METHODS: Based on predefined eligibility criteria, the search was conducted following PRISMA-P 2015 guidelines on MEDLINE, EBSCO Host, Scopus, PubMed, and Web of Science databases in 2022 by 2 reviewers. Articles then underwent Cochrane GRADE approach and JBI critical appraisal for certainty of evidence and bias evaluation.
RESULTS: Thirty articles were included following eligibility screening. Both in vitro experiments (20%) and in vivo (80%) devices ranging from electronic axiography, electromyography, optoelectronic and ultrasonic, oral or extra-oral tracking, photogrammetry, sirognathography, digital pressure sensors, electrognathography, and computerised medical-image tracing were documented. 53.53% of the studies were rated below "moderate" certainty of evidence. Critical appraisal showed 80% case-control investigations failed to address confounding variables while 90% of the included non-randomised experimental studies failed to establish control reference.
CONCLUSION: Mandibular and condylar growth, kinematic dysfunction of the neuromuscular system, shortened dental arches, previous orthodontic treatment, variations in habitual head posture, temporomandibular joint disorders, fricative phonetics, and to a limited extent parafunctional habits and unbalanced occlusal contact were identified confounding variables that shaped jaw movement trajectories but were not highly dependent on age, gender, or diet. Realistic variations in device accuracy were found between 50 and 330 µm across the digital systems with very low interrater reliability for motion tracing from photographs. Forensic and in vitro simulation devices could not accurately recreate variations in jaw motion and muscle contractions.
METHODOLOGY: A retrospective cohort study was conducted for patients who underwent treatment for ameloblastoma from 2007 to 2021. All patients with histopathologically proven ameloblastoma and underwent at least 2 years of follow-up were included in the study.
RESULTS: Fifty-one patients met the study's inclusion criteria. The mean age was 39.8 +/- 18.8 years old, and the mean follow-up period was 80 +/- 51 months. A recurrence was observed in 10 patients out of 51 patients (19.6%). There was significant association between histologic pattern and tumor recurrence ( P <0.05). Most of the recurrence cases showed mixed histologic subtypes with the predominant variant lead by acanthomatous-follicular subtypes.
DISCUSSION: The recurrence rate in our study, 19.6% was in line with other studies. (17.2%-24.0%) Conventional ameloblastoma with mixed acanthomatous and follicular subtypes were the most common histologic variant in recurrence cases of our study. In our study, the recurrence rate for enucleation with peripheral ostectomy was 26.7% in conventional ameloblastoma, which was lower than the reported rates, 33.3%.
CONCLUSIONS: Our data indicate that the conservative treatment can preserve the appearance and function well, at the same time keeping the risk of recurrence lower than currently published figures.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: In this prospective study, 20 IFPP (mean age 47.0; SD 12.9 years) and 28 ISOD (mean age 61.5; SD 9.1 years) patients received 2 mandibular implants. Metal ceramic nonsplinted fixed prostheses were provided in IFPP group, while in ISOD group, the mandibular overdentures were retained by nonsplinted attachments. Patients rated their oral health-related quality of life using OHIP-14 Malaysian version at baseline (T0), 2-3 months (T1) and 1 year (T2) postimplant treatment. Mean OHIP-14 for total and domain scores between groups and intervals was analysed using repeated-measures ANOVA and t-test. Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon signed-rank tests were used for the comparison of mean score change and effect size, while the association between pre- and post-treatment scores was determined using multivariate linear regression modelling.
RESULTS: The total OHIP and domain scores before implant treatment were significantly higher (lower OHRQoL) in IFPP than in ISOD groups, except for physical pain where this domain showed similar impact in both groups. Postimplant scores between groups at T1 and T2 showed no significant difference. The mean score changes at T0-T1 and T0-T2 for total OHIP-14 and domains were significantly greater in IFPP except in the domains of physical pain and disability which showed no difference. Large effect size (ES) was observed for total OHIP-14 in IFPP while moderate in ISOD. Improved OHRQoL was dependent on the treatment group and pretreatment score.
CONCLUSION: Improvement in OHRQoL occurred following both mandibular implant-supported overdentures and implant fixed partial prostheses.