Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 90 in total

  1. Godil DI, Sharif A, Rafique S, Jermsittiparsert K
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2020 Nov;27(32):40109-40120.
    PMID: 32656759 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-020-09937-0
    With the growing interest among researchers in analyzing the ecological footprint of any country, this study focuses on new dimensions to analyze the long-run and short-run asymmetric impact of tourism, financial development, and globalization on ecological footprint in Turkey by using Quantile Autoregressive Distributed Lag model for the period from 1986 to 2018. Further, the EKC hypothesis was also tested. The results show that tourism, globalization, and financial development are positively and significantly associated with the EFP. This means that the increase in these variables will further increase the ecological footprint in Turkey. The U-shaped EKC curve was found to be valid in Turkey. The results also depict nonlinear and asymmetric association among most of the variables. Hence, based on the results, further research directions and practical implications can be suggested.
    Matched MeSH terms: Turkey
  2. Thanapackiam P, Salleh KO, Ghaffar FA
    J Environ Biol, 2012 Apr;33(2 Suppl):373-9.
    PMID: 23424840
    This paper discusses the outcome of a research that examines the relationships between vulnerability and adaptation of urban dwellers to the slope failure threat in the Klang Valley Region. Intense urban landuse expansions in the Klang Valley Region have increased urban dwellers vulnerability to slope failures in recent years. The Klang Valley Region was chosen as the study area due to the increasing intensities and frequencies of slope failures threat. This paper examines urban dwellers vulnerability based on their (1) population and demographics characteristics, (2) the state of physical structures of dwellings and (3) the situation of the immediate environment threatened by slope failures. The locations of slope failure incidents were identified, mapped and examined followed with a detailed field study to identified areas. The results identified significant relationships between vulnerability indicators and slope failures in the Klang Valley Region. The findings of the study are envisaged to give valuable insights on addressing the threat of slope failures in the Klang Valley Region.
    Matched MeSH terms: Turkey
  3. Ryoichi Horiguchi
    In September 2011 at the 19th World Congress on Safety and Health at Work in Istanbul, I met a Turkish prominent scholar and we exchanged our ideas on the topic of work safety. Turkey, as you well know, is one of the Muslim majority countries and Muslims comprise 99% of the whole population. And I have heard that in Turkey, a fatalism based on its faith is so pervasive among people that Turkey has a lot of cases on injuries and deaths at the workplace. In such a fatalism, an accident would be accepted as a fate which their God has already decided, because of God being in control of everything.
    Matched MeSH terms: Turkey
  4. Basir Jasin
    Sains Malaysiana, 2015;44:217-223.
    Posidonomya is common in the Kubang Pasu and Singa Formations in northwest Peninsular Malaysia. It was discovered from the red mudstone layers (redbeds) in many localities in Langkawi Islands, Perlis and Kedah. Previous studies suggested that the age of Posidonomya ranged from Middle Devonian to Carboniferous. Posidonomya beds in Kedah and Perlis are located above the Tournaisian radiolarian chert layers. The age of Posidonomya from Peninsular Malaysia is comparable to those of Europe, Morocco, Turkey and South China which range from Tournaisian to Serpukhovian, Early Carboniferous. The fossil specimens exhibit morphological features closely related to Posidonomya becheri Bronn. Two taxa were identified namely Posidonomya becheri Bronn and Posidonomya cf. kochi (von Koenen). The occurrence of Posidonomya indicates that the age of the lower part of the Kubang Pasu and Singa Formations is Early Carboniferous. Its geographic distribution formed a wide paleobiogeographic province in the Paleo-Tethys. The province was located in the warm tropical-subtropical climatic zone. Therefore, Posidonomya can be a good indicator for warm climate. Its wide distribution and short stratigraphic range make it a good index fossil for the Early Carboniferous.
    Matched MeSH terms: Turkey
  5. Ahmet Tolunay, Ayhan Akyol
    Sains Malaysiana, 2015;44:159-166.
