Displaying publications 281 - 300 of 1206 in total

  1. Lam, C.S., Mushawiahti, M., Bastion, M.L.C.
    Subluxation or dislocation of PCIOL is one of the complications of cataract operation in RP patients. This paper reports the presentation of PCIOL dislocation and subluxation and the management and outcome in 3 eyes of 2 RP patients. Two medical records of patients with RP who developed dislocated or subluxated PCIOL and subsequently underwent explantation of the dropped IOL were evaluated. Two patients had bilateral eye cataract operation done and had PCIOL implanted. Patient 1 developed left eye subluxated PCIOL inferiorly after 2 years of the cataract operation and right eye dislocated PCIOL anteriorly 4 years after cataract operation. Patient 2 develop right eye subluxated PCIOL inferiorly after 12 years of the cataract operation. Patient 1 with right eye dislocated PCIOL underwent intraocular lens (IOL) explantation and was left aphakic as her visual prognosis was poor due to advanced RP. The left IOL remained within the visual axis despite subluxation and no intervention has been done. Patient 2 with right eye subluxated PCIOL underwent IOL explantation and anterior chamber intraocular lens (ACIOL) implantation. ACIOL remained stable and visual acuity improved post-operation. Both the operations were uneventful. Post-operatively, there was no elevated intraocular pressure and no prolonged ocular inflammation, which required prolonged anti-inflammatory and no retinal detachment was seen. Both patient and surgeon should be aware of potential PCIOL subluxation or dislocation in RP. The presentation may be as late as more than a decade after the cataract operation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prognosis
  2. Wu YS, Lee ZY, Chuah LH, Mai CW, Ngai SC
    Curr Cancer Drug Targets, 2019;19(2):82-100.
    PMID: 29714144 DOI: 10.2174/1568009618666180430130248
    Despite advances in the treatment regimen, the high incidence rate of breast cancer (BC) deaths is mostly caused by metastasis. Recently, the aberrant epigenetic modifications, which involve DNA methylation, histone modifications and microRNA (miRNA) regulations become attractive targets to treat metastatic breast cancer (MBC). In this review, the epigenetic alterations of DNA methylation, histone modifications and miRNA regulations in regulating MBC are discussed. The preclinical and clinical trials of epigenetic drugs such as the inhibitor of DNA methyltransferase (DNMTi) and the inhibitor of histone deacetylase (HDACi), as a single or combined regimen with other epigenetic drug or standard chemotherapy drug to treat MBCs are discussed. The combined regimen of epigenetic drugs or with standard chemotherapy drugs enhance the therapeutic effect against MBC. Evidences that epigenetic changes could have implications in diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutics for MBC are also presented. Several genes have been identified as potential epigenetic biomarkers for diagnosis and prognosis, as well as therapeutic targets for MBC. Endeavors in clinical trials of epigenetic drugs against MBC should be continued although limited success has been achieved. Future discovery of epigenetic drugs from natural resources would be an attractive natural treatment regimen for MBC. Further research is warranted in translating research into clinical practice with the ultimate goal of treating MBC by epigenetic therapy in the near future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prognosis
  3. Akmal Hisham, Devananthan Ilenghoven, Wan Syazli Wan Ahmad Kamal, Salina Ibrahim, Shah Jumaat Mohd Yussof
    The emergence of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has revolutionized the prognosis of HIV-infected patients. However, the extended use of HAART is associated with a disfiguring complication termed lipodystrophy, a disorder of body fat maldistribution causing peripheral fat loss (lipoatrophy) and central fat accumulation (lipohypertrophy). Lipoatrophy commonly affects the face, legs, buttocks and arm, whilst lipohypertrophy frequently favours the abdomen, breast and dorsocervical region. To our knowledge, we present only the second documented case in the literature of a labia majora lipohypertrophy in a HIV-positive patient receiving long-term HAART. The severity of labial abnormality caused significant physical and functional morbidities. Labiaplasty with dermolipectomy of the labia majora and excisional lipectomy of the mons pubis was successfully performed. At a 6-month follow-up, patient had no recurrence with resolution of symptoms and resumption of normal activities of daily living (ADL).
    Matched MeSH terms: Prognosis
  4. Fadzilah N, Azman M, See GB
    J Clin Diagn Res, 2016 Sep;10(9):MD01-MD03.
    PMID: 27790477
    Lingual hamartoma is a rare finding of congenital midline posterior tongue mass. The lesion may be seen as a single anomaly or maybe associated with syndrome especially the Oral Facial Digital Syndrome (OFDS). Here, we report an otherwise normal and healthy two-month-old boy with a congenital midline base of tongue mass presented with snoring and episodic vomiting since the age of 1 month. Tumour excision from the area of foramen of caecum recovered a pinkish pedunculated tumour. Histopathology examination confirmed the diagnosis of leiomyomatous lingual hamartoma. Differential diagnosis, especially for midline tongue mass and other paediatric tongue lesions are discussed. We also discuss the epidemiology, histopathologic features, treatment and prognosis of lingual hamartoma based on the literature review.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prognosis
  5. Zain NM, Seriramulu VP, Chelliah KK
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2016;17(7):3229-34.
    PMID: 27509955
    BACKGROUND: Bone mineral density (BMD) is a lifetime marker of estrogen in a woman's body and has been associated with increased breast cancer risk. Nonetheless the actual association is still debatable. Furthermore, estrogen is very crucial in maintaining human bone density and gradually decreases over age. A systematic search was conducted to assess any association of BMD with breast cancer risk factors among premenopausal and postmenopausal women.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Review identification was performed through databases searching on MEDLINE, CINAHL and SCOPUS and 19 qualified studies were elected. The keywords used were "bone mineral density", "breast cancer", and "breast density".

