Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 90 in total

  1. Yew CT, Gurumoorthy N, Nordin F, Tye GJ, Wan Kamarul Zaman WS, Tan JJ, et al.
    PeerJ, 2022;10:e13704.
    PMID: 35979475 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.13704
    HIV-1 derived lentiviral vector is an efficient transporter for delivering desired genetic materials into the targeted cells among many viral vectors. Genetic material transduced by lentiviral vector is integrated into the cell genome to introduce new functions, repair defective cell metabolism, and stimulate certain cell functions. Various measures have been administered in different generations of lentiviral vector systems to reduce the vector's replicating capabilities. Despite numerous demonstrations of an excellent safety profile of integrative lentiviral vectors, the precautionary approach has prompted the development of integrase-deficient versions of these vectors. The generation of integrase-deficient lentiviral vectors by abrogating integrase activity in lentiviral vector systems reduces the rate of transgenes integration into host genomes. With this feature, the integrase-deficient lentiviral vector is advantageous for therapeutic implementation and widens its clinical applications. This short review delineates the biology of HIV-1-erived lentiviral vector, generation of integrase-deficient lentiviral vector, recent studies involving integrase-deficient lentiviral vectors, limitations, and prospects for neoteric clinical use.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Vectors/genetics
  2. REID JA
    Med J Malaya, 1960 Jun;14:228-31.
    PMID: 13740490
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Vectors*
  3. Koh WC, Yusoff K, Song AAL, Saad N, Chia SL
    J Med Microbiol, 2025 Feb;74(2).
    PMID: 39950625 DOI: 10.1099/jmm.0.001972
    RNA interference regulates gene expression by selectively silencing target genes through the introduction of small RNA molecules, such as microRNA, small interfering RNA and short hairpin RNA. These molecules offer significant therapeutic potential for diverse human ailments like cancer, viral infections and neurodegenerative disorders. Whilst non-viral vectors like nanoparticles have been extensively explored for delivering these RNAs, viral vectors, with superior specificity and delivery efficiency, remain less studied. This review examines current viral vectors for small RNA delivery, focusing on design strategies and characteristics. It compares the advantages and drawbacks of each vector, aiding readers in selecting the optimal one for small RNA delivery.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Vectors*
  4. Abdurashid Mamadolimov, Herman Isa, Miza Mumtaz Ahmad, Moesfa Soeheila Mohamad
    A Boolean permutation is called nonlinear if it has at least one nonlinear component function. All nonlinear Boolean permutations and their complements are called non-affine Boolean permutations. Any non-affine Boolean permutation is a potential candidate for bijective S-Box of block ciphers. In this paper, we find the number of n-variable non-affine Boolean permutations up to multiplicative n and show a simple method of construction of non-affine Boolean permutations. However, non-affinity property is not sufficient for S-Boxes. Nonlinearity is one of the basic properties of an S-Box. The nonlinearity of Boolean permutation is a distance between set of all non-constant linear combinations of component functions and set of all non-affine Boolean functions. The cryptographically strong S-Boxes have high nonlinearity. In this paper, we show a method of construction of 8-variable highly nonlinear Boolean permutations. Our construction is based on analytically design (8, 1), (8, 2), and (8, 3) highly nonlinear vectorial balanced functions and random permutation for other component functions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Vectors
  5. Low PT, Lai MI, Ngai SC, Abdullah S
    Gene, 2014 Jan 1;533(1):451-5.
    PMID: 24120896 DOI: 10.1016/j.gene.2013.09.075
    Current viral gene delivery vectors for gene therapy are inefficient due to short-lived transgene expression attributed to the cytosine-phosphate-guanine (CpG) motifs in the transgene. Here we assessed the effects of CpG motif reduction in lentiviral (LV) gene delivery context on the level and duration of reporter gene expression in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells, Human Immortalized Myelogenous Leukemia (K562) cells and hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). The cells were transduced with LV carrying Zero-CpG green fluorescent protein (ZGFP) reporter gene, LV/CMV/ZGFP. The GFP expression was compared to its non CpG-depleted GFP reporter gene LV (LV/CMV/GFP) counterpart. The LV/CMV/ZGFP exhibited prolonged transgene expression in CHO cells and HSCs up to 10 days and 14 days, in the respective cells. This effect was not seen in the transduced K562 cells, which may be due to the DNA hypomethylation status of the cancer cell line. Transgene copy number analysis verified that the GFP expression was not from pseudo-transduction and the transgene remained in the genome of the cells throughout the period of the study. The modest positive effects from the LV/CMV/ZGFP suggest that the reduction of CpG in the LV construct was not substantial to generate higher and more prolonged transgene expression.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Vectors*
  6. Wong YC, Osahor A, Al-Ajli FOM, Narayanan K
    Anal Biochem, 2021 10 01;630:114324.