    Sustainable forest management (SFM) practices have started in 1999 in Turkey. A set of criteria and indicators, composed by the General Directorate of Forestry (GDF) on the basis of the criteria and indicators defined in the Pan-European and Near Eastern Processes, was enquired via a survey to serve this purpose. GDF tested the sustainability under the following titles: Situation of forest resources, biodiversity, health and vitality, production capacity and functions, protective functions and environmental and socio-economic functions. There were problems in identification and definition of SFM criteria and indicators. Biological diversity indicators has been selected, described and developed in this study. At this phase, the survey was completed upon receiving the views of the scientists interested in different dimensions of this topic as well as the views of other interest groups affiliated with forestry. As a result, there were 13 indicators that may be used as the basis of a regional or forest management unit level for the purpose of protecting, developing and maintaining biodiversity. Furthermore, these indicators are instruments, which may easily be used by relevant decision-makers in the management of forest resources in a more effective and productive manner.
    Matched MeSH terms: Turkey
  6. Lanciano T, Alfeo F, Curci A, Marin C, D'Uggento AM, Decarolis D, et al.
    Memory, 2024 Feb;32(2):264-282.
    PMID: 38315731 DOI: 10.1080/09658211.2024.2310554
    Flashbulb memories (FBMs) refer to vivid and long-lasting autobiographical memories for the circumstances in which people learned of a shocking and consequential public event. A cross-national study across eleven countries aimed to investigate FBM formation following the first COVID-19 case news in each country and test the effect of pandemic-related variables on FBM. Participants had detailed memories of the date and others present when they heard the news, and had partially detailed memories of the place, activity, and news source. China had the highest FBM specificity. All countries considered the COVID-19 emergency as highly significant at both the individual and global level. The Classification and Regression Tree Analysis revealed that FBM specificity might be influenced by participants' age, subjective severity (assessment of COVID-19 impact in each country and relative to others), residing in an area with stringent COVID-19 protection measures, and expecting the pandemic effects. Hierarchical regression models demonstrated that age and subjective severity negatively predicted FBM specificity, whereas sex, pandemic impact expectedness, and rehearsal showed positive associations in the total sample. Subjective severity negatively affected FBM specificity in Turkey, whereas pandemic impact expectedness positively influenced FBM specificity in China and negatively in Denmark.
    Matched MeSH terms: Turkey
  7. Tabuk TC, Ulger S
    Med Parazitol (Mosk), 2000 Apr-Jun.
    PMID: 10900916
    Turkey is the last country in the temperate zone on the edge of the European continent in which malaria is prevalent at endemic and occasionally epidemic proportions. Malaria was the most significant vector borne disease constituting a serious healthy problem until it was suppressed in 1965. Following the establishment of malaria eradication program in 1957 which began operation in 1960 after many years of malaria control, the incidence of malaria decreased annually and the stricken areas became more and more restricted. Unfortunately, an agricultural development program initiated in mid 70's in the Cukurova Plain caused a substantial migration of workers from the eastern areas where malaria at that time was more prevalent. This population movement together with the industrial expansion that took place resulted in a serious epidemic of vivax malaria in 1977 in the provinces of Adana, Icel and Hatay, where 101,867 cases were reported. The following years, Turkey targeted to reduce the number of malaria cases to less than 800 by 1984. After 1985, the number of malaria cases in the country has continued to increase and in the past five and six years a serious malaria epidemics has been building up in the southeastern provinces. The gravitational center of the disease has now moved from the Cukurova to the GAP area in South East Anatolia and beyond. The indicator of this movement is that 89% of total cases in 1998 is concerning to the GAP region. By the year 1998 the number of reported cases were 36,842. The common parasite type is P. vivax in the country. The other types are generally imported from other countries. These are Syria, S. Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, Nigeria, India, Malaysia, Ghana, Indonesia, Sudan etc. Malaria cases are registered in bordering areas of the country constantly. The suggested solutions for Malaria control in bordering areas are: 1. To establish control laboratories in customs in order to take blood from persons who come from risky areas for malaria. When positive cases are found these laboratories will also provide free treatment. 2. East country should give information about the malaria situation in their country to the other countries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Turkey/epidemiology
  8. Altay A, Yahiro T, Bozdayi G, Matsumoto T, Sahin F, Ozkan S, et al.
    Clin Microbiol Infect, 2015 Oct;21(10):965.e1-4.