    RESULTS: A total of 19 articles showed variation with the majority of the studies focused on postmenopausal and a few focused on premenopausal women. Overall there was no concensus on effects.

    CONCLUSIONS: An enormous effort is being undertaken by researchers to prove that BMD might be one of the significant risk factors for breast cancer.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prognosis
  6. Cheong, CS, Gan, GG, Chen, TM, Lim, CC, Nadarajan, VS, Bee, PC
    JUMMEC, 2016;19(2):12-16.
    Haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) is a clinico-pathologic entity caused by increased proliferation
    and activation of benign macrophages with haemophagocytosis throughout the reticulo-endothelial system.
    Virus-associated HLH is a well-recognised entity. Although majority of parvovirus B19 associated HLH does not
    require any specific treatment and carries good prognosis, outcome of children is worse than adults. We report
    here a case of HLH associated with acute parvovirus B19 infection in a young healthy patient with underlying
    hereditary spherocytosis, with bone marrow findings typical of parvovirus infection. Although this patient
    had spontaneous recovery of cell counts, he succumbed due to complication from prolonged ventilation.
    Unexpectedly, his immunoglobulin levels were inappropriately normal despite on-going ventilator associated
    pneumonia, which reflects inadequate humoral immune response towards infection.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prognosis
  7. Loh TL, Zulkiflee AB
    AME Case Rep, 2018;2:20.
    PMID: 30264016 DOI: 10.21037/acr.2018.04.05
    Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma (ATC) is a particularly fearsome form of thyroid cancer due to its extreme aggressiveness and dismal prognosis. Patients with ATC typically present with a rapidly enlarging neck mass with compressive symptoms. We report a case of ATC, mimicking a thyroid abscess; in a 52-year-old Chinese male with one month history of enlarging neck mass. Ultrasound of the neck was suggestive of a thyroid cyst and fine needle aspiration cytology was negative for malignancy. He presented again 2 weeks later with increased swelling and pain suggestive of right neck abscess. An incision and drainage was performed and histopathology result of a proximal isolated enlarged lymph node biopsied revealed metastatic carcinoma. Subsequent right thyroid wedge biopsy finding 1 month later were confirmatory of ATC.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prognosis
  8. Leung AKC, Leong KF, Lam JM
    World J Pediatr, 2018 Dec;14(6):548-554.
    PMID: 30269303 DOI: 10.1007/s12519-018-0191-1
    BACKGROUND: Erythema nodosum can be associated with a number of systemic diseases. There is, however, a paucity of information in the pediatric literature on this condition. The purpose of this article is to familiarize pediatricians with the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of erythema nodosum.

