spikelet fertility, and days to flowering. High heritability along with high genetic advance was registered for yield of plant, days to flowering, and flag leaf length-to-width ratio suggesting preponderance of additive gene action in the gene expression of these characters. Plant height showed highly significant positive correlation with most of the traits. According to UPGMA cluster analysis all accessions were clustered into six groups. Twelve morphological traits provided around 77% of total variation among the accessions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Variation/genetics*
  14. Rogatcheva MB, Borodin PM, Oda SI, Searle JB
    Genome, 1997 Feb;40(1):18-24.
    PMID: 9061910
    A high-resolution G-banding technique was used to identify five metacentrics that characterize Suncus murinus from Sri Lanka. These metacentrics were shown to be the product of Robertsonian fusion of acrocentric chromosomes identical to those in the standard karyotype defined by M.B. Rogatcheva et al. Two of the metacentrics in the Sri Lankan shrews (Rb(10.12) and Rb(14.15)) were the same as those reported by C.H. Sam et al. in Malayan populations of S. murinus. This finding provides strong support for the suggestion of T.H. Yosida that metacentric-carrying shrews colonized Malaya from Sri Lanka and hybridized with individuals of standard karyotype, generating the Robertsonian polymorphism now observed. In addition to the Robertsonian variation in S. murinus, we have used our high resolution technique (G- and C-banding) to characterize variants on chromosome 7, the X chromosome, and the Y chromosome.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Variation*
  15. Nijman V
    Zoo Biol, 2016 Jan-Feb;35(1):1-3.
    PMID: 26661798 DOI: 10.1002/zoo.21256
    Ogata and Seino [Zoo Biol, 2015, 34:76-79] sequenced the mitochondrial D-loop of five proboscis monkeys Nasalis larvatus from Yokahama Zoo, Japan, that were imported from Surabaya Zoo, Indonesia. They compared their sequences with those of 16 proboscis monkeys from Sabah, Malaysia, and on the basis of a haplotype network analysis of 256 base pairs concluded that the northern Malaysian and southern Indonesian populations of proboscis monkeys are genetically differentiated. I provide information on the origin of the Indonesian proboscis monkeys, showing that they were the first-generation offspring of wild-caught individuals from the Pulau Kaget Strict Nature Reserve in the province of South Kalimantan. Using a phylogenetic approach and adding additional sequences from Indonesia and Malaysia, I reanalyzed their data, and found no support for a north-south divide. Instead the resulting tree based on 433 base pairs sequences show two strongly supported clades, both containing individuals from Indonesia and Malaysia. Work on captive individuals, as reported by Ogata and Seino, can aid in developing appropriate markers and techniques, but to obtain a more complete understanding of the genetic diversity and differentiation of wild proboscis monkeys, more detailed geographic sampling from all over Borneo is needed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Variation*
  16. Chong ETJ, Neoh JWF, Lau TY, Lim YA, Chai HC, Chua KH, et al.
    Malar J, 2020 Oct 22;19(1):377.
    PMID: 33092594 DOI: 10.1186/s12936-020-03451-x
    BACKGROUND: Understanding the genetic diversity of candidate genes for malaria vaccines such as circumsporozoite protein (csp) may enhance the development of vaccines for treating Plasmodium knowlesi. Hence, the aim of this study is to investigate the genetic diversity of non-repeat regions of csp in P. knowlesi from Malaysian Borneo and Peninsular Malaysia.

    METHODS: A total of 46 csp genes were subjected to polymerase chain reaction amplification. The genes were obtained from P. knowlesi isolates collected from different divisions of Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, and Peninsular Malaysia. The targeted gene fragments were cloned into a commercial vector and sequenced, and a phylogenetic tree was constructed while incorporating 168 csp sequences retrieved from the GenBank database. The genetic diversity and natural evolution of the csp sequences were analysed using MEGA6 and DnaSP ver. 5.10.01. A genealogical network of the csp haplotypes was generated using NETWORK ver.

    RESULTS: The phylogenetic analysis revealed indistinguishable clusters of P. knowlesi isolates across different geographic regions, including Malaysian Borneo and Peninsular Malaysia. Nucleotide analysis showed that the csp non-repeat regions of zoonotic P. knowlesi isolates obtained in this study underwent purifying selection with population expansion, which was supported by extensive haplotype sharing observed between humans and macaques. Novel variations were observed in the C-terminal non-repeat region of csp.

    CONCLUSIONS: The csp non-repeat regions are relatively conserved and there is no distinct cluster of P. knowlesi isolates from Malaysian Borneo and Peninsular Malaysia. Distinctive variation data obtained in the C-terminal non-repeat region of csp could be beneficial for the design and development of vaccines to treat P. knowlesi.