    PMID: 26086570 DOI: 10.1016/j.cmi.2015.06.006
    Recently a parvovirus called bufavirus (BuV) has been implicated as a causative agent of diarrhoea. To further reveal the epidemiology and genetic characteristics of BuV, this study was performed in Turkish children with diarrhoea. BuV was detected in 1.4% (8/583) of stool samples. All stool samples from healthy children (n = 148) were negative for BuV. Diarrhoea in BuV-positive patients was severe and occurred mainly during the colder months of the year. Complete genome sequences were generated from four BuVs. Only BuV3 was found, which was genetically and phylogenetically similar to Bhutanese BuV3, indicating that BuV3 is prevalent in Asian countries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Turkey
  9. Sedat Kele?
    Sains Malaysiana, 2017;46:381-386.
    This study presents the optimum cutting ages in Turkish pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) plantations including timber production
    and carbon sequestration values in Turkey. Four different growing spaces are considered. The study also evaluates the
    effects of different discount rates and carbon prices on the optimum cutting ages using net present value approach. The
    growth and yield curves, biomass equations and carbon conversion factors as well as forest plantation costs and timber
    assortments revenues for Turkish pine plantations are used to determine the optimum cutting ages. The results of the
    case study showed that the integration of carbon sequestration benefits into timber production increased the optimum
    cutting ages of Turkish pine plantations for each growing spaces in order to sequester more carbon. The optimum cutting
    ages decreased depending on the increase in discount rates. When carbon prices increased the optimum cutting ages
    also increased.
    Matched MeSH terms: Turkey
  10. Saad Ahmed Ali Jadoo, Syed Mohamed Aljunid, Seher Nur Sulku, Sharifa Ezat Wan Puteh, Zafar Ahmed, Mohd Rizal Abdul Manaf, et al.
    There is high expectation from the population on part of the healthcare providers. These include; skilful and timely medication administration; and knowledge, honesty, listening skills, availability and professional attitude. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the expectation of population with regards to the healthcare providers in Turkey. A cross- sectional study was conducted in Turkey, including both rural and urban population, carried out from October 2011 till January 2012. A total of 540 household heads were selected using multistage random sampling technique. Data was collected using modified self-administered 16-items QUOTE (Quality of Care Through the Patients’ Eyes) questionnaire. The questionnaire measures communication/ accessibility, organizational skills and professional skills. The response rate was (77.1%) and data was analyzed by using SPSS version 16.0. All the aspects measured using QUOTE questionnaire were found to be important by the majority of respondents, but with varying degrees of priority. The quality aspects related to the professional skills of physicians was ranked first followed by communication/ accessibility and last but not the least is the organizational skills of health care providers. This study explored the Turkish people priorities and expectations regarding healthcare providers. The public priorities and expectation were different across population. This may reflect the need to understand people's expectations before providing the services to avoid complaints that may occur after the services have been rendered.
    Matched MeSH terms: Turkey
  11. Ozturk M, Sakcali S, Celik A
    Sains Malaysiana, 2013;42:1371-1376.
