Displaying publications 281 - 300 of 10188 in total

  1. Zakaria A, Shakaff AY, Adom AH, Ahmad MN, Masnan MJ, Aziz AH, et al.
    Sensors (Basel), 2010;10(10):8782-96.
    PMID: 22163381 DOI: 10.3390/s101008782
    An improved classification of Orthosiphon stamineus using a data fusion technique is presented. Five different commercial sources along with freshly prepared samples were discriminated using an electronic nose (e-nose) and an electronic tongue (e-tongue). Samples from the different commercial brands were evaluated by the e-tongue and then followed by the e-nose. Applying Principal Component Analysis (PCA) separately on the respective e-tongue and e-nose data, only five distinct groups were projected. However, by employing a low level data fusion technique, six distinct groupings were achieved. Hence, this technique can enhance the ability of PCA to analyze the complex samples of Orthosiphon stamineus. Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) was then used to further validate and classify the samples. It was found that the LDA performance was also improved when the responses from the e-nose and e-tongue were fused together.
    Matched MeSH terms: Electronics/methods*; Food Technology/methods*; Principal Component Analysis/methods
  2. Naik VR, Jaafar H, Seng CE
    Indian J Pathol Microbiol, 2010 Jan-Mar;53(1):12-4.
    PMID: 20090214 DOI: 10.4103/0377-4929.59175
    The purpose of this study was to count the number of lymphatic channels present in colorectal adenocarcinoma and correlate it with site, size, and stage of tumor, lymph node metastasis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biometry/methods; Histocytochemistry/methods; Microscopy/methods
  3. Lai NM
    Med Educ, 2009 May;43(5):479-80.
    PMID: 19344346 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2923.2009.03320.x
    Matched MeSH terms: Education, Medical, Undergraduate/methods*; Educational Measurement/methods*; Medical History Taking/methods*
  4. Ujang Z, Ng KS, Tg Hamzah TH, Roger P, Ismail MR, Shahabudin SM, et al.
    Water Sci Technol, 2007;56(9):103-8.
    PMID: 18025737
    A pilot scale membrane plant was constructed and monitored in Shah Alam, Malaysia for municipal wastewater reclamation for industrial application purposes. The aim of this study was to verify its suitability under the local conditions and environmental constraints for secondary wastewater reclamation. Immersed-type crossflow microfiltration (IMF) was selected as the pretreatment step before reverse osmosis filtration. Secondary wastewater after chlorine contact tank was selected as feed water. The results indicated that the membrane system is capable of producing a filtrate meeting the requirements of both WHO drinking water standards and Malaysian Effluent Standard A. With the application of an automatic backwash process, IMF performed well in hydraulic performance with low fouling rate being achieved. The investigations showed also that chemical cleaning is still needed because of some irreversible fouling by microorganisms always remains. RO treatment with IMF pretreatment process was significantly applicable for wastewater reuse purposes and promised good hydraulic performance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Filtration/methods; Waste Disposal, Fluid/methods*; Water Purification/methods*
  5. Vijayaraghavan K, Ahmad D, Yazid AY
    J Hazard Mater, 2008 Jan 31;150(2):351-6.
    PMID: 17543454
    A new method of Standard Malaysian Rubber (SMR) process wastewater treatment was developed based on in situ hypochlorous acid generation. The hypochlorous acid was generated in an undivided electrolytic cell consisting of two sets of graphite as anode and stainless sheets as cathode. The generated hypochlorous acid served as an oxidizing agent to destroy the organic matter present in the SMR wastewater. For an influent COD concentration of 2960 mg/L at an initial pH 4.5+/-0.1, current density 74.5 mA/cm(2), sodium chloride content 3% and electrolysis period of 75 min, resulted in the following residual values pH 7.5, COD 87 mg/L, BOD(5) 60 mg/L, TOC 65 mg/L, total chlorine 146 mg/L, turbidity 7 NTU and temperature 48 degrees C, respectively. In the case of 2% sodium chloride as an electrolyte for the above said operating condition resulted in the following values namely: pH 7.2, COD 165 mg/L, BOD(5) 105 mg/L, TOC 120 mg/L, total chlorine 120 mg/L, turbidity 27 NTU and temperature 53 degrees C, respectively. The energy requirement were found to be 30 and 46 Wh/L, while treating 24 L of SMR wastewater at 2 and 3% sodium chloride concentration at a current density 74.5 mA/cm(2). The observed energy difference was due to the improved conductivity at high sodium chloride content.
    Matched MeSH terms: Electrolysis/methods*; Waste Disposal, Fluid/methods*; Water Purification/methods*
  6. Abdullah MZ, Yin W, Bilal M, Armitage DW, Mackin R, Peyton AJ
    Rev Sci Instrum, 2007 Aug;78(8):084703.
    PMID: 17764343
