Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 106 in total

  1. Mohd Khatib NA, Roseliza-Murni A, Mohd Hoesni S, Manap J
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2022 Sep 26;19(19).
    PMID: 36231492 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph191912189
    Measuring the factors that underlie adolescent connectedness has become a prominent focused issue in past studies across many disciplines. Thus far, the Hemingway: Measure of Adolescent Connectedness (HMAC) is the first research-based measure of adolescent's relationship and sense of belonging with other people and their surroundings. The current study aimed to examine the measurement model of the Hemingway: Measure of Adolescent Connectedness which has been translated into Bahasa Melayu (HMAC-BM) in order to check for its feasibility among Malaysian adolescents. A total of 377 adolescents aged 16 years old were recruited from the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur. Three factors, namely connectedness to family, school, and neighbors with seven sub-factors of the HMAC-BM, were analyzed by Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) using the IBM SPSS Amos 23.0 (23.0, IBM Technology, Armonk, NY, USA). Results of the CFA supported the second-order factor of the HMAC-BM structures. The overall HMAC-BM scale and its subscales have higher factor loadings ranging from 0.60 to 0.79. Cronbach's alpha coefficients ranged from 0.78 to 0.95 for the three subscales and 0.84 for the total scale. Results also revealed seven sub-factors with forty-one factors-solution that accounted for 0.89% of total variance explained for adolescent connectedness. Findings provide empirical support for the feasibility of HMAC-BM in explaining Malaysian adolescents' social connectedness. Hence, the HMAC-BM is a promising measure that can be used on Malaysian adolescents. The findings have important implications which provide a clear picture of HMAC-BM as an accurate instrument to measure adolescent's social connectedness toward enhancing prosocial attitudes and well-being.
    Matched MeSH terms: Translating*
  2. Andrew Chin RW, Chua YY, Chu MN, Mahadi NF, Wong MS, Yusoff MSB, et al.
    J Taibah Univ Med Sci, 2018 Feb;13(1):1-9.
    PMID: 31435296 DOI: 10.1016/j.jtumed.2017.06.003
    Introduction: The Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI) is a recent burnout measure with a focus on fatigue and exhaustion. It has three factors: personal burnout, work-related burnout, and client-related burnout. This study aimed to translate the CBI into the Malay language and to validate the translated version among a group of medical students.

    Methods: The forward-backward translation was performed as per standard guidelines. The Malay version of CBI (CBI-M) was distributed to 32 medical students to assess face validity and later to 452 medical students to assess construct validity. The data analysis was performed by Microsoft Excel, SPSS and AMOS.

    Results: The face validity index of CBI-M was more than 0.8. The three factors of CBI-M achieved good levels of goodness-of-fit indices (Cmin/df = 2.99, RMSEA = 0.066, GFI = 0.906, CFI = 0.938, NFI = 0.910, TLI = 0.925). The composite reliability values of the three factors ranged from 0.84 to 0.87. The Cronbach's alpha values of the three factors ranged from 0.83 to 0.87.

    Conclusions: This study supports the face and construct validity of the CBI-M with a high internal consistency.
    Matched MeSH terms: Translating
  3. Irniza R, Emilia ZA, Muhammad Saliluddin S, Nizam Isha AS
    Malays J Med Sci, 2014 Jul;21(4):42-50.
    PMID: 25977621 MyJurnal
    BACKGROUND: Police Stress Questionnaire (PSQ) was developed to measure police-specific stressors. The present study was the first to have translated the PSQ to Malay. This study aims to test the reliability, construct validity, and component structure of the Malay-version PSQ.

    METHODS: A set of survey consisted of the Malay-version PSQ, General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12), Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ), Global Stress Questionnaire (GSQ) and General Self-rated Health (GSRH) were distributed to 300 traffic police officers in Kuala Lumpur and all traffic police officers in a few districts of Pahang and Negeri Sembilan.

    RESULTS: The response rate was 65.5% (N = 262). The reported Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.93 for Operational PSQ (PSQ-Op) and 0.94 for Organisational PSQ (PSQ-Org). Findings indicated that the PSQ had positive construct validity with the GSRH, GSQ, and GHQ. After excluding four factors related to lifestyles, all police-specific stressors were highly loaded (0.50) in one component.

