Displaying publications 2081 - 2100 of 24534 in total

  1. Shuhaimi-Othman M, Ahmad A, Norziana G
    Kajian kepekatan logam dalam air di Tasik Bukit Merah telah dijalankan pada April 2009. Lima belas stesen persampelan telah dipilih dan sampel air permukaan bagi penentuan logam telah diambil. Beberapa parameter kualiti air seperti suhu, konduktiviti, oksigen terlarut, pH dan keliatan air telah ditentukan di setiap stesen. Sebanyak 11 jenis logam iaitu kadmium, zink, plumbum, kuprum, nikel, ferum, kobalt, aluminium, barium, kromium dan mangan (Mn) telah ditentukan dalam sampel air. Keputusan menunjukkan kepekatan semua logam kajian berada di bawah kepekatan maksimum yang dicadangkan oleh piawaian Malaysia dan antarabangsa bagi melindungi hidupan akuatik kecuali bagi logam Fe dan Al. Bagi parameter kualiti air, kajian menunjukkan semua parameter berada dalam julat kepekatan semula jadi (kelas I) berdasarkan Piawaian Kualiti Air Kebangsaan (NWQS Malaysia) kecuali oksigen terlarut dan pH di beberapa stesen persampelan terutama di bahagian timur tasik yang didapati dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor semula jadi dan antropogenik.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  2. Ahmad A, Abd. Aziz Z, Shuhaimi-Othman M
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:1657-1663.
    A study on the chironomids (Diptera:Chironomidae) diversity at pristine ecosystem was carried out at upstream of Sungai Langat, Selangor. The study determines chironomids distribution and composition at 7 streams and river within the upstream site of Langat Catchment. Chironomid was sampled using Surber net and water quality was measured based on Malaysia WQI. The result indicated that Chironomidae was represented by three subfamilies namely Chironominae, Orthocladiinae and Tanypodinae, which comprises of 2502 individuals. Chironominae was the most dominant subfamily (1619 individuals) followed by Orthocladinae (629 individuals) and Tanypodinae (254 individuals). Polypedilum (subfamily: Chironominae) is the most dominant genus found followed by Rheocricotopus (subfamily: Orthocladiinae), Microtendipes and Cryptochironomus. Polypedilum was abundant in all stations except Sg. Langat 3 which was dominated by Rheocricotopus. Sungai Langat 3 has the highest number of individual (1113) which is (44.5%) from total chironomid individual and followed by Sg. Lolo with 468 individuals that were dominated by Polypedilum.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  3. Nuradhiathy Abd Razak, Yong Zulina Zubairi, Rossita M. Yunus
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:1599-1607.
    Missing values have always been a problem in analysis. Most exclude the missing values from the analyses which may lead to biased parameter estimates. Some imputations methods are considered in this paper in which simulation study is conducted to compare three methods of imputation namely mean substitution, hot deck and expectation maximization (EM) imputation. The EM imputation is found to be superior especially when the percentage of missing values is high as it constantly gives low RMSE as compared with other two methods. The EM imputation method is then applied to the PM10 concentrations data set for the southwest and northeast monsoons in Petaling Jaya and Seberang Perai, Malaysia which has missing values. Four types of distributions, namely the Weibull, lognormal, gamma and Gumbel distribution are considered to describe the PM10 concentrations. The Weibull distribution gives the best fit for the southwest monsoon data for Petaling Jaya. The lognormal distribution outperformed the others in describing the southwest monsoon in Seberang Perai. Meanwhile, for the northeast monsoon in both locations, gamma distribution is the best distribution to describe the data.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  4. Ramasamy S, Yu SM
    At the contemporary workplace, employees are expecting non-tangible resources on top of economic benefits, which suggests the importance of psychological contract. However, studies to date are inclined to focus on outcomes of psychological contract. Given that psychological contract is a perception and involves fulfilment of obligations, employees’ grit and the ability of utilisation of emotion in facilitating cognitive processes might influence psychological contract. The aim of this paper is to examine the relationship between grit and psychological contract with emotional utilisation acting as the mediator in the relationship. Therefore, a cross-sectional survey was conducted. Data were collected from 194 university staff using three measures: Psychological Contract Inventory, Short Grit Scale, and Assessing Emotions Scale. Correlation was conducted to examine the relationships between the three constructs. Regression analysis was conducted using SPSS 23 to test for mediation effect of emotional utilisation. The results revealed that grit and utilisation of emotion had significant relationships with psychological contract respectively, and grit was also significantly related to utilisation of emotion. Moreover, utilisation of emotion mediated the relationship between grit and psychological contract. The findings provide implications for employers to take into account of grit and utilisation of emotion in addressing psychological contract of employees.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  5. Abu Hassan Shaari Mohd Nor, Tan YL, Fauziah Maarof
    Sains Malaysiana, 2007;36:225-232.