    This article addresses time-domain ultrawide band (UWB) electromagnetic tomography for reconstructing the unknown spatial characteristic of an object from observations of the arrivals of short electromagnetic (EM) pulses. Here, the determination of the first peak arrival of the EM traces constitutes the forward problem, and the inverse problem aims to reconstruct the EM property distribution of the media. In this article, the finite-difference time-domain method implementing a perfectly matched layer is used to solve the forward problem from which the system sensitivity maps are determined. Image reconstruction is based on the combination of a linearized update and regularized Landweber minimization algorithm. Experimental data from a laboratory UWB system using targets of different contrasts, sizes, and shapes in an aqueous media are presented. The results show that this technique can accurately detect and locate unknown targets in spite of the presence of significant levels of noise in the data.
    Matched MeSH terms: Image Enhancement/methods*; Image Interpretation, Computer-Assisted/methods*; Tomography/methods*
  7. Torke S, Abraham RR, Ramnarayan K, Upadhya S
    Adv Physiol Educ, 2007 Mar;31(1):118.
    PMID: 17327594
    Matched MeSH terms: Education, Medical, Undergraduate/methods*; Teaching/methods*; Problem-Based Learning/methods*
  8. Aziz HA, Alias S, Adlan MN, Faridah, Asaari AH, Zahari MS
    Bioresour Technol, 2007 Jan;98(1):218-20.
    PMID: 16386895
    A study was conducted to investigate the efficiency of coagulation and flocculation processes for removing colour from a semi-aerobic landfill leachate from one of the landfill sites in Malaysia. Four types of coagulant namely aluminium (III) sulphate (alum), ferric (III) chloride, ferrous (II) sulphate and ferric (III) sulphate were studied using standard jar test apparatus. Results indicated that ferric chloride was superior to the other coagulants and removed 94% of colour at an optimum dose of 800 mg/l at pH 4. The effect of coagulant dosages on colour removal showed similar trend as for COD, turbidity and suspended solids. This suggested that colour in landfill leachate was mainly contributed by organic matters with some insoluble forms that exhibited turbidity and suspended solids readings. The results from this study suggested that ferric chloride could be a viable coagulant in managing colour problems associated with landfill leachate.
    Matched MeSH terms: Refuse Disposal/methods; Waste Disposal, Fluid/methods*; Water Purification/methods*
  9. Azlan CA, Ng KH, Anandan S, Nizam MS
    Australas Phys Eng Sci Med, 2006 Sep;29(3):278-80.
    PMID: 17058591
    Illuminance level in the softcopy image viewing room is a very important factor to optimize productivity in radiological diagnosis. In today's radiological environment, the illuminance measurements are normally done during the quality control procedure and performed annually. Although the room is equipped with dimmer switches, radiologists are not able to decide the level of illuminance according to the standards. The aim of this study is to develop a simple real-time illuminance detector system to assist the radiologists in deciding an adequate illuminance level during radiological image viewing. The system indicates illuminance in a very simple visual form by using light emitting diodes. By employing the device in the viewing room, illuminance level can be monitored and adjusted effectively.
    Matched MeSH terms: Environmental Monitoring/methods; Photometry/methods; Radiology/methods
  10. Banihashemian SM, Periasamy V, Boon Tong G, Abdul Rahman S
    PLoS One, 2016;11(3):e0149488.
    PMID: 26999445 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0149488
    Studying the effect of a magnetic field on oligonucleotide DNA can provide a novel DNA manipulation technique for potential application in bioengineering and medicine. In this work, the optical and electrochemical response of a 100 bases oligonucleotides DNA, cytosine-guanine (CG100), is investigated via exposure to different magnetic fields (250, 500, 750, and 1000 mT). As a result of the optical response of CG100 to the magnetic field, the ultra-violet-visible spectrum indicated a slight variation in the band gap of CG100 of about 0.3 eV. Raman spectroscopy showed a significant deviation in hydrogen and phosphate bonds' vibration after exposure to the magnetic field. Oligonucleotide DNA mobility was investigated in the external electric field using the gel electrophoresis technique, which revealed a small decrease in the migration of CG100 after exposure to the magnetic field.
    Matched MeSH terms: Electrophoresis/methods*; Spectrophotometry, Ultraviolet/methods*; Spectrum Analysis, Raman/methods*
  11. Tang PW, Chua PS, Chong SK, Mohamad MS, Choon YW, Deris S, et al.
    Recent Pat Biotechnol, 2015;9(3):176-97.
    PMID: 27185502
    BACKGROUND: Predicting the effects of genetic modification is difficult due to the complexity of metabolic net- works. Various gene knockout strategies have been utilised to deactivate specific genes in order to determine the effects of these genes on the function of microbes. Deactivation of genes can lead to deletion of certain proteins and functions. Through these strategies, the associated function of a deleted gene can be identified from the metabolic networks.

