Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 102 in total

  1. Thwala C, Carrera PM
    Health Aff (Millwood), 2016 08 01;35(8):1546.
    PMID: 27503987 DOI: 10.1377/hlthaff.2016.0790
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Resources*
  2. Lum LCS
    Pediatr Crit Care Med, 2020 11;21(11):1007-1008.
    PMID: 33136989 DOI: 10.1097/PCC.0000000000002416
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Resources*
  3. Atif M, Sulaiman SA, Shafie AA, Saleem F, Ahmad N
    Pan Afr Med J, 2012;12:40.
    PMID: 22891098
    Activity based costing (ABC) is an approach to get insight of true costs and to solve accounting problems. It provides more accurate information on product cost than conventional accounting system. The purpose of this study was to identify detailed resource consumption for chest x-ray procedure.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Resources/economics; Health Resources/utilization
  4. Zubair S, Syed Yusoff SK, Fisal N
    Sensors (Basel), 2016;16(2):172.
    PMID: 26840312 DOI: 10.3390/s16020172
    The emergence of the Internet of Things and the proliferation of mobile wireless devices has brought the area of mobile cognitive radio sensor networks (MCRSN) to the research spot light. Notwithstanding the potentials of CRSNs in terms of opportunistic channel usage for bursty traffic, the effect of the mobility of resource-constrained nodes to route stability, mobility-induced spatio-temporal spectral opportunities and primary user (PU) protection still remain open issues that need to be jointly addressed. To this effect, this paper proposes a mobile reliable geographical forwarding routing (MROR) protocol. MROR provides a robust mobile framework for geographical forwarding that is based on a mobility-induced channel availability model. It presents a comprehensive routing strategy that considers PU activity (to take care of routes that have to be built through PU coverage), PU signal protection (by the introduction of a mobility-induced guard (mguard) distance) and the random mobility-induced spatio-temporal spectrum opportunities (for enhancement of throughput). It also addresses the issue of frequent route maintenance that arises when speeds of the mobile nodes are considered as a routing metric. As a result, simulation has shown the ability of MROR to reduce the route failure rate by about 65% as against other schemes. In addition, further results show that MROR can improve both the throughput and goodput at the sink in an energy-efficient manner that is required in CRSNs as against compared works.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Resources
  5. Honar Pajooh H, Rashid M, Alam F, Demidenko S
    Sensors (Basel), 2021 Jan 07;21(2).
    PMID: 33430274 DOI: 10.3390/s21020359
    Providing security and privacy to the Internet of Things (IoT) networks while achieving it with minimum performance requirements is an open research challenge. Blockchain technology, as a distributed and decentralized ledger, is a potential solution to tackle the limitations of the current peer-to-peer IoT networks. This paper presents the development of an integrated IoT system implementing the permissioned blockchain Hyperledger Fabric (HLF) to secure the edge computing devices by employing a local authentication process. In addition, the proposed model provides traceability for the data generated by the IoT devices. The presented solution also addresses the IoT systems' scalability challenges, the processing power and storage issues of the IoT edge devices in the blockchain network. A set of built-in queries is leveraged by smart-contracts technology to define the rules and conditions. The paper validates the performance of the proposed model with practical implementation by measuring performance metrics such as transaction throughput and latency, resource consumption, and network use. The results show that the proposed platform with the HLF implementation is promising for the security of resource-constrained IoT devices and is scalable for deployment in various IoT scenarios.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Resources
  6. Hossein Moshiri, Syed Mohammed Aljunid, Rahmah Mohd Amin
    In a time of rising demands on hospital reimbursement levels, focus on efficient operations is becoming more imperative. In health care systems, the measurement of efficiency is usually the first step in auditing individual performance of production units, e.g. hospitals, health centers, etc. It constitutes the rational framework for the distribution of human and other resources between and within health care facilities. The term efficiency is broadly used in economics and refers to the best utilization of resources in production. Typical example of efficiency is technical efficiency, referring to the effective use of resources in producing outputs. In the Farrell framework, a hospital is judged to be technically efficient if it is operating on the best practice production frontier in its hospital industry. In general, there are two main frontier methods in measuring efficiency. The first is Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), a linear programming method which enables the measurement of efficiency consistent with the theoretically based concept of production efficiency. DEA typically examines the relationship between inputs to a production process and the outputs of that process. The second technique for assessing efficiency that is employed is Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA). This is an econometric technique to estimate a conventional function; with the difference being that efficiency is measured using the residuals from the estimated equation. The error term is therefore divided into a stochastic error term and a systematic inefficiency term.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Resources
  7. Arasteh-Rad, H., Khairulmizam Samsudin, Abdul Rahman Ramli, Mohammad Ali Tavallaie
    The rapid development of roads and the increasing number of vehicles have complicated road traffic enforcement in many countries due to limited resources of the traffic police, specifically when traffic infraction registration is done manually. The efficiency of the traffic police can be improved by a computer-based method. This study focused on mobile traffic infraction registration system benchmarking which is used to evaluate the server performance under load. The study attempts to provide a clear guideline for the performance evaluation of mobile road traffic infraction registration system, whereby the traffic police can make decision based on them to migrate from the manual-method toward computer-based method. A closed form of benchmark tool was used for the evaluation of the system performance. The tool was configured to imitate ramp scenarios, and statistics were gathered. The server was monitored at different times and works. Contributing factors include bottleneck, traffic, and response time, which are related with criteria and measurements. The system resource was also monitored for the tests.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Resources