    DATA SOURCES: A PubMed search was completed in Clinical Queries using the key terms "erythema nodosum".

    RESULTS: Clinically, erythema nodosum presents with a sudden onset of painful, erythematous, subcutaneous nodules mainly localized to the pretibial areas. Lesions are usually bilateral and symmetrical, ranging from 1 to 5 cm in diameter. Erythema nodosum may be associated with a variety of conditions such as infection, medications, sarcoidosis, pregnancy, inflammatory bowel disease, vaccination, autoimmune disease, malignancy, and miscellaneous causes. The condition is idiopathic in approximately 50% of cases. The diagnosis is mainly clinical with biopsy reserved for atypical cases. To evaluate for the underlying cause, some basic laboratory screening studies are worthwhile in most cases and include a complete blood cell count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and/or C-reactive protein, throat swab culture, antistreptococcal O titers, and a chest radiograph. Other tests should be individualized, guided by the history and physical examination results. Most cases of erythema nodosum are self-limited and require no treatment. Bed rest and leg elevation are generally recommended to reduce the discomfort. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are the first-line treatment for pain management.

    CONCLUSIONS: As erythema nodosum is often a cutaneous manifestation of a systemic disease, a thorough search should be performed to reveal the underlying cause.

    Matched MeSH terms: Prognosis
  9. Chan SN, Low END, Raja Ali RA, Mokhtar NM
    Intest Res, 2018 Jul;16(3):374-383.
    PMID: 30090036 DOI: 10.5217/ir.2018.16.3.374
    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which comprises of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, is an idiopathic relapsing and remitting disease in which the interplay of different environment, microbial, immunological and genetic factors that attribute to the progression of the disease. Numerous studies have been conducted in multiple aspects including clinical, endoscopy and histopathology for the diagnostics and treatment of IBD. However, the molecular mechanism underlying the aetiology and pathogenesis of IBD is still poorly understood. This review tries to critically assess the scientific evidence at the transcriptomic level as it would help in the discovery of RNA molecules in tissues or serum between the healthy and diseased or different IBD subtypes. These molecular signatures could potentially serve as a reliable diagnostic or prognostic biomarker. Researchers have also embarked on the study of transcriptome to be utilized in targeted therapy. We focus on the evaluation and discussion related to the publications reporting the different approaches and techniques used in investigating the transcriptomic changes in IBD with the intention to offer new perspectives to the landscape of the disease.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prognosis
  10. Paudel YN, Shaikh MF, Chakraborti A, Kumari Y, Aledo-Serrano Á, Aleksovska K, et al.
    Front Neurosci, 2018;12:628.
    PMID: 30271319 DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2018.00628
    High mobility group box protein 1 (HMGB1) is a ubiquitous nuclear protein released by glia and neurons upon inflammasome activation and activates receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) and toll-like receptor (TLR) 4 on the target cells. HMGB1/TLR4 axis is a key initiator of neuroinflammation. In recent days, more attention has been paid to HMGB1 due to its contribution in traumatic brain injury (TBI), neuroinflammatory conditions, epileptogenesis, and cognitive impairments and has emerged as a novel target for those conditions. Nevertheless, HMGB1 has not been portrayed as a common prognostic biomarker for these HMGB1 mediated pathologies. The current review discusses the contribution of HMGB1/TLR4/RAGE signaling in several brain injury, neuroinflammation mediated disorders, epileptogenesis and cognitive dysfunctions and in the light of available evidence, argued the possibilities of HMGB1 as a common viable biomarker of the above mentioned neurological dysfunctions. Furthermore, the review also addresses the result of preclinical studies focused on HMGB1 targeted therapy by the HMGB1 antagonist in several ranges of HMGB1 mediated conditions and noted an encouraging result. These findings suggest HMGB1 as a potential candidate to be a common biomarker of TBI, neuroinflammation, epileptogenesis, and cognitive dysfunctions which can be used for early prediction and progression of those neurological diseases. Future study should explore toward the translational implication of HMGB1 which can open the windows of opportunities for the development of innovative therapeutics that could prevent several associated HMGB1 mediated pathologies discussed herein.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prognosis
  11. Pundkare GT, Deshpande SS
    Malays Orthop J, 2018 Jul;12(2):42-46.
    PMID: 30112128 DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1807.008