    METHODS: The main aim of this paper is to review the available techniques in gene knockout strategies for microbial cells. The review is done in terms of their methodology, recent applications in microbial cells. In addition, the advantages and disadvantages of the techniques are compared and discuss and the related patents are also listed as well.

    RESULTS: Traditionally, gene knockout is done through wet lab (in vivo) techniques, which were conducted through laboratory experiments. However, these techniques are costly and time consuming. Hence, various dry lab (in silico) techniques, where are conducted using computational approaches, have been developed to surmount these problem.

    CONCLUSION: The development of numerous techniques for gene knockout in microbial cells has brought many advancements in the study of gene functions. Based on the literatures, we found that the gene knockout strategies currently used are sensibly implemented with regard to their benefits.

    Matched MeSH terms: Computational Biology/methods; Gene Knockout Techniques/methods*; In Vitro Techniques/methods
  12. Tooyama I, Yanagisawa D, Taguchi H, Kato T, Hirao K, Shirai N, et al.
    Ageing Res Rev, 2016 09;30:85-94.
    PMID: 26772439 DOI: 10.1016/j.arr.2015.12.008
    The formation of senile plaques followed by the deposition of amyloid-β is the earliest pathological change in Alzheimer's disease. Thus, the detection of senile plaques remains the most important early diagnostic indicator of Alzheimer's disease. Amyloid imaging is a noninvasive technique for visualizing senile plaques in the brains of Alzheimer's patients using positron emission tomography (PET) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Because fluorine-19 ((19)F) displays an intense nuclear magnetic resonance signal and is almost non-existent in the body, targets are detected with a higher signal-to-noise ratio using appropriate fluorinated contrast agents. The recent introduction of high-field MRI allows us to detect amyloid depositions in the brain of living mouse using (19)F-MRI. So far, at least three probes have been reported to detect amyloid deposition in the brain of transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer's disease; (E,E)-1-fluoro-2,5-bis-(3-hydroxycarbonyl-4-hydroxy)styrylbenzene (FSB), 1,7-bis(4'-hydroxy-3'-trifluoromethoxyphenyl)-4-methoxycarbonylethyl-1,6-heptadiene3,5-dione (FMeC1, Shiga-Y5) and 6-(3',6',9',15',18',21'-heptaoxa-23',23',23'-trifluorotricosanyloxy)-2-(4'-dimethylaminostyryl)benzoxazole (XP7, Shiga-X22). This review presents the recent advances in amyloid imaging using (19)F-MRI, including our own studies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Magnetic Resonance Imaging/methods*; Positron-Emission Tomography/methods*; Multimodal Imaging/methods
  13. Abbasi A, Woo CS, Ibrahim RW, Islam S
    PLoS One, 2015;10(4):e0123427.
    PMID: 25884854 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0123427
    Digital image watermarking is an important technique for the authentication of multimedia content and copyright protection. Conventional digital image watermarking techniques are often vulnerable to geometric distortions such as Rotation, Scaling, and Translation (RST). These distortions desynchronize the watermark information embedded in an image and thus disable watermark detection. To solve this problem, we propose an RST invariant domain watermarking technique based on fractional calculus. We have constructed a domain using Heaviside function of order alpha (HFOA). The HFOA models the signal as a polynomial for watermark embedding. The watermark is embedded in all the coefficients of the image. We have also constructed a fractional variance formula using fractional Gaussian field. A cross correlation method based on the fractional Gaussian field is used for watermark detection. Furthermore the proposed method enables blind watermark detection where the original image is not required during the watermark detection thereby making it more practical than non-blind watermarking techniques. Experimental results confirmed that the proposed technique has a high level of robustness.
    Matched MeSH terms: Image Interpretation, Computer-Assisted/methods*; Pattern Recognition, Automated/methods*; Product Labeling/methods*
