Displaying publications 341 - 360 of 4601 in total

  1. Poh AH, Moghavvemi M, Leong CS, Lau YL, Safdari Ghandari A, Apau A, et al.
    PLoS One, 2017;12(2):e0171555.
    PMID: 28152031 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0171555
    Classifying and quantifying mosquito activity includes a plethora of categories, ranging from measuring flight speeds, repellency, feeding rates, and specific behaviors such as home entry, swooping and resting, among others. Entomologists have been progressing more toward using machine vision for efficiency for this endeavor. Digital methods have been used to study the behavior of insects in labs, for instance via three-dimensional tracking with specialized cameras to observe the reaction of mosquitoes towards human odor, heat and CO2, although virtually none was reported for several important fields, such as repellency studies which have a significant need for a proper response quantification. However, tracking mosquitoes individually is a challenge and only limited number of specimens can be studied. Although tracking large numbers of individual insects is hailed as one of the characteristics of an ideal automated image-based tracking system especially in 3D, it also is a costly method, often requiring specialized hardware and limited access to the algorithms used for mapping the specimens. The method proposed contributes towards (a) unlimited open source use, (b) a low-cost setup, (c) complete guide for any entomologist to adapt in terms of hardware and software, (d) simple to use, and (e) a lightweight data output for collective behavior analysis of mosquitoes. The setup is demonstrated by testing a simple response of mosquitoes in the presence of human odor versus control, one session with continuous human presence as a stimuli and the other with periodic presence. A group of female Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) mosquitoes are released into a white-background chamber with a transparent acrylic panel on one side. The video feed of the mosquitoes are processed using filtered contours in a threshold-adjustable video. The mosquitoes in the chamber are mapped on the raster where the coordinates of each mosquito are recorded with the corresponding timestamp. The average distance of the blobs within the frames against time forms a spectra where behavioral patterns can be observed directly, whether any collective effect is observed. With this method, 3D tracking will not be required and a more straightforward data output can be obtained.
    Matched MeSH terms: Aedes/physiology*
  2. Pandong J, Gumal M, Alen L, Sidu A, Ng S, Koh LP
    Sci Rep, 2018 10 23;8(1):15672.
    PMID: 30353034 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-33872-3
    The integration of Bayesian analysis into existing great ape survey methods could be used to generate precise and reliable population estimates of Bornean orang-utans. We used the Marked Nest Count (MNC) method to count new orang-utan nests at seven previously undocumented study sites in Sarawak, Malaysia. Our survey teams marked new nests on the first survey and revisited the plots on two more occasions; after about 21 and 42 days respectively. We used the N-mixture models to integrate suitability, abundance and detection models which account for zero inflation and imperfect detection for the analysis. The result was a combined estimate of 355 orang-utans with the 95% highest density interval (HDI) of 135 to 602 individuals. We visually inspected the posterior distributions of our parameters and compared precisions between study sites. We subsequently assess the strength or reliability of the generated estimates using identifiability tests. Only three out of the seven estimates had <35% overlap to indicate strong reliability. We discussed the limitations and advantages of our study design, and made recommendations to improve the sampling scheme. Over the course of this research, two of the study sites were gazetted as extensions to the Lanjak-Entimau Wildlife Sanctuary for orang-utan conservation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Animals, Wild/physiology
  3. Estudillo AJ, Kaufmann JM, Bindemann M, Schweinberger SR
    Eur J Neurosci, 2018 09;48(5):2259-2271.
