Displaying publications 2461 - 2480 of 25057 in total

  1. Chong SY, Fhun LC, Tai E, Chong MF, Sonny Teo KS
    Cureus, 2018 Jan 24;10(1):e2109.
    PMID: 29581921 DOI: 10.7759/cureus.2109
    Yoga has recently been touted as a means to improve physical and mental well-being. However, no form of exercise is without its risks. A 32-year-old Chinese female with moderate myopia complained of right eye sudden onset of floaters and mild blurring of vision after the head-down posture. The visual acuity was 6/12 in the right eye and 6/9 in the left eye. A right eye fundus examination showed posterior vitreous detachment, with a small blood clot located at the inferior margin of the optic disc. The patient was diagnosed with right eye vitreous hemorrhage secondary to acute posterior vitreous detachment and was managed conservatively. Acute changes in posture, especially between an upright and a head-down position, may cause acute posterior vitreous detachment. As yoga practitioners may be required to assume this head-down position, myopic patients should be warned of the possible ocular complications of this exercise.
    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  2. Sumanth KN, Prashanti E, Aggarwal H, Kumar P, Lingappa A, Muthu MS, et al.
    PMID: 27285450 DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD011930.pub2
    BACKGROUND: Post-extraction bleeding (PEB) is a recognised, frequently encountered complication in dental practice, which is defined as bleeding that continues beyond 8 to 12 hours after dental extraction. The incidence of post-extraction bleeding varies from 0% to 26%. If post-extraction bleeding is not managed, complications can range from soft tissue haematomas to severe blood loss. Local causes of bleeding include soft tissue and bone bleeding. Systemic causes include platelet problems, coagulation disorders or excessive fibrinolysis, and inherited or acquired problems (medication induced). There is a wide array of techniques suggested for the treatment of post-extraction bleeding, which include interventions aimed at both local and systemic causes.

    OBJECTIVES: To assess the effects of interventions for treating different types of post-extraction bleeding.

    SEARCH METHODS: We searched the following electronic databases: The Cochrane Oral Health Group Trials Register (to 22 March 2016); The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL; The Cochrane Library 2016, Issue 2); MEDLINE via OVID (1946 to 22 March 2016); CINAHL via EBSCO (1937 to 22 March 2016). Due to the ongoing Cochrane project to search EMBASE and add retrieved clinical trials to CENTRAL, we searched only the last 11 months of EMBASE via OVID (1 May 2015 to 22 March 2016). We placed no further restrictions on the language or date of publication. We searched the US National Institutes of Health Trials Register (http://clinicaltrials.gov), and the WHO Clinical Trials Registry Platform for ongoing trials (http://apps.who.int/trialsearch/default.aspx). We also checked the reference lists of excluded trials.

    SELECTION CRITERIA: We considered randomised controlled trials (RCTs) that evaluated any intervention for treating PEB, with male or female participants of any age, regardless of type of teeth (anterior or posterior, mandibular or maxillary). Trials could compare one type of intervention with another, with placebo, or with no treatment.

    DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Three pairs of review authors independently screened search records. We obtained full papers for potentially relevant trials. If data had been extracted, we would have followed the methods described in the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions for the statistical analysis.

    MAIN RESULTS: We did not find any randomised controlled trial suitable for inclusion in this review.

    AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: We were unable to identify any reports of randomised controlled trials that evaluated the effects of different interventions for the treatment of post-extraction bleeding. In view of the lack of reliable evidence on this topic, clinicians must use their clinical experience to determine the most appropriate means of treating this condition, depending on patient-related factors. There is a need for well designed and appropriately conducted clinical trials on this topic, which conform to the CONSORT statement (www.consort-statement.org/).

    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  3. Mohamad Ismail MF, Abdullahi Hashi A, Bin Nurumal MS, Bin Md Isa ML
    Enferm Clin, 2018 Feb;28 Suppl 1:212-216.
    PMID: 29650189 DOI: 10.1016/S1130-8621(18)30070-6
    Health workers, like nurses are tasked to save the lives of their patients, however, there are instances in which health workers have to deal with difficult cases in taking a life, such as abortion. Scholars in the field of healthcare assert that abortion is morally justified if it is sought for health reasons. Nevertheless, there are a number of cases in which abortion is sought on other grounds other than health, such as the individual choice to do so. Can a nurse refuse to provide their professional service towards these people? This paper uses analytical and comparative methods to address ethical issues in abortion from the Islamic and conventional perspectives. Nursing implication: Since the nurses instruct and assist people in forming a decision as they engage in nursing care, utilising a comprehensive view of abortion based on Islamic sources would provide a foundation in Muslim perspectives as they interact with Muslim patients. The subject area to investigate the degree of knowledge among nurses regarding the Islamic moral judgement on this event is extremely recommended for future management.
    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  4. Thandar Aung K, Ain Binti Jamal NQ
    Enferm Clin, 2018 Feb;28 Suppl 1:139-143.
    PMID: 29650172 DOI: 10.1016/S1130-8621(18)30054-8
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to explore the nurse managers' perspectives on nurses' performance in a mentorship program.

