Sebatian hidroksi-eter-POo
(80% hasil) disintesis melalui pembukaan gelang oksirana minyak sawit olein terepoksida
) secara alkoholisis. Hasil optimum pembukaan gelang oksirana (99.2%) dicapai dengan menggunakan asid
sulfurik 3% v/bt pada suhu tindak balas yang tinggi (80o
C) selama 30 minit masa tindak balas. Spektrum resonan
magnetik nukleus-proton (1
H-NMR) hidroksi-eter-POo
telah menunjukkan kehadiran puncak proton pada karbon eter
(3.2, 3.5 ppm) dan proton pada kumpulan hidroksil (4.8 ppm). Spektrum resonan magnetik nukleus-karbon (13C-NMR)
telah menunjukkan kehadiran puncak karbon yang terikat dengan kumpulan hidroksil (75 ppm) dan
karbon pada karbonil kumpulan eter (72 ppm). Kelikatan kinematik hidroksi-eter-POo
adalah 234.4 cSt (40o
C) dan 28.1
cSt (100o
C) dengan indeks kelikatan 156.
MeSH terms: Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Methylglycosides; Protons; Carbon-13 Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Hearing impairment is an unseen handicapped that lead to communication barriers which might impede knowledge
transfer. The aim of this study was to compare the oral health knowledge, practice and dental plaque maturity between
hearing-impaired (HI) and normal children. A cross sectional study was conducted among children aged 7-14 years old.
The HI children were recruited from a special school for the deaf while the normal children were from the primary and
secondary schools in Bachok, Kelantan. The oral health knowledge and practice was assessed by face to face interview
whilst the dental plaque maturity status was evaluated using GC Tri Plaque ID Gel™ (TPID). The data was analysed using
IBM SPSS version 22. HI children had poor oral health knowledge and oral health practice compared to normal children
(p<0.05). HI children had significantly more matured plaque compared to normal children with mean (SD) DPMS of 1.8
(0.57) and 1.3 (0.20), respectively (p<0.001). In conclusion, there were poor oral health knowledge, poor oral hygiene
practice and high plaque maturity among HI children.
Suatu kajian mengenai taburan dan kepelbagaian spesies Foraminifera bentik di dalam sedimen permukaan telah
dijalankan di sekitar Delta Sungai Pahang, Pahang. Sebanyak 33 sampel sedimen telah diambil bagi tujuan ini.
Hasilnya, sebanyak 82 spesies, 45 genus dan 29 famili telah berjaya dikenal pasti daripada sejumlah 28,501 individu
Foraminifera. Stesen 5 mencatatkan jumlah kehadiran Foraminifera paling tinggi iaitu sebanyak 5,543 individu. Stesen
11 pula mencatatkan jumlah kehadiran paling rendah dengan hanya 46 individu sahaja. Spesies yang paling dominan
dan melimpah (>10%) ialah Amphistegina lessonni (4,790 individu) dan Amphistegina gibbosa (4,490 individu).
Kemudian, diikuti oleh Elphidium advenum, Operculina ammonoides dan Asterorotalia pulchella (>5%). Bagi famili
pula, Amphisteginidae merupakan famili paling dominan dengan mencatatkan jumlah individu tertinggi iaitu 9,280
(mewakili 32.6% daripada keseluruhan individu). Famili Hauerinidae mencatatkan kepelbagaian spesies yang paling
tinggi iaitu sebanyak 24 spesies telah berjaya dijumpai. Indeks kepelbagaian spesies, H’ yang dicatatkan adalah antara
1.1 dan 3.1. Manakala indeks kekayaan spesies, α adalah antara 2.0 dan 9.4.
