Displaying publications 181 - 200 of 5464 in total

  1. Lin GSS, Foong CC
    Eur J Dent Educ, 2024 Aug;28(3):816-824.
    PMID: 38622868 DOI: 10.1111/eje.13011
    INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to develop a module that incorporates hands-on and reflective feedback in teaching dental materials science and subsequently analyse undergraduate dental students' learning experiences with the module.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: The module was developed based on the ADDIE (Analyse, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate) model. First, a need analysis was conducted, followed by designing the module to address the needs. Next, the module sought experts' feedback and was piloted. The revised module was implemented among all second-year undergraduate dental students. Finally, a validated questionnaire (5-point Likert scale items and open-ended questions) was used to evaluate students' learning experiences. The questionnaire Likert scale items were analysed descriptively, whereas open-ended responses were analysed using content analysis.

    RESULTS: In the analysis phase, a slight misalignment in cognitive competency levels was observed, alongside a need for the inclusion of more hands-on activities. In the design phase, learning objectives and resources were listed. Subsequently, a module consisting of four teaching sessions (3 h each) was developed, and the pilot test showed favourable feedback. The module was then implemented in small groups of 10-12 students. In the evaluation phase, 72 students (97% response rate) completed the questionnaire. The majority of students agreed with all items, with mean scores ranging from 4.53 to 4.72. Open-ended responses highlighted that hands-on activities and reflective feedback sessions were useful.

    CONCLUSION: Students demonstrated positive learning experiences after participating in the module, advocating for dental educators to consider more hands-on activities and reflective feedback sessions in teaching dental materials science.

    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  2. He S, He S, Gao X
    J Environ Public Health, 2022;2022:9440849.
    PMID: 35942144 DOI: 10.1155/2022/9440849
    Under the framework of disciplinary knowledge integrating technology, the multimedia teaching application of music performance attracts a major opportunity for reflection and reconstruction. The purpose of this study is to explore the laws and experiences of music performance teachers' multimedia teaching applications under the framework of subject teaching knowledge integrating technology. Through the research to understand the classroom multimedia teaching application of music performance teachers, according to the research results, relevant strategies are put forward for the application of music performance teachers' classroom multimedia teaching, in order to effectively improve the classroom teaching effect of music performance teachers. This research mainly uses the classroom observation method and data statistical analysis method and takes 100 music video lessons of the National Educational Resources Public Service Platform as the survey object. A total of 100 teachers were observed and scored in the classroom through the compiled multimedia teaching observation table for music performance teachers, and then the data was analyzed to draw conclusions. The conclusions of this study are as follows: The multimedia application behaviors of the teachers of the excellent courses are different from those of the teachers of the daily classes. The two types of teachers have differences in the effectiveness of multimedia teaching application of music performance, and the scores of the practical application of information technology are uneven. The overall score of multimedia teaching applications of excellent course teachers is higher than that of daily course teachers, and the classroom teaching effect is better. In this regard, based on the observation and assessment of the effectiveness of multimedia teaching applications by two types of teachers, this paper puts forward some suggestions for music performance teachers to improve the effectiveness of multimedia teaching applications in classrooms from the aspect of teachers themselves and educational functions. It is hoped that it can provide some theoretical basis and practical materials for the personal and professional development of music performance teachers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  3. Loo WH, Yeow PHP, Yee Yen Y
    PLoS One, 2023;18(6):e0286022.
    PMID: 37267259 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0286022
    The responsible behaviour of consumers that purchase green computers is a form of sustainable consumption, as green computers use less energy resulting in less CO2 emissions and the use of fewer toxic metals and materials during their production. The research question is how to encourage such behaviour. Although prior research has provided some answers by investigating the antecedents of the behaviour, it has done so through a piecemeal approach from the angles of the theory of planned behaviour (TPB), the value-belief-norm (VBN) theory, and habits. The present research aims to investigate the antecedents of the responsible acquisition of computers behaviour (RACB) among Malaysian consumers by integrating the TPB and the VBN theory with the habits variable. Hypotheses and a research framework were developed based on these theories and a survey questionnaire was used to collect information on the green computer purchase behaviour of computer owners aged 17 and over in Malaysia. A total of 1,000 usable surveys were completed and structural equation modelling was used to analyse the data collected. The findings reveal that the TPB, the VBN theory, and the habits variable can be integrated to explain RACB, which is formed when biospheric values trigger subjective norms that subsequently result in the formation of habits that lead to intentions of acquiring green computers and RACB. The study's findings show that although personal norms do not affect RACB, subjective norms affect ascriptions of responsibility, personal norms, and RACB. The findings provide insights to policymakers, NGOs, manufacturers, and marketers that can assist them in designing strategies for the effective promotion of RACB.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  4. Lenggono KA, Qomariyatus S, Gatot C, Sri A, Ahsan, Patria DKA, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2023 May;78(3):296-300.
    PMID: 37271838
    INTRODUCTION: Hospital-acquired infection is still one of the health problems in the world that require infection control and prevention efforts, especially nurses' hand washing compliance. Various strategies and efforts to improve handwashing compliance include educational approaches, motivation and improvement of the health care system, one of which is through the use of The Theory Of Planned Behaviour application in solving handwashing compliance.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Quantitative research with a survey approach and observation of hand washing compliance of all nurses N = 321 with a sample of n = 178 nurses. The research variables studied consisted of intention, discipline, self-assessment, opportunity compliance and implementation of the nurse's hand washing. Nurse handwashing compliance observations were made by Infection Prevention Control Link Nurse (IPCN) committee. Data analysis using structural equation modelling (SEM) with smart partial least square (SmartPLS 3.0) application.