    Diplotaxis tenuifolia is a medicinally important perennial plant species, distributed widely alongside the roads in Turkey. The samples were collected from 54 sites, including highways, sideways, industrial areas, urban centres and rural environs. Both the plant and soil samples were analysed to determine the concentrations of different metals using AAS. The results showed that in the soil samples copper and lead were highest near highway 45.533 and 2.865 mg/kg, respectively; but lowest values of copper were determined around industrial areas (3.514 mg/kg), latter however showed higher concentrations of cadmium (0.726 mg/kg) and iron (82.766 mg/kg). The lead as well as iron were the lowest around sideways 1.917 mg/kg and 54.073 mg/kg, respectively, whereas chromium concentrations in the soils were highest near sideways (18.397 mg/kg) and lowest around industrial areas (0.182 mg/kg). The sideways showed very low nickel concentrations (0.271 mg/kg), as compared to the rural areas which had higher nickel concentrations (0.726 mg/kg). No cadmium was detected in the urban soil samples. In the plants copper and chromium were higher in the urban areas 50.130 and 0.238 mg/kg, respectively. The former was lowest around sideways (32.377 mg/kg) and latter around highways (0.114 mg/kg). Both nickel and cadmium were higher in the samples from industrial areas 0.238 and 0.016 mg/kg, respectively. Their values around the highways were lowest 0.182 and 0.005 mg/kg. The samples from urban sites revealed highest values of lead (3.474 mg/kg) and iron (61.304 mg/kg), but the values of lead were lowest around sideways (2.420 mg/kg) and those of iron in the vicinity of industrial areas (20.600 mg/kg). All these findings depict that there is some aerial deposition of these metals on the leaves. A significant correlation is seen between the plants and the soils.
    Matched MeSH terms: Turkey
  12. Wahhab BH, Oyewusi HA, Wahab RA, Mohammad Hood MH, Abdul Hamid AA, Al-Nimer MS, et al.
    J Biomol Struct Dyn, 2024;42(3):1429-1442.
    PMID: 37038649 DOI: 10.1080/07391102.2023.2199870
    This study presents the initial structural model of L-haloacid dehalogenase (DehLBHS1) from Bacillus megaterium BHS1, an alkalotolerant bacterium known for its ability to degrade halogenated environmental pollutants. The model provides insights into the structural features of DehLBHS1 and expands our understanding of the enzymatic mechanisms involved in the degradation of these hazardous pollutants. Key amino acid residues (Arg40, Phe59, Asn118, Asn176, and Trp178) in DehLBHS1 were identified to play critical roles in catalysis and molecular recognition of haloalkanoic acid, essential for efficient binding and transformation of haloalkanoic acid molecules. DehLBHS1 was modeled using I-TASSER, yielding a best TM-score of 0.986 and an RMSD of 0.53 Å. Validation of the model using PROCHECK revealed that 89.2% of the residues were located in the most favored region, providing confidence in its structural accuracy. Molecular docking simulations showed that the non-simulated DehLBHS1 preferred 2,2DCP over other substrates, forming one hydrogen bond with Arg40 and exhibiting a minimum energy of -2.5 kJ/mol. The simulated DehLBHS1 exhibited a minimum energy of -4.3 kJ/mol and formed four hydrogen bonds with Arg40, Asn176, Asp9, and Tyr11, further confirming the preference for 2,2DCP. Molecular dynamics simulations supported this preference, based on various metrics, including RMSD, RMSF, gyration, hydrogen bonding, and molecular distance. MM-PBSA calculations showed that the DehLBHS1-2,2-DCP complex had a markedly lower binding energy (-21.363 ± 1.26 kcal/mol) than the DehLBHS1-3CP complex (-14.327 ± 1.738 kcal/mol). This finding has important implications for the substrate specificity and catalytic function of DehLBHS1, particularly in the bioremediation of 2,2-DCP in contaminated alkaline environments. These results provide a detailed view of the molecular interactions between the enzyme and its substrate and may aid in the development of more efficient biocatalytic strategies for the degradation of halogenated compounds.Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma.
    Matched MeSH terms: Turkey
  13. Makar P, Musa RM, Silva RM, Muracki J, Trybulski R, Altundağ E, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2024 Nov 18;14(1):28547.