    The main objective of this paper is to explore the varying volatility dynamic of inflation rate in Malaysia for the period from January 1980 to December 2004. The GARCH, GARCH-Mean, EGARCH and EGARCH-Mean models are used to capture the stochastic variation and asymmetries in the economic instruments. Results show that the EGARCH model gives better estimates of sub-periods volatility. Further analysis using Granger causality test show that there is sufficient empirical evidence that higher inflation rate level will result in higher future inflation uncertainty and higher level of inflation uncertainty will lead to lower future inflation rate.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  6. Rokiah Omar, Knight VF, Zainora Mohammed
    The purpose of this study is to determine the visual status and effectiveness of low vision devices among visually impaired school children. One hundred and thirteen students from the special education schools took part in this study. Distance and near visual acuity were measured both with and without low vision devices. Students needing further assessment were referred to the Low Vision Clinic (LVC) Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. On presentation, 31% of the students were catagorised as low vision with distance acuity between 6/18 and 6/95 whereas 67% were blind. 2% were found to have distance acuity better than 6/18. The range of near visual acuity of these students was between N4 and N64. Low vision devices such as hand held magnifier, stand magnifier and telescope, were owned by only 17% of low vision students. This study showed that 85% of the students that were referred to the LVC benefited from low vision devices. Access to visual examinations and eye care for students with needs to be provided so that these students can be identified early and suitable low vision devices prescribed. This study emphasises the importance of the role played by parents, teachers and optometrists in the management of vision impairment in school children so that their visual impairment can be rehabilitated effectively.
    Keywords: Low vision assessment; low vision devices
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  7. Hamdan A, Shazuani M, Ahmad S, Idris A
    Sains Malaysiana, 2012;41:1087-1093.
    Kajian mengenai taburan dan kelimpahan parasitoid lalat rumah (Musa domestica) telah dijalankan di ladang ternakan ayam di beberapa negeri di Semenanjung Malaysia. Didapati bahawa spesies parasitoid yang memparasit pupa lalat di ladang ternakan ayam di Semenanjung Malaysia adalah Splangia endius, Splangia cameroni, Dirhinus himalayanus
    dan Pachycrepoideus vindemiae. Taburan populasi S. endius dan D. himalayanus adalah menyeluruh iaitu terdapat di semua negeri berbanding P. vindemiae. Namun, kelimpahan (bilangan individu) S. endius adalah tinggi secara signifikan (p<0.05) berbanding lain-lain spesies parasitoid. Kelimpahan D. himalayanus, S. cameroni dan P. vindemiae adalah tidak berbeza secara signifikan antara negeri. Ini menunjukkan S. endius adalah berpotensi untuk dijadikan agen kawalan biologi lalat rumah di ladang ternakan ayam di Malaysia. Kelimpahan parasitoid adalah tinggi secara signifikan (p<0.05) di ladang ayam telur berbanding ladang ayam daging. Secara keseluruhannya, terdapat perbezaan yang tinggi dan signifikan tentang populasi parasitoid di Johor berbanding Kelantan tetapi tidak (p<0.05) di antara negeri Johor, Selangor, Pulau Pinang dan Pahang. Perbezaan yang tidak signifikan juga direkodkan antara kelimpahan pupa lalat rumah dan parasitoid di sepanjang tempoh kajian dan antara lokasi di Malaysia. Kesan suhu dan jumlah hujan
    didapati tidak mempengaruhi perbezaan kelimpahan parasitoid di ladang ayam. Potensi S. endius dan D. himalayanus untuk dikomersialkan pengeluarannya juga dibincangkan.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  8. Mohd Dini Hairi Suliman, Mastura Mahmud
    Sains Malaysiana, 2013;42:579-586.