    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Variation*
  17. Ithnin M, Teh CK, Ratnam W
    BMC Genet, 2017 04 19;18(1):37.
    PMID: 28420332 DOI: 10.1186/s12863-017-0505-7
    BACKGROUND: The Elaeis oleifera genetic materials were assembled from its center of diversity in South and Central America. These materials are currently being preserved in Malaysia as ex situ living collections. Maintaining such collections is expensive and requires sizable land. Information on the genetic diversity of these collections can help achieve efficient conservation via maintenance of core collection. For this purpose, we have applied fourteen unlinked microsatellite markers to evaluate 532 E. oleifera palms representing 19 populations distributed across Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia.

    RESULTS: In general, the genetic diversity decreased from Costa Rica towards the north (Honduras) and south-east (Colombia). Principle coordinate analysis (PCoA) showed a single cluster indicating low divergence among palms. The phylogenetic tree and STRUCTURE analysis revealed clusters based on country of origin, indicating considerable gene flow among populations within countries. Based on the values of the genetic diversity parameters, some genetically diverse populations could be identified. Further, a total of 34 individual palms that collectively captured maximum allelic diversity with reduced redundancy were also identified. High pairwise genetic differentiation (Fst > 0.250) among populations was evident, particularly between the Colombian populations and those from Honduras, Panama and Costa Rica. Crossing selected palms from highly differentiated populations could generate off-springs that retain more genetic diversity.

    CONCLUSION: The results attained are useful for selecting palms and populations for core collection. The selected materials can also be included into crossing scheme to generate offsprings that capture greater genetic diversity for selection gain in the future.

    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Variation*
  18. Fix AG
    Ann. Hum. Genet., 1978 Jan;41(3):329-39.
    PMID: 626477
    Most current models of human population structure view migration solely as a deterministic force reducing the variance in gene frequencies among the local colonies of a subdivided population. By an empirical example and through simulation experiments, it is shown that migration structured along kinship lines (by analogy to the lineal or 'kinship' effect) does not always reduce the variances of gene frequencies arising through intergenerational random genetic drift. Thus populations experiencing high rates of migration may not be genetically homogenous.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Variation*
  19. Wang MMH, Gardner EM, Chung RCK, Chew MY, Milan AR, Pereira JT, et al.
    Am J Bot, 2018 05;105(5):898-914.
    PMID: 29874392 DOI: 10.1002/ajb2.1094
    PREMISE OF THE STUDY: Underutilized crops and their wild relatives are important resources for crop improvement and food security. Cempedak [Artocarpus integer (Thunb). Merr.] is a significant crop in Malaysia but underutilized elsewhere. Here we performed molecular characterization of cempedak and its putative wild relative bangkong (Artocarpus integer (Thunb). Merr. var. silvestris Corner) to address questions regarding the origin and diversity of cempedak.

    METHODS: Using data from 12 microsatellite loci, we assessed the genetic diversity and genetic/geographic structure for 353 cempedak and 175 bangkong accessions from Malaysia and neighboring countries and employed clonal analysis to characterize cempedak cultivars. We conducted haplotype network analyses on the trnH-psbA region in a subset of these samples. We also analyzed key vegetative characters that reportedly differentiate cempedak and bangkong.

    KEY RESULTS: We show that cempedak and bangkong are sister taxa and distinct genetically and morphologically, but the directionality of domestication origin is unclear. Genetic diversity was generally higher in bangkong than in cempedak. We found a distinct genetic cluster for cempedak from Borneo as compared to cempedak from Peninsular Malaysia. Finally, cempedak cultivars with the same names did not always share the same genetic fingerprint.

    CONCLUSIONS: Cempedak origins are complex, with likely admixture and hybridization with bangkong, warranting further investigation. We provide a baseline of genetic diversity of cempedak and bangkong in Malaysia and found that germplasm collections in Malaysia represent diverse coverage of the four cempedak genetic clusters detected.

    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Variation*
  20. Pavitra SP, Ya'cob Z, Tan TK, Lim YAL, Low VL
    Acta Trop, 2020 May;205:105415.
    PMID: 32088275 DOI: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2020.105415
    The population genetic structures of S. vanluni, S. cheongi and S. jeffreyi were determined from mitochondria-encoded sequences of cytochrome c oxidase subunits I (COI) across different states in Peninsular Malaysia. High levels of genetic diversity and genetic differentiation were observed among three species. All three species revealed an intermediate level of gene flow among the populations. Negative values of Fu's Fs and low values of Raggedness index supported the hypothesis of population expansion in S. vanluni, S. cheongi and S. jeffreyi.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Variation*
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