Familial amyloid polyneuropathy is most commonly associated with variant plasma transthyretin (TTR) although it has been described in association with variant apolipoprotein A1 and gelsolin. More than 40 TTR variants, all consisting of single amino acid substitutions diskibuted widely along the length of the 127 residue TTR subunit have now been described. We report here a novel TTR variant, Glu18, in a Colombian woman with TTR amyloidosis.
Senescent-decliue in the nervous-system functions is very frequently atbibuted to age-related neurone-loss. Processes and mechanisms involved in neuro- degeneration form part of the structural frame-work for interpreting the functional consequences. The literature concerning this matter are confusing and contradicting. The behaviour of cranial nerve ganglia was studied using neuro-histological techniques. On the evidence available in the present study, the dark cells are considered as active ones; the light cells are considered as those which have failed to establish functional projections, inactive, dying, dead or degenerating ones. Probably it is during the me- dium-sized stage of cell growth, the peripheral and central processes (of axons) begin to grow from the cell body and attempt to get established in their projection fields. The light cells have appeared among the very-small cells just on the day of hatching. This probably signifies the possible attempt to elinlinate the growing cells since they are no longer needed to replace larger categories of cells which have already well- developed neuronat connections at this stage. It is assumed that the time of appear- ance of light cells might be indirectly related to the onset of establishment of active functional connections of neurones and to the functional importance of the organs which it supplies. KEYWORDS: Neurone-Loss and Ageing, Dark and Light Neurones, Sensory and Autonomic Ganglia
A pilot study on 250 foreign workers was undertaken during a 7 month period beginning December 1996. The study subjects were mainly males (88.8%). They were selected using non-probability sampling from two sources, that is, from University of Malaya Medical Centre (72.8%) and the PEREMBA group (27.2%). The study was clinic-based. Face-to-face interviews (using a structured questionnaires) were carried out to obtain socio-demographic, environmental, health and morbidity data. Physical examinations were also performed on the same day of the interview. Subjects were also required to give their stools, venous blood and urine specimens for microbiological, parasitological and clinical laboratory investigations. Chest X-Ray was done on all subjects. The other investigators had already reported findings on the various specific areas of their study. In this part of the report attempt was made to relate the infectious diseases to some of the socio-demographic and environmental variables on the 112 Indonesians and 133 Bangladeshi workers. Some aspects of health seeking behaviour of these foreign workers were also presented. Most of the Indonesian workers (84%) were from East Java, Jambi in the Sumatra, while majority of the Bangladeshis were from two neighboring administrative districts of Dhaka and Chittagong. The majority of the Indonesians (50.0%) were working in the service industry, while 53.5% Bangladeshis were in the manufacturing. One-fifth of the workers lived in squatter areas and nearly half of them were working in the service industry. About 70% of the workers had at least one infection. The proportion was slightly higher among the Indonesians (72.3%) compared to the Bangladeshis (67.7%). It is of interest to point out that 40% had multiple infections. Thirteen had five or more infections (details for the two of the thirteen cases are presented as case studies). However, the findings did not indicate any association between sanitation and infections. The Indonesian workers carried a higher risk of transmitting the diseases (33.9%) compared to 19.5% among the Bangladeshi workers. Those working in the construction industry were at a higher risk of transmitting the diseases compared to other industries. Slightly more than half of the workers experienced some form of minor illness or injury during the two week period preceding the interview. Majority sought private care (43.1%), while 42.3% either self-medicate or doing nothing at all. Nearly two-thirds paid out of their own pocket. Among the employers, those in the construction sector made negligible contribution (2.9%) to the payment. It is interesting to find that 41.0% of the workers took some form of health supplements, and the majority (48.4%) got it from the pharmacy or traditional sources. Nearly all (88.5%) paid on their own for their health supplements. The findings from this pilot project need to be interpreted with some caution. However, it appears that the foreign workers do have a considerable amount of health problems. If these are not addressed quickly it may endanger the health of the nation, while we readily acknowledge their contribution towards our national development.
This paper examines the results of a section on recent illness of the health survey among 799 foreign workers from three selected study locations. The main objective was to study illness/injury patterns and the utilisation of available health care services. It also attempts to examine the use of health supplements as an indicator of self-care. Findings indicate that the illness/injury rate was 46.6%. The illness/injury rate increased with age and was highest in the 45-54 age group (65.0%) and among the Thai workers (69.6%). The main illnesses reported were injuries and accidents (19.6%), musculoskeletal problems (18.0%) and gastrointestinal complaints (16.7%), and it varied with gender, age and nationality. Almost 90 percent of the foreign workers sought treatment at modern health care facilities, with a third utilising government health care services. The employers contributed towards 60% of all the treatment costs. Nearly a third of the foreign workers took health supplements, and the rates were higher among the younger age group (40.0%) and among the Indonesian workers (52.0%). Majority had obtained the health supplements from the pharmacies or retail shops (43.4%) and private health care facilities (35.4%), and about 70 percent paid out of their own pocket. Some of the implications and limitations of these findings are discussed.