    RESULTS: The nurse's intention to apply the theory of planned behaviour has no significant effect on the implementation of hand washing with path coefficients of 0.104 and p-value 0.221 > 0.05. The effect of nurses' intentions on the implementation of nurse hand washing through discipline is significant with a value of variance accounted for (VAF) 0.8043 or 80.43 % of nurse discipline is a complete mediation variable.

    CONCLUSION: Discipline as a complete meditation variable in the application of the theory of planned behaviour in the compliance of nurses' hand washing five moments six steps. Nurses are expected to continuously improve their discipline independently or be assisted by training activities facilitated by the hospital.

    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  5. Iqbal S, Ashfaq T, Azlan Bin Taib C, Rizal Razalli M
    PLoS One, 2023;18(4):e0283679.
    PMID: 37053303 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0283679
    This study aims to differentiate between perceived quality culture (QC) and service quality (SQ) in public and private universities; and to examine the effect of QC on SQ in both types of universities, individually and collectively. This is a quantitative study in which data are collected from administrative and quality managers of randomly selected universities in Pakistan through face-to-face and online surveys. Of the 150 questionnaires distributed, a total of 111 questionnaires are received, of which 105 are valid, giving a response rate of 70%. The collected data are then analyzed by descriptive and causal research methods using SPSS-25 and PLS-SEM. The findings reveal significant differences in perceived QC and SQ between public and private universities; however, public universities scored higher on both variables than private universities. Furthermore, the results show the significant effect of QC on SQ individually and collectively in public and private universities; however, this relationship is stronger for private universities than for public universities. The findings of the study may help administrative and quality managers to improve SQ by cultivating QC in their respective universities, thereby improving organizational performance. This study extends theoretical knowledge by introducing QC as a predictor variable and then measuring SQ from a dual perspective (internal and external customers) in a university setting, which is less explored in the existing literature.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  6. Tian K, Hao L, Xuan W, Phongsatha T, Hao R, Wei W
    Front Public Health, 2023;11:1034231.
    PMID: 36844825 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1034231
    INTRODUCTION: Disseminating health science information via the internet has become an essential means for improving Chinese residents' health literacy, which has received constant attention from the Chinese government. Therefore, it is important to explore Chinese residents' perceived value and emotional response to mobile health science information for determining Chinese residents' satisfaction and use intention.

    METHODS: This study applied the cognition-affect-conation model to evaluate the perceived value, arousal, pleasure, trust, satisfaction, and continuous use intention. A mobile device was used to obtain health science information from 236 Chinese residents via an online survey and the data were analyzed using partial least squares (PLS)-structural equation modeling.

