METHOD: A cross-sectional study was conducted from September to November 2020 among the guardians of 243 Rohingya refugee children studying under the sponsorship of the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center, Malaysia.
RESULTS: Among the 243 children, 90 (37%) were unimmunised, 147 (60.5%) were partially immunised and only 6 (2.5%) were fully immunised. The country of child's birth, the child's age and access to healthcare services were significantly associated with unimmunisation (all P<0.05).
DISCUSSION: This study found low immunisation coverage among Rohingya refugee children in Malaysia. Given the low level of coverage, a public health intervention, such as a vaccination program, for this refugee population is necessary.
METHODS: This was a quasi-experimental controlled study conducted in 20 intervention and 20 control public primary care clinics in Malaysia from November 2016 to June 2019. Type 2 diabetes patients aged 30 years and above were selected via systematic random sampling. Outcomes include process of care and intermediate clinical outcomes. Difference-in-differences analyses was conducted.
RESULTS: We reviewed 12,017 medical records of patients with type 2 diabetes. Seven process of care measures improved: HbA1c tests (odds ratio (OR) 3.31, 95% CI 2.13, 5.13); lipid test (OR 4.59, 95% CI 2.64, 7.97), LDL (OR 4.33, 95% CI 2.16, 8.70), and urine albumin (OR 1.99, 95% CI 1.12, 3.55) tests; BMI measured (OR 15.80, 95% CI 4.78, 52.24); cardiovascular risk assessment (OR 174.65, 95% CI 16.84, 1810.80); and exercise counselling (OR 1.18, 95% CI 1.04, 1.33). We found no statistically significant changes in intermediate clinical outcomes (i.e. HbA1c, LDL, HDL and BP control).
CONCLUSIONS: EnPHC interventions was successful in enhancing the quality of care, in terms of process of care, by changing healthcare providers behaviour.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Data were collected through medical records and interview sessions with patients on current pharmacotherapy for hypertension management at baseline and 2-3 months later. Results are expressed as mean ± SD for continuous data and as frequencies and percentages for categorical data.
RESULTS: Among 182 recruited patients, 89 (49%) achieved BP control by the end of the study. Majority (62/89) patients were on single-pill (monotherapy or SPC) antihypertensives. Majority (63/89) required more than two antihypertensives to achieve BP control.
CONCLUSION: Both SPC and free drug combination antihypertensives reduced BPs, but physicians preferred SPC to improve BP control and increase treatment compliance.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: In-depth interview using semistructured open-ended questions were designed to explore the challenges of implementing PEC. Fifteen private optometrists across Malaysian were interviewed via purposive sampling until the data were saturated. The interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed and analysed.
RESULTS: Four major themes emerged: working environment, support and recognition, self-sufficiency and customer influence. The first major theme identified a lack of time and equipment in the workplace as a barrier to PEC implementation. The second major theme acknowledges the lack of support and recognition for PEC practise from financial bodies, the government, Malaysian Optical Council (MOC) and other eye professionals. Meanwhile, some practising optometrists faced significant challenges due to their lack of self-sufficiency regarding skills, knowledge and confidence. The final major theme, customer influence, reflects the customer's role in shaping eye care delivery through their perception and acceptance of PEC.
CONCLUSION: Each of the issues identified played a significant impact in impeding PEC implementation in Malaysia. This study is the first step toward developing tailored interventions to improve eye care delivery in Malaysia.
METHODS: We recruited patients with CRDs from two hospitals in Klang Valley, Malaysia to a home-PR programme. Following centre-based assessment, patients performed the exercises at home (five sessions/week for eight weeks (total 40 sessions)). We monitored the patients via weekly telephone calls and asked about adherence to the programme. We measured functional exercise capacity (6-Minutes Walking Test (6MWT) and Health-Related Quality-of-Life (HRQoL) (COPD Assessment Test (CAT)) at baseline and post-PR at nine weeks. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 12 purposively sampled participants to explore views and feedback on the home-PR programme. The interviews were audio recorded, transcribed verbatim, and analysed thematically.