    CONCLUSION: It is confirmed that the Malay-version PSQ, excluding the four factors related to lifestyle, was uni-dimensional, reliable, and a valid questionnaire. This study proffers a potentially better instrument for assessing the stressors among Malaysian police.

    Matched MeSH terms: Translating
  4. Rosnah I, Noor Hassim I, Shafizah AS
    Med J Malaysia, 2013 Oct;68(5):424-34.
    PMID: 24632873 MyJurnal
    INTRODUCTION: The Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire was first constructed to measure eating behavior in an English population in the United States. It has been validated and translated for various populations in different languages. The aim of this article is to describe a systematic process for translating the questionnaire from English to Malay language.

    METHODOLOGY: The report of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcome Research (ISPOR) Task Force was used as the basis for the systematic translation process. The process began with preparation; followed by forward translation (2 independent translators), reconciliation, back translation (2 independent translators), back translation review, harmonization, cognitive debriefing, review of cognitive debriefing results and finalization, proofreading; and ended with the final report. Four independent Malay translators who fluent in English and reside in Malaysia were involved in the process. A team of health care researchers had assisted the review of the new translated questionnaires.

    RESULTS: Majority of the TFEQ-R21 items were experiencing, conceptually and semantically equivalence between original English and translated English. However, certain phrase such as "feels like bottomless pit" was difficult to translate by forward translators. Cognitive debriefing was a very helpful process to ensure the TFEQ-R21 Malay version was appropriate in term of wording and culturally accepted. A total of four redundant comments in regards to response scale wording, word confusion and wording arrangement.

    CONCLUSION: The systematic translation process is a way to reduce the linguistic discrepancies between the English and Malay language in order to promote equivalence and culturally adapted TFEQ-R21 questionnaire.
    Matched MeSH terms: Translating
  5. Nurul Nabila Binti Mohtar, Wan Ahmad Wan Aslynn, Mohd Normani Zakaria, Nor Haniza Abdul Wahat, Nurul Syarida Bt Mohd Sakeri
    The purpose of this study was to translate and adapt the Vestibular Rehabilitation Benefit Questionnaire (VRBQ) into Malay (My-VRBQ). This is to add on to the limited number of
    vestibular questionnaire available in Malay version. After the permission from the original
    author was obtained, the process of adaptation began with forward-translation by the author with
    audiological background and a linguistic expert. Then, the process of backward translation into
    English were completed by three bilinguals who were proficient in both Malay and English. The final version of the draft was evaluated for its content validity, which was conducted by five professionals with audiological or speech pathology backgrounds. Additionally, its face validity was determine amongst 32 respondents with diverse backgrounds. Ten participants diagnosed with vestibular problems were recruited in the My-VRBQ for internal consistency validation process. They were enlisted from two hospitals in the East Coast of Malaysia. Based on the comments and
    suggestions made by the validators; some changes in terms of the appropriateness of the instructions, items and the sentence structure were made. In the consistency analysis, the My-VRBQ revealed good internal consistency based on Cronbach alpha values (0.77 to 0.96). A translated and validated My-VRBQ has the potential to be used clinically to document vestibular rehabilitation benefits. Nevertheless, future studies are encouraged to further support the present study findings.
    Matched MeSH terms: Translating
  6. Tengku Zulaila Hasma Tengku Zam Zam, Ahmad Aidil Arafat Dzulkarnain, Sarah Rahmat, Masnira Jusoh
    Patient’s self-perceived handicap inventory is an important tool for modern’s health care management including hearing loss. The HHIA is a selfreporting outcome measurement invented to identify hearing-impaired patients’ complaints for appropriate client-centred rehabilitation program. HHIA has been
    reported among one of the valid self-perceived hearing handicap measures, and could even addressed issues for patient with mild and unilateral hearing loss. This study aims to translate HHIA into Malay language (HHIA-M) and to adapt the questionnaire culturally for clinical use among Malaysian population.
    Matched MeSH terms: Translating
  7. Chong EY, Palanisamy UD, Jacob SA
    Patient Prefer Adherence, 2019;13:195-207.
    PMID: 30774315 DOI: 10.2147/PPA.S182516
    Purpose: This study prepares the groundwork on the potential design and development of a mobile health (mHealth) app that will be able to bridge the communication gap between pharmacists and patients who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHoH).