    Introduction: Though complex injuries like CarpoMetacarpal (CMC) Joint dislocations represent only 1% of all hand injuries, they have disabling impact on the functional status of patient. There are no reports in the literature classifying disabling complex injuries like CMC joint dislocations presumably because of low incidence. We propose a new classification through retrospective analysis of patients, along with literature search. Materials and Methods: A new classification system has been proposed and designed at our clinical unit and applied to eight patients with CMC joint dislocations. All patients were treated with open reduction with Kirschner wire fixation. At follow-up all these patients were analysed for radiographic assessments and functional scores. Results: The proposed classification identifies three types of dislocations and an additional complex category to supplement any basic type. The direction of dislocation describes the types as Type A: Dorsal, Type B: Volar and Type C: Divergent. Among the eight patients in our study, we had two of Type A, two Type B, three Type B.1, one Type C. 1. These patients had average follow-up of 18 months. The quick DASH score improved from 75.76 at 6 weeks to 1.9 at 18 months. We also did intra-observer and inter-observer reliability which scored 1. Conclusion: Our proposal is a reproducible, simple, comprehensive and practical classification, easily remembered and communicated among colleagues. It is clinically relevant as it helps us in planning surgical management and prognostic evaluation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prognosis
  12. Su KY, Balasubramaniam VRMT
    Front Microbiol, 2019;10:2715.
    PMID: 31824472 DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.02715
    The ability of self-replicating oncolytic viruses (OVs) to preferentially infect and lyse cancer cells while stimulating anti-tumor immunity of the host strongly indicates its value as a new field of cancer therapeutics to be further explored. The emergence of Zika virus (ZIKV) as a global health threat due to its recent outbreak in Brazil has caught the attention of the scientific community and led to the discovery of its oncolytic potential for the treatment of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), the most common and fatal brain tumor with poor prognosis. Herein, we evaluate the neurotropism of ZIKV relative to the receptor tyrosine kinase AXL and its ligand Gas6 in viral entry and the RNA-binding protein Musashi-1 (MSI1) in replication which are also overexpressed in GBM, suggesting its potential for specific targeting of the tumor. Additionally, this review discusses genetic modifications performed to enhance safety and efficacy of ZIKV as well as speculates future directions for the OV therapy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prognosis
  13. Chang SW, Merican AFMA, Rosnah Zain, Kareem SA
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:567-573.
    There are very few prognostic studies that combine both clinicopathologic and genomic data. Most of the studies use only clinicopathologic factors without taking into consideration the tumour biology and molecular information, while some studies use genomic markers or microarray information only without the clinicopathologic parameters. Thus, these studies may not be able to prognoses a patient effectively. Previous studies have shown that prognosis results are more accurate when using both clinicopathologic and genomic data. The objectives of this research were to apply hybrid artificial intelligent techniques in the prognosis of oral cancer based on the correlation of clinicopathologic and genomic markers and to prove that the prognosis is better with both markers. The proposed hybrid model consisting of two stages, where stage one with ReliefF-GA feature selection method to find an optimal feature of subset and stage two with ANFIS classification to classify either the patients alive or dead after certain years of diagnosis. The proposed prognostic model was experimented on two groups of oral cancer dataset collected locally here in Malaysia, Group 1 with clinicopathologic markers only and Group 2 with both clinicopathologic and genomic markers. The results proved that the proposed model with optimum features selected is more accurate with the use of both clinicopathologic and genomic markers and outperformed the other methods of artificial neural network, support vector machine and logistic regression. This prognostic model is feasible to aid the clinicians in the decision support stage and to identify the high risk markers to better predict the survival rate for each oral cancer patient.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prognosis
  14. Sekhar Goud EVS, Kannan R, Rao UK, Joshua E, Tavaraja R, Jain Y
    J Pharm Bioallied Sci, 2019 Nov;11(Suppl 3):S523-S529.
    PMID: 31920269 DOI: 10.4103/jpbs.JPBS_260_18
    Aims and Objective: The aim of this study was to identify the presence of Helicobacter pylori in saliva of patients with and without gastritis by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method.

