OBJECTIVE: In this study, we report a rapid method for the residue analysis of IND and its metabolites, viz., IND-carboxylic acid, diaminotriazine, and triazine indanone in a wide range of palm oil matrices using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS).
METHOD: The optimized sample preparation workflows included two options: (1) acetonitrile extraction (QuEChERS workflow), followed by freezing at -80°C and (2) acetonitrile extraction, followed by cleanup through a C18 solid phase extraction (SPE) cartridge. The optimized LC runtime was 7 min. All these analytes were estimated by LC-MS/MS multiple reaction monitoring.
RESULTS: Both sample preparation methods provided similar method performance and acceptable results. The limit of quantification (LOQ) of IND, IND-carboxylic acid, and triazine indanone was 0.001 mg/kg. For diaminotriazine, the LOQ was 0.005 mg/kg. The method accuracy and precision complied with the SANTE/12682/2019 guidelines of analytical quality control.
CONCLUSIONS: The potentiality of the method lies in a high throughput analysis of IND and its metabolites in a single chromatographic run with high selectivity and sensitivity. Considering its fit-for-purpose performance, the method can be implemented in regulatory testing of IND residues in a wide range of palm oil matrices that are consumed and traded worldwide.
HIGHLIGHTS: This work has provided a validated method for simultaneous residue analysis of indaziflam and its metabolites in crude palm oil and its derived matrices with high sensitivity, selectivity, and throughput.