    PMID: 30107052 DOI: 10.1111/ejn.14112
    Seeing a face being touched in spatial and temporal synchrony with the own face produces a bias in self-recognition, whereby the other face becomes more likely to be perceived as the self. The present study employed event-related potentials to explore whether this enfacement effect reflects initial face encoding, enhanced distinctiveness of the enfaced face, modified self-identity representations, or even later processing stages that are associated with the emotional processing of faces. Participants were stroked in synchrony or asynchrony with an unfamiliar face they observed on a monitor in front of them, in a situation approximating a mirror image. Subsequently, event-related potentials were recorded during the presentation of (a) a previously synchronously stimulated face, (b) an asynchronously stimulated face, (c) observers' own face, (d) filler faces, and (e) a to-be-detected target face, which required a response. Observers reported a consistent enfacement illusion after synchronous stimulation. Importantly, the synchronously stimulated face elicited more prominent N170 and P200 responses than the asynchronously stimulated face. By contrast, similar N250 and P300 responses were observed in these conditions. These results suggest that enfacement modulates early neural correlates of face encoding and facial prototypicality, rather than identity self-representations and associated emotional processes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Facial Recognition/physiology; Evoked Potentials/physiology*; Illusions/physiology; Pattern Recognition, Visual/physiology*; Touch/physiology; Recognition (Psychology)/physiology*; Touch Perception/physiology*
  4. Xing SC, Mi JD, Chen JY, Xiao L, Wu YB, Liang JB, et al.
    Sci Total Environ, 2019 Nov 25;693:133490.
    PMID: 31635006 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.07.296
    Lead is among the most common toxic heavy metals and its contamination is of great public concern. Bacillus coagulans is the probiotic which can be considered as the lead absorption sorbent to apply in the lead contaminant water directly or indirectly. A better understanding of the lead resistance and tolerance mechanisms of B. coagulans would help further its development and utilization. Wild-type Bacillus coagulans strain R11 isolated from a lead mine, was acclimated to lead-containing culture media over 85 passages, producing two lead-adapted strains, and the two strains shown higher lead intracellular accumulation ability (38.56-fold and 19.36-fold) and reducing ability (6.94-fold and 7.44-fold) than that of wild type. Whole genome sequencing, genome resequencing, and comparative transcriptomics identified lead resistance and tolerance process significantly involved in these genes which regulated glutathione and sulfur metabolism, flagellar formation and metal ion transport pathways in the lead-adapted strains, elucidating the relationships among the mechanisms regulating lead deposition, deoxidation, and motility and the evolved tolerance to lead. In addition, the B. coagulans mutants tended to form flagellar and chemotaxis systems to avoid lead ions rather than export it, suggesting a new resistance strategy. Based on the present results, the optimum lead concentration in environment should be considered when employed B. coagulans as the lead sorbent, due to the bacteria growth ability decreased in high lead concentration and physiology morphology changed could reduce the lead removal effectiveness. The identified deoxidization and compound secretion genes and pathways in B. coagulans R11 also are potential genetic engineering candidates for synthesizing glutathione, cysteine, methionine, and selenocompounds.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bacillus coagulans/physiology*
  5. Azhar MA, Munaim MSA
    Drug Dev Ind Pharm, 2021 Feb;47(2):189-196.
    PMID: 33290104 DOI: 10.1080/03639045.2020.1862176
    In this study, a simplex-centroid mixture design using design of experiment (DOE) software was implemented to evaluate the effect of biopolymers as excipients, which are hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, and alginate, on the gastrointestinal tolerance of probiotic tablet containing Saccharomyces boulardii. Microbial viability and dissolution time were used to evaluate the ideal formulation made using 39.01% carboxymethylcellulose and 60.99% alginate as excipients, which protected the probiotics from the acidic condition in the stomach with good dissolution time. The formulated probiotic tablet is more stable in terms of viability when stored at 4 °C compared to room temperature. However, the viability remains above 106 CFU/tablet after six months of storage at room temperature. This study shows that the simplex-centroid mixture design is valid and can be used to formulate probiotic tablets that possess gastrointestinal tolerance. This study can lead to the development of commercial production of probiotic yeast tablets with gastrointestinal tolerance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gastrointestinal Tract/physiology
  6. Medipally SR, Yusoff FM, Sharifhuddin N, Shariff M
    J Environ Biol, 2016 07;37(4 Spec No):829-38.