    PMID: 34363787 DOI: 10.1016/j.ab.2021.114324
    The effect of DNA topology on transfection efficiency of mammalian cells has been widely tested on plasmids smaller than 10 kb, but little is known for larger DNA vectors carrying intact genomic DNA containing introns, exons, and regulatory regions. Here, we demonstrate that circular BACs transfect more efficiently than covalently closed linear BACs. We found up to 3.1- and 8.9- fold higher eGFP expression from circular 11 kb and 100 kb BACs, respectively, compared to linear BACs. These findings provide insights for improved vector development for gene delivery and expression studies of large intact transgenes in mammalian cells.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Vectors/genetics
  7. Hassan MI, McSorley FR, Hotta K, Boddy CN
    J Vis Exp, 2017 06 27.
    PMID: 28715370 DOI: 10.3791/55187
    Co-expression of multiple proteins is increasingly essential for synthetic biology, studying protein-protein complexes, and characterizing and harnessing biosynthetic pathways. In this manuscript, the use of a highly effective system for the construction of multigene synthetic operons under the control of an inducible T7 RNA polymerase is described. This system allows many genes to be expressed simultaneously from one plasmid. Here, a set of four related vectors, pMGX-A, pMGX-hisA, pMGX-K, and pMGX-hisK, with either the ampicillin or kanamycin resistance selectable marker (A and K) and either possessing or lacking an N-terminal hexahistidine tag (his) are disclosed. Detailed protocols for the construction of synthetic operons using this vector system are provided along with the corresponding data, showing that a pMGX-based system containing five genes can be readily constructed and used to produce all five encoded proteins in Escherichia coli. This system and protocol enables researchers to routinely express complex multi-component modules and pathways in E. coli.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Vectors/genetics*
  8. Wong YC, Ng AWR, Chen Q, Liew PS, Lee CW, Sim EUH, et al.
    ACS Synth Biol, 2023 Apr 21;12(4):909-921.
    PMID: 37026178 DOI: 10.1021/acssynbio.2c00580
    Bacteriophage N15 is the first virus known to deliver linear prophage into Escherichia coli. During its lysogenic cycle, N15 protelomerase (TelN) resolves its telomerase occupancy site (tos) into hairpin telomeres. This protects the N15 prophage from bacterial exonuclease degradation, enabling it to stably replicate as a linear plasmid in E. coli. Interestingly, purely proteinaceous TelN can retain phage DNA linearization and hairpin formation without involving host- or phage-derived intermediates or cofactors in the heterologous environment. This unique feature has led to the advent of synthetic linear DNA vector systems derived from the TelN-tos module for the genetic engineering of bacterial and mammalian cells. This review will focus on the development and advantages of N15-based novel cloning and expression vectors in the bacterial and mammalian environments. To date, N15 is the most widely exploited molecular tool for the development of linear vector systems, especially the production of therapeutically useful miniDNA vectors without a bacterial backbone. Compared to typical circular plasmids, linear N15-based plasmids display remarkable cloning fidelity in propagating unstable repetitive DNA sequences and large genomic fragments. Additionally, TelN-linearized vectors with the relevant origin of replication can replicate extrachromosomally and retain transgenes functionality in bacterial and mammalian cells without compromising host cell viability. Currently, this DNA linearization system has shown robust results in the development of gene delivery vehicles, DNA vaccines and engineering mammalian cells against infectious diseases or cancers, highlighting its multifaceted importance in genetic studies and gene medicine.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Vectors/genetics
  9. Khalaf AT, Wan J, Wei H, Fubing S, Zainol J, Kadir SYA, et al.
    Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 2024 Jan;196(1):261-274.