A case of an unusual foreign body aspiration in a child was managed T&ently. The mainstay in treahnen! is urgent extraction of the aspirated foreign body via a bronchoscope under general anaesthesia. A thoracotomy may sometimes be required when endoscopic retrieval fails, as illustrated by this case. She had an increased hospital Slay of 16 days, was ventilated for 8 days and her most serious complication was septic shock from which she recovered. KEYWORDS: Foreign body aspiration, children.
Citation: Md Gowdh NF, Sivasampu S, Lim TO, Abdullah NH. National healthcare establishments and workforce statistics (primary care) 2008-2009. Kuala Lumpur: Clinical Research Centre, Ministry of Health, Malaysia
Citation: Buku Panduan Penggunaan Khidmat Doktor Swasta Untuk Perkhidmatan Kesihatan di Klinik Kesihatan. Putrajaya: Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia; 2008
Guideline on utilisation of private doctors in public primary care clinics. Putrajaya: Ministry of Health, Malaysia; 2008
Jabatan Kecemasan Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PPUKM) menerima kedatangan pesakit yang
ramai pada setiap hari menyebabkan jabatan ini kerap berdepan dengan masalah kesesakan. Justeru, objektif kajian ini
adalah mengenal pasti model pengoptimuman terbaik untuk menambahbaik sumber bagi meningkatkan tahap kecekapan
Jabatan Kecemasan PPUKM dan menyelesaikan masalah kesesakan jabatan. Kaedah simulasi digunakan bagi membina
model jabatan kecemasan dengan pemboleh ubah yang digunakan dalam pemodelan simulasi ini adalah dikhususkan
berdasarkan zon atau ruang rawatan. Alternatif penambahbaikan yang dicadangkan ini mengandungi konfigurasi bilangan
sumber jabatan yang baru. Enam model gabungan yang digunakan terdiri daripada Model CCR dan Set Rujukan, Model
BCC dan Set Rujukan, Model CCR dan Kecekapan-Super, Model BCC dan Kecekapan-Super, Model Bi-Objektif MCDEACCR dan Kecekapan Silang dan Model Bi-Objektif MCDEA-BCC dan Kecekapan Silang. Model Bi-Objektif MCDEA-BCC
merupakan lanjutan kepada Model Bi-Objektif MCDEA-CCR daripada kajian terdahulu. Keputusan kajian menunjukkan
Model Bi-Objektif MCDEA-BCC yang dibina telah memberikan bilangan alternatif penambahbaikan cekap yang paling
kecil berbanding model-model gabungan lain. Melalui model gabungan ini juga satu alternatif penambahbaikan yang
optimum yang telah dicadangkan dapat mengurangkan masa menunggu pesakit di Zon Hijau sebanyak 51% manakala
peratusan penggunaan tenaga kerja sumber berjaya ditambahbaik agar lebih munasabah. Alternatif ini memerlukan
susun atur kembali kedudukan sumber tanpa melakukan perubahan yang besar ke atas sistem asal.
Vocalisations of tropical birds are still largely unexplored particularly the nocturnal species. This study examined and
quantitatively described the territorial calls and duets of the Sunda Scops-Owl (Otus lempiji), Brown Boobook (Ninox
scutulata) and Spotted Wood-Owl (Strix seloputo) based on 105 territorial call and four duetting recordings collected
from one forest reserve and oil palm smallholdings in Selangor, Peninsular Malaysia. Wilcoxon signed-rank tests found
significant differences (p<0.05) for almost all vocal parameters measured from the spectrograms derived from the duets
with one higher-pitched than the other. Being the first study to describe the vocal structure of the duetting calls of the
three Malaysian strigids, this study serves as a baseline for future behavioural study of nocturnal birds particularly
pertaining to conspecific interactions in the Sunda region.
A powder (EWI) made from a mixture of herbs used for the treatment of carbuncles by traditional medicine practitioners in China was investigated for antistaphylococcal activity by agar diffusion, time-kill studies and M.I.C. determinations performed on 17 clinical isolates and a reference strain ATCC 29213. It was found that EW1 had little demonstrable in vitro activity against the clinical isolates tested but inhibited the growth of the ATCC strain at 10 mg/l and retarded its growth in broth culture by an average of 1.5 log reduction in colony count. KEYWORDS: Traditional medicine, anti-staphylococcal activity.
