METHODS: Two types of phantoms were developed: phantoms A and B. Phantom A was made from a base material consisting of polyvinyl chloride-plastisol with the addition of glycerol, whereas phantom B consisted of polyvinyl chloride-plastisol with the addition of graphite. Each phantom had a stiff and soft lesion shaped like a sphere, with a diameter of 1.4 cm. The phantoms were cuboids with dimensions of 10 × 10 cm2 and a thickness of 5 cm. A series of phantom evaluations was performed, consisting of density, elasticity, acoustic properties, B-mode ultrasound images, and strain ratio.
RESULTS: The characterisation results show that background A closely resembles fibroglandular tissue in terms of density and acoustic properties (<5% variation); background B only resembles fibroglandular tissue in terms of density (-1.8% variation). In terms of elasticity, both backgrounds were close to the minimum value of fibroglandular tissue elasticity. The soft lesion on the phantom had a slightly lower density and elasticity than the carcinoma, whereas its acoustic properties (speed of sound and attenuation coefficient) were slightly higher than those of the reference carcinoma. Both phantoms were consistent with the literature in terms of strain ratio, geometric accuracy, lesion detection, and mean pixel value and showed good potential stability over one year.
CONCLUSION: This study successfully described the fabrication and evaluation sequence of a phantom equivalent to breast fibroglandular tissue and its evaluation via ultrasound imaging.
IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: This study offers proprietary information essential for the fabrication of phantoms that can be used for quality assurance and control in ultrasound imaging.
METHOD: Prospective cohort study of all parents of children with bilateral non-ambulant CP who owned Android devices. NeuroPAIN app was installed in all participants. At 3-month follow-up, data of the NeuroPAIN app was analyzed and participants were given a feedback questionnaire to complete.
RESULTS: Total of 60 parents participated in the study (child's median age 7 years, interquartile range 4-8.75 years). The vast majority (95 %) of parents reported pain in their children. Children with assisted tube feeding was associated with reported increased pain frequency. Majority (77 %) felt it was easy to navigate the NeuroPAIN app. Two-thirds regularly tracked their child's pain using the app over a 2-month period. Parents of children with prolonged periods of pain ≥25 s were associated with reduced app usage.
CONCLUSION: Majority of Malaysian children with bilateral CP often experience pain particularly among those with assisted tube feeding highlighting the importance for clinicians to be vigilant in monitoring pain among these children. Prolonged pain periods among children with CP may lead to parental fatigue in monitoring pain through the NeuoPAIN app.
METHODS: Staff members of a teaching hospital medical imaging department were invited to complete the generic short version of the Safety Attitude Questionnaire (SAQ). Internal consistency and reliability were evaluated using Cronbach's α. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted to examine model fit. A cut-off of 60% was used to define the percentage positive responses (PPR). PPR values were compared between occupational groups.
RESULTS: A total of 300 complete responses were received and the response rate was 75.4%. In reliability analysis, the Cronbach's α for the original 32-item SAQ was 0.941. Six subscales did not demonstrate good fit with CFA. A modified five-subscale, 22-item model (SAQ-MI) showed better fit (goodness-to-fit index ≥0.9, comparative fit index ≥ 0.9, Tucker-Lewis index ≥0.9 and root mean square error of approximation ≤0.08). The Cronbach's α for the 22 items was 0.921. The final five subscales were safety and teamwork climate, job satisfaction, stress recognition, perception of management and working condition, with PPR of 62%, 68%, 57%, 61% and 60%, respectively. Statistically significant differences in PPR were observed between radiographers, doctors and others occupational groups.
CONCLUSION: The modified five-factor, 22-item SAQ-MI is a suitable tool for the evaluation of patient safety culture in a medical imaging department. Differences in patient safety culture exist between occupation groups, which will inform future intervention studies.
METHODS: Radiation dose received at left outer canthus (LOC) and left eyelid (LE) were measured using Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor dosimeters on 35 patients who underwent diagnostic or cerebral embolization procedures.
RESULTS: The radiation dose received at the LOC region was significantly higher than the dose received by the LE. The maximum eye lens dose of 1492 mGy was measured at LOC region for an AVM case, followed by 907 mGy for an aneurysm case and 665 mGy for a diagnostic angiography procedure. Strong correlations (shown as R(2)) were observed between kerma-area-product and measured eye doses (LOC: 0.78, LE: 0.68). Lateral and frontal air-kerma showed strong correlations with measured dose at LOC (AKL: 0.93, AKF: 0.78) and a weak correlation with measured dose at LE. A moderate correlation was observed between fluoroscopic time and dose measured at LE and LOC regions.
CONCLUSIONS: The MOSkin dose-monitoring system represents a new tool enabling real-time monitoring of eye lens dose during neuro-interventional procedures. This system can provide interventionalists with information needed to adjust the clinical procedure to control the patient's dose.
KEY POINTS: Real-time patient dose monitoring helps interventionalists to monitor doses. Strong correlation was observed between kerma-area-product and measured eye doses. Radiation dose at left outer canthus was higher than at left eyelid.
Methods: The algorithm for an IDR of 2.22 gI·s-1 was developed based on the relationship between VCE and contrast volume in 141 patients; test bolus parameters and characteristics in 75 patients; and, tube voltage in a phantom study. The algorithm was retrospectively tested in 45 patients who underwent retrospectively ECG-gated CCTA with a 100 kVp protocol. Image quality, TID and radiation dose exposure were compared with those produced using the 120 kVp and routine contrast protocols.
Results: Age, sex, body surface area (BSA) and peak contrast enhancement (PCE) were significant predictors for VCE (P<0.05). A strong linear correlation was observed between VCE and contrast volume (r=0.97, P<0.05). The 100-to-120 kVp contrast enhancement conversion factor (Ec) was calculated at 0.81. Optimal VCE (250 to 450 HU) and diagnostic image quality were obtained with significant reductions in TID (32.1%) and radiation dose (38.5%) when using 100 kVp and personalized contrast volume calculation algorithm compared with 120 kVp and routine contrast protocols (P<0.05).
Conclusions: The proposed algorithm could significantly reduce TID and radiation exposure while maintaining optimal VCE and image quality in CCTA with 100 kVp protocol.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of IE on the marrow fat content and fat unsaturation levels in the proximal femur using 1 H-MRS.
STUDY TYPE: Prospective.
SUBJECTS: Twenty-three subjects were included in this study, seven control and 16 β-thalassemia subjects.
FIELD STRENGTH/SEQUENCE: 3.0T; stimulated echo acquisition Mode (STEAM); magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) sequence.
ASSESSMENT: Multiecho MRS scans were performed in four regions of the proximal left femur of each subject, that is, diaphysis, femoral neck, femoral head, and greater trochanter. The examined regions were grouped into red (diaphysis and femoral neck) and yellow marrow regions (femoral head and greater trochanter).
STATISTICAL TESTS: The Jonckheere-Terpstra test was used to evaluate the impact of increasing disease severity on bone marrow fat fraction (BMFF), marrow conversion index, and fat unsaturation index (UI). Pairwise comparison analysis was performed when a significant trend (P
METHODS: Shear wave elastography assessments were performed in 75 CKD patients who underwent renal biopsy. The SWE-derived estimates of the tissue Young's modulus (YM), given as kilopascals (kPa), were measured. YM was correlated to patients' renal histological scores, broadly categorized into glomerular, tubulointerstitial and vascular scores.
RESULTS: Young's modulus correlates significantly with tubulointerstitial score (ρ = 0.442, P