    Materials and Methods: The study comprised 20 patients in Group I presenting with various symptoms of gastritis and 10 asymptomatic subjects in Group II. The intestinal endoscopy antral biopsies were collected from 20 symptomatic patients with gastroduodenal disorders. The saliva specimens were taken from all patients before endoscopy. PCR was performed using genomic DNA, isolated from the saliva and the biopsies of the patients as the template to detect the presence of the 16S ribosomal RNA gene in H. pylori.

    Results: In Group I, 10 (50%) cases of clinical gastritis were positive for H. pylori by endoscopy biopsy and 10 (50%) were negative. Of the 10 endoscopy biopsy positive cases for H. pylori, eight were PCR positive in saliva and two were negative. Of the 10 endoscopy biopsy negative cases, three were PCR positive for H. pylori in saliva and seven were negative. In Groups II, four were symptomatic for gastritis and six were negative. Of the six gastritis negative cases, three were PCR positive, four were gastritis positive, and three were PCR positive. Sensitivity and specificity of PCR were found to be 80% and 70%, respectively. The positive predictive and negative predictive values of PCR in saliva were 72.7% and 77.7%, respectively.

    Conclusion: PCR analysis of saliva may be handy in identification of H. pylori and serves as a noninvasive technique to diagnose and monitor the prognosis.

    Matched MeSH terms: Prognosis
  15. Chen XW, Nazri Shafei M, Abdul Aziz Z, Nazifah Sidek N, Imran Musa K
    PeerJ, 2020;8:e8378.
    PMID: 32095319 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.8378
    Background: Diabetes and dyslipidemia are significantly associated with stroke recurrence, yet the evidence for this relationship is conflicting. Consequently, the parameters in the glucose and lipid profiles may inform us regarding their relationship with stroke recurrence, thus enhancing the physicians' clinical decision-making.

    Aim: This study sought to investigate whether glucose and lipid profiles could prognosticate stroke recurrence in Malaysia.

    Methods: We conducted a retrospective hospital-based study where we analyzed the first-ever stroke cases regarding about which the Malaysia National Stroke Registry was informed between 2009 and 2017, that fulfilled this study's criteria, and that were followed for stroke recurrence. Using the Cox proportional hazard regression analysis, we estimated the adjusted hazard ratios (HRs), which reflected the prognostic effect of the primary variables (i.e., glucose and lipid profiles on the first-stroke admission) on stroke recurrence.

    Results: Among the 8,576 first-ever stroke patients, 394 (4.6%) experienced a subsequent first stroke recurrence event. The prognostic effect measured by univariable Cox regression showed that, when unadjusted, ten variables have prognostic value with regards to stroke recurrence. A multivariable regression analysis revealed that glucose was not a significant prognostic factor (adjusted HR 1.28; 95% CI [1.00-1.65]), while triglyceride level was the only parameter in the lipid profile found to have an independent prognostication concerning stroke recurrence (adjusted HR: 1.28 to 1.36).

    Conclusions: Triglyceride could independently prognosticate stroke recurrence, which suggests the role of physicians in intervening hypertriglyceridemia. In line with previous recommendations, we call for further investigations in first-ever stroke patients with impaired glucose and lipid profiles and suggest a need for interventions in these patients.