    PMID: 37119504 DOI: 10.1007/s12010-023-04463-4
    Replication-competent oncolytic adenovirus (TOA2) gene therapy is a recently introduced anti-tumor treatment regimen with superior results. The biodistribution studies of virus vector-based medicine seem more cautious and have been given much attention recently in terms of its quality and safety in preclinical trials. The current study determined the biodistribution and safety of a replication-competent adenovirus in different organs to predict its toxicity threshold. The present study has used TOA2, while biodistribution analysis was performed in human lung carcinoma A549-induced tumor-bearing nude mice model. Intratumoral injection was applied onto tumor-bearing mice with the adenovirus (3×1010 VP per mouse). Mice were sacrificed at the end of the experiment and the organs were dissected. Biodistribution analysis was done with complete hexon gene detection in each organ using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). The biodistribution and concentration profiles showed that the TOA2 is well distributed in the entire tumor tissue. After dose 3 at day 11, the concentration of the virus has increased in the tumor tissue from 2240.54 (± 01.69) copies/100 ng genome to 13,120.28 (± 88.21) copies/100 ng genome on the 18th day, which eventually approached 336.45 (± 23.41) copies/100ng genome on the day 36. On the contrary, the concentration of the same decreased in the order of the liver, kidney, spleen, lung, and heart over time but no distributional traces in gonads. But the concentration found decreased dramatically in blood and other organs, while at the end of the experiment no detectable distribution was seen besides tumor tissue. The study confirms that adenovirus-based tumor therapy using conditionally replicating competent oncolytic TOA2 exhibited great efficiency with no toxicity at all.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Vectors/genetics
  10. Mohd Azlan Abdul Majid, Mariam Setapa, Noorita Mohammad
    Tujuan kertas kerja ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan, kesan ekonomi semasa dan faktor pencemaran terhadap modal, perbelanjaan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi terutamanya kepada Malaysia dan dibandingkan dengan negara seperti Jepun, Singapura dan Zimbabwe. Persoalan utama adalah sama ada modal dan perbelanjaan dapat berterusan menyumbangkan kepada pertumbuhan ekonomi ataupun tidak. Untuk mengkaji perhubungan, kami gunakan Test Unit Root (TUR); Augmented Dickey-Fuller Method (ADF), Phillip-Perron Test (PP) dan Kwiatkowski-Phillip-Schmidt-Shin (KPSS), Test Johansen Cointegration (TJC), diikuti Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) dan akhir sekali Test Granger Causality (TGC). Tujuan pengujian ini adalah untuk mengukur perhubungan, kestabilan dan kesahihan model. Kedua, untuk mengkaji kesan impak ekonomi kami gunakan Impulse Respond dan ujian Variance Decomposition yang menyelidik kesan berapa banyak dan berapa panjang model bertindakbalas kepada kesan Kegawatan Ekonomi Asia pada 1997 dan Kesan Serangan Pengganas di Amerika Syarikat pada September 2011. Ketiga kami juga megukur kesan perbelanjaan isi rumah dan kerajaan terhadap alam persekitaran. Kertas kerja ini mendapati, ia menyokong idea modal penjana pertumbuhan tetapi natijah perbelanjaan penjana pertumbuhan adalah berbeda mengikut tahap pertumbuhan. Di mana Malaysia dan Singapura menyokong sepenuhnya tetapi Jepun dan Zimbabwe hanya menyokong separa sahaja. Apabila kami mengukur impak kesan ekonomi pula, di dapati pada negara Zimbabwe tiada kesan antara krisis pada tahun 1997 ataupun pada 2001. Tetapi impak pada negara seperti Jepun, Malaysia dan Singapura pula berhadapan dalam posisi tidak baik pada krisis tahun 1997 tetapi keadaan yang baik pula pada krisis tahun 2001. Akhir sekali kami juga bangunkan theori pencemaran dimana untuk negara Zimbabwe ke semua pembolehubah seperti Perbelanjaan isi rumah (HC), Perbelanjaan Kerajaan (GC) dan Modal Tetap Kasar (GFC) tidak mempengaruhi pencemaran iaitu Karbon Dioksida (CO2). Tetapi natijah untuk negara Malaysia dan Singapura pula hanya HC mencipta CO2, tidak untuk GC dan GFC. Dan pengakhiran sekali Negara Jepun pula semua pembolehubah seperti GC,HC dan GFC mencipta pencemaran. Kesimpulannya krisis yang berlaku pada negara Amerika Syarikat pada tahun 2001 memberi kesan terus pada Negara Amerika tetapi tidak pada negara seperti Malaysia, Jepun dan Singapura, walhal negara-negara ini menadapat lambakan di dalam pasaran modal akibat perubahan ketidaktentuan dalam ekonomi Amerika seterusnya meningkatkan secara langsung Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar (GDP). Walaubagaimanapun negara Zimbabwe tidak mempunyai kesan langsung sama ada sebelum atupun selepas masalah krisis ekonomi ini. Apabila kertas kerja ini mengkaji daripada sudut pembangunan lestari didapati Negara Zimbabwe seperti HC dan GC tidaklah mencemar seperti negara Malaysia dan Singapura yang menunjukkan HC punca pencemaran dan bukannya GC yang mungkin disebabkan skala ekonominya yang lebih kecil. Untuk negara Jepun pula disebabkan negara ini mempunyai skala ekonomi yang lebih besar HC dan GC adalah agen kepada pencemaran. Implikasinya model ini sepatutnya diambil kira dalam pembuat keputusan terutamanya untuk meninkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Vectors
  11. Osahor AN, Narayanan K
    Methods Mol Biol, 2021;2211:15-27.