  14. Chiu CL, Teh BT, Wang CY
    Br J Anaesth, 2003 Nov;91(5):742-4.
    PMID: 14570801
    A 27-yr-old lady with a past history of prolonged ventilation presented with worsening respiratory distress caused by tracheal stenosis. She required urgent tracheal resection and reconstruction. Because of the risk of an acute respiratory obstruction, spinal anaesthesia was used to establish cardiopulmonary bypass by cannulating the femoral artery and femoral vein. Adequate gas exchange was possible with full flow rate. Thoracotomy was then carried out to mobilize the left main bronchus. After successfully securing an airway by intubation of the left main bronchus, cardiopulmonary bypass was discontinued and tracheal resection and anastomosis was done under conventional one lung anaesthesia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anesthesia, Spinal/methods; Cardiopulmonary Bypass/methods*; Respiration, Artificial/methods
  15. Safdar A, Khan MA, Shah JH, Sharif M, Saba T, Rehman A, et al.
    Microsc Res Tech, 2019 Sep;82(9):1542-1556.
    PMID: 31209970 DOI: 10.1002/jemt.23320
    Plant diseases are accountable for economic losses in an agricultural country. The manual process of plant diseases diagnosis is a key challenge from last one decade; therefore, researchers in this area introduced automated systems. In this research work, automated system is proposed for citrus fruit diseases recognition using computer vision technique. The proposed method incorporates five fundamental steps such as preprocessing, disease segmentation, feature extraction and reduction, fusion, and classification. The noise is being removed followed by a contrast stretching procedure in the very first phase. Later, watershed method is applied to excerpt the infectious regions. The shape, texture, and color features are subsequently computed from these infection regions. In the fourth step, reduced features are fused using serial-based approach followed by a final step of classification using multiclass support vector machine. For dimensionality reduction, principal component analysis is utilized, which is a statistical procedure that enforces an orthogonal transformation on a set of observations. Three different image data sets (Citrus Image Gallery, Plant Village, and self-collected) are combined in this research to achieving a classification accuracy of 95.5%. From the stats, it is quite clear that our proposed method outperforms several existing methods with greater precision and accuracy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Image Processing, Computer-Assisted/methods*; Microscopy/methods*; Automation, Laboratory/methods
  16. Yahya N, Manan HA
    World Neurosurg, 2019 Oct;130:e188-e198.
    PMID: 31326352 DOI: 10.1016/j.wneu.2019.06.027
    BACKGROUND: Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), which visualizes white matter tracts, can be integrated to optimize intracranial radiation therapy (RT) and radiosurgery (RS) treatment planning. This study aimed to systematically review the integration of DTI for dose optimization in terms of evidence of dose improvement, clinical parameter changes, and clinical outcome in RT/RS treatment planning.

    METHODS: PubMed and Scopus electronic databases were searched based on the guidelines established by PRISMA to obtain studies investigating the integration of DTI in intracranial RT/RS treatment planning. References and citations from Google Scholar were also extracted. Eligible studies were extracted for information on changes in dose distribution, treatment parameters, and outcome after DTI integration.

    RESULTS: Eighteen studies were selected for inclusion with 406 patients (median study size, 19; range: 2-144). Dose distribution, with or without DTI integration, described changes of treatment parameters, and the reported outcome of treatment were compared in 12, 7, and 10 studies, respectively. Dose distributions after DTI integration improved in all studies. Delivery time or monitor unit was higher after integration. In studies with long-term follow-up (median, >12 months), neurologic deficits were significantly fewer in patients with DTI integration.