    RESULTS: The results showed that Chinese residents' perceived value of health science information obtained using the mobile device directly affect the degree of arousal (β = 0.412, P < 0.001), pleasure (β = 0.215, P < 0.01), and trust (β = 0.339, P < 0.001). The degree of arousal (β = 0.121, P < 0.01), pleasure (β = 0.188, P < 0.01), and trust (β = 0.619, P < 0.001) directly affected Chinese residents' satisfaction, which further affected their continuous use intention (β = 0.513, P < 0.001). Similarly, trust directly affected Chinese residents' continuous use intention (β = 0.323, P < 0.001). The degree of arousal directly affected their degree of pleasure (β = 0.304, P < 0.001), and pleasure also imposed a direct effect on trust (β = 0.293, P < 0.001).

    DISCUSSION: The result of this study provided an academic and practical reference to improve mobile health science popularization information. Affective changes have imposed an important effect on Chinese residents' continuous use intention. High-quality, diversified and frequent use of health science information can significantly increase residents' continuous use intention, improving their health literacy as a consequence.

    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  7. Harith AA, Mohamed Z, Mohammad A, Lim KK, Reffin N, Mohd Fadzil M, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2023 Sep;78(5):653-660.
    PMID: 37775494
    INTRODUCTION: Healthcare drivers, including ambulance drivers, were less concerned about health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic, with not only the risk of COVID-19 infection but also a higher risk of prolonged states of alertness, stress, burnout, fatigue and road traffic accident. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of stress and its associated factors among healthcare drivers, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study employs a crosssectional study design and utilises self-reported data obtained from locally validated personal stress inventory questionnaires. The data collection period spanned from August 1 to 31, 2020. The study sample consisted of 163 healthcare drivers affiliated with the Negeri Sembilan State Health Department. The Chi-square test and Fisher's exact test were the first used to determine the association between variables prior to conducting multiple logistic regression to predict the relationship between dependent and independent variables.

    RESULTS: In COVID-19's first year, 7.4% (n = 12) of healthcare drivers reported perceived stress with ambulance drivers reporting more stress (10.6%; n = 5) than non-ambulance drivers (6.0%; n = 7). Simple statistical analysis identified perceived stress significantly associated with household income, smoking status and performing on-call. Further analysis by multiple logistic regression found that perceived stress was significantly related to smoking (aOR 19.9, 95% CI: 1.86-213.90), and performing on-call (aOR 8.69, 95% CI 1.21-62.28). Nevertheless, no association was found between perceived stress and age, ethnicity, marital status, education, household income, co-morbidities, driving assignment, employment duration, needing a part-time job or motor vehicle accident history.

    CONCLUSION: The study found that the perceived stress amongst Malaysian healthcare drivers during the COVID-19 pandemic was relatively low. This could be due to fewer lifethreatening tasks, emergencies, assigned tasks and increase income due to overtime during the COVD-19 pandemic. The OSH team's efforts to provide consistent safety and health training, including stress management, may have contributed to the healthcare driver's ability to effectively manage the stressful circumstances encountered during the pandemic. In order to enhance salary competitiveness, employers should provide financial management education alongside subsidised housing and childcare provisions. Healthcare drivers who smoke should be taught different stress reduction techniques so that they can handle their stress in a healthy way.