    PMID: 33336267 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-0716-0943-9_2
    Gene delivery using invasive bacteria as vectors is a robust method that is feasible for plasmid and artificial chromosome DNA construct delivery to human cells presenting β1 integrin receptors. This technique is relatively underutilized owing to the inefficiency of gene transfer to targeted cell populations. Bacterial vectors must successfully adhere to the cell membrane, internalize into the cytoplasm, undergo lysis, and deliver DNA to the nucleus. There are limited studies on the use of exogenous reagents to improve the efficiency of bacteria-mediated gene delivery to mammalian cells. In this chapter, we describe how cationic lipids, conventionally used for DNA and protein transfection, as well as antimicrobial compounds, can be used to synergistically enhance the adherence of invasive bacterial vectors to the cell membrane and improve their predisposition to internalize into the cytoplasm to deliver DNA. Using simple combinatorial methods, functional DNA transfer can be improved by up to four-fold of invaded cell populations. These methods are easy to perform and are likely to be applicable for other bacterial vectors including Listeria and Salmonella.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Vectors/administration & dosage; Genetic Vectors/genetics*
  12. Koko I, Song AA, Masarudin MJ, Abdul Rahim R
    BMC Biotechnol, 2019 11 27;19(1):82.
    PMID: 31775775 DOI: 10.1186/s12896-019-0575-x
    BACKGROUND: Site-specific integration system allows foreign DNA to be integrated into the specific site of the host genome, enabling stable expression of heterologous protein. In this study, integrative vectors for secretion and surface display of proteins were constructed based on a lactococcal phage TP901-1 integrating system.

    RESULTS: The constructed integration system comprises of a lactococcal promoter (PnisA or P170), phage attachment site (attP) from bacteriophage TP901-1, a signal peptide (USP45 or SPK1) for translocation of the target protein, and a PrtP344 anchor domain in the case of the integrative vectors for surface display. There were eight successfully constructed integrative vectors with each having a different combination of promoter and signal peptide; pS1, pS2, pS3 and pS4 for secretion, and pSD1, pSD2, pSD3 and pSD4 for surface display of desired protein. The integration of the vectors into the host genome was assisted by a helper vector harbouring the integrase gene. A nuclease gene was used as a reporter and was successfully integrated into the L. lactis genome and Nuc was secreted or displayed as expected. The signal peptide SPK1 was observed to be superior to USP45-LEISSTCDA fusion in the secretion of Nuc. As for the surface display integrative vector, all systems developed were comparable with the exception of the combination of P170 promoter with USP45 signal peptide which gave very low signals in whole cell ELISA.

    CONCLUSION: The engineered synthetic integrative vectors have the potential to be used for secretion or surface display of heterologous protein production in lactococcal expression system for research or industrial purposes, especially in live vaccine delivery.

    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Vectors/genetics; Genetic Vectors/physiology
  13. Rothan HA, Teh SH, Haron K, Mohamed Z
    Int J Mol Sci, 2012;13(3):3549-62.