    Patients and methods: A focus group discussion was conducted with 12 community pharmacists. Participants were recruited using snowball sampling. Audio-recordings were transcribed verbatim, and analyzed using a thematic approach.

    Results: Three themes were apparent: 1) suggestions for app design and content, 2) perceived benefits of the app, and 3) potential challenges related to the app. Participants believed the app would be able to facilitate and improve communication, and hence relationship, between pharmacists and the DHoH. Potential challenges of the app were highlighted, such as the need for manpower to manage the app, and its cost to this group of economically disadvantaged people. There were also concerns about privacy and security.

    Conclusions: This study allowed community pharmacists, one of the end-users of the app, to provide feedback on the contents and design of the app, which would allow them to provide pharmaceutical care services to patients who are DHoH, and better serve them. Potential benefits and challenges of the app were also identified. Undoubtedly, through the mHealth app, community pharmacists will be better equipped to serve and communicate with the DHoH, and this will hopefully translate to improved health outcomes in these patients.

    Matched MeSH terms: Translating
  8. Zainal N.Z, Nor-Aziyan Y, Subramaniam P
    Introduction: Interest in mindfulness and its enhancements have quietly exploded in recent years, bringing with it the need for validated instruments to assess mindfulness in the Malaysian population. The study aims to assess the reliability, factor structure and validity of the Malay version of The Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MMAAS) in a group of nursing students. Methods: The MMAAS was ‘forward-backward’ translated from English to Malay. Two hundred and sixty six nursing students answered the MMAAS. At the same time, they responded to the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES). We performed Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) with varimaxrotation to examine the factor structure of the MMAAS. Associations of retained factors were estimated by Spearman correlation coefficients. Results: Internal consistency reliability of MMAAS was good (Cronbach’s α = 0.851) and showed temporal stability in a 3-week period. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) suggested three factors labelled as “Attention related to generaldomain”, “Attention related to the physicaldomain” and “Attention related to psychological domain”. These factors explained 52.09% of the variance. The Malay MAAS and the English version was highly correlated (r=0.82, p
    Matched MeSH terms: Translating
  9. Kamaluddin, M.R., Hassan, S.K., Dharmalingam, T. K.
    Introduction: Despite general acknowledgement of the importance in assessing family needs in critical care
    patients, there is no psychometric instrument to measure the family needs within Malaysian settings. This
    study aimed to perform factorial validation and establish psychometric properties of Malay translated
    Critical Care Family Need Inventory (CCFNI-M) for Malaysians. Methods: This study consisted of four
    protocols: Forward-Backward translation, validity, internal reliability and inter domain correlations phases.
    The factorial validation of the CCFNI-M was based on its administration to 109 family members of critical
    care patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kelantan, Malaysia.
    At validity phase, factorial validation was performed using Exploratory Factor Analysis using Principal
    Component Analysis with Varimax rotation. The internal consistency and inter domain correlations were
    calculated using Cronbach’s alpha and Pearson correlation coefficient respectively. Results: Preliminary
    analyses reported the suitability of data for factorial validation. With reference to the original CCFNI, five
    factors were extracted which explained 49.4% of the total variance. After removal of several items for
    different reasons, the final items in CCFNI-M were 42. The internal consistency values for five dimensions
    ranged from 0.72 to 0.87 with inter domain correlation values (r) among the dimensions ranged between
    0.36 and 0.61. Conclusion: The high measures of factorial validity, internal consistency and inter domain
    correlations values of the CCFNI-M make it suitable measure for assessing the family needs of critical care
    Matched MeSH terms: Translating
  10. Adam, B., Ramli, M., Jamaiyah H., Noor Azimah, M., Khairani, O.
    Introduction: Family Environment Scale (FES) was developed by Moos1, has ten subscales and was categorized into three dimensions.Objective:The objective of this study was to develop factor structure for the Malay-translated version of the FES subscales. Methodology: The study used Malay translated version of FES by Khairani et. al2. This study was a multi centre, cross-sectional study, involving four secondary schools consisted of adolescents, aged between 12-17 years old and a total of 295 participants were enrolled in this study. Exploratory factor analyses was done across two groups of analysis set on the subscales with Cronbach’s alpha more than 0.50 and 0.53 respectively. Results: Two distinct factors were extracted across the four subscales consisted of Cohesion, Conflict and Organization in factor 1 and only Control in factor 2. Conclusion: The finding indicated that element of Cohesion, Conflict and Organization has a good indicator of a good family relationship.
    Matched MeSH terms: Translating
  11. Parameswaran, M, Sivaprakasam, S., Dublin, N., Razack, A.H., Thun, T.H., Chua, C.B., et al.
    JUMMEC, 2009;12(2):74-82.
    The aim of this study was to validate the translation of the Overactive Bladder (OAB) Screener (OAB V8) to the Malay language. It was to assess the reliability of the screener in the context of a Malaysian population. The original screener consists of eight symptoms indicative of OAB that has been proven to be highly sensitive and reliable. Translation was done with a modification of the Brislin Method using back translation and a panel of experts as a final review panel. The pilot study had two groups; a symptomatic (n=19 patients) and an asymptomatic group (n=18 patients). All patients performed the test twice at two week intervals once at the clinic and subsequently at home. Test-retest method was used for reliability and Cronbach's alpha for internal consistency. The translated questionnaire demonstrated good internal consistency in both groups of patients for all eight items individually and for the total score. Cronbach's alphas ranged from 0.972 to 0.981 for the symptomatic group and from 0.750 to 0.976 for the asymptomatic group. Testretest correlation for all items was highly significant. Intraclass orrelation (ICC) was high for both the asymptomatic (ICC ranging from 0.600 to 0.953) and the symptomatic group (ranging from 0.944 to 0.989).The Malay OAB V8 showed itself to be suitable for use, reliable in distinguishing symptomatic and asymptomatic patients and a valid instrument.
    Matched MeSH terms: Translating
  12. Nurul Hazrina Mazlan, Affizal Ahmad
    ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, 2012;13(2):146-156.
    Objectives: The aim of this study is to validate the Malay version of the Aggression Questionnaire (AQ) for the purpose of the future study related to aggression. Furthermore, the study seeks to identify types of aggression hold by the female inmates.