    PMID: 39558131 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-80181-z
    This study aims to explore the interplay between locomotor demands and goal differentials to better understand their combined influence on overall success. Spanning three competitive seasons within the male Turkish Super League, this study analyzed all participating teams across 124 matches. Locomotor demands, including total distance (m) covered (TD), distances covered (m) at different speed thresholds (0.21-2.0 m/s; 2.01-4.0 m/s; 4.01-5.5 m/s; and 5.5-7.7 m/s), and the number of accelerations in range of 5.5-7.0 m/s (n), were quantified using an optical tracking system. Subsequently, regression models were employed to predict the total points earned by all teams over the three seasons. The logistic regression model, tailored to predict team categorization as high-points earners (HPE) or low-points earners (LPE) based on locomotor variables, exhibited a mean accuracy of 74%. Notably, total distance covered, running speed intervals between 4.4 and 5.5 m/s, and the number of accelerations in range of 5.5-7.0 m/s emerged as significant predictors of team success. Our findings highlight the pivotal role of running speed (4.01-5.5 m/s), number of accelerations, and total distance in predicting success for high-performing teams. Coaches can leverage these insights to refine training programs, thereby optimizing team performance, and fostering success in competitive environments.
    Matched MeSH terms: Turkey
  14. Lim YL, Chan KG, Ee R, Belduz AO, Canakci S, Kahar UM, et al.
    J Biotechnol, 2015 Oct 20;212:65-6.
    PMID: 26297905 DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2015.08.007
    Anoxybacillus gonensis type strain G2(T) (=NCIMB 13,933(T) =NCCB 100040(T)) has been isolated from the Gönen hot springs in Turkey. This strain produces a number of well-studied, biotechnologically important enzymes, including xylose isomerase, carboxylesterase, and fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase. In addition, this strain is an excellent candidate for the bioremediation of areas with heavy metal pollution. Here, we present a high-quality, annotated, complete genome of A. gonensis G2(T). Furthermore, this report provides insights into several novel enzymes of strain G2(T) and their potential industrial applications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Turkey
  15. Khan Z, Karatas Y, Martins MAP, Jamshed S, Rahman H
    Curr Med Res Opin, 2022 01;38(1):145-154.
    PMID: 34694167 DOI: 10.1080/03007995.2021.1997287
    BACKGROUND: Globally, pharmacovigilance (PV) is crucial for the patient's safety and proper use of drugs. Spontaneous reporting of adverse drug reaction (ADR) is a professional obligation of every healthcare professionals (HCPs). The purpose of this systematic review was to analyze the existing literature about the knowledge, attitude, and practices (KAP) level of HCPs regarding PV and ADRs reporting in Turkey.

    METHODS: A systematic and comprehensive articles search strategy was carried out in different seven electronic databases (PubMed, PubMed Central, Goggle Scholar, Ovid-SP, MEDLINE, Wiley Online Library, DergiPark) from 2010 to 2020. We searched to identify existing literature about cross-sectional observational studies investigating the KAP of HCPs regarding PV and ADRs reporting in different geographical regions of Turkey. Quality assessment and risk of bias were assessed among included studies.

    RESULTS: Fifteen studies were chosen for full-text analysis. Finally, according to inclusion criteria, seven research articles were selected for systematic review. Overall, the KAP of HCPs varies across the studies. The lack of a standardized validated measuring tool to evaluate the KAP and differences in questionnaire items were the main limitations in included studies. Around, 69.1% (range: 54.6-100%) of HCPs were not aware of the national pharmacovigilance center in Turkey. About, 37.5% (range: 7.1-75.7%) of HCPs believed that reporting of ADRs is not important and 87.5% (range: 69.3-100%) stated that they never reported ADR previously during their practice. The most frequently highlighted barriers to PV were lack of time, uncertainty and did not know where to report.

    CONCLUSION: This systematic review revealed a major KAP gap in Turkey towards PV activities. Low ADR reporting practice of HCPs was a major identified issue. The creation of a mandatory unified PV education intervention for future HCPs to rationally report ADR of drugs are crucial for a better healthcare system.

    Matched MeSH terms: Turkey
  16. Ahmad M, Muslija A, Satrovic E
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2021 May;28(18):22588-22601.