  8. Abbas AA, Mohamad JA, Lydia AL, Selvaratnam L, Razif A, Ab-Rahim S, et al.
    JUMMEC, 2014;17(1):8-13.
    Autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI) is a widely accepted procedure for the treatment of large, fullthickness chondral defects involving various joints, but its use in developing countries is limited because of high cost and failure rates due to limited resources and support systems. Five patients (age
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Resources
  9. Vikneswary Uvaraja, Lee, Lai Soon
    Urban Transit Network Design Problem (UTNDP) focuses on deriving useful set of
    routes, manageable timetabling for each transit route and transit scheduling based on
    available resources. UTNDP is commonly subdivided into Urban Transit Routing
    Problem (UTRP) and Urban Transit Scheduling Problem (UTSP), respectively. There are
    various approaches applied to solve the UTSP. The aim of this paper is to give a
    comprehensive list of studies on UTSP that deals with metaheuristic approaches such
    as Tabu Search, Simulated Annealing, Genetic Algorithm and their hybrid methods. This
    review also addressed possible gaps of the approaches and the limitations of the
    overall problem. It can be concluded that only some of the metaheuristic approaches
    and sub-problems are highly studied in UTSP. This review will be useful for researchers
    who are interested in expanding their knowledge and conduct research in UTSP using
    metaheuristic approaches.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Resources
  10. Verhoeven D, Siesling S, Allemani C, Roy PG, Travado L, Bhoo-Pathy N, et al.
    Oncologist, 2024 Jul 05;29(7):e899-e909.
    PMID: 38780115 DOI: 10.1093/oncolo/oyae080
    Breast cancer care is a costly global health issue where effective management depends on early detection and treatment. A breast cancer diagnosis can result in financial catastrophe especially in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). Large inequities in breast cancer care are observed and represent a global challenge to caregivers and patients. Strategies to improve early diagnosis include awareness and clinical breast examination in LMIC, and screening in high-income countries (HIC). The use of clinical guidelines for the management of breast cancer is needed. Adapted guidelines from HIC can address disparities in populations with limited resources. Locally developed strategies still provide effective guidance in improving survival. Integrated practice units (IPU) with timely multidisciplinary breast care conferences and patient navigators are required to achieve high-value, personalized breast cancer management in HIC as well as LMIC. Breast cancer patient care should include a quality of life evaluation using ideally patient-reported outcomes (PROM) and experience measurements (PREM). Evaluation of breast cancer outcomes must include the financial cost of delivered care. The resulting value perspective should guide resource allocation and program priorities. The value of care must be improved by translating the findings of social and economic research into practice and resolving systemic inequity in clinical breast cancer research. Cancer survivorship programs must be put in place everywhere. The treatment of patients with metastatic breast cancer must require more attention in the future, especially in LMIC.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Resources
  11. Marwali EM, Kekalih A, Yuliarto S, Wati DK, Rayhan M, Valerie IC, et al.
    BMJ Paediatr Open, 2022 Oct;6(1).
    PMID: 36645791 DOI: 10.1136/bmjpo-2022-001657
    BACKGROUND: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on paediatric populations varied between high-income countries (HICs) versus low-income to middle-income countries (LMICs). We sought to investigate differences in paediatric clinical outcomes and identify factors contributing to disparity between countries.

    METHODS: The International Severe Acute Respiratory and Emerging Infections Consortium (ISARIC) COVID-19 database was queried to include children under 19 years of age admitted to hospital from January 2020 to April 2021 with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis. Univariate and multivariable analysis of contributing factors for mortality were assessed by country group (HICs vs LMICs) as defined by the World Bank criteria.

