Quality attributes of steamed bread without green banana flour (BF) (CON), substituted with 30%
BF (BBFI) and 30% BF + 8% gluten (BBFII) were determined. The green banana flour (BF) and the mixture of wheat flour (WF) substituted with 30% BF + 8% gluten (FBFII) was significantly highest in water holding capacity and oil holding capacities, respectively. Potassium, calcium and magnesium were significantly higher in BBFI and BBFII than CON. Significantly highest insoluble dietary fibre and total dietary fibre shown in BBFI. Steaming resulted significant reduction in resistant starch content in BBFI as compared with the dough of BBFI I. The specific volume of BBFII and CON showed significant different compared to the BBFI. The BBFII spread ratio was significantly highest and steamer spring lowest than CON. BBFII showed significantly highest in hardness and adhesiveness values but CON was significantly highest in cohesiveness, elasticity and chewiness. L and Hue values was shown highest in CON. BBFII indicated highest acceptability score than other samples.