PURPOSE: This scoping review aims to map the main clinical evidence on different impacts of botanical entities on the testis and to critically appraise relevant randomized controlled trials (RCTs) published in the recent 5 years, so as to inform the future.
METHODS: Systematic reviews, meta-analyses and RCT reports on botanical impacts on testicular functions and male fertility were retrieved and synthesized from Pubmed, Web of Science, Scopus, Embase, ProQuest, Cochrane Library and Google Scholar up to 10th May 2022. RCTs published since 2018 were critically appraised against good practice guidelines for RCT and for reporting herbal studies.
RESULTS: We identified 24 systematic reviews and meta-analyses published since 2005, by authors from Iran (25%), China (21%), USA (12.5%) and 9 other countries. All but two were published in English. Only 3 systematic review protocols were identified, all published in English from China in the recent 3 years. We identified 125 RCTs published in six languages, mainly English (55%) and Chinese (42%). They were published since 1994 from 23 countries on all the six inhabitable continents, with China (46%), Australia (8%), USA (8%), India (7%) and Iran (5%) being the leading contributors. 72% and 28% RCTs published in English were on efficacy (botanicals vs placebo) and comparative effectiveness (a botanical vs other treatments), respectively. In contrast, 98% RCT reports in Chinese were on comparative effectiveness, with merely 2% on efficacy. Among all the 125 RCTs, 57% were studies in patients with semen abnormality and/or male infertility, 22% investigated herbal effects in healthy men, 14% were on patients with male sexual dysfunction and hypogonadism, and 7% were conducted in men with non-sexual disorders. Since 2018, 32 RCTs have been published, in English (69%) or Chinese (31%). Nineteen RCT reports from China, India, Japan and Korea all studied herbal formulae while the 13 RCT reports from Australia, Brazil, Czech and Italy, Iran, Malaysia, Spain, the UK and the USA all exclusively studied extracts of a single species. Putting geo-cultural differences aside, gossypol and extracts of Tripterygium wilfordii Hook. f. were found to be detrimental to the testis and male fertility, while the extracts of Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal and traditional Chinese medicine Qilin Pill, etc., might improve testosterone levels and semen parameters, thus could be therapeutic for male sexual dysfunction and infertility. However, all still require further evaluation in view of recurring weaknesses in quality control of herbal materials, RCT design and reporting. For example, only 9%-23% of the RCTs published since 2018 provided information on voucher samples, chemical profiling, herbal authentication and herbal extraction.
CONCLUSION: Research on botanicals and the testis has been reported worldwide, demonstrating clear geo-cultural differences in studied plant species, botanical types, study objectives and quality of research design, implementation and reporting. Due to a few recurring weaknesses in the literature, this study is unable to recommend the use of any specific botanicals, however, current evidence does indicate that botanicals can be double-edged swords to the testis and male fertility. To secure better clinical evidence, future studies must faithfully implement existing and emerging good practice guidelines.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the methylation profile of the selected CTAs in our colorectal cancer patients.
METHODS: A total of 54 pairs of colorectal cancer samples were subjected to DNA methylation profiling using the Infinium Human Methylation 450K bead chip.
RESULTS: We found that most of the CTAs were hypomethylated, and CCNA1 and TMEM108 genes were among the few CTAs that were hypermethylated.
CONCLUSION: Overall, our brief report has managed to show the overall methylation profile in over the 200 CTAs in colorectal cancer and this could be used for further refining any immunotherapy targets.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The testes were dissected out and fixed in 10% buffered formalin solution for 11 h, dehydrated in 70% alcohol and lastly placed in tissue processor for 18±1 h at 60°C. The tissues blocks were cut at the thickness of 4 μm on a rotary microtome. Stained tissues were taken under Advance Microscope (Nikon Eclipse 80i Nomarski DIC). Collected data were analyzed using Microsoft Excel 2013. Data were presented as mean±standard deviation. Statistical analyses were done using one-way ANOVA using SPSS (Version 22).
RESULTS: These lobules of mature P. polyphagus were formed via different germinative lineage cells such as spermatogonia, spermatocytes, spermatids and spermatozoa. The histological characteristics of testes showed that the process of spermatogenesis went through the stages of four testes maturation which were spermatogonia I and II, spermatocytes I and II, spermatids and spermatozoa stages within different body weight of P. polyphagus. It was found that there were significant difference between body weight and carapace length to the testicular maturation stages (one-way ANOVA and p = 0.000).
CONCLUSION: The results of this experiment indicated that males P. polyphagus have four stages of testes maturation and can be considered to have fully mature testes that ready for fertilization at 452 g body weight (BW) and 107 mm carapace length (CL) or more.
METHODS: A 20 mg/kg dose of fenitrothion was administered orally by gavages for 28 consecutive days. Blood sample was obtained by cardiac puncture and dissection of the testes and cauda epididymis was performed to obtain sperm. The effects of fenitrothion on the body and organ weight, biochemical and oxidative stress, sperm characteristics, histology and ultrastructural changes in the testes were evaluated.
RESULTS: Fenitrothion significantly decreased the body weight gain and weight of the epididymis compared with the control group. Fenitrothion also decreased plasma cholinesterase activity compared with the control group. Fenitrothion altered the sperm characteristics, such as sperm concentration, sperm viability and normal sperm morphology, compared with the control group. Oxidative stress markers, such as malondialdehyde, protein carbonyl, total glutathione and glutathione S-transferase, were significantly increased and superoxide dismutase activity was significantly decreased in the fenitrothion-treated group compared with the control group. The histopathological and ultrastructural examination of the testes of the fenitrothion-treated group revealed alterations corresponding with the biochemical changes compared with the control group.
CONCLUSION: A 20 mg/kg dose of fenitrothion caused deleterious effects on the sperm and testes of Sprague-Dawley rats.