    METHOD: A cross-sectional survey was conducted on 51 nurse managers in Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan (HTAA), Kuantan, Pahang, by using modified and self-developed questionnaire with the Cronbach's alpha value 0.994. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics such as central tendency, frequency and percentage.

    RESULTS: The gender of respondents was predominantly female (100%). The mean age is 45.41 (SD ± 4.51). In terms of level of education, the majority of the respondents (76.5%) were having a diploma. The majority has been in practice as a staff nurse between 11 to 20 years, and most of them have been practicing as nurse managers for about five years and less. Meanwhile, results showed that the nurse managers had positive perceptions upon newly graduated nurses' performance in the mentorship program, concerning on their effective communication, professional development and creative thinking.

    CONCLUSIONS: It is vital to identify the effectiveness of the mentorship program among nurses; hence, it enhances job satisfaction among new nurses.

    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  5. Tan GC, Stalling M, Al-Rawabdeh S, Kahwash BM, Alkhoury RF, Kahwash SB
    Malays J Pathol, 2018 Apr;40(1):11-26.
    PMID: 29704380
    Tonsillectomy is among the most commonly performed operations in children. Although follicular lymphoid hyperplasia is usually the main and only pathologic finding at microscopic examination, a variety of other rare but important pathologic changes may be encountered. This review aims to provide an inclusive practical resource and reference for both training and practising pathologists. It discusses the spectrum of pathologic findings, including both neoplastic and non-neoplastic conditions and provides illustrative images.
    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  6. Rima Anggrena, D., Yulianty, A., Nor Azlin, M.I.
    Placenta previa is a condition when the placental tissue extends over the internal cervical os. It is associated with
    maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. With intrauterine death, the mode of delivery will be more difficult to
    decide. Here, we report a case of 30 years old G3P2 with placenta previa major diagnosed with intrauterine death at
    29 weeks gestation who was managed conservatively and delivered vaginally with minimal complication. A good
    patient selection and thorough counseling, patient with placenta previa major and intrauterine death still can be safely
    delivered vaginally.
    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  7. Hor, S.M., Noor Aniah, A., Mushawiahti, M., Mushawiahti, M., Bastion, M.L.C.
    Scleral buckle placement is a well-established technique for the treatment of primary rhegmatogenous retinal
    detachment. Complications associated with scleral buckle are uncommon and its presentations can be vary. We
    report a case of recurrent orbital cellulitis with anterior segment ischemia following a forgotten episode of previous
    scleral buckling surgery, presenting with blurring of vision, redness and swelling of the lids. The presence of scleral
    buckle was detected by detailed examination and confirmed by orbital imaging. Orbital infection and rubeosis iridis
    were successfully treated with scleral buckle removal, intravenous antibiotics and intracameral ranibizumab.
    However, the retinal detachment recurred and the visual acuity deteriorated to light perception. There was no further
    intervention as the family declined in view of her old age. In cases of recurrent orbital infection, detailed clinical
    examination is important to look for evidence of ocular prostheses as a source of infection. Orbital imaging is an
    adjunct for making the diagnosis especially in cases where history is unreliable. Anterior segment ischemia due to
    scleral buckle responds well to buckle removal with ranibizumab injection.
    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  8. Nor Amirawati, A., Anizah, A., Shafiee, M,N.
    Myomectomy is rarely performed in pregnancy due to risk of miscarriage or pregnancy loss, bleeding and possible
    hysterectomy. Myomectomy is mainly reserved for unavoidable indications such as rapidly growing fibroid or severe
    pain with possiblity of red degeneration for which medical treatment failed. However, good outcome had been
    reported in selective second trimester myomectomies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  9. Ghani AAA, Shahudin MS, Zamri-Saad M, Zuki AB, Wahid H, Kasim A, et al.
    Vet World, 2017 Jun;10(6):630-635.
    PMID: 28717314 DOI: 10.14202/vetworld.2017.630-635
    AIM: The study was conducted at a smallholder goat farm located in Labu, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of proper feeding program on growth performances of replacement breeder goats.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 30 healthy female boer cross goats at the age of 4 months old with average initial live body weight (BW) of 20.05±0.5 kg were used for on-farm feeding trial to evaluate the growth performance as preparation for breeding purposes. The experimental goats were divided into two groups of 15 animals each labeled as control and treatment groups, which were kept under intensive farming system. Goats in control group were fed with normal routine feeding protocol practiced by the farmer, while goats in the treatment group were fed with new feed formulation. Throughout the experimental period, on-farm monitoring and data collection were carried out. Initial BW and body condition score (BCS) were recorded before the start of the experiment while final BW and BCS were gained after 7 months of the experimental period. Average daily gain (ADG) was calculated after the experiment end. Data on BW, ADG, and BCS were recorded from both groups for every 2 weeks and reported monthly. The feed intake for the control group was 2.8 kg/animal/day which practiced by the farmer and 3.2 kg/animal/day as new feed formulation for the treatment group.