    PMID: 28779745
    Asian arowana, Scleropages formosus is a highly valued aquarium fish in the world, particularly in Asian countries, and has been listed as one of the most highly endangered species. This is a freshwater, carnivorous, fairly large mouth breeding fish belonging to the family Osteoglossidae. Arowana can be found in different colour varieties such as green, red, silver and golden. Among these varieties, Malaysian golden is the most valuable fish and is endemic to the Krian riverine system, Malaysia. However, overexploitation, habitat change and pollution have caused a serious decline of this arowana variety. Recently, arowana aquaculture industry is expanding rapidly in Southeast Asian countries. However, difficulties in an accurate differentiation of sex and strains, causing imbalanced stocking ratios for optimum spawning, remain major obstacles in maximizing arowana production. In addition, problems in sustainable water sources of suitable quality and prevention of diseases need to be addressed. Recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) and bioremediation are two possible technologies that could be used to minimize pollution and ensure adequate high-quality water for arowana culture. In addition, the application of appropriate molecular markers for sex and strain identification is also an important strategy required for the improvement of captive breeding. This review discusses several issues such as the importance of arowana as an aquarium fish, its market demand, current problems in the arowana aquaculture industry and the possible technologies to enhance reproductive capacity and increase culture production. ?
    Matched MeSH terms: Fishes/physiology*
  7. Ngai ZN, Chok KC, Ng KY, Koh RY, Chye SM
    Horm Mol Biol Clin Investig, 2022 Dec 01;43(4):485-503.
    PMID: 35728260 DOI: 10.1515/hmbci-2022-0018
    Lung cancer is the second most common cancer and the most lethal cancer worldwide. Melatonin, an indoleamine produced in the pineal gland, shows anticancer effects on a variety of cancers, especially lung cancer. Herein, we clarify the pathophysiology of lung cancer, the association of circadian rhythm with lung, and the relationship between shift work and the incidence of lung cancer. Special focus is placed on the role of melatonin receptors in lung cancer, the relationship between inflammation and lung cancer, control of cell proliferation, apoptosis, autophagy, and immunomodulation in lung cancer by melatonin. A review of the drug synergy of melatonin with other anticancer drugs suggests its usefulness in combination therapy. In summary, the information compiled may serve as a comprehensive reference for the various mechanisms of action of melatonin against lung cancer, as a guide for the design of future experimental research and for advancing melatonin as a therapeutic agent for lung cancer.
    Matched MeSH terms: Circadian Rhythm/physiology
  8. Idrees I, Bellato A, Cortese S, Groom MJ
    Neurosci Biobehav Rev, 2023 Jan;144:104968.
    PMID: 36427764 DOI: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2022.104968
    We carried out a systematic review and meta-analysis to investigate the effects of stimulant and non-stimulant medications on autonomic functioning in people with ADHD (PROSPERO: CRD42020212439). We searched (9th August 2021) PsycInfo, MEDLINE, EMBASE, Web of Science and The Cochrane Library, for randomised and non-randomised studies reporting indices of autonomic activity, (electrodermal, pupillometry and cardiac), pre- and post-medication exposure in people meeting DSM/ICD criteria for ADHD. In the narrative syntheses, we included 5 electrodermal studies, 1 pupillometry study and 57 studies investigating heart rate and blood pressure. In the meta-analyses, 29 studies were included on blood pressure and 32 on heart rate. Administration of stimulants, and to a lesser degree, non-stimulants increased heart rate and blood pressure in people with ADHD. Similarly, an upregulation of arousal, reflected in increased electrodermal activity and pupil diameter was observed following stimulant use. Yet, the methodological diversity of studies presented in this review reinforces the need for more standardised and rigorous research to fully understand the relationship between arousal, medication, and behaviour in ADHD.