    PMID: 22489167 DOI: 10.3390/ijms13033549
    Adiponectin is one of the most bioactive substances secreted by adipose tissue and is involved in the protection against metabolic syndrome, artherosclerosis and type II diabetes. Research into the use of adiponectin as a promising drug for metabolic syndromes requires production of this hormone in high quantities considering its molecular isoforms. The objective of this study is to produce recombinant human adiponectin by Pichia pastoris (P-ADP) as a cheap and convenient eukaryotic expression system for potential application in pharmaceutical therapy. For comparison, adiponectin was also expressed using the Escherichia coli (E-ADP) expression system. Adiponectin was constructed by overlap-extension PCR, and cloned in standard cloning vector and hosts. Recombinant expression vectors were cloned in the P. pastoris and E. coli host strains, respectively. SDS-PAGE and western blotting were used to detect and analyse expressed recombinant protein in both systems. Adiponectin was purified by affinity chromatography and quantified using the Bradford Assay. The results of this study indicated that P-ADP quantity (0.111 mg/mL) was higher than that of E-ADP (0.04 mg/mL) and both were produced in soluble form. However, P-ADP was able to form high molecular weights of adiponectin molecules, whilst E-ADP was not able to form isoforms higher than trimer. In addition, P-ADP was more active in lowering blood glucose compared with E-ADP. The two types of proteins were equally efficient and significantly decreased blood triglyceride and increased high density lipoprotein. We conclude that P. pastoris is able to produce high quantity of bioactive adiponectin for potential use in treatment of metabolic syndromes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Vectors/genetics; Genetic Vectors/metabolism
  14. Abdul Mutalib NE, Mat Isa N, Alitheen NB, Song AA, Rahim RA
    Plasmid, 2014 May;73:26-33.
    PMID: 24780699 DOI: 10.1016/j.plasmid.2014.04.003
    Plasmid DNAs isolated from lactic acid bacteria (LAB) such as Lactococcus lactis (L. lactis) has been gaining more interests for its positive prospects in genetic engineering-related applications. In this study, the lactococcal plasmid, pNZ8048 was modified so as to be able to express multiple genes in the eukaryotic system. Therefore, a cassette containing an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) was cloned between VP2 gene of a very virulent infectious bursal disease (vvIBDV) UPM 04190 of Malaysian local isolates and the reporter gene, green fluorescent protein (GFP) into pNZ:CA, a newly constructed derivative of pNZ8048 harboring the cytomegalovirus promoter (Pcmv) and polyadenylation signal. The new bicistronic vector, denoted as pNZ:vig was subjected to in vitro transcription/translation system followed by SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis to rapidly verify its functionality. Immunoblotting profiles showed the presence of 49 and 29kDa bands that corresponds to the sizes of the VP2 and GFP proteins respectively. This preliminary result shows that the newly constructed lactococcal bicistronic vector can co-express multiple genes in a eukaryotic system via the IRES element thus suggesting its feasibility to be used for transfection of in vitro cell cultures and vaccine delivery.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Vectors/genetics*; Genetic Vectors/metabolism
  15. Sultana A, Tiash S
    J Control Release, 2021 04 10;332:233-244.
    PMID: 33561481 DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2021.02.004
    E. coli mediated gene delivery faces a major drawback of low efficiency despite of being a safer alternative to viral vectors. This study showed a novel, simple and effective strategy to enhance invasive E. coli DH10B vector's efficiency in human epithelial cells. The bactofection efficiency of invasive E .coli vector was analyzed in nine cell lines. It demonstrated highest (16%) reporter gene (GFP) expression in cervical cells. Methods were employed to further enhance its efficiency by adding transfection reagents (trans-bactofection method) to promote entry into host cells, lysosomotropic reagents for escape from lysosomal degradation or antibiotics to lyse internalized bacteria. Increased bacterial entry, as elucidated from nil to 3% expression in liver cells, was obtained upon complexing bacteria with PULSin. Chloroquine mediated endosomal escape resulted in 7.2 folds increase whereas tetracycline addition to lyse internalized bacteria caused ≈90% of GFP in HeLa. Eventually, the combined effect of these three methods exhibited close to 100% GFP in cervical and remarkable increase of 138 folds in breast cells. This is the first study showing comparative study of vector's gene delivery ability in various epithelial cells of the human body with improving its delivery efficiency. These data demonstrated the potential of developed bactofection method to boost up the efficiency of other bacterial vectors also, which could further be used for effectual therapeutic gene delivery in human cells.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Vectors
  16. Shin, Tan Seok, Zeenathul Nazariah Allaudin, Mohd. Azmi Mohd. Lila
    Adenovirus vector is the most common used vector in clinical gene therapy. The development of adenovirus from the first generation until the helper-dependent adenovirus vector has greatly reduced toxicity and immunogenicity. The helper-dependent adenovirus can also prolong transgene expression. Tissue- or disease-specific approach has been used to improve the specificity of adenoviral vector for cancer gene therapy. This review summarizes some adenoviral gene therapy and targeting approaches available for human cancer as well as animal cancer.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Vectors
  17. Raha AR, Ross E, Yusoff K, Manap MY, Ideris A
    J. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Biophys., 2002 Feb;6(1):7-11.