    Methods: A cross-sectional study was designed involving 90 Malaysian female prisoners. The analyses include descriptive analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and reliability testing. After one-week interval, a test-retest was conducted.

    Results: The preliminary analysis confirmed that factor analysis was appropriate for the Malay-translated version of the AQ. The four factors structure was assessed but the factor loadings are remarkable different from the original versions. The total Cronbach's alpha coefficients is very high (α= 0.91). The Pearson's correlation however is low (r = 0.48) but acceptable for the instrument. Reliability of the subscales and the factors were also found satisfactory. Consequently, anger and hostility were identified as the most common types of aggression among the participants, followed by verbal aggression. In contrast, physical aggression was the least scored type of aggression.

    Conclusion: The Malay-translated version of the AQ was found to be valid and reliable to be used in future studies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Translating
  13. Tan HM, Low WY, Tong SF, Hanif J, Appannah G, Lee VKM, et al.
    The Aging Male Symptoms Scale (AMS) measures health-related quality of life in aging men. The objective of this paper is to describe the translation and validation of the AMS into Bahasa Melayu (BM). The original English version of the AMS was translated into BM by 2 translators to produce BM1 and BM2, and subsequently harmonized to produce BM3. Two other independent translators, blinded to the English version, back-translated BM3 to yield E2 and E3. All versions (BM1, BM2, BM3, E2, E3) were compared with the English version. The BM pre-final version was produced, and pre-tested in 8 participants. Proportion Agreement, Weighted Kappa, Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient, and verbatim responses were used. The English and the BM versions showed excellent equivalence (weighted Kappa and Spearman Rank Coefficients, ranged from 0.72 to 1.00, and Proportion Agreement values ranged from 75.0% to 100%). In conclusion, the BM version of the AMS was successfully translated and adapted.
    Matched MeSH terms: Translating
  14. Mohamad Marzuki MF, Yaacob NA, Yaacob NM
    JMIR Hum Factors, 2018 May 14;5(2):e10308.
    PMID: 29759955 DOI: 10.2196/10308
    BACKGROUND: A mobile app is a programmed system designed to be used by a target user on a mobile device. The usability of such a system refers not only to the extent to which product can be used to achieve the task that it was designed for, but also its effectiveness and efficiency, as well as user satisfaction. The System Usability Scale is one of the most commonly used questionnaires used to assess the usability of a system. The original 10-item version of System Usability Scale was developed in English and thus needs to be adapted into local languages to assess the usability of a mobile apps developed in other languages.