    CONCLUSIONS: Integrating DTI into RT/RS treatment planning improved dose distribution, with higher treatment delivery time or monitor unit as a potential drawback. Fewer neurologic deficits were found with DTI integration.

    Matched MeSH terms: Radiotherapy/methods*; Radiosurgery/methods*; Diffusion Tensor Imaging/methods*
  17. Manickam S, Sivakumar K, Pang CH
    Ultrason Sonochem, 2020 Dec;69:105258.
    PMID: 32702637 DOI: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2020.105258
    O/W nanoemulsions are isotropic colloidal systems constituted of oil droplets dispersed in continuous aqueous media and stabilised by surfactant molecules. Nanoemulsions hold applications in more widespread technological domains, more crucially in the pharmaceutical industry. Innovative nanoemulsion-based drug delivery system has been suggested as a powerful alternative strategy through the useful means of encapsulating, protecting, and delivering the poorly water-soluble bioactive components. Consequently, there is a need to generate an emulsion with small and consistent droplets. Diverse studies acknowledged that ultrasonic cavitation is a feasible and energy-efficient method in making pharmaceutical-grade nanoemulsions. This method offers more notable improvements in terms of stability with a lower Ostwald ripening rate. Meanwhile, a microstructured reactor, for instance, microchannel, has further been realised as an innovative technology that facilitates combinatorial approaches with the acceleration of reaction, analysis, and measurement. The recent breakthrough that has been achieved is the controlled generation of fine and monodispersed multiple emulsions through microstructured reactors. The small inner dimensions of microchannel display properties such as short diffusion paths and high specific interfacial areas, which increase the mass and heat transfer rates. Hence, the combination of ultrasonic cavitation with microstructures (microchannel) provides process intensification of creating a smaller monodispersed nanoemulsion system. This investigation is vital as it will then facilitate the creation of new nanoemulsion based drug delivery system continuously. Following this, the fabrication of microchannel and setup of its combination with ultrasound was conducted in the generation of O/W nanoemulsion, as well as optimisation to analyse the effect of varied operating parameters on the mean droplet diameter and dispersity of the nanoemulsion generated, besides monitoring the stability of the nanoemulsion. Scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) images were also carried out for the droplet size measurements. In short, the outcomes of this study are encouraging, which necessitates further investigations to be carried out to advance a better understanding of coupling microchannel with ultrasound to produce pharmaceutical-grade nanoemulsions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Microchemistry/methods; Sonication/methods; Ultrasonics/methods*
  18. Asplund M, Kjartansdóttir KR, Mollerup S, Vinner L, Fridholm H, Herrera JAR, et al.
    Clin Microbiol Infect, 2019 Oct;25(10):1277-1285.
    PMID: 31059795 DOI: 10.1016/j.cmi.2019.04.028
    OBJECTIVES: Sample preparation for high-throughput sequencing (HTS) includes treatment with various laboratory components, potentially carrying viral nucleic acids, the extent of which has not been thoroughly investigated. Our aim was to systematically examine a diverse repertoire of laboratory components used to prepare samples for HTS in order to identify contaminating viral sequences.

    METHODS: A total of 322 samples of mainly human origin were analysed using eight protocols, applying a wide variety of laboratory components. Several samples (60% of human specimens) were processed using different protocols. In total, 712 sequencing libraries were investigated for viral sequence contamination.

    RESULTS: Among sequences showing similarity to viruses, 493 were significantly associated with the use of laboratory components. Each of these viral sequences had sporadic appearance, only being identified in a subset of the samples treated with the linked laboratory component, and some were not identified in the non-template control samples. Remarkably, more than 65% of all viral sequences identified were within viral clusters linked to the use of laboratory components.

    CONCLUSIONS: We show that high prevalence of contaminating viral sequences can be expected in HTS-based virome data and provide an extensive list of novel contaminating viral sequences that can be used for evaluation of viral findings in future virome and metagenome studies. Moreover, we show that detection can be problematic due to stochastic appearance and limited non-template controls. Although the exact origin of these viral sequences requires further research, our results support laboratory-component-linked viral sequence contamination of both biological and synthetic origin.