    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  8. Wang X, Yu L, Wang Z
    J Environ Public Health, 2022;2022:9602876.
    PMID: 36200091 DOI: 10.1155/2022/9602876
    Blended learning has become the dominant teaching approach in colleges and universities as they evolve. A good learning environment design can represent college and university teaching quality, improve undergraduates' literacy, and boost talent training. This paper introduces the data mining method of undergraduate comprehensive literacy education, discovers the association rules of the evaluation data, and introduces the undergraduate comprehensive literacy evaluation model and BP neural network model driven by theory and technology in a mixed learning environment, which promotes students' comprehensive literacy evaluation and builds a good learning environment. The results demonstrate that undergraduate classification prediction accuracy is similar by data mining, and most reach 99.58 percent. So, whether it is the training sample or the test sample, the prediction result of undergraduate comprehensive literacy is acceptable, which illustrates the validity of the data mining algorithm model and has strong application importance for developing a better learning environment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  9. Sridadi AR, Eliyana A, Priyandini FA, Pratama AS, Ajija SR, Mohd Kamil NL
    PLoS One, 2023;18(10):e0291815.
    PMID: 37797049 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0291815
    Police reform in the Mobile Brigade Corps unit in Indonesia, which seeks to break away from militaristic elements, has not been fully implemented optimally. This is reflected in the lack of implementation of human values in serving the community. The extra effort of officers in encouraging community service based on human values can be realized through Organizational Citizenship Behavior which is not only directed at fellow officers, but also towards organizations in the context of community service. Based on Social Exchange Theory, this study aims to investigate the mechanism of strengthening Organizational Citizenship Behavior in the context of the Police Mobile Brigade Corps with the support of Empowering Leadership, Psychological Empowerment, and Job Satisfaction. Using a quantitative approach, this study distributed online questionnaires to 395 Mobile Brigade Corps officers. Furthermore, this study analyzes the data using Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modeling. The test results show that Empowering Leadership can strengthen Organizational Citizenship Behavior. In addition, this study reveals the mediating role of Psychological Empowerment and Job Satisfaction in the influence of Empowering Leadership on Organizational Citizenship Behavior. With these findings, the Police Mobile Brigade Corps needs to improve the competence of officers through training and development efforts so that officers feel psychologically empowered and have job satisfaction. On the other hand, Mobile Brigade Corps needs to encourage leaders to provide opportunities for officers to participate in decision making and recognize their contributions to work.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  10. Qing H, Ibrahim R, Nies HW
    Sci Rep, 2024 Feb 26;14(1):4657.
    PMID: 38409430 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-54444-8
    The evolution of Internet technology has led to an increase in online users. This study focuses on the pivotal role of visual elements in web content conveyance and their impact on user browsing behavior. Therefore, the use of visual elements in web design based on big data has aroused widespread concern among web designers, they apply visual elements to their web design works to make the web more attractive. This study examines the composition and distribution characteristics of key visual elements identified through user behavior data in a big data environment and discusses the use of visual elements in web design in the era of network economy. In addition, this paper issued 200 questionnaires to investigate the degree of attention to visual elements in web pages for users of different occupations and different educational backgrounds. Our survey indicated that visual elements captured the attention of 41% of corporate employees, whereas a mere 1% of social welfare workers focused on web content; 36% of undergraduates pay attention to visual elements of web pages, but only 5% and 4% of postgraduates and doctoral degrees and above. Therefore, the visual elements of the designed web page need to conform to the user's cultural background and professional background.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  11. Noh YE, Zaki F, Danaee M
    Psychol Sport Exerc, 2024 May;72:102612.
    PMID: 38369268 DOI: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2024.102612
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to explore the extent to which religious-psychological factors contribute to self-perceived sport performance among religious athletes.

    METHODS: The participants consisted of 612 athletes (310 males, 302 females) aged 12-70 years (mean age = 25.33; SD = 8.99) who were competing in sport competitions at the time, either individually or in a team, or both, and who had formally registered in local, regional, or national sport federations in Malaysia. They completed the Athletic Religious Faith Scale (ARFS) and a self-perceived sport performance questionnaire.

    RESULTS: The results showed that religious-psychological factors explain around 21% of the variance in self-perceived sport performance among religious athletes. Only three religious-psychological factors (i.e., religious coping, athletic identity, and religious dietary practices) contributed to the stimulation of self-perceived sport performance; in particular, religious coping was the most predictable factor, whereas the other factors (i.e., dependence on faith, flow, religious mental healing, and religious psychological effects) had no meaningful relationship with self-perceived sport performance.

    CONCLUSIONS: This finding suggests that sport psychologists, coaches, and other professionals should consider the importance of religious faith and help religious athletes practice positive religious coping (e.g., religious social support or religious meditation) to enhance athletes' well-being and athletic performance.

    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  12. Henry JA, Reyes AM, Ameh E, Yip CH, Nthumba P, Mehes M, et al.
    BMJ Open, 2023 Jan 24;13(1):e062687.
    PMID: 36693687 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-062687
    OBJECTIVES: To develop consensus statements regarding the regional-level or district-level distribution of surgical services in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) and prioritisation of service scale-up.

    DESIGN: This work was conducted using a modified Delphi consensus process. Initial statements were developed by the International Standards and Guidelines for Quality Safe Surgery and Anesthesia Working Group of the Global Alliance for Surgical, Obstetric, Trauma and Anesthesia Care (G4 Alliance) and the International Society of Surgery based on previously published literature and clinical expertise. The Guidance on Conducting and REporting DElphi Studies framework was applied.

