METHODS: Biomarkers of internal exposure were measured in red blood cells (collected at baseline) by high-performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC/MS/MS) . In this cross-sectional analysis, four dependent variables were evaluated: HbAA, HbGA, sum of total adducts (HbAA + HbGA), and their ratio (HbGA/HbAA). Simple and multiple regression analyses were used to identify determinants of the four outcome variables. All dependent variables (except HbGA/HbAA) and all independent variables were log-transformed (log2) to improve normality. Median (25th-75th percentile) HbAA and HbGA adduct levels were 41.3 (32.8-53.1) pmol/g Hb and 34.2 (25.4-46.9) pmol/g Hb, respectively.
RESULTS: The main food group determinants of HbAA, HbGA, and HbAA + HbGA were biscuits, crackers, and dry cakes. Alcohol intake and body mass index were identified as the principal determinants of HbGA/HbAA. The total percent variation in HbAA, HbGA, HbAA + HbGA, and HbGA/HbAA explained in this study was 30, 26, 29, and 13 %, respectively.
CONCLUSIONS: Dietary and lifestyle factors explain a moderate proportion of acrylamide adduct variation in non-smoking postmenopausal women from the EPIC cohort.
Objectives: To define, in an otherwise isogenic background, the relative effects of OqxR and RamR loss-of-function mutations on envelope protein production, envelope permeability and antimicrobial susceptibility. We also investigated the clinical relevance of an OqxR loss-of-function mutation, particularly in the context of β-lactam susceptibility.
Methods: Envelope permeability was estimated using a fluorescent dye accumulation assay. Antimicrobial susceptibility was measured using disc testing. Total envelope protein production was quantified using LC-MS/MS proteomics and quantitative RT-PCR was used to measure transcript levels.
Results: Loss of RamR or OqxR reduced envelope permeability in K. pneumoniae by 45%-55% relative to the WT. RamR loss activated AcrAB efflux pump production ∼5-fold and this reduced β-lactam susceptibility, conferring ertapenem non-susceptibility even in the absence of a carbapenemase. In contrast, OqxR loss specifically activated OqxAB efflux pump production >10 000-fold. This reduced fluoroquinolone susceptibility but had little impact on β-lactam susceptibility even in the presence of a β-lactamase.
Conclusions: Whilst OqxR loss and RamR loss are both seen in K. pneumoniae clinical isolates, only RamR loss significantly stimulates AcrAB efflux pump production. This means that only RamR mutants have significantly reduced β-lactamase-mediated β-lactam susceptibility and therefore represent a greater clinical threat.