    Matched MeSH terms: Specimen Handling/methods*; Metagenomics/methods*; High-Throughput Nucleotide Sequencing/methods*
  19. Selvarajah D, Naing C, Htet NH, Mak JW
    Malar J, 2020 Jun 19;19(1):211.
    PMID: 32560728 DOI: 10.1186/s12936-020-03283-9
    BACKGROUND: The global malaria decline has stalled and only a few countries are pushing towards pre-elimination. The aim of the malaria elimination phase is interruption of local transmission of a specified malaria parasite in a defined geographical area. New and improved screening tools and strategies are required for detection and management of very low-density parasitaemia in the field. The objective of this study was to synthesize evidence on the diagnostic accuracy of loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) test for the detection of malaria parasites among people living in endemic areas.

    METHODS: This study adhered to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis for Diagnostic Test Accuracy (PRISMA-DTA) guideline. Relevant studies in the health-related electronic databases were searched. According to the criteria set for this study, eligible studies were identified. The quality of included studies was evaluated with the use of a quality assessment checklist. A summary performance estimates such as pooled sensitivity and specificity were stratified by type of LAMP. Bivariate model for data analyses was applied. Summary receiver operating characteristics plots were created to display the results of individual studies in a receiver operating characteristics space. Meta-regression analysis was performed to investigate the sources of heterogeneity among individual studies.

    RESULTS: Twenty-seven studies across 17 endemic countries were identified. The vast majority of studies were with unclear risk of bias in the selection of index test. Overall, the pooled test performances were high for Pan LAMP (sensitivity: 0.95, 95% CI 0.91 to 0.97; specificity: 0.98, 95% CI 0.95 to 0.99), Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) LAMP (sensitivity: 0.96, 95% CI 0.94 to 0.98; specificity: 0.99, 95% CI 0.96 to 1.00) or for Plasmodium vivax (Pv) LAMP from 6 studies (sensitivity: 0.98, 95% CI 0.92 to 0.99; specificity: 0.99, 95% CI 0.72 to 1.00). The area under the curve for Pan LAMP (0.99, 95% CI 0.98-1.00), Pf LAMP (0.99, 95% CI 0.97-0.99) and Pv LAMP was (1.00, 95% CI 0.98-1.00) indicated that the diagnostic performance of these tests were within the excellent accuracy range. Meta-regression analysis showed that sample size had the greatest impact on test performance, among other factors.

    CONCLUSIONS: The current findings suggest that LAMP-based assays are appropriate for detecting low-level malaria parasite infections in the field and would become valuable tools for malaria control and elimination programmes. Future well-designed larger sample studies on LAMP assessment in passive and active malaria surveillances that use PCR as the reference standard and provide sufficient data to construct 2 × 2 diagnostic table are needed.

    Matched MeSH terms: Diagnostic Tests, Routine/methods*; Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques/methods*; Molecular Diagnostic Techniques/methods*
  20. Jumail A, Liew TS, Salgado-Lynn M, Fornace KM, Stark DJ
    Primates, 2021 Jan;62(1):143-151.
    PMID: 32572697 DOI: 10.1007/s10329-020-00837-y
    A number of primate census techniques have been developed over the past half-century, each of which have advantages and disadvantages in terms of resources required by researchers (e.g., time and costs), availability of technologies, and effectiveness in different habitat types. This study aims to explore the effectiveness of a thermal imaging technique to estimate the group size of different primate species populations in a degraded riparian forest in the Lower Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary (LKWS), Sabah. We compared this survey technique to the conventional visual counting method along the riverbank. For 38 days, a total of 138 primate groups were observed by thermal camera and visually throughout the study. Optimal conditions for the thermal camera were clear weather, not more than 100 m distance from the observer to the targeted area, boat speed ranging between 5 and 12 km/h, and early morning between 04:30 and 05:30 am. The limitations of the thermal cameras include the inability to identify individual species, sexes, age classes, and also to discern between animals closely aggregated (i.e., mothers with attached infants). Despite these limitations with the thermal camera technique, 1.78 times more primates were detected than counting by eye (p 
    Matched MeSH terms: Thermography/methods; Zoology/methods*; Remote Sensing Technology/methods
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