    PMID: 33420933 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-020-12276-9
    Since developing countries experience economic and environmental sustainability challenges, it is desirable digging into the linkages between economic and environmental parameters. The purpose of this work is to evaluate the existence of the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) theory (i.e., the inverse U-shape connection between real GDP per capita and per capita carbon dioxide emissions) in the sample of 11 developing countries. By using balanced annual panel data in the period between 1992 and 2014 and two alternative estimation techniques, we explored the potential inverted U-shaped linkage between carbon dioxide emissions and real GDP per capita in the sample of interest. For analysis purposes, Pedroni and Westerlund co-integration techniques are employed. Then, fully modified ordinary least squares, pooled mean group methods are applied for long-run parameter estimations. And, the Dumitrescu-Hurlin causality approach is employed for causal directions. Firstly, this work's findings provide the supportive evidence to the inverse U-shaped linkage in the long-run, indicating that an increase in real GDP per capita and electricity consumption tends to mitigate long-run carbon dioxide emissions in the developing countries, for the whole sample. Secondly, the country-specific findings suggested the presence of EKC theory for Brazil, China, India, Malaysia, the Russian Federation, Thailand, and Turkey. It implicated that these countries are on the path of attaining environmental sustainability in the long-run. However, Mexico, Philippines, Indonesia, and South Africa failed to lend credence to the EKC theory. It manifested that these countries need to design strategies directed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from economic activity and electricity generation through efficiency improvement or promotion of renewables. Finally, bidirectional causal links are observed among all the variables of interest. The findings suggest that country-specific targeted action plans should be implemented to ensure the environmental sustainability in the developing world.
    Matched MeSH terms: Turkey
  17. Sallom H, Abdi A, Halboup AM, Başgut B
    BMC Public Health, 2023 Jul 17;23(1):1364.
    PMID: 37461105 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-023-16199-1
    INTRODUCTION: Pharmaceutical care services (PCs) have evolved significantly over the last few decades, with a greater focus on patient's safety and proven effectiveness in a wide range of contexts. Many of the evidence supporting this technique comes from the United States, the evaluation and adoption of (PCs) which differ greatly across the globe.

    OBJECTIVE: The goal of this study was to identify and assess the efficacy of pharmaceutical care services in various pharmaceutical aspects throughout seventeen Middle Eastern nations.

    METHOD: The Arkesy and O'Malley technique was used to conduct a scoping review. It was conducted using PubMed/Medline, Scopus, Cochrane Library, Springer Link, Clinical Trials, and Web of Science etc. The Van Tulder Scale was utilized in randomized trials research, whereas the dawn and black checklists were used in non-randomized trials research. A descriptive and numerical analysis of selected research was done. The scope of eligible PCs, pharmaceutical implementers, study outcomes, and quality were all identified by a thematic review of research.

    RESULTS: There were about 431,753 citations found in this study, and 129 publications were found to be eligible for inclusion after analysing more than 271 full-text papers. The study design was varied, with 43 (33.3%) RCTs and 86 (66.7%) n-RCTs. Thirty-three (25.6%) of the studies were published in 2020. Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey were home to the majority of the studies (25.6%, 16.3%, and 11.6%) respectively. Thirty-seven studies (19.7%) were concerned with resolving drug related problems (DRPs), whereas 27 (14.4%) were concerned with increasing quality of life (QOL) and 23 (12.2%) with improving drug adherence. Additionally, the research revealed that the average ratings of the activities provided to patients improved every year.

    CONCLUSION: Studies in the Middle East continue to provide evidence supporting the positive impact of pharmaceutical care services on both hard and soft outcomes measured in most studies. Yet there was rare focus on the value of the implemented services. Thus, rigorous evaluation of the economic impact of implemented pharmaceutical care services in the Middle East and assessment of their sustainability is must.

    Matched MeSH terms: Turkey
  18. Ali Jadoo SA, Aljunid SM, Sulku SN, Nur AM
    BMC Health Serv Res, 2014;14:30.
    PMID: 24447374 DOI: 10.1186/1472-6963-14-30
    Since 2003, Turkey has implemented major health care reforms to develop easily accessible, high-quality, efficient, and effective healthcare services for the population. The purpose of this study was to bring out opinions of the Turkish people on health system reform process, focusing on several aspects of health system and assessing whether the public prefer the current health system or that provided a decade ago.
