
  • 1 Universiti Sains Malaysia


Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a neuropsychiatric disorder characterized by recurrent intrusive, distressing thoughts and repetitive behaviours or mental rituals performed to reduce anxiety. The lifetime prevalence of OCD is 2.3% and it can happen to all people of various levels, including child and adolescent. The mean age of onset is 19.5 years, and a subset of patients, mostly males, have an early onset before 10 years of age. The lifetime risk of developing OCD is higher in females, who typically develop the disorder in adolescence [1]. Person with OCD usually presented with obsession involving various themes, namely contamination; repeated doubts; religious, need for symmetry and exactness, or taboo thoughts of a sexual, religious, or aggressive nature. Whereas, the most common compulsions are checking, washing, hoarding, and counting compulsions[1]. (Copied from article).