    RESULTS: A total of 12 860 children (3819 from 21 HICs and 9041 from 15 LMICs) participated in this study. Of these, 8961 were laboratory-confirmed and 3899 suspected COVID-19 cases. About 52% of LMICs children were black, and more than 40% were infants and adolescent. Overall in-hospital mortality rate (95% CI) was 3.3% [=(3.0% to 3.6%), higher in LMICs than HICs (4.0% (3.6% to 4.4%) and 1.7% (1.3% to 2.1%), respectively). There were significant differences between country income groups in intervention profile, with higher use of antibiotics, antivirals, corticosteroids, prone positioning, high flow nasal cannula, non-invasive and invasive mechanical ventilation in HICs. Out of the 439 mechanically ventilated children, mortality occurred in 106 (24.1%) subjects, which was higher in LMICs than HICs (89 (43.6%) vs 17 (7.2%) respectively). Pre-existing infectious comorbidities (tuberculosis and HIV) and some complications (bacterial pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome and myocarditis) were significantly higher in LMICs compared with HICs. On multivariable analysis, LMIC as country income group was associated with increased risk of mortality (adjusted HR 4.73 (3.16 to 7.10)).

    CONCLUSION: Mortality and morbidities were higher in LMICs than HICs, and it may be attributable to differences in patient demographics, complications and access to supportive and treatment modalities.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Resources
  12. Al-Joudi FS, Wahab NA, Nordin H
    Malays J Med Sci, 2003 Jan;10(1):46-51.
    PMID: 23365500 MyJurnal
    The utilization of the chemical laboratory resources at the Hospital Sains Malaysia was evaluated. More than 100,000 test requests received and performed over a 12-month period, were analyzed retrospectively. The analysis conducted included the abnormal results obtained, the degree of duplication of tests, and the extent of test-panel ordering. It was found that a relatively moderate degree of over-ordering was evident. The findings suggested that the main reasons for over-ordering were the use of panel tests of ordering, in addition to a small, yet significant degree of duplication. Strategies for cutting down the test ordering have been reviewed and discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Resources
  13. Noushad M, Al-Saqqaf IS
    Int J Infect Dis, 2021 May;106:79-82.
    PMID: 33737135 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijid.2021.03.030
    The first case of COVID-19 in Yemen was confirmed on 10 April 2020. Having faced with a six-year long conflict that has destroyed half of its healthcare facilities and displaced millions, predictions of infections and mortality in Yemen suggested a looming healthcare catastrophe. Difficulty in implementing coordinated lockdowns and preventive measures due to the daily labor working nature of the majority of the population, provided the perfect breeding ground for the SARS-CoV-2 virus. However, official figures of infections and mortality are very low and there have not been confirmed reports of excess mortality. This could indicate that Yemen is silently marching towards forced herd immunity. Seroprevalence studies will provide useful insight into the COVID-19 transmission trajectory in Yemen, which can serve as a guide in planning vaccine distribution strategies and allocating the limited funds wisely.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Resources/supply & distribution*
  14. Chongsuphajaisiddhi T, Salazar N
    PMID: 9886117
    The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) is a chartered international organization for the promotion of regional cooperation in education, science, technology and culture. The Regional Tropical Medicine and Public Health Network (TROPMED) operates through four specialized Centers in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand, with a coordinating unit, the TROPMED Central Office in Bangkok, Thailand. In line with the overall mission of SEAMEO, the role of TROPMED is to promote health and to prevent or control disease, thus improving the quality of life of people in the Asia-Pacific Region. Toward this end, SEAMEO TROPMED serves to facilitate the strengthening of national and institutional capabilities in research and training through postgraduate academic programs; short-term training courses; scientific fora; publications and information dissemination and as such, has been in the mainstream of health human resources development since its inception in 1967. To date, a total of 3,353 TROPMED alumni have benefited from training in 26 regular course offerings; of these, 1,596 were females and 1,757, males. From 1991 to 1995, a total of 434 key health personnel have attended short-term training courses, with increasing attendance from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Vietnam. TROPMED's effectiveness comes from the collective strength of and the spirit of cooperation among its host institutions and partners. Faced with a health scenario of both developing and developed economies, SEAMEO TROPMED aims to further its role as an international forum for health development thus, addressing the need for effective strategies for health sector reform and advocacy of relevant health, environmental and development policies through its various programs and activities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Resources/organization & administration*
  15. Dowrick C, Kassai R, Lam CLK, Lam RW, Manning G, Murphy J, et al.
    J Multidiscip Healthc, 2020;13:1693-1704.