    Matched MeSH terms: Prognosis
  16. Sinnadurai S, Kwong A, Hartman M, Tan EY, Bhoo-Pathy NT, Dahlui M, et al.
    BJS Open, 2019 02;3(1):48-55.
    PMID: 30734015 DOI: 10.1002/bjs5.50111
    Background: Mastectomy rates among women with early breast cancer in Asia have traditionally been high. This study assessed trends in the surgical management of young women with early-stage breast cancer in Asian settings. Survival in women treated with breast-conserving surgery (BCS; lumpectomy with adjuvant radiotherapy) and those undergoing mastectomy was compared.

    Methods: Young women (aged less than 50 years) newly diagnosed with stage I or II (T1-2 N0-1 M0) breast cancer in four hospitals in Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong in 1990-2012 were included. Overall survival (OS) was compared for patients treated by BCS and those who had a mastectomy. Propensity score analysis was used to account for differences in demographic, tumour and treatment characteristics between the groups.

    Results: Some 63·5 per cent of 3536 women underwent mastectomy. Over a 15-year period, only a modest increase in rates of BCS was observed. Although BCS was significantly associated with favourable prognostic features, OS was not significantly different for BCS and mastectomy; the 5-year OS rate was 94·9 (95 per cent c.i. 93·5 to 96·3) and 92·9 (91·7 to 94·1) per cent respectively. Inferences remained unchanged following propensity score analysis (hazard ratio for BCS versus mastectomy: 0·81, 95 per cent c.i. 0·64 to 1·03).

    Conclusion: The prevalence of young women with breast cancer treated by mastectomy remains high in Asian countries. Patients treated with BCS appear to survive as well as those undergoing mastectomy.

    Matched MeSH terms: Prognosis
  17. Agarwal A, Vyas S, Kumar R
    Malays Fam Physician, 2015;10(3):35-7.
    PMID: 27570607
    Wellen's syndrome is a pre-infarction stage of coronary artery disease characterised by predefined clinical and electrocardiographic (ECG) criteria of a subgroup of patients with myocardial ischaemia. Early recognition and appropriate intervention of this syndrome carry significant diagnostic and prognostic value. We report this unusual syndrome in an elderly man who presented with recurrent angina and characteristic ECG changes as T-waves inversion in the precordial leads, especially in V2-V6 during pain-free periods and ECG obtained during episodes of pain demonstrating upright T-waves with possible elevated ST segments from V1-V4. Cardiac enzymes were positive and coronary angiography revealed critical stenosis in the proximal left anterior descending artery. It is important to timely identify this condition and intervene appropriately as these patients may develop extensive myocardial infarction that carries a significant morbidity and mortality.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prognosis
  18. Elina RA, Husain R, Lang CC
    JUMMEC, 2005;8:9-22.
    Cardiopulmonary exercise testing is a non-invasive physiological test which incorporates the conventional method of exercise stress test with a more advanced breath-to-breath ventilatory analysis. The physiological parameters obtained from the test help to illustrate the cardiovascular, respiratory and metabolic responses to physical exertion. Individual's functional capacity and aerobic fitness is reflected by the value of maximal oxygen consumption (VO2 max) obtained from the cardiopulmonary exercise test. This non-invasive and sophisticated test is regarded as a valuable assessment tool in research and clinical practice. Cardiopulmonary exercise test has been extensively utilized to define the mechanisms of exercise intolerance in various clinical disorders, to evaluate responses to therapy and indicate disease prognosis. Emerging data obtained from the use of the cardiopulmonary exercise testing in the research field, has led to its extensive clinical usage. It is now utilized as an integral part of the patients' clinical evaluation in the field of respiratory and cardiovascular medicine, sports medicine, surgery as well as occupational and rehabilitative medicine. It has a clinical role in assessing patient's functional capacity, monitoring disease progression and response to therapy, predicting prognosis, and perioperative morbidity and mortality, as well as constructing and monitoring training and rehabilitative programs. This article aims to give an overview of the physiological profiles obtained from cardiopulmonary exercise testing, its methodological aspects, as well as its utility in research and clinical practice. KEYWORDS: Cardiopulmonary, exercise, physiology, respiratory medicine, oxygen consumption
    Matched MeSH terms: Prognosis
  19. Najihah Lokman, Siti Azrin Ab. Hamid, Norsa’adah Bachok
    Sains Malaysiana, 2017;46:559-565.
    Ovarian cancer is one of the highest causes of death among female population in Malaysia. A retrospective cohort study among 127 ovarian cancer patients registered in one of the teaching hospital in Malaysia was conducted from 1st January 2002 until 31st December 2011. The objective of this study was to determine the median survival time, five year survival probability and prognostic factors of ovarian cancer patients. Only ovarian cancer patients were selected with strict inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data was analyzed using Kaplan-Meier Survival analysis and Cox proportional hazard regression analysis. The results showed that the overall five-year survival probability of ovarian cancer was 35.2% (95%CI: 26.3, 44.3) with 38 month (95%CI: 25.7, 50.1) median survival time. After adjustment for potential cofounder, significant prognostic factors of ovarian cancer were observed in FIGO stage (HR: 2.53; 1.44, 4.45), loss of appetite (HR: 1.95; 1.23, 3.11) and presence of pleural effusion (HR: 1.98; 1.19, 3.30). Overall, the survival probabilities of ovarian cancer were low and further actions must be taken to improve the survival among advanced cancer patients
    Matched MeSH terms: Prognosis
  20. Shetty AP, Rajavelu R, Viswanathan VK, Watanabe K, Chhabra HS, Kanna RM, et al.
    Asian Spine J, 2020 Aug;14(4):475-488.
    PMID: 32493003 DOI: 10.31616/asj.2020.0014
    STUDY DESIGN: Multicenter validation study.