    SETTING: The Working Group convened in Suva, Fiji for a meeting hosted by the Ministry of Health and Medical Services to develop the initial statements. Local experts were invited to participate. The modified Delphi process was conducted through an electronically administered anonymised survey.

    PARTICIPANTS: Expert LMIC surgeons were nominated for participation in the modified Delphi process based on criteria developed by the Working Group.

    PRIMARY OUTCOME MEASURES: The consensus panel voted on statements regarding the organisation of surgical services, principles for scale-up and prioritisation of scale-up. Statements reached consensus if there was ≥80% agreement among participants.

    RESULTS: Fifty-three nominated experts from 27 LMICs voted on 27 statements in two rounds. Ultimately, 26 statements reached consensus and comprise the current recommendations. The statements covered three major themes: which surgical services should be decentralised or regionalised; how the implementation of these services should be prioritised; and principles to guide LMIC governments and international visiting teams in scaling up safe, accessible and affordable surgical care.

    CONCLUSIONS: These recommendations represent the first step towards the development of international guidelines for the scaling up of surgical services in LMICs. They constitute the best available basis for policymaking, planning and allocation of resources for strengthening surgical systems.

    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  13. Pennay A, van Egmond K, Anderson-Luxford D, Wright CJC, Caluzzi G, Livingston M, et al.
    Drug Alcohol Rev, 2023 Sep;42(6):1349-1357.
    PMID: 37399138 DOI: 10.1111/dar.13706
    INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to: (i) determine the feasibility of using ecological momentary assessment to collect data from Australian Football League (AFL) fans; (ii) explore pre-game, during-game and post-game consumption patterns of AFL fans; and (iii) explore the social and setting-related factors associated with risky single occasion drinking (5+ drinks) among AFL fans.

    METHODS: Thirty-four participants completed up to 10 ecological momentary assessment surveys before, during and after 63 AFL games (n = 437 completed surveys). Surveys collected data about their drinking, and their social and environmental milieu (e.g., location, company). Binary logistic regression analyses clustered by participant identified which game-day characteristics were associated with higher odds of risky single occasion drinking. Significant differences between pre-game, during-game and post-game drinking on social and environmental factors were explored using pairwise comparisons.

    RESULTS: Risky single occasion drinking was more likely when games began in the early-afternoon (1-3 pm) than late-afternoon (3-6 pm), when participants watched the game at a stadium or pub compared to home, and when participants watched the game with friends compared to family. Pre-drinking was more likely before night games and post-drinking was more likely after day games. Drinking during the game was heavier when watching the game at a pub and when watching with a combined group of friends and family.

    DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: Preliminary findings suggest that social and contextual factors matter in the way alcohol is consumed while watching AFL games. These findings require further investigation in larger samples.