    Matched MeSH terms: Heart Rate/physiology
  9. Yu M, Xu S, Hu H, Li S, Yang G
    Behav Brain Res, 2023 Apr 12;443:114209.
    PMID: 36368444 DOI: 10.1016/j.bbr.2022.114209
    OBJECTIVE: We investigated brain activity associated with executive control attention network in elite, expert, and novice female ice hockey athletes during the revised lateralized attention network tast to determine whether the neural correlates of performance differ by skill level.

    METHODS: We collected and analyzed functional near-infrared spectroscopy data of 38 participants while performing the revised lateralized attention network tast.

    RESULTS: Elite players were significantly faster than novices (p = .005), and the experts' overall accuracy rate (ACC) was higher than that of novices (p = .001). The effect of the executive network on reaction time was higher in novices than in elite players (p = .008) and experts (p = .004). The effect of the executive network on the ACC was lower in elite players than in experts (p = .009) and novices (p = .010). Finally, elite player had higher flanker conflict effects on RT (p = .005) under the invalid cue condition. the effect of the alertness network and orientation on the ACC was lower in elite players than in novices (p = .000) and experts (p = .022). Changes in the blood oxygen level-dependent signal related to the flanker effect were significantly different in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (F=3.980, p = .028) and right inferior frontal gyrus (F=3.703, p = .035) among the three groups. Elit players showed more efficient executive control (reduced conflict effect on ACC) (p = .006)in the RH.The changes related to the effect of blood oxygen level on orienting were significantly different in the right frontal eye fields (F=3.883, p = .030) among the three groups, Accompanied by significant activation of the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex(p = .026).

    CONCLUSION: Our findings provide partial evidence of the superior cognitive performance and high neural efficiency of elite ice hockey players during cognitive tasks. These results demonstrate the right hemisphere superiority for executive control.We also found that specific brain activation in hockey players does not show a clear and linear relationship with skill level.

    Matched MeSH terms: Brain/physiology
  10. Ratnarajah L, Abu-Alhaija R, Atkinson A, Batten S, Bax NJ, Bernard KS, et al.
    Nat Commun, 2023 Feb 02;14(1):564.
    PMID: 36732509 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-36241-5
    Zooplankton are major consumers of phytoplankton primary production in marine ecosystems. As such, they represent a critical link for energy and matter transfer between phytoplankton and bacterioplankton to higher trophic levels and play an important role in global biogeochemical cycles. In this Review, we discuss key responses of zooplankton to ocean warming, including shifts in phenology, range, and body size, and assess the implications to the biological carbon pump and interactions with higher trophic levels. Our synthesis highlights key knowledge gaps and geographic gaps in monitoring coverage that need to be urgently addressed. We also discuss an integrated sampling approach that combines traditional and novel techniques to improve zooplankton observation for the benefit of monitoring zooplankton populations and modelling future scenarios under global changes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Phytoplankton/physiology
  11. Wee SL, Tan SB, Tan SH, Lee BKB
    J Plant Res, 2024 May;137(3):423-443.
    PMID: 38353931 DOI: 10.1007/s10265-024-01522-7
    Despite being the world's largest single-flower, Rafflesia's biology and life history are still poorly understood due to its cryptic growth strategy on Tetrastigma vines. Previous studies have been mostly short-term, contrary to Rafflesia's long development period before blooming. Bud development and flower phenology of R. cantleyi was studied in a dipterocarp forest in Lata Jarum, Peninsular Malaysia. Seven populations, consisting of 247 buds, were monitored fortnightly for 65 months in two discrete studies between 2009 and 2018. The bud size distribution of R. cantleyi is dynamic, progressively changing from small flower buds to larger buds before flowering. Buds  15.0 cm across demonstrated accelerated growth. The bud growth profiles of the same site clustered distinctively regardless of sex with successful blooming rate that varied greatly between sites, prompting speculation about their relatedness to the sites' physical attributes. We reported the first female-dominated population in Rafflesia's life history. Rafflesia cantleyi's blooming rate at Lata Jarum is moderate to high, with non-seasonal flowering phenology as evident by the lack of synchronisation and consistency between flowering and local rainfall patterns. Based on the field data of the present study and the published information of other Rafflesia species, R. cantleyi's life cycle was estimated between 4.0 and 5.3 years. Our findings further explain Rafflesia's biology and life history and highlight the gap in knowledge of the natural habitats on the endoparasite's growth and fate potentially for future conservation and study.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dipterocarpaceae/physiology
  12. Khor SLQ, Ng KY, Koh RY, Chye SM
    CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets, 2024;23(3):315-330.