    Matched MeSH terms: Turkey/epidemiology
  19. Gockchinar T, Kalipsi S
    Med Parazitol (Mosk), 2001 Jan-Mar;?(1):44-5.
    PMID: 11548315
    Geographically, Turkey is situated in an area where malaria is very risky. The climatic conditions in the region are suitable for the malaria vector to proliferate. Due to agricultural infrastructural changes, GAP and other similar projects, insufficient environmental conditions, urbanization, national and international population moves, are a key to manage malaria control activities. It is estimated that malaria will be a potential danger for Turkey in the forthcoming years. The disease is located largely in south-eastern Anatolia. The Diyarbakir, Batman, Sanliurfa, Siirt, and Mardin districts are the most affected areas. In western districts, like Aydin and Manisa, an increase in the number of indigenous cases can be observed from time to time. This is due to workers moving from malaria districts to western parts to final work. Since these workers cannot be controlled, the population living in these regions get infected from indigenous cases. There were 84,345 malaria cases in 1994 and 82,096 in 1995, they decreased to 60,884 in 1996 and numbered 35,456 in 1997. They accounted for 36,842 and 20,963 in 1998 and 1999, respectively. In Turkey there are almost all cases of P. vivax malaria. There are also P. vivax and P. falciparum malaria cases coming from other countries: There were 321 P. vivax cases, including 2 P. falciparum ones, arriving to Turkey from Iraq in 1995. The P. vivax malaria cases accounted for 229 in 1996, and 67, cases P. vivax including 12 P. falciparum cases, in 1997, and 4 P. vivax cases in 1998 that came from that country. One P. vivax case entered Turkey from Georgia in 1998. The cause of higher incidence of P. vivax cases in 1995, it decreasing in 1999, is the lack of border controls over workers coming to Turkey. The other internationally imported cases are from Syria, Sudan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nigeria, India, Azerbaijan, Malaysia, Ghana, Indonesia, Yemen. Our examinations have shown that none of these internationally imported cases are important in transmitting the diseases. The districts where malaria cases occur are the places where population moves are rapid, agriculture is the main occupation, the increase in the population is high and the education/cultural level is low. Within years, the districts with high malaria cases also differ. Before 1990 Cucurova and Amikova were the places that showed the highest incidence of malaria. Since 1990, the number of cases from south-eastern Anatolia has started to rise. The main reasons for this change are a comprehensive malaria prevention programme, regional development, developed agricultural systems, and lower population movements. The 1999 statistical data indicate that 83 and 17% of all malaria cases are observed in the GAP and other districts, respectively. The distribution of malaria cases in Turkey differs by months and climatic conditions. The incidence of malaria starts to rise in March, reaching its peak in July, August and September, begins to fall in October. In other words, the number of malaria cases is lowest in winter and reaches its peak in summer and autumn. This is not due to the parasite itself, but a climatic change is a main reason. In the past years the comprehensive malaria prevention programme has started bearing its fruits. Within the WHO Roll Back Malaria strategies, Turkey has started to implement its national malaria control projects, the meeting held on March 22, 2000, coordinated the country's international cooperation for this purpose. The meeting considered the aim of the project to be introduced into other organizations. In this regards, the target for 2002 is to halve the incidence of malaria as compared to 1999. The middle--and long-term incidence of malaria will be lowered to even smaller figures. The objectives of this project are as follows: to integrate malaria services with primary health care services to prove more effective studies; to develop early diagnosis and treatment systems, to provide better diagnostic services, and to develop mobile diagnostic ones; to make radical treatment and monitoring patients; to conduct regular active case surveillance studies; to conduct regular vector control studies; to monitor the sensitivity of vectors to insecticides and to provide their alternatives; to design malaria control studies for the specialists of districts; to implement educational programmes among the population and attract it in controlling malaria.
    Matched MeSH terms: Turkey/epidemiology
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