    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  14. Gong Y, Gong Q, Yu J, Wong PPW, Wang L
    Acta Psychol (Amst), 2024 Mar;243:104162.
    PMID: 38280350 DOI: 10.1016/j.actpsy.2024.104162
    The bookings and revenues of youth hostels have significantly decreased because of the multiple effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is necessary to investigate young consumers' perceptions of visiting youth hostels aftermath this pandemic. The current study examines the relationship between multi-dimensions of perceived risk, three types of images, willingness to pay and visit intention. A convenience sampling was developed where 534 questionnaires were received, followed by subsequent empirical testing of the proposed hypotheses using SPSS and AMOS-SEM. Results showed that perceived risk negatively influenced cognitive and affective image, respectively. Cognitive and affective image positively influenced overall image and finally influenced willingness to pay and visit intention separately. In addition, cognitive image positively influenced affective image. The theoretical framework satisfactorily accounted for willingness to pay and intention, and our results help youth hostels practitioners invent efficient strategies to boost young consumers' willingness to pay and intention to visit youth hostels.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  15. Buchanan EM, Lewis SC, Paris B, Forscher PS, Pavlacic JM, Beshears JE, et al.
    Sci Data, 2023 Feb 11;10(1):87.
    PMID: 36774440 DOI: 10.1038/s41597-022-01811-7
    In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Psychological Science Accelerator coordinated three large-scale psychological studies to examine the effects of loss-gain framing, cognitive reappraisals, and autonomy framing manipulations on behavioral intentions and affective measures. The data collected (April to October 2020) included specific measures for each experimental study, a general questionnaire examining health prevention behaviors and COVID-19 experience, geographical and cultural context characterization, and demographic information for each participant. Each participant started the study with the same general questions and then was randomized to complete either one longer experiment or two shorter experiments. Data were provided by 73,223 participants with varying completion rates. Participants completed the survey from 111 geopolitical regions in 44 unique languages/dialects. The anonymized dataset described here is provided in both raw and processed formats to facilitate re-use and further analyses. The dataset offers secondary analytic opportunities to explore coping, framing, and self-determination across a diverse, global sample obtained at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, which can be merged with other time-sampled or geographic data.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  16. Al Mamun A, Rahman MK, Masud MM, Mohiuddin M
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2023 Jul;30(32):78718-78734.
    PMID: 37273051 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-023-27998-9
    The building sector is one of the major contributors to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which may impede the achievement of Malaysia's intended nationally determined contribution (INDC) by 2030. Therefore, this paper is aimed at identifying the underlying factors that affect working adults' willingness to pay (WTP) premium prices for green buildings. Data were collected from a total of 1198 respondents and analyzed using structural equitation modeling partial least square (SEM-PLS) to measure the willingness to pay for green buildings among working adults in Malaysia. The findings reveal that environmental literacy affects environmental belief as well as awareness of consequences among working adults in Malaysia. The findings also reveal that incentives for green building buyers have a significant impact on perceived behavioral control, while awareness of consequences has a significant influence on ascription of responsibility. However, the results reveal that awareness of consequences does not influence buyers' willingness to pay for green buildings. Moreover, the ascription of responsibility and perceived behavioral control have a significant effect on willingness to pay for green buildings. The findings of this study will help the concerned authorities to take appropriate steps to promote willingness to pay for green buildings, which will contribute significantly to the realization of INDC by 2030 as part of the Paris Agreement.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  17. Leung HK, Mahadeva S, Rajaram RB, Lai PSM
    Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2023 Mar 01;35(3):333-341.
    PMID: 36708305 DOI: 10.1097/MEG.0000000000002493
    BACKGROUND: Assessing a patient's knowledge regarding liver cirrhosis is important to improve patient outcomes. This study aimed to develop and validate the Adult cirrhosiS Knowledge Questionnaire (ASK-Q) to assess patients' knowledge regarding liver cirrhosis from multiple aspects.

    METHODS: A 24-item ASK-Q with four domains: self-understanding (5 items), aetiology (5 items), complications (5 items) and management (9 items) of liver cirrhosis was developed based on literature review and expert panel input. It was then piloted in five English-speaking patients with liver cirrhosis. These patients commented that the font size was too small. Hence, the font was enlarged and the final version of the ASK-Q was administered to English-speaking patients with liver cirrhosis, aged ≥18 years, with or without decompensation, at a tertiary hospital, from September 2020 to November 2021, at baseline and fortnight later. Patients with encephalopathy were excluded.

    RESULTS: 120/135 patients agreed to participate (response rate = 88.9%). The overall median score was 59.1 (45.6-68.2). A total of 7/22 (31.8%) items were "easy", 14/22 (63.6%) items were "moderately easy" and 1/22 (4.5%) items were "difficult". Exploratory factor analysis extracted nine factors, and two items were omitted. The ASK-Q was able to discriminate the knowledge level of patients with and without tertiary education [59.1 (50.0-72.7) vs. 54.5 (36.4-63.6); P 

    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  18. Hassanein M, Yousuf S, Ahmedani MY, Albashier A, Shaltout I, Yong A, et al.
    Diabetes Metab Syndr, 2023 Jul;17(7):102799.
    PMID: 37301008 DOI: 10.1016/j.dsx.2023.102799
    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The DaR Global survey was conducted to observe the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the intentions to fast and the outcomes of fasting in people with diabetes and chronic kidney disease (CKD).

    METHODS: Muslim people with diabetes and CKD were surveyed in 13 countries shortly after the end of Ramadan 2020, using a simple Survey Monkey questionnaire.