    PMID: 36999187 DOI: 10.2174/1871527322666230330093829
    The blood-brain barrier (BBB) plays a crucial role in the central nervous system by tightly regulating the influx and efflux of biological substances between the brain parenchyma and peripheral circulation. Its restrictive nature acts as an obstacle to protect the brain from potentially noxious substances such as blood-borne toxins, immune cells, and pathogens. Thus, the maintenance of its structural and functional integrity is vital in the preservation of neuronal function and cellular homeostasis in the brain microenvironment. However, the barrier's foundation can become compromised during neurological or pathological conditions, which can result in dysregulated ionic homeostasis, impaired transport of nutrients, and accumulation of neurotoxins that eventually lead to irreversible neuronal loss. Initially, the BBB is thought to remain intact during neurodegenerative diseases, but accumulating evidence as of late has suggested the possible association of BBB dysfunction with Parkinson's disease (PD) pathology. The neurodegeneration occurring in PD is believed to stem from a myriad of pathogenic mechanisms, including tight junction alterations, abnormal angiogenesis, and dysfunctional BBB transporter mechanism, which ultimately causes altered BBB permeability. In this review, the major elements of the neurovascular unit (NVU) comprising the BBB are discussed, along with their role in the maintenance of barrier integrity and PD pathogenesis. We also elaborated on how the neuroendocrine system can influence the regulation of BBB function and PD pathogenesis. Several novel therapeutic approaches targeting the NVU components are explored to provide a fresh outlook on treatment options for PD.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biological Transport/physiology
  13. Tan FHP, Shamsuddin S, Zainuddin A
    Benef Microbes, 2023 Dec 13;14(6):591-607.
    PMID: 38350490 DOI: 10.1163/18762891-20230056
    The steady decline of physiological function and increased vulnerability to age-related disorders are two features of the complicated biological process of ageing. As a key organ for nutrient absorption, metabolism, and immunological regulation, the gut plays a major part in the ageing process. Drosophila melanogaster, a well-established model organism, has emerged as a significant tool for exploring the intricate rapport between the gut and ageing. Through the use of Drosophila models, the physiological and molecular elements of the gut-brain axis have been thoroughly explored. These models have also provided insights into the mechanisms by which gut health impacts ageing and age-related illnesses. Drosophila's gut microbiota experience dysbiosis with age which has been linked to age-related diseases. To prevent this and promote healthy ageing in Drosophila, gut microbiota modification methods, such as dietary restriction in tandem with time-restricted feeding, administration of pro-, pre- and synbiotics, as well as pharmaceutical interventions have been generated with positive impacts. The article also covers the drawbacks and difficulties of investigating the gut via the Drosophila. Thus, with an emphasis on the lessons discovered from Drosophila research, this review provides an extensive description of the current studies on the role of the gut-brain axis in ageing and health.
    Matched MeSH terms: Aging/physiology
  14. Stark DJ, Vaughan IP, Ramirez Saldivar DA, Nathan SK, Goossens B
    PLoS One, 2017;12(3):e0174891.