A 1.7 m2 flat plate solar air heater was designed and developed in the Department of Agricultural Mechanization, The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan in collaboration with the Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Peshawar, Pakistan. It was operated under an average solar irradiance of 0.9 kJ.m-2.h-1 in the month of September, 2013. It worked under an efficiency of 7.5 to 21%. The heat collected by the air heater was given to air flowing as a medium inside it. This hot air was given to a drying section and water heating tank for drying and water heating purposes. The drying section provided a temperature in the range of 40-50oC and humidity of 10-30% from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. The water heating tank provides hot water with a temperature of 35- 45oC from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Furthermore, the drying section was used to dry apples, onions and persimmons. All the products showed a consistent moisture loss from them with an optimum drying rate. The two term exponential model showed that all the three products dried have a good correlation with drying time with R2 values higher than 0.90. It was concluded that flat plate solar air heaters is the best technology for water heating and drying purposes and is a good alternative of conventional energy sources.
MeSH terms: Desiccation; Energy-Generating Resources; Hot Temperature; Heating; Humidity; Pakistan; Solar Energy; Sunlight; Temperature; Water; Onions; Malus; Diospyros
Egg clutches of Chalcorana labialis were collected from their natural habitat at Sungai Junjong, Kedah, between March 1998 and February 1999. Egg clutches were typically encountered in temporary pools, rock pools and isolated pools at the edge of the river. In the laboratory several reproductive parameters including clutch size, egg diameter, hatching and metamorphosis rates were measured. The mean ± SD (range, N) of clutch size, egg diameter, hatching and metamorphosis rates of C. labialis were 1365.4 ± 421.1 (787-2100, 10) eggs, 1.36 ± 0.15 (1.12-1.68, 20) mm, 97.30 ± 0.99% (95.87-98.86, 10) and 4.15 ± 0.74% (3.1-5.8, 10), respectively. These results indicated that the successfully rate of larvae to become froglets is relatively low, although it was reared in the laboratory. To keep survived, almost all species of frogs produced eggs in a large quantity.
Perbukitan batu kapur di Lembah Kinta membentuk landskap muka bumi yang unik dan indah hasil daripada proses pelarutan batuan karbonat. Namun begitu, bergantung kepada kawasan perbukitan batu kapur tersebut, kehadiran pelbagai struktur geologi seperti struktur retakan dan kekar yang ekstensif mampu memberi ancaman kepada manusia dan harta benda. Kajian ini bertujuan melihat hubungan antara ketumpatan lineamen dan tahap kestabilan tujuh cerun gunung batu kapur di Lembah Kinta, Malaysia. Kajian ini terbahagi kepada dua peringkat, iaitu pemetaan ketumpatan lineamen dan penilaian kestabilan cerun dengan menggunakan kaedah Kekuatan Jasad Batuan (RMS). Sebanyak 599 lineamen rantau dikenal pasti dengan panjang keseluruhan lineamen mencapai 317 km. Seterusnya, peta ketumpatan lineamen yang dihasilkan dikelaskan kepada tiga kelas: Rendah (137.0-84.23) m, sederhana (84.22-46.83) m dan tinggi (46.82-0.0) m. Kaedah RMS yang dijalankan di lapangan pula adalah bertujuan bagi mengesahkan peta ketumpatan lineamen yang dihasilkan. Sebanyak dua belas stesen dinilai dengan tujuh parameter RMS iaitu kekuatan bahan batuan, tahap luluhawa, bukaan kekar, orientasi kekar, kelebaran kekar, ketakselanjaran dan aliran air bawah tanah. Setiap cerun yang dinilai dikelaskan kepada lima kumpulan daripada sangat lemah hingga sangat kuat. Skor RMS berdasarkan jumlah akhir setiap parameter yang dinilai. Hampir kesemua stesen yang dicerap berada pada kelas sederhana (Gunung Rapat, Datok, Kandu, Panjang, A, Tempurung) manakala hanya satu stesen (Gunung Lang) berada pada kelas lemah. Korelasi antara peta ketumpatan lineamen dan skor RMS menunjukkan korelasi yang baik dengan 73% ketepatan. Ini menunjukkan bahawa kestabilan cerun di Lembah Kinta dipengaruhi secara langsung oleh ketumpatan lineamen rantau.