    RESULTS: After 7 months of the experimental period, final BW shows an improvement in treatment group (39.1±1.53 kg) compared with control group (32.3±1.23 kg). The ADG in treatment group also gives promising result when comparing with control group. Goats in treatment group significantly attained better ADG than control group which were 126.7 g/day and 83.3 g/day, respectively. For the BCS, goats in the treatment group had shown an improvement where 86.67% (13 out of 15) of the group had BCS ≥3 (1-5 scoring scale) and only 66.67% (10 out of 15) of the control group had BCS ≥3.

    CONCLUSION: Therefore, it was concluded that implementation of proper feeding program as shown in treatment group give promising result to improve the growth performance of replacement breeder goats which can be adopted by the farmers to improve farm productivity.

    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  10. Salah N, Yimer N
    Vet World, 2017 Jun;10(6):605-609.
    PMID: 28717310 DOI: 10.14202/vetworld.2017.605-609
    BACKGROUND: Endometritis, which is one of the most common diseases in dairy cows postpartum, causes severe economic losses, including increased open days, calving intervals, and numbers of services to achieve conception.

    AIM: This study aimed to evaluate the ultrasound method and its agreement with the endometrium cytology method, which is used to diagnose cytological endometritis in beef cows. Moreover, we determined which method has higher sensitivity and specificity at 4 and 5 weeks postpartum.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was conducted 20-35 days postpartum. A total of 53 clinically healthy beef cows (28 Brangus and 25 Kedah-Kelantan breeds) from three beef farms were obtained. All cows were evaluated at 4 and 5 weeks postpartum, using ultrasound and cytobrush endometrial examination methods to diagnose cytological endometritis.

    RESULTS: Endometrial cytology result showed that 11.3% (6/53) and 9.4% (5/53) of the cows exhibited cytological endometritis 4 and 5 weeks postpartum, respectively. A weak-to-moderate agreement found between the diagnostic methods (k=0.29 - 0.50; p<0.01 and k=0.38 - 0.49) at 4 and 5 weeks postpartum respectively.

    CONCLUSION: The percentage of beef cows that were positive to cytological endometritis was low (polymorphonuclear cells, ≥8%) at 4 and 5 weeks postpartum. Results showed that the ultrasound method is useful and practical for diagnosing endometritis 4 and 5 weeks postpartum. This method exhibited 60% sensitivity, 93.8% specificity, and a 0.50 kappa value, especially when presence of intrauterine fluids and measurement of cervix diameter used in combination.

    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  11. Chaubal T, Bapat R
    Am J Med, 2017 Dec;130(12):e533-e534.
    PMID: 28716459 DOI: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2017.06.016
    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  12. Allotey P, Allotey-Reidpath C, Reidpath DD
    PLoS One, 2017;12(5):e0177386.
    PMID: 28493948 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0177386
    BACKGROUND: Gender bias in medical journals can affect the science and the benefit to patients. It has never been investigated in clinical case reports. The oversight is important because of the role clinical case reports play in hypothesis generation and medical education. We investigated contemporary gender bias in case reports for the highest ranked journals in general and internal medicine.

    METHODS: PubMed case reports data from 2011 to 2016 were extracted for the Annals of Internal Medicine, British Medical Journal, the Journal of the American Medical Association, The Lancet, and New England Journal of Medicine. The gender of the patients were identified and a text analysis of the Medical Subject Headings conducted.

    RESULTS: A total of 2,742 case reports were downloaded and 2,582 (95.6%) reports contributed to the final analysis. A pooled analysis showed a statistically significant gender bias against female case reports (0.45; 95%CI: 0.43-0.47). The Annals of Internal Medicine was the only journal with a point estimate (non significant) in the direction of a bias against male patients. The text analysis identified no substantive difference in the focus of the case reports and no obvious explanation for the bias.