    Kejadian kebakaran hutan yang memberikan implikasi negatif terhadap ekosistem hutan, kepelbagaian biologi, kualiti udara dan struktur tanah dapat dikurangkan melalui sistem pengurusan bencana yang berkesan. Mekanisme pengurusan bencana dapat dibangunkan melalui sistem amaran awal yang tepat serta sistem penyampaian maklumat yang cekap. Penyelidikan ini cuba memberi tumpuan kepada pemetaan potensi kebakaran hutan serta penyampaian maklumat kepada
    pengguna melalui aplikasi WebGIS. Teknologi georuang dan permodelan matematik digunakan bagi mengenal pasti, mengelas serta memetakan kawasan hutan yang berpotensi untuk terbakar. Permodelan model proses analitik hierarki (AHP) serta teknologi georuang yang merangkumi penderiaan jauh, sistem maklumat geografi (GIS) dan pengumpulan data lapangan secara digital telah digunakan untuk negeri Selangor. AHP adalah suatu teknik yang dapat memodel sesuatu
    keputusan yang meliputi objektif menyeluruh, dalam kajian ini untuk mencari kawasan yang berpotensi berlakunya kebakaran hutan. Tiga kriteria iaitu bahan bakar, bentuk topografi dan faktor manusia telah dipilih untuk membina satu reka bentuk hierarki berstruktur yang setiapnya diberikan pemberat. Kemudian hierarki ini dianalisis melalui satu siri perbandingan berpasangan yang diproses secara matematik dan keutamaan diberikan kepada kedudukan yang tinggi untuk mencapai hasil sumbangan pakar yang terlibat secara langsung dengan operasi pemadaman kebakaran hutan
    yang terdiri daripada pegawai Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia juga dinilai dalam model ini. Hasil kajian mendapati 65% daripada keseluruhan Selangor berpotensi rendah untuk terbakar sementara kawasan seluas 32.83 km persegi iaitu di Bestari Jaya, Ulu Tinggi dan Kuala Langat berpotensi melampau terbakar. Paparan maklumat melalui aplikasi WebGIS ini merupakan satu pendekatan terbaik bagi membantu proses membuat keputusan pada tahap keyakinan yang tinggi dan hampir menyamai keadaan sebenar. Agensi yang terlibat dalam pengurusan bencana
    seperti Jawatankuasa Pengurusan dan Bantuan Bencana (JPBB) Daerah, Negeri dan Pusat serta Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia dapat menggunakan hasil akhir kajian ini sebagai persediaan menghadapi ancaman kebakaran hutan pada masa akan datang.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  9. Mohd Hanif Nasaruddin, Noor Qhairul Izzreen Mohd Noor, Hasmadi Mamat
    Sains Malaysiana, 2013;42:1283-1288.
    Kajian ini dijalankan untuk menentukan komposisi proksimat dan juga kandungan asid lemak durian kuning (Durio graveolens Becc.) Sabah. Kandungan lembapan, abu, protein kasar, lemak kasar, serat kasar, karbohidrat dan asid lemak telah ditentukan. Keputusan analisis proksimat menunjukkan durian kuning Sabah mempunyai kandungan lembapan sebanyak 66.5%, protein 3.1%, lemak 5.5%, abu 1.1%, serat kasar 3.7% dan 20.2% karbohidrat. Sebanyak 13 komponen asid lemak telah dikenal pasti dengan peratusan asid lemak tepu adalah lebih rendah (30.3%) berbanding asid lemak tidak tepu (69.7%). Peratusan asid lemak tepu yang paling tinggi adalah asid miristik (14.5%) manakala asid laurik adalah terendah (1.3%). Untuk asid lemak tidak tepu pula, asid oleik paling tinggi (22.2%) manakala asid lemak miristoleik paling rendah (1.9%).
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  10. Mohd Fauzie Jusoh, Mohamed Azwan Mohamed Zawawi, Hasfalina Che Man, Suzilawati Kamaruddin
    Sains Malaysiana, 2013;42:1101-1108.
    Groundwater irrigation is one of the alternative methods to irrigate the paddy crops beside surface water. The use of shallow tube well for paddy irrigation is able to overcome water scarcity especially during dry season and off planting season in Malaysia. The performance of a shallow tube well was evaluated based on well efficiency and pump efficiency. The study was conducted at Seberang Perak Integrated Agricultural Development Area (Seberang Perak IADA). In this study, on-off automatic water controller was installed in the field and connected to the pump system which gave the command to the pump to irrigate the field during pre-saturation and normal growth plantation period. Water level inside the pumping well and cultivation plot was observed and recorded by the water level transducers. The result of the study showed that the pumping well is moderately productive with the well efficiency between 91 and 94%. The submersible pump efficiency was 87.5%. The potential yield of the pumping well was 450 m3day-1 and it was enough and sufficient to irrigate 1 ha of paddy field.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  11. Mord Yusof Othman, Saleem H. Zaidi, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Marhama Jelita
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:575-582.