Keberkesanan rawatan air sisa industri automotif ditentukan dengan menggunakan kaedah penjerapan turus. Peratusan penyingkiran ammonia dan logam berat terpilih telah dikaji menggunakan pasir biasa dan pasir terubah suai secara kimia sebagai bahan penjerap. Dua model matematik iaitu Model Thomas serta Model Yoon-Nelson telah digunakan untuk menentukan kapasiti penjerapan maksimum ammonia. Peratusan penyingkiran ammonia menunjukkan pasir terubah suai secara kimia mencatatkan julat peratusan penyingkiran yang lebih tinggi iaitu 43.68% hingga 96.55% berbanding pasir biasa yang mencatatkan julat 0% hingga 89.66%. Logam berat zink, mangan, kromium, kuprum, arsenik, nikel, kobalt dan ferum mencatatkan peratusan penyingkiran antara 93% hingga 100% apabila menggunakan pasir terubah suai secara kimia manakala pasir biasa mencatatkan julat peratusan penyingkiran daripada 0.8% hingga 100%. Keputusan analisis menggunakan Model Thomas menunjukkan kapasiti penjerapan maksimum, qo ammonia menggunakan pasir terubah suai secara kimia (8.80 mg/g) adalah empat kali lebih tinggi daripada pasir biasa (2.57 mg/g) manakala masa bolos, t0.5 bahan penjerap yang ditentukan menggunakan Model Yoon dan Nelson mencatatkan masa tertinggi bagi pasir terubah suai secara kimia iaitu 30.18 min berbanding 9.57 min bagi pasir biasa. Kajian ini menunjukkan peratusan penyingkiran dan kapasiti penjerapan ammonia dan logam berat terpilih iaitu zink, mangan, kuprum, arsenik, nikel, kobalt dan ferum lebih tinggi bagi turus pasir terubah suai secara kimia berbanding pasir biasa.
The suction between soil particles is the basis and core problem in the study of unsaturated soil. However, is the suction between soil particles just the matrix suction (which has been widely used since the discipline of unsaturated soil mechanics was established). In fact, the concept of matrix suction is from soil science and reflects the water-absorbing capacity of the soil. Matrix suction characterizes the interaction between soil particles and pore water rather than the interactions between soil particles, which were not in conformity with the principle of effective stress of soils. The suction of unsaturated soil, in essence, is the intergranular suction composed of absorbed suction and structural suction. In this paper, first, the basic concepts of absorbed suction and structural suction were briefly introduced. Then, with soil mechanics, powder science, crystal chemistry, granular material mechanics and other related disciplines of knowledge for reference, the quantitative calculation formulas were theoretically deduced for the absorbed suction for equal-sized and unequal-sized unsaturated soil particles with arbitrary packing and the variable structural suction for equal-sized unsaturated soil particles with arbitrary packing and unequal-sized unsaturated soil particles with close tetrahedral packing. The factors that influence these equations were discussed. Then, the shear strength theory of unsaturated soil was established based on the theory of intergranular suction through the analysis of the effective stress principle of unsaturated soil. This study demonstrates that the shear strength of unsaturated soil consists of three parts: The effective cohesive force, the additional strength caused by external loads and the strength caused by intergranular suction. The contribution of the three parts to the shear strength of unsaturated soil depends on the following influence factors: Soil type, confining pressure, water content and density. Therefore, these factors must be comprehensively considered when determining the strength of an unsaturated soil.