    CONCLUSION: Gender bias, previously identified in clinical research and in clinical authorship, extends into the patients presented in clinical case reports. Whether it is driven by authors or editors is not clear, but it likely contributes to and supports an overall male bias of clinical medicine.

    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  13. Takaoka H, Sofian-Azirun M, Ya'cob Z, Chen CD, Lau KW, Low VL, et al.
    Zootaxa, 2017 May 05;4261(1):1-165.
    PMID: 28609891 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4261.1.1
    The biodiversity of black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae), which are biting insects of medical and veterinary importance, is strikingly high in Southeast Asian countries, such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand. In 2013, we began to explore the fauna of black flies in Vietnam, which has so far been poorly studied. In this monograph, the wealth of the biodiversity of black flies in Vietnam is also confirmed on the basis of the results of our recent investigations, though limited to five provinces in the country.      Morphotaxonomic studies of black flies obtained from Sapa, Lao Cai Province, northern Vietnam, in 2014 and Nghe An Province, northern Vietnam, in 2015, and reexaminations of black flies collected from Tam Dao, Vinh Phuc Province, northern Vietnam, in 2013, Thua Thien Hue Province, central Vietnam, in 2014, and Lam Dong Province, southern Vietnam, in 2014, were conducted. A total of 22 species are described as new, including one in the newly recorded subgenus Montisimulium Rubtsov, and three species are recognized as new records from Vietnam. This investigation brings the number of species of black flies known in Vietnam to 70, all of which are assigned to the genus Simulium Latreille, and are placed in four subgenera (25 in Gomphostilbia Enderlein, one in Montisimulium, seven in Nevermannia Enderlein, and 37 in Simulium Latreille s. str.). The numbers of species-groups recognized include seven in Gomphostilbia, three in Nevermannia and nine in Simulium, indicating a high diversity of putative phylogenetic lineages. New species include S. (G.) sanchayense sp. nov. (= the species formerly regarded as S. (G.) brinchangense Takaoka, Sofian-Azirun & Hashim), S. (S.) lowi sp. nov. (= the species formerly regarded as S. (S.) brevipar Takaoka & Davies), S. (S.) fuscicoxae sp. nov. [= the species formerly regarded as S. (S.) rufibasis Brunetti (in part)], S. (S.) suoivangense sp. nov. [= morphoform 'b' of the S. (S.) tani Takaoka & Davies (complex)]. Newly recorded species are S. (G.) parahiyangum Takaoka & Sigit, S. (N.) maeaiense Takaoka & Srisuka, and S. (S.) doipuiense Takaoka & Choochote (complex) [= the species formerly regarded as S. (S.) rufibasis Brunetti (in part)]. The substitute name, S. (S.) huense, is given for the species that was described under the name of S. (S.) cavum from southern Vietnam. A redescription of the female, male, pupa and larva of S. (G.) asakoae Takaoka & Davies is presented, and the female and larva of S. (G.) hongthaii Takaoka, Sofian-Azirun & Ya'cob are described for the first time. Keys to 10 subgenera in the Oriental Region and all 70 species recorded from Vietnam are provided for females, males, pupae and mature larvae.      As investigations extend nationwide in all the provinces in Vietnam, more new species and records are expected to be discovered. It is hoped that this monograph will be useful as a baseline taxonomic reference for future studies of black flies in Vietnam and neighbouring countries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  14. Costantini D, Sebastiano M, Goossens B, Stark DJ
    Folia Primatol., 2017;88(1):46-56.
    PMID: 28662508 DOI: 10.1159/000477540
    Accelerometers enable scientists to quantify the activity of free-living animals whose direct observation is difficult or demanding due to their elusive nature or nocturnal habits. However, the deployment of accelerometers on small-bodied animals and, in particular, on primates has been little explored. Here we show the first application of accelerometers on the western tarsier (Cephalopachus bancanus borneanus), a nocturnal, small-bodied primate endemic to the forests of Borneo. The fieldwork was carried out in the Lower Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary, Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. We provide guidelines for the deployment of accelerometers on tarsiers that might also be applied to other primate species. Our collected data on 2 females show levels of leaping activity comparable to those previously described using direct observation of wild or captive individuals. The 2 females showed different patterns of leaping activity, which calls for work to explore individual differences further. Our work demonstrates that accelerometers can be deployed on small primates to acquire body motion data that would otherwise be demanding to collect using classic field observations. Future work will be focused on using accelerometer data to discriminate in more detail the different behaviours tarsiers can display and to address the causes and consequences of individual variations in activity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  15. Alanazi HO, Abdullah AH, Qureshi KN, Ismail AS
    Ir J Med Sci, 2018 May;187(2):501-513.
    PMID: 28756541 DOI: 10.1007/s11845-017-1655-3
    INTRODUCTION: Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have changed the trend into new integrated operations and methods in all fields of life. The health sector has also adopted new technologies to improve the systems and provide better services to customers. Predictive models in health care are also influenced from new technologies to predict the different disease outcomes. However, still, existing predictive models have suffered from some limitations in terms of predictive outcomes performance.

    AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: In order to improve predictive model performance, this paper proposed a predictive model by classifying the disease predictions into different categories. To achieve this model performance, this paper uses traumatic brain injury (TBI) datasets. TBI is one of the serious diseases worldwide and needs more attention due to its seriousness and serious impacts on human life.

    CONCLUSION: The proposed predictive model improves the predictive performance of TBI. The TBI data set is developed and approved by neurologists to set its features. The experiment results show that the proposed model has achieved significant results including accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity.

    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  16. Thidar AM, Myint TT, Naing DKS, Mustapha ZA
    Learning anatomy is the basic and essential component of medical study when students start to learn in medical career. Since five hundred years ago, the human cadaver has been used as the silent mentor for students in learning anatomy. Later, pre-dissected specimens were used in addition to hands-on dissection of human cadaver. Current advances promote the use of anatomical models as well as plastinated specimens. This study focused on analyzing the preference of students towards different learning modalities available for anatomy teaching. It was conducted on first year medical students at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University Malaysia Sabah (FPSK, UMS). A total of 76 students (27 males and 49 females) participated in this study. Out of 76 students, 57 (75%) students preferred using human cadaver for anatomy learning. Four students (5.3%) opted for plastinated
    specimen while 15 students (19.7%) chose the plastic model. Knowledge gained in learning Anatomy was said to be easier from cadaver (67.1%), followed by plastinated specimen (35.5%) and plastic models (52.6%). In the present study, 97.4% responded that plastic model was easier to apply their knowledge in objective structured practical examinations. The present study found that using cadaver was still favoured by medical students. Further studies are required to determine the preference between hands-on cadaveric dissections versus pre-dissected specimens.
    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  17. Hamid RA, Ungku Ahmad UN
    An increasing number of women participate in the work force due to socio-economic development result a big impact to work and family institution. Failure to meet demand for both work and family lead to work-family conflict that may give negative consequences on work and family. An example of major work-related outcome is burnout which can lead to turnover intention. Social support has been identified as an important resources that can reduce work-family conflict and burnout. This paper aims to identify the relationship between work-family conflict and turnover intention and also the mediation effect of burnout on work-family conflict and turnover intention relationship. It is proposed that there will be a positive relationship between work-family conflict and turnover intention and there is an indirect relationship between work-family conflict and turnover intention through the mediation effect of burnout. Social support from work and family is proposed to moderate the relationship between work-family conflict and burnout. Furthermore it is proposed that the strength of relationship between work-family conflict and turnover intention depends on the mediation effect of burnout and moderating effect of social support.
    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  18. Chin SN, Abdullah N, Poh LP
    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, disabling autoimmune disease which affects about 5 in 1000 people in Malaysia. Patients with RA are at increased risk of developing comorbid conditions. This research aims at determining these relationships between demographic, duration of illness and comorbidity in RA via a multiple binary logistic (MBL) regression analysis based on the 102 patients’ information (23 males; 79 females) obtained from the rheumatoid clinic of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Kota Kinabalu. The relationship of the RA patients with comorbid conditions was studied with focus on the demographic and duration of illness. The variables obtained for analysis were the comorbid conditions namely, hypertension and hyperlipidemia, age, duration of illness, gender, ethnicity, household income and education level. From six independent variables, two were quantitative would be analyzed, while four were categorical, and would be transformed into dummy variables. Four phases in a model-building approach were executed where two models were formed where Model I predicted the probability of occurrence of hypertension with age of patients and first order interaction between duration of illness before diagnosis and household income of less than RM1000 had positive effects on the model, while Model II predicted the occurrence of hyperlipidemia among the RA patients with age of patients and first order interaction variable between gender(female) and age were the contributing factors.
    Study site: Rheumatoid clinic, Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH), Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  19. Ang KC, Kathirgamanathan S, Ch'ng ES, Abdullah WZ, Yusoff NM, Jahnke CM, et al.
    Thromb Res, 2017 08;156:87-90.
    PMID: 28605660 DOI: 10.1016/j.thromres.2017.06.008
    Matched MeSH terms: Female
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