    Analisis terma dan prestasi modul fotovoltan semi-lutsinar yang dipasang pada tetingkap dwi kaca (TDK) telah dikaji. Di dalam TDK terjadi pemindahan haba olakan yang disebabkan oleh perbezaan suhu. Perisian COMSOL digunakan untuk menyelesaikan model matematik dengan empat jenis gas yang berlainan disimulasikan untuk mengisi ruang dalam TDK iaitu udara, argon, kripton dan xenon. Ruang dalam TDK diubah antara 5 hingga 100 mm. Keadaan cuaca di Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia telah digunakan. Modul fotovoltan yang digunakan untuk kajian simulasi ialah jenis silikon amorfus (Si-a). Kajian ini mendapati penggunaan gas xenon dalam ruang TDK memberikan prestasi maksimum dalam mengurangkan beban penyejukan. Ketebalan optimum ruang TDK bergantung kepada jenis gas yang digunakan dan secara umumnya berada dalam julat 10 hingga 20 mm.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  12. Zailina H, Junidah R, Jamal HH
    Introduction: A study on biological monitoring of lead on children was conducted when unleaded gasoline was widely used in 1998. The objectives were to monitor lead exposure using blood lead, urine d-aminolevulinic acid (d-ALA) and urine lead concentrations as biological indicators and to determine the relationship between these variables.
    Methodology: Two hundred and sixty-nine school children, 169 from an urban school of Kuala Lumpur and 100 from an industrial school in southern Malaysia were selected for the study. These were Malay children in the age range of 61/2 to 81/2 years old. Blood and urine lead concentrations were analyzed using the Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Urine d-ALA was measured with Spectrophotometer UV/VIS.
    Results: The mean blood lead concentrations of the urban children (3.56 mg/dl) and the industrial children (3.75 mg/dl) were not significantly different (p=0.451). The urine d-ALA (urban=9.606; industrial=6.965 mg/g creatinine) and urine lead (urban=2.625; industrial=4.548 mg/g creatinine) of the urban children were significantly higher than the industrial children (p=0.014: p 10 mg/dl. About 78% of the urban children and 76% of the industrial children have urine d-ALA in a normal range (<0.6 mg/100ml) while 22% of the urban children and 24% of the industrial children were in the acceptable range (0.6 - 2.0 mg/100ml). All the children had normal urine lead concentrations (<8 mg/100ml).
    Conclusion: These children were not highly exposed to lead as indicated by their blood lead, urine d-ALA and urine lead concentrations which were below the allowable standard in both study areas . This may be due to the total ban on leaded gasoline in the country since 1998 and as a result, the environmental lead exposure in these areas was quite low.
    Keywords: Children's lead exposure, blood lead, urine lead, urine d-ALA
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  13. Nashrah Maamor, Nurul Huda Bani, Wan Syafira Ishak, Siti Zamratol Mai-Sarah Mukari, Kalaivani Chellapan
    Jurnal Sains Kesihatan Malaysia, 2018;16(101):215-215.
    This paper describes the systematic process followed in the development of culturally appropriate equalized speech-in-noise sentences suitable for use in an adaptive Speech-In-Noise training protocol for adults in Malaysia. The process involved three iterative phases of development. They were (1) analysis, (2) design and (3) development phases. In the analysis phase, important variables that needed to be considered for speech-in-noise materials were identified through literature review and discussion with the experts in the field. Next, in the design phase, the compilation and formation of sentences, evaluation of naturalness and recording of the speech materials were done. The last phase was the development phase which involved the evaluation of performance intensity function and equalization of intelligibility. The final outcome of these phases were 171 sentences with equal intelligibility that can be used interchangeably in a speech-in-noise training protocol for adults in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  14. Abdul Kadir NB, Desa A, Abdul Raop N, Chan ANF
    This initial study was conducted from September to February 2009 to examine predictors of general well-being among academic college residents at a higher learning institution. A set of questions was sent to 150 students who identified themselves as residents of the academic college, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire - short version was used to measure personality traits.The Rosenberg Self-esteem Questionnairewas used to measure self-esteem and Satisfaction with Life Scale to measure life-satisfaction. The general well-being scale was used to measure general well-being. Inter-correlation analysis has shown that extraversion was significantly correlated to self-esteem, life-satisfaction and general well-being whilst life-satisfaction was significantly correlated to general well-being. Multiple regression analysis showed that three factors significantly contributed to general well-being with a 24% explained variance. No significant differences were found between gender and general well-being.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  15. Mohd Hanafi Idris, Aziz Arshad, Japar Sidik Bujang, Mazlan Abd. Ghaffar, Siti Khalijah Daud
    Samples of Pinna bicolor Gmelin and Pinna deltodes Menke were collected from the seagrass bed of Sungai Pulai, covering Merambong shoal, Tanjung Adang shoal and Merambong Island off south western coast of Johor, Malaysia for morphological study from August 2005 to June 2006. It was observed that P. deltodes is associated with hard substratum and P. bicolor is associated with soft substratum in the study area. Physically there was no difference between P. bicolor and P. deltodes. The species were identified on the basis of nine internal and external characteristics of the valves. The two species were found to be morphologically different on the basis of width of sulcus, distance between posterior adductor muscle to posterior dorsal nacreous layer, dorsal posterior margin length and shell width.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  16. Shamiri A, Hamzah N, Pirmoradian A
    Sains Malaysiana, 2011;40:1179-1186.