Effective disinfection of contact lenses is of paramount importance in the prevention of Acanthamoeba (AK). Therefore, this study was undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of the multi-purpose contact lens disinfecting solutions against Acanthamoeba cysts of four isolates comprising two clinical isolates; HS 5, HTH 73, and two environmental isolates; TTA 1 and TKA 14. Five multi-purpose contact lens disinfecting solutions; Complete®, Renu® fresh™, RevitaLens OcuTec®, Opti-Free® Express® and Solo Care Aqua® were tested on cyst of the four Acanthamoeba isolates. The soaking times were based on manufactures recommendations (4 and 6 h), 8 h and 24 h. Each mixture of the cysts and disinfecting solution was transferred onto non-nutrient agar seeded with Escherichia coli. The agar plates were examined under inverted microscope daily until day 14 to detect the presence of Acanthamoeba trophozoites. All 5 multi-purpose contact lens disinfecting solutions tested were ineffective at killing all Acanthamoeba cyst isolates tested. This indicates that most multi-purpose contact lens disinfecting solutions do not have anti-Acanthamoeba activity necessary to prevent keratitis amongst the contact lens wearers.
Key words: Acanthamoeba; effectiveness; Malaysia; multi-purpose contact lens disinfecting solution
Setiap kejadian semula jadi merupakan rahmat dan memberi kemaslahatan kepada manusia termasuklah pendarahan haid dalam kalangan wanita. Haid merupakan suatu proses yang unik dan terancang yang melibatkan tiga fasa utama iaitu fasa haid, fasa folikel dan fasa luteal. Objektif penyelidikan ini ialah untuk mengkaji dan menghubungkaitkan kebaikan haid daripada perspektif sains dan maqasid syariah. Kajian ini dijalankan dengan menggunakan ulasan literatur secara deskriptif. Kajian mendapati bahawa perubahan hormon, warna darah dan faktor fiziokimia lain memberi kesan terhadap kenormalan kitaran haid. Darah haid juga dikenal pasti mempunyai agen antimikrob terutamanya terhadap bakteria E. coli dan bakteria Gram-negatif lain. Hal ini bertepatan dengan maqasid syariah memelihara jiwa kerana haid mampu juga memelihara kesihatan wanita. Selain itu, kajian lepas menemukan bahawa darah haid terdiri daripada sel stem yang boleh digunakan dalam aktiviti klinikal pada masa akan datang. Maqasid syariah melindungi keturunan juga dapat dilihat dengan kehadiran haid yang sering digunakan bagi menjangkakan waktu subur bagi merancang kehamilan. Hikmah Islam melarang mendekatkan diri (bersetubuh) dengan wanita yang sedang haid adalah satu rahmat yang besar, kerana wanita yang sedang haid biasanya mempunyai kelaziman gejala prahaid (PMS) yang melibatkan isu kesihatan. Oleh itu, haid daripada perspektif sains adalah bertepatan dengan maqasid syariah.
Dalam kajian ini, kesan surfaktan tak-ionik terhadap kompleks Al(III)-morin telah dijalankan. Surfaktan tak-ionik didapati telah meningkatkan bacaan serapan kompleks Al(III)-morin. Penambahan triton X-100 kepada kompleks Al(III)-morin telah membolehkan penentuan ion Al(III) dalam kuantiti submikrogram pada pH4.00 dijalankan. Bacaan serapan maksimum adalah pada 425 nm dengan serapan molar, ε, 9.31 × 103 l.mol-1cm-1. Graf kalibrasi bagi penentuan ion Al(III) adalah linear daripada 0.03 hingga 2.0 μg mL-1 dengan had pengesanan 0.015 μg mL-1 telah diperoleh dalam kajian ini. Sisihan ralat relatif (r.s.d) ialah 2.2% bagi kepekatan Al(III) 1.0 μg mL-1. Kesan penambahan ion lain terhadap kompleks Al(III)-morin turut dijalankan dan didapati ion Cu(II), Zn(II) dan Pb(II) memberi gangguan yang lebih berbanding ion-ion lain.