Nine local plant species were picked randomly and their aqueous extracts have been screened to know their effects on the phagocytic capability and intracellular killing of StapllylococclIs al/rellS bacteria by mouse peritoneal macrophages. Macrophage cultures were incubated with different concentration of each plant extracts forI hour. Among these aqueous extracts, Ageratum conyzoides and Malastoma melabathricum inhibited the phagocytic capability and intracellular killing of Stapllylococclls aureus compared with controls. Elicited (activated) cells have more phagocytic capability and intracellular killing than the resident (normal) macrophages. There were no differences in the viability of cells between treated cells (with extracts) and controls (without extracts). KEYWORDS: Aqueous plant extracts, murine macrophage, phagocytosis.
Introduction: The Ministry of Health had initiated a national programme known as “KOSPEN” to study the prevalence of Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs) and its risk factors among the population. The aim of this study is to assess the awareness, knowledge and acceptance of KOSPEN programme among
Community Development Department (KEMAS) personnel in Southern Zone, Malaysia.
Methods: The cross-sectional study was conducted between October and mid December 2014. The study used validated self-administered questionnaires to collect data from the 2375 KEMAS staff from the state of Johor, Malacca and Negeri Sembilan. SPSS version 20 was used for data analysis.
Results: The results revealed that only 25.5% of respondents were aware that they were on the KOSPEN committee and 65.7% said that they knew the functions of KEMAS in KOSPEN. 90.8% were aware that their responsibilities included identifying localities for KOSPEN, identifying volunteers (85.7%) and attending KOSPEN training (75.3%). In terms of knowledge, most of them knew the objectives of KOSPEN, such as “KEMAS will add on the value of the programmes and its activities” (84.3%) and “to establish trained health volunteers in the community” (85.9%). They also knew that healthy eating habits (94.7%), active lifestyle (93.4%), body weight management (87.0%), no smoking (86.8%) and health screening (92.2%) were the components of KOSPEN. Majority of the respondents perceived that the components for intervention in the community were good. The highest accepted component was health
screening (83.5%), follow by healthy eating habits (82.0%), active lifestyle (80.4%), no smoking habit (76.9%) and body weight management (76.1%).
Conclusion: the awareness, knowledge and acceptance of KOSPEN programme by KEMAS personnel are good. Several measures are currently being carried out to improve and strengthen the implementation of KOSPEN programme such as funding, screening equipment and health education materials.
This paper presents data on nitrogen characteristics in a tropical seagrass meadow located in Sungai Pulai estuary (Johor, Malaysia) and is related to the article "Nitrogen dynamics in tropical seagrass meadows under heavy anthropogenic influence" [1]. Field sampling conducted from August 2015 to May 2016 aimed to collect sediments and seagrass tissues for analysis of nitrogen elemental content and stable isotope values. Sediment samples and seagrass tissue (above-ground and below-ground parts) were collected by using PVC cores. The information is presented as unprocessed and partially data, which incorporates nitrogen content (in %) and δ15N values (‰) of sediment and seagrass tissue samples. Nitrogen loadings in the seagrass sediments, as based on down-core data of sediment samples up to 30 cm depths, should be read with [1] to comprehend the baseline nitrogen dynamics of the study area.
The soil fungal community of the Klang Gates quartz ridge in Malaysia was determined by ITS amplicon sequencing using the Illumina HiSeq platform. The community contained 2767 OTUs, 47% of which could not be assigned to a phylum, likely representing new lineages. Those that could be assigned were found within 5 phyla, 16 classes, 49 orders and 98 families with over 85% of these within the Ascomycota. Sequence data is available from the NCBI's Sequence Read Archive (PRJNA542066). This data illustrates the microbial diversity in a particularly nutrient poor tropical soil and can be used for broader-scale comparisons of microbial distributions.
Background: An e-wallet is a digital equivalent of a physical wallet which plays an essential role in payment system transformation. To embrace the concept of a cashless society, the Malaysian Government and central bank have taken various steps to encourage the adoption of e-wallets. Despite the seamless services offered by the e-wallet, it is yet to reach high-scale adoption in Malaysia. This study aims to investigate Malaysians' readiness towards the e-wallet and their perceptions of it by employing the UTAUT2 model. Methods: A total of 309 valid data were gathered and analysed with partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). Results: The findings revealed that the respondents were confident about the new technology and tended to believe that e-wallet was somehow useful for them. The results also disclosed that e-wallet adoption intention was significantly influenced by performance expectancy, price value, facilitating conditions, and followed closely by social influence. Nonetheless, insecurity did not present significant impact on both performance expectancy and effort expectancy of e-wallet. Conclusions: This study provides a substantial contribution to the knowledge domain by combining system-specific and individual-specific models in an e-wallet context. The outcomes of this study would also benefit e-wallet service providers and policymakers by delivering holistic insight into Malaysians' readiness and adoption behaviour of the e-wallet.