    RESULTS: This survey recruited 6736 people with diabetes, of which 707 (10.49%) had CKD. There were 118 (16.69%) people with type1 diabetes (T1D), and 589 (83.31%) were with type2 diabetes (T2D). 62 (65.24%) people with T1D and 448 (76.06%) people with T2D had fasted with CKD. Episodes of hypoglycaemia and hyperglycaemia were more frequent among people with T1D compared to T2D, 64.52% and 43.54% vs 25.22% and 22.32% respectively. Visits to the emergency department and hospitalization were more frequent among people with CKD, however no significant difference was found between people with T1D and T2D.

    CONCLUSION: The COVID-19 pandemic had only a minor effect on the intention to fast during Ramadan in people with diabetes and CKD. However, hypoglycaemia and hyperglycaemia were found to be more frequent, as well as emergency visits and hospital admissions among people with diabetic kidney disease. Prospective studies are needed in future to evaluate the risk indicators of hypoglycaemia and hyperglycaemia among fasting people with CKD, especially in the context of different stages of kidney disease.

    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  19. Rafiq M, Farrukh M, Attiq S, Shahzad F, Khan I
    Work, 2023;75(3):877-886.
    PMID: 36683474 DOI: 10.3233/WOR-211363
    BACKGROUND: The demand for innovation and satisfaction is increasing rapidly due to technological advancement and the fast-changing business environment.

    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this article is to investigate how job crafting augments work outputs (i.e., innovation performance and career satisfaction) through work engagement.

    METHODS: Data were collected from 477 workers working in the Pakistan manufacturing sector. A structural equation modeling technique was used to investigate the mediation model.

    RESULTS: Job crafting has a direct and indirect association with innovation performance and career satisfaction - via employees' work engagement. Additionally, the mediating impact was stronger for innovation performance than for career satisfaction. The findings advocate that managers should pay attention to employees' job crafting to improve employees' work engagement in manufacturing organizations. To improve employees' innovation performance and career satisfaction via work engagement, it is important to improve organization-wide job crafting in traditional manufacturing organizations. Strategic and managerial actions related to job crafting might boost employees' engagement in the organization that environments provide incessantly better outcomes.

    CONCLUSION: By linking job crafting and work engagement to their attitude towards career satisfaction and innovation performance in Pakistani manufacturing firms, this study adds a new dimension to the study of Pakistani manufacturing employees and typically to the best practices in career debates. This knowledge is important and unique because it accentuates that in addition to work engagement, which focuses primarily on employee growth in the organization, job crafting should also be given equal importance to advance manufacturing employees' outcomes.

    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  20. Nair Narayanan D, Awang S, Agins B, Mohd Ujang IR, Zulkifli NW, Hamidi N, et al.
    Int J Qual Health Care, 2024 Jul 23;36(3).
    PMID: 38943635 DOI: 10.1093/intqhc/mzae063
    Ensuring quality in healthcare calls for a coordinated, systematic, congruous, and sustained approach. Nevertheless, it demands defining what the quality of healthcare means in the local context. Presently, the Malaysian healthcare system utilizes various definitions of quality of healthcare across the different initiatives and levels of healthcare, which can lead to fragmented or ineffective quality improvement. The study aims to describe the process undertaken in developing an explicit definition of the quality of healthcare tailored to the Malaysian context, which is currently lacking. A pluralistic method was used to explore the different perspectives. Three distinct approaches were used to understand how quality is defined among the different stakeholder groups: (i) interactive policy-makers engagement sessions, (ii) a review of local quality-related documents, and (iii) an online survey engaging the public. The domains depicting quality of healthcare that emerged through these three approaches were mapped against a framework and synthesized to form the local definition of quality. A national quality-related technical working group convened on several sessions to achieve consensus and finalize the definition of quality of healthcare. Quality healthcare in Malaysia is defined as providing high-quality healthcare that is safe, timely, effective, equitable, efficient, people-centred, and accessible [STEEEPA] which is innovative and responsive to the needs of the people, and is delivered as a team, in a caring and professional manner in order to improve health outcomes and client experience. The consensus-driven local definition of healthcare quality will guide policies and ensure standardization in measuring quality, thereby steering efforts to improve the quality of healthcare services delivered in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
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