    PMID: 12186776
    An erythromycin resistance plasmid, pAJ01 was isolated from Loctococcus lactis isolate C5 that was isolated from a healthy two-week-old chicken cecum. A 4 kb plasmid was transformed into plasmidless L. lactis MG1363 before a restriction endonuclease map was constructed. It was then fused with pUC19 to form pAJ02, which can replicate in Escherichia coli XLI-Blue as well as L. lactis MG1363. The plasmid was stably maintained in Lactococcus for more than 100 generations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Vectors*
  18. Al Abbar A, Nordin N, Ghazalli N, Abdullah S
    Tissue Cell, 2018 Dec;55:13-24.
    PMID: 30503056 DOI: 10.1016/j.tice.2018.09.004
    Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) have great potentials for regenerative medicine. However, serious concerns such as the use of the viral-mediated reprogramming strategies and exposure of iPSCs to animal products from feeder cells and serum-containing medium have restricted the application of iPSCs in the clinics. Therefore, the generation of iPSCs with minimal viral integrations and in non-animal sourced and serum-free medium is necessary. In this report, a polycistronic lentiviral vector carrying Yamanaka's factors was used to reprogram mouse fibroblasts into iPSCs in feeder- and xeno-free culture environment. The generated iPSCs exhibited morphology and self-renewal properties of embryonic stem cells (ESCs), expression of specific pluripotent markers, and potentials to differentiate into the three-major distinct specialized germ layers in vitro. The iPSCs were also shown to have the potential to differentiate into neural precursor and neurons in culture, with greater than 95% expression of nestin, Pax6 and βIII-tubulin. This body of work describes an alternative method of generating iPSCs by using polycistronic lentiviral vector that may minimize the risks associated with viral vector-mediated reprogramming and animal derived products in the culture media.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Vectors/metabolism
  19. Ariffin N, Abdullah R, Rashdan Muad M, Lourdes J, Emran NA, Ismail MR, et al.
    Plasmid, 2011 Sep;66(3):136-43.
    PMID: 21827784 DOI: 10.1016/j.plasmid.2011.07.002
    Polyhydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate (PHBV) is a polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) bioplastic group with thermoplastic properties is thus high in quality and can be degradable. PHBV can be produced by bacteria, but the process is not economically competitive with polymers produced from petrochemicals. To overcome this problem, research on transgenic plants has been carried out as one of the solutions to produce PHBV in economically sound alternative manner. Four different genes encoded with the enzymes necessary to catalyze PHBV are bktB, phaB, phaC and tdcB. All the genes came with modified CaMV 35S promoters (except for the tdcB gene, which was promoted by the native CaMV 35S promoter), nos terminator sequences and plastid sequences in order to target the genes into the plastids. Subcloning resulted in the generation of two different orientations of the tdcB, pLMIN (left) and pRMIN (right), both 17.557 and 19.967 kb in sizes. Both plasmids were transformed in immature embryos (IE) of oil palm via Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Assays of GUS were performed on one-week-old calli and 90% of the calli turned completely blue. This preliminary test showed positive results of integration. Six-months-old calli were harvested and RNA of the calli were isolated. RT-PCR was used to confirm the transient expression of PHBV transgenes in the calli. The bands were 258, 260, 315 and 200 bp in size for bktB, phaB, phaC and tdcB transgenes respectively. The data obtained showed that the bktB, phaB, phaC and tdcB genes were successfully integrated and expressed in the oil palm genome.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Vectors/genetics*
  20. Maidin MS, Song AA, Jalilsood T, Sieo CC, Yusoff K, Rahim RA
    Plasmid, 2014 Jul;74:32-8.
    PMID: 24879963 DOI: 10.1016/j.plasmid.2014.05.003
    A vector that drives the expression of the reporter gusA gene in both Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactococcus lactis was constructed in this study. This vector contained a newly characterized heat shock promoter (Phsp), amplified from an Enterococcus faecium plasmid, pAR6. Functionality and characterization of this promoter was initially performed by cloning Phsp into pNZ8008, a commercial lactococcal plasmid used for screening of putative promoters which utilizes gusA as a reporter. It was observed that Phsp was induced under heat, salinity and alkaline stresses or a combination of all three stresses. The newly characterized Phsp promoter was then used to construct a novel Lactobacillus vector, pAR1801 and its ability to express the gusA under stress-induced conditions was reproducible in both Lb. plantarum Pa21 and L. lactis M4 hosts.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Vectors/genetics*
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