    PURPOSE: To evaluate the inter-rater reliability of Rajasekaran's kyphosis classification through a multicenter validation study.

    OVERVIEW OF LITERATURE: The classification of kyphosis, developed by Rajasekaran, incorporates factors related to curve characteristics, including column deficiency, disc mobility, curve magnitude, and osteotomy requirements. Although the classification offers significant benefits in determining prognosis and management decisions, it has not been subjected to multicenter validation.

    METHODS: A total of 30 sets of images, including plain radiographs, computed tomography scans, and magnetic resonance imaging scans, were randomly selected from our hospital patient database. All patients had undergone deformity correction surgery for kyphosis. Twelve spine surgeons from the Asia-Pacific region (six different countries) independently evaluated and classified the deformity types and proposed their surgical recommendations. This information was then compared with standard deformity classification and surgical recommendations.

    RESULTS: The kappa coefficients for the classification were as follows: 0.88 for type 1A, 0.78 for type 1B, 0.50 for type 2B, 0.40 for type 3A, 0.63 for type 3B, and 0.86 for type 3C deformities. The overall kappa coefficient for the classification was 0.68. Regarding the repeatability of osteotomy recommendations, kappa values were the highest for Ponte's (Schwab type 2) osteotomy (kappa 0.8). Kappa values for other osteotomy recommendations were 0.52 for pedicle subtraction/disc-bone osteotomy (Schwab type 3/4), 0.42 for vertebral column resection (VCR, type 5), and 0.30 for multilevel VCRs (type 6).

    CONCLUSIONS: Excellent accuracy was found for types 1A, 1B, and 3C deformities (ends of spectrum). There was more variation among surgeons in differentiating between one-column (types 2A and 2B) and two-column (types 3A and 3B) deficiencies, as surgeons often failed to recognize the radiological signs of posterior column failure. This failure to identify column deficiencies can potentially alter kyphosis management. There was excellent consensus among surgeons in the recommendation of type 2 osteotomy; however, some variation was observed in their choice for other osteotomies.

    Matched MeSH terms: Prognosis
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