A seminar titled "Sugar Substitutes: Understanding the Basics, Global Regulatory Approvals, Safety Assessment Protocols and Benefits" organised by the Nutrition Society of Malaysia was held on 1.5th Apri12015 for nutritionists and other health care professionals, to review and discuss the latest evidence on safety and efficacy of sugar substitutes. Highlights from lectures by local and international speakers about this topical subject are presented in this report. Sugar substitutes have been extensively evaluated for decades and regulatory agencies world-wide continue to review and confirm their safety. Furthermore, the effects of sugar substitutes on human health continue to be the subject of research studies. Many studies have shown that replacement of sugar with sugar substitutes may help in weight management, glucose control for people with diabetes, and in the prevention of tooth decay. It is important for health professionals to discern whether the available evidence is based on good science and adequate protocols in order to guide consumers with the responsible use of sugar substitutes following national and international dietary guidelines. The use of sugar substitutes for certain health outcomes was discussed, specifically in regard to appetite, energy balance, body weight and other cardio-metabolic risk factors. Overall, the seminar provided an understanding of the different types of commercially available sugar substitutes, their use in a range of food and beverages, and calorie contribution to the diet. The seminar also covered the approvals of different sugar substitutes and the protocols for assessing the safety of these sugar substitutes, especially in the case of children and pregnant women.
Malnutrition is common among patients with cancer and it is also associated with their negative health outcomes. Generally, cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy have a high risk of malnutrition, secondary to both the disease and the treatment. It is important that patients maintain a good nutritional status to improve the effects, and minimise the side effects of cancer treatment. A good nutritional status should be maintained for patients through nutritional intervention during cancer treatment. There appears to be no published studies on the effects of intense dietary counselling versus usual dietary care on the nutritional status of colorectal cancer (CRC) patients undergoing chemotherapy alone. Furthermore, there have been no randomised controlled trials (RC1) undertaken in Malaysia, where CRC is increasing. It is therefore important to undertake a RCT of a dietary and lifestyle counselling intervention of CRC outpatients undergoing chemotherapy.
Methods: The intervention study was an open (masking not used), prospective, and Rcr to examine the effects of intensive individualised dietary and lifestyle counselling on dietary intake and nutritional status in CRC patients undergoing chemotherapy. It was designed as an 8-week program of intensive, individualised dietary and lifestyle counselling followed up with another 8-week post-intervention period without dietary and lifestyle counselling, and compared to a control arm given the usual care. A total of forty-two participants took part in this study and were randomised into two groups, namely, the intervention group (IG) (n=22) and the control group(CG) (n=20) at Kuala Lumpur Hospital and SelayangHospital, Malaysia.
Results: In this study, 67% of CRC patients were malnourished at baseline. In the IQ the prevalence of malnutrition dropped from 72.7% at baseline to 27.3% eight weeks after the intervention. This repesents a large, and clinically meaningful shift. In the CG, the prevalence of malnutrition, or at risk of malnutrition, was still at 75% at the end of the sixteen weeks.
Conclusion: Intensive, individualised dietary and lifestyle counselling resulted in improved nutritional status in patients with CRC undergoing chemotherapy.
MeSH terms: Counseling; Diet; Humans; Life Style; Malaysia; Nutritional Status; Outpatients; Prospective Studies; Colorectal Neoplasms; Prevalence; Control Groups; Malnutrition
Adyas A, Akazili J, Awoonor-Williams J, Dalingjong P, Ellangovan KK, Ismail MS, et al.
Citation: Adyas A, et al. UHC Primary Health Care Self-Assessment Tool. Joint Learning Network for Universal Health Coverage: Primary Health Care
Technical Initiative; 2016
MeSH terms: Ghana; India; Indonesia; Malaysia; Primary Health Care
Citation: Sherina Mohd Sidik. Chapter 36: Primary Care Research in Malaysia. In: Goodyear-Smith F, Mash B (editors). International Perspectives on Primary Care Research. Boca Raton, Florida, United States of America: CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group), World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA); 2016, p199-201
MeSH terms: Family Practice; Malaysia; Primary Health Care; Research
The current paper review researches on sexual and online infidelity from personality perspectives. This is done through looking from Dark Triad Traits, The Big Five Factors and HEXACO. 51 studies from various journals were reviewed and showed supportive findings between personality and infidelity. Individuals high in the Dark Triads: psychopathy, narcissism, and Machiavellianism were associated with committing infidelity. For the Big Five Factors, conscientiousness was linked to lower infidelity; extraversion and agreeableness were associated with higher infidelity while neuroticism and openness showed mixed results. For HEXACO, individuals scoring low on honesty-humility scale had stronger relationship with infidelity. Future studies should do more studies on neuroticism and openness on infidelity. Environment factors should also be considered in explaining individuals’ act in committing infidelity.