    PMID: 33268991 DOI: 10.2147/JMDH.S271070
    Mental ill health affects individual well-being and national economic prosperity and makes up a substantial portion of the burden of disease globally, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. Integrating mental health into primary care is widely considered a key strategy to improve access to mental health care. Integration, however, is a complex process that needs to be addressed at multiple levels. A collaboration between the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Digital Hub for Mental Health and the World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA) is described in this paper, which outlines a framework and next steps to improve the mental health of communities in APEC economies. This paper notes gaps related to the integration of mental health into primary care across the region and identifies enablers and current best practices from several APEC economies. The potential of digital technology to benefit primary mental health care for populations in the APEC region, including delivery of training programs for healthcare staff and access to resources for patients, is described. Finally, key next steps are proposed to promote enhanced integration into primary care and improve mental health care throughout the APEC region.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Resources
  16. Mohd Khairul Amri Kamarudin, Noorjima Abd Wahab, Khalid Abdul Rahim
    Awareness of haze pollution and management increased in Southeast Asia since 1990. However, the
    focus on environmental management is decreasing especially in Malaysia due to the abundant
    resources and increased development pressure. The total health damage cost because of haze in the
    country became significantly high due to the long duration of haze events year by year. This paper
    discusses the health damage caused by bronchitis due to the haze events in Malaysia. The analysis
    shows positive coefficient of independent variables which indicates the positive relationship between
    dependent variable and independent variables. Multiple linear regression analysis shows that 45.3%
    variation in damage cost of bronchitis could be explained by FAI, GDPPC, and CO2.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Resources
  17. Niza Samsuddin, Nor Azlina A Rahman, Ailin Razali, Muhammad Zubir Yusof, Ahmad Fitri Abdullah Hair, Manivasagam, Dayanath, et al.
    A guideline on Basic Occupational Health Services (BOHS) has been established jointly by ILO/WHO/ICOH in response to poor achievements of the Occupational Health Services (OHS), especially among workers in small and medium enterprises at the global level. Malaysia. The international guideline describes competent and skilled human resources as an essential strategy for BOHS implementation. This commentary will discuss the challenges faced by current occupational health personnel providing OHS in Malaysia and proposes improvements of human resource development for future BOHS in Malaysia to ensure fair and better OHS coverage for Malaysian workers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Resources
  18. Wasant P, Padilla C, Lam S, Thong MK, Lai PS
    Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet, 2019 06;181(2):155-165.
    PMID: 31050142 DOI: 10.1002/ajmg.c.31701
    Putting together the reports in this issue that come from a representation of the different countries in Asia presents an opportunity to share the unique story of the Asia Pacific Society of Human Genetics (APSHG), which has provided the authors of many of these articles. This paper, authored by the Past Presidents of the Society, shares glimpses of how medical genetics activities were first organized in the Asia Pacific region and provides interesting corollaries on how under-developed and developing countries in this part of the world had developed a unique network for exchange and sharing of expertise and resources. Although APSHG was formally registered as a Society in Singapore in 2006, the Society has its origins as far back as in the 1990s with members from different countries meeting informally, exchanging ideas, and collaborating. This treatise documents the story of the experiences of the Society and hopes it will provide inspiration on how members of a genetics community can foster and build a thriving environment to promote this field.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Resources
  19. Ahmad Zulfahmi Mohd Kamaruzaman, Mohd Ismail Ibrahim, Anees Abdul Hamid
    Introduction: Proper distribution of human resources is an important factor ensuring high-quality performance and sustained service quality. The aim of this study was determining the workload pressure among medical officers in health clinics (HCs) in Kelantan. Method: A record review survey was conducted between January and April 2019 using human resources data for 2018 involving HCs in Kelantan. It included all the HCs in Kelantan and excluded community clinics. Workload pressure was determined using a tool known as Workload Indicator of Staffing Needs, developed by World Health Organization. A high workload pressure was defined as a ratio between required and acquired medical officers of less than 1. The data were presented descriptively using as frequencies and percentages. Results: All 85 HCs in Kelantan were involved in the study; 90% (9/10) of the Kelantan districts recorded high work- load pressure. Moreover, 68.2% (58/85) HCs had high workload pressure. Tanah Merah, Tumpat, Pasir Mas, and Kota Bharu had the most HCs with high workload pressure, and most such HCs were found in areas with a high-den- sity population, requiring huge coverage. Conclusion: The Kelantan State Health Department should develop better human resource distribution strategies to ensure the sustainability of quality care in HCs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Resources
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