    PMID: 28362872 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0174891
    The development of GPS tags for tracking wildlife has revolutionised the study of home ranges, habitat use and behaviour. Concomitantly, there have been rapid developments in methods for estimating habitat use from GPS data. In combination, these changes can cause challenges in choosing the best methods for estimating home ranges. In primatology, this issue has received little attention, as there have been few GPS collar-based studies to date. However, as advancing technology is making collaring studies more feasible, there is a need for the analysis to advance alongside the technology. Here, using a high quality GPS collaring data set from 10 proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus), we aimed to: 1) compare home range estimates from the most commonly used method in primatology, the grid-cell method, with three recent methods designed for large and/or temporally correlated GPS data sets; 2) evaluate how well these methods identify known physical barriers (e.g. rivers); and 3) test the robustness of the different methods to data containing either less frequent or random losses of GPS fixes. Biased random bridges had the best overall performance, combining a high level of agreement between the raw data and estimated utilisation distribution with a relatively low sensitivity to reduced fixed frequency or loss of data. It estimated the home range of proboscis monkeys to be 24-165 ha (mean 80.89 ha). The grid-cell method and approaches based on local convex hulls had some advantages including simplicity and excellent barrier identification, respectively, but lower overall performance. With the most suitable model, or combination of models, it is possible to understand more fully the patterns, causes, and potential consequences that disturbances could have on an animal, and accordingly be used to assist in the management and restoration of degraded landscapes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Colobinae/physiology*
  15. Lim JZ, Mountstephens J, Teo J
    Sensors (Basel), 2020 Apr 22;20(8).
    PMID: 32331327 DOI: 10.3390/s20082384
    The ability to detect users' emotions for the purpose of emotion engineering is currently one of the main endeavors of machine learning in affective computing. Among the more common approaches to emotion detection are methods that rely on electroencephalography (EEG), facial image processing and speech inflections. Although eye-tracking is fast in becoming one of the most commonly used sensor modalities in affective computing, it is still a relatively new approach for emotion detection, especially when it is used exclusively. In this survey paper, we present a review on emotion recognition using eye-tracking technology, including a brief introductory background on emotion modeling, eye-tracking devices and approaches, emotion stimulation methods, the emotional-relevant features extractable from eye-tracking data, and most importantly, a categorical summary and taxonomy of the current literature which relates to emotion recognition using eye-tracking. This review concludes with a discussion on the current open research problems and prospective future research directions that will be beneficial for expanding the body of knowledge in emotion detection using eye-tracking as the primary sensor modality.
    Matched MeSH terms: Emotions/physiology*
  16. Yong VS, Yen CH, Saharudin S, Tan SL, Kaukiah NF, Liew HB
    Med J Malaysia, 2024 Mar;79(2):237-239.
    PMID: 38553932
    A prescribing policy for SGLT2-inhibitors was implemented in a local public tertiary cardiology centre in Sabah to improve access for heart failure (HF) patients. The study evaluated 169 HF patients with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) who met the policy criteria. After starting SGLT2- inhibitors, a significant proportion of patients experienced decreased NTproBNP levels, indicating a positive response. HF hospitalisation rates within 1 year were lower compared to the previous year. No adverse events were reported, suggesting that the treatment is safe. Findings demonstrates the benefits of implementing prescribing policies to enhance treatment accessibility and generate valuable real-world data at the local healthcare level..
    Matched MeSH terms: Stroke Volume/physiology
  17. Chow XH, Ting CM, Wan Hamizan AK, Zahedi FD, Tan HJ, Remli R, et al.
    J Laryngol Otol, 2024 Mar;138(3):301-309.
    PMID: 37259908 DOI: 10.1017/S0022215123000919
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to identify the potential electrophysiological biomarkers of human responses by comparing the electroencephalogram brain wave changes towards lavender versus normal saline in a healthy human population.

    METHOD: This study included a total of 44 participants without subjective olfactory disturbances. Lavender and normal saline were used as the olfactory stimulant and control. Electroencephalogram was recorded and power spectra were analysed by the spectral analysis for each alpha, beta, delta, theta and gamma bandwidth frequency