    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to translate and validate (with cross-cultural adaptation) the English System Usability Scale questionnaire into Malay, the main language spoken in Malaysia. The development of a translated version will allow the usability of mobile apps to be assessed in Malay.

    METHODS: Forward and backward translation of the questionnaire was conducted by groups of Malay native speakers who spoke English as their second language. The final version was obtained after reconciliation and cross-cultural adaptation. The content of the Malay System Usability Scale questionnaire for mobile apps was validated by 10 experts in mobile app development. The efficacy of the questionnaire was further probed by testing the face validity on 10 mobile phone users, followed by reliability testing involving 54 mobile phone users.

    RESULTS: The content validity index was determined to be 0.91, indicating good relevancy of the 10 items used to assess the usability of a mobile app. Calculation of the face validity index resulted in a value of 0.94, therefore indicating that the questionnaire was easily understood by the users. Reliability testing showed a Cronbach alpha value of .85 (95% CI 0.79-0.91) indicating that the translated System Usability Scale questionnaire is a reliable tool for the assessment of usability of a mobile app.

    CONCLUSIONS: The Malay System Usability Scale questionnaire is a valid and reliable tool to assess the usability of mobile app in Malaysia.

    Matched MeSH terms: Translating
  15. Farah NM, Saw Yee T, Mohd Rasdi HF
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2019 Nov 27;16(23):4750.
    PMID: 31783607 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16234750
    (1) Background: The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) is a useful tool for the assessment of subjective sleep quality in non-clinical and clinical settings. This study aimed to determine sleep quality in a general Malaysian adult population using a validated Malay version of the Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI-M); (2) Methods: The original PSQI was translated into Malay following forward and backward translation guidelines. The final Malay version was administered to a sample of healthy working adults (n = 106; mean age: 35.3 ± 7.6 years) without history of sleep disorders. Reliability and agreement were assessed using Cronbach's alpha, intra-class correlations coefficient (ICC), standard error of measurement (SEM), and Bland-Altman plot. Convergent validity of PSQI-M was examined with the Malay version of Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS-M) using Pearson's correlation coefficient; (3) Results: Overall mean PSQI global score was 5.25 ± 1.85. About 45% of the sample had PSQI global score >5, indicating poor sleep quality. Total sleep duration per night was 5.95 ± 1.05 h, below the recommended amount. Sleep quality seems to be affected by age but not gender. Internal consistency as measured by Cronbach's alpha in the whole sample was 0.74, with test-retest reliability (ICC) of 0.58 and SEM of 1.34. The PSQI test-retest scores indicated that most of the respondents (90%) lay within the 95% limits of agreement. The PSQI-M also showed significant correlation with ESS-M scores (r = 0.37, p < 0.01); (4) Conclusion: The PSQI-M showed acceptable reliability and is valid to be used in a general Malaysian adult population. Findings also indicate that a majority of the adults in our sample were experiencing inadequate sleep, thus further research is needed to identify the factors associated with poor sleep quality.
    Study site and participants: adults working in a university satellite campus in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Translating
  16. Ramezani A, Alvani SR, Lashai M, Rad H, Houshiarnejad A, Razani J, et al.
    Appl Neuropsychol Adult, 2019 12 27;29(1):53-58.
    PMID: 31880955 DOI: 10.1080/23279095.2019.1706517
    There is a growing need to conduct a neuropsychological assessment with bilingual Middle Eastern populations, particularly those who speak the Persian language (Farsi). Although validated neuropsychological and language tests have emerged in Iran, there remains a shortage of appropriate psychometric tests in the U.S. that have been validated for use with the Iranian-American population. This often leads to an assortment of using U.S. tests in English, U.S. tests translated into Farsi, and Iranian tests in Farsi, which can complicate the clinical assessment. To better understand common testing issues when working with bilingual Iranian-American patients, we review the first report of a 62-year-old, bilingual (English-Farsi) Iranian-American male with 18-years of education who was tested using U.S.-developed and Iranian-developed tests in both English and Farsi language. Pre-surgical, 6 months post-surgical, and 1.5 years of post-surgical assessment data are discussed. We highlight the strengths and limitations of naming tests, test used in the native country versus U.S. language tests, the importance of baseline testing, general bilingual Persian-English assessment considerations, and case-based learning points.
    Matched MeSH terms: Translating
  17. Yong TY, Zhen CY, John J, Danaee M, Marchini L
    Spec Care Dentist, 2024;44(4):1245-1252.
    PMID: 38441285 DOI: 10.1111/scd.12984
    AIMS: Identifying ageism among dental students is essential in gerodontology courses. This study aimed to perform a preliminary validation of a Malay version of the ageism scale for dental students (ASDS-My).