    This paper focuses on measuring risk due to extreme events going beyond the multivariate normal distribution of joint returns. The concept of tail dependence has been found useful as a tool to describe dependence between extreme data in finance. Specifically, we adopted a multivariate Copula-EGARCH approach in order to investigate the presence of conditional dependence between international financial markets. In addition, we proposed a mixed Clayton-Gumbel copula with estimators for measuring both, the upper and lower tail dependence. The results showed significant dependence for Singapore and Malaysia as well as for Singapore and US, while the dependence for Malaysia and US was relatively weak
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  17. Samat S, Evans C
    Sains Malaysiana, 2011;40:1355-1358.
    Eleven different brands of mineral water available in Malaysia were assessed in comparison with two criteria for ingested radiation dose. It is concluded that mineral water can only contribute a very small fraction of the typical daily intake of potassium, and that the radiation dose acquired from any of the brands can never exceed a small fraction of the recommended limits.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  18. Haja Maideen, Nor Hazwani A, Nurfarahain Z, Damanhuri A, Noraini T, Qistina L, et al.
    Sains Malaysiana, 2013;42:693-696.
    An anatomical study was carried out on 14 taxa belonging to Selaginellaceae in an attempt to study their stipe anatomical characteristics and to provide anatomical data for the selected taxa in Selaginellaceae. Out of 29 taxa of Selaginellaceae recorded in Peninsular Malaysia, 14 taxa have been selected namely Selaginella alutacia, S. argentea, S. frondosa, S. intermedia var. intermedia, S. intermedia var. dolichocentrus, S. mayeri, S. morganii, S. ornata, S. plana, S. polita, S. roxburghii var. roxburghii, S. stipulata, S. wallichii and S. willdenowii. Method used in this study was sectioning using sliding microtome. Findings in this study have shown that Selaginellaceae species studied can be clustered into two groups based on the stipe stellar systems, which are monostelic and tristelic groups. There are some variations exist in the cross sections of the stipes of the same species due to the presence and absence of the leaf trace. Each species is proved to have distinct stipe anatomical characteristics that can be used to differentiate species in Selaginellaceae.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  19. Seyed Reza Saghravani, Ismail Yusoff, Sa’ari Mustapha, Seyed Fazlollah Saghravani
    Sains Malaysiana, 2013;42:553-560.
    Estimation and forecast of groundwater recharge and capacity of aquifer are essential issues in water resources investigation. In the current research, groundwater recharge, recharge coefficient and effective rainfall were determined through a case study using empirical methods applicable to the tropical zones. The related climatological data between January 2000 and December 2010 were collected in Selangor, Malaysia. The results showed that groundwater recharge was326.39 mm per year, effective precipitation was 1807.97 mm per year and recharge coefficient was 18% for the study area. In summary, the precipitation converted to recharge, surface runoff and evapotranspiration are 12, 32 and 56% of rainfall, respectively. Correlation between climatic parameters and groundwater recharge showed positive and negative relationships. The highest correlation was found between precipitation and recharge. Linear multiple regressions between
    recharge and measured climatologic data proved significant relationship between recharge and rainfall and wind speed. It was also proven that the proposed model provided an accurate estimation for similar projects.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  20. Morimatsu Y, Nishikiori H, Okahara Y, Kojima Y, Kinoshita S, Mori M, et al.
    Sangyo Eiseigaku Zasshi, 2020 07 25;62(4):165-167.
    PMID: 31983700 DOI: 10.1539/sangyoeisei.2019-021-W
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
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