Although past studies have found a positive relationship between product creativity and purchase intention, little is known about the underlying process behind this relationship. The present study addressed this gap by examining the role of openness to experience in the relationship between product creativity and purchase intention. Participants (88 undergraduate students) evaluated creativity of a self-nominated product and reported the extent to which they are willing to buy the product, as well as their openness to experience. Analysis showed that there was a positive relationship between product creativity and openness to experience and these two variables were significantly correlated with purchase intention. Furthermore, mediation analysis supported that product creativity increases purchase intension indirectly through openness to experience. The findings shed light on the mechanism of how product creativity increases purchase intention and serve as an evidence for future studies to investigate how and what aspects of product creativity that enhance individual’s sense of openness and purchase intention.
Love is an important psychological entity in relation to marital satisfaction. Therefore, this study aimed to compare how married couples from three groups’ length of marriage (1-5 years, 6-18 years and 19 years) perceive love (intimacy, passion and commitment) and to compare marital satisfaction across three length of marriage. This study applied the survey research design using a combination of cluster and stratified sampling techniques. Questionnaires which were distributed consisted of questions related to personal background, marital background, love and marital satisfaction. Malay married individuals residing in Lembah Klang from eight different locations who volunteered to participate in this study were given questionnaires to complete. 310 participants (155 males and 155 females) completed the questionnaires which later were collected for data analysis. Results showed that there were significant differences on how three groups length of marriage (1-5 years, 6-18 years and 19 years above of marriage) perceive love (commitment and passion). However, there were no differences in marital satisfaction between the three groups length of marriage as suggested by previous research. Results indicated that love has an important psychological role at any stages of marriage. This research suggested that more research should explore the psychological aspects of love within marriage and its contribution to psychological wellbeing of married couples.
Social networking sites (SNS) is not only used as a platform for online interaction, but also for emotional purposes. In SNS, users tend to like or watch visual that is shared by other users as video sharing because it is similar to the sharing of a documentary related meaningful event. Furthermore, the use of SNS associated with personality that enables the users to hide their own emotions from the knowledge of other users. The dominant personality in the field of communication is Extroverts. The question is, to what extent the visual exposure will stimulate and affect the emotional changes in Extroverts? The study was conducted online (online experiment) by using Post-test Group Design. A total of 30 Extroverts were selected through convenience sampling and has been added into Facebook group ‘Emosi dan EPQ’. They were requested to answer a questionnaire before and after watching the provocative visual. Data were analysed using Wilcoxon-Signed Rank Test. The results showed that provocative visual stimulation in Facebook left a significant emotional changes in Extroverts (Z=-2,099, p= 0.036). Majority Extroverts became more stable in their emotion and they were actively giving comments regarding the visual. SNS like Facebook acts as a channel that allow users to share variety of stimulation until their current emotion affected the social interaction. The message in the provocative visual also plays a role in emotional changes in Extroverts to become more stable or unstable.
This study examines the relationship between loneliness, life events and depression among 178 adults in the disadvantage community of Malaysia and to determine predictors of depression. A set of standardized questionnaires was used to measure depression, loneliness and stressful life events. The results showed that loneliness and stressful life events were related to depression. Results also showed that loneliness was a predictor of depression. Implications of the study in terms of theory and practice are also discussed.