Cr0ss»sectional studies on lung functions of 100 smokers and 100 non-smokers was conducted among a university student population. The objectives of the studies were to determine the correlation between the lung functions with smoking frequency and duration among smokers as well as to compare the lung functions with non-smokers. The smokers’ mean age was 20.74 years, their smoking initiation age was 16.18 years, the smoking duration was 4.41 years and the smoking frequency was 8.72 cigarettes per day. Among smokers, signqicant inverse correlation was shown between FEV] predicted and the smoking frequency (number of cigarette per day) (ri-0.241, p=0.016). Multiple regression confirmed the relationship between FEV]% predicted with respondent’s age (p=0.013) and smoking frequency (p=0.002), FVC% predicted with age (p=0.005) and smoking frequency (p=0.009). The FEV;/FVC% predicted was signyicantly related to phlegm symptoms (p=0.03), while the FEFZ5.y5% predicted was signdicantly related to age (p=0.005), height (p=0.043) and smoking duration (p=0.046). The lung functions (FEV1% predicted, FVC% predicted and FEV]/FVC% predicted ) for smokers were not statistically dyferent from non-smokers. This study showed that the lung functions for the smokers were still quite normal due to their short smoking duration, their low number of cigarette smoked per day and their young age.