RESULTS: We included 30 participants; two withdrew due to hospitalisation. Although 28 (93%) adhered to the full programme, only 11 (37%) attended the post-PR assessment because COVID-19 movement restrictions in Malaysia at that time prevented attendance at the centre. Four themes emerged from the qualitative analysis: involvement of family and caregivers, barriers to home-PR programme, interactions with peers and health care professionals, and programme enhancement.
CONCLUSION: Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the home-PR programme proved feasible for remote delivery, although centre-based post-PR assessments were not possible. Family involvement played an important role in the home-PR programme. The delivery of this programme can be further improved to maximise the benefit for patients.
METHODS: This qualitative study used a phenomenological research design and was conducted from July 2019 to January 2021. A semi-structured topic guide was developed based on literature and the Common-Sense Model of Self-Regulation. We conducted one focus group discussion and 15 in-depth interviews with primary care HCWs. Interviewees were 7 physicians and 11 allied HCWs who tested positive for LTBI by Tuberculin Skin Test or Interferon Gamma Release Assay. Audio recordings were transcribed verbatim and thematic analysis was used to analyse the data.
RESULTS: We found four factors that serve as barriers to HCWs' LTBI treatment uptake. Uncertainties about the need for LTBI treatment, alongside several other factors including the attitude of the treating physician towards treatment, time constraints during clinical consultations, and concerns about the treatment itself. On the other hand, facilitators for LTBI treatment uptake can be grouped into two themes: diagnostic modalities and improving knowledge of LTBI treatment.
CONCLUSIONS: Improving HCWs' knowledge and informative clinical consultation on LTBI and its treatment benefit, aided with a definitive diagnostic test can facilitate treatment uptake. Additionally, there is a need to improve infection control measures at the workplace to protect HCWs. Utilizing behavioural insights can help modify risk perception among HCWs and promote treatment uptake.
METHODS: A cross-sectional contingent valuation study on 571 Malaysians was conducted to elicit respondents' WTP value via bidding game approach. A double-bounded dichotomous choice was used in 3 hypothetical scenarios: innovative diabetes medicine, innovative oncology medicine one-off (IOMO), and innovative oncology medicine insurance. Univariate logistic regression was used to determine the factors affecting respondent's WTP, whereas the mean WTP value and the factors affecting amount to WTP was determined using a parametric 2-part model.
RESULTS: This study received 95% response rate. The mean age of the respondents is 48 years (SD 17) with majority of the respondents female (60.3%) and from ethnic Malay (62%). About 343 (64.7%) of the respondents expressed WTP for IOMO. Those in higher income bracket were willing to pay more for the access of IOMO than the overall WTP mean value (P = .046, coefficient 351.57).
CONCLUSIONS: More than half of Malaysian are willing to pay for IOMO at mean value of Malaysian Ringgit 279.10 (US dollar 66.77). Collaborative funding mechanisms and appropriate financial screening among the stakeholders could be introduced as methods to expedite the access of innovative oncology medicine among patients with cancer in Malaysia.
METHODS: Women aged 40-74 years, from Segamat, Malaysia, with a mobile phone number, who participated in the South East Asian Community Observatory health survey, (2018) were randomized to an intervention (IG) or comparison group (CG). The IG received a multi-component mHealth intervention, i.e. information about BC was provided through a website, and telephone calls and text messages from community health workers (CHWs) were used to raise BC awareness and navigate women to CBE services. The CG received no intervention other than the usual option to access opportunistic screening. Regression analyses were conducted to investigate between-group differences over time in uptake of screening and variable influences on CBE screening participation.
RESULTS: We recruited 483 women in total; 122/225 from the IG and 144/258 from the CG completed the baseline and follow-up survey. Uptake of CBE by the IG was 45.8% (103/225) whilst 3.5% (5/144) of women from the CG who completed the follow-up survey reported that they attended a CBE during the study period (adjusted OR 37.21, 95% CI 14.13; 98.00, p<0.001). All IG women with a positive CBE attended a follow-up mammogram (11/11). Attendance by IG women was lower among women with a household income ≥RM 4,850 (adjusted OR 0.48, 95% CI 0.20; 0.95, p = 0.038) compared to participants with a household income Malaysia.