    METHODS AND RESULTS: The 27-item ASDS were translated into Malay language and completed by 168 dental students. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) with Promax rotation, Polychoric Correlation Matrix and Principal Axis Factoring was conducted. Internal consistency reliability and discriminative validity were analysed. Criterion validity was measured by comparing ASDS-My with Fraboni Scale of Ageism (FSA). A Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin of 0.612 and a Bartlett's Test of Sphericity yielding p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Translating
  18. Lim KS, Choo WY, Wu C, Tan CT
    Epilepsy Behav, 2013 Nov;29(2):395-9.
    PMID: 24090773 DOI: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2013.08.027
    INTRODUCTION: None of the quantitative scales for public attitudes toward epilepsy had been translated to Malay language. This study aimed to translate and test the validity and reliability of a Malay version of the Public Attitudes Toward Epilepsy (PATE) scale.
    METHOD: The translation was performed according to standard principles and tested in 140 Malay-speaking adults aged more than 18 years for psychometric validation.
    RESULTS: The items in each domain had similar standard deviations (equal item variance), ranging from 0.90 to 1.00 in the personal domain and from 0.87 to 1.23 in the general domain. The correlation between an item and its domain was 0.4 and above for all items and was higher than the correlation with the other domain. Multitrait analysis showed that the Malay PATE had a similar variance, floor and ceiling effects, and relative relationship between the domains as the original PATE. The Malay PATE scale showed a similar correlation with almost all demographic variables except age. Item means were generally clustered in the factor analysis as the hypothesized domains, except those for items 1 and 2. The Cronbach's α values were within acceptable range (0.757 and 0.716 for the general and personal domains, respectively).
    CONCLUSION: The Malay PATE scale is a validated and reliable translated version for measuring public attitudes toward epilepsy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Translating*
  19. Kiing JS, Rajgor D, Toh TH
    J Pediatr Psychol, 2016 11;41(10):1110-1119.
    PMID: 27189689
    OBJECTIVE: Translation of developmental-behavioral screening tools for use worldwide can be daunting. We summarize issues in translating these tools.  METHODS:  Instead of a theoretical framework of "equivalence" by Pena and International Test Commission guidelines, we decided upon a practical approach used by the American Association of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS). We derived vignettes from the Parents' Evaluation of Developmental Status manual and published literature and mapped them to AAOS.  RESULTS:  We found that a systematic approach to planning and translating developmental-behavioral screeners is essential to ensure "equivalence" and encourage wide consultation with experts.  CONCLUSION:  Our narrative highlights how translations can result in many challenges and needed revisions to achieve "equivalence" such that the items remain consistent, valid, and meaningful in the new language for use in different cultures. Information sharing across the community of researchers is encouraged. This narrative may be helpful to novice researchers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Translating*
  20. Arunasalam N
    Nurse Res, 2019 Jun 12;27(2):38-41.
    PMID: 31468887 DOI: 10.7748/nr.2019.e1605
    BACKGROUND: A study was conducted with Malaysian nurses who had studied on an Australian or UK transnational higher education post-registration top-up nursing degree programmes taught by 'flying faculty'.

    AIM: To reflect on the transcription, analysis, interpretation and translation of data in this cross-cultural study.

    DISCUSSION: The findings of this study show how these nurses developed personally and professionally despite challenges, which enabled them to attain a western degree.

    CONCLUSION: Some important aspects of cross-cultural research need to be considered when conducting studies and presenting their findings, as cultural values continue to affect society.

    IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: The discussion provided will assist novice researchers, nurse research and clinical practice and reviewers of scientific articles when conducting cross-cultural research.

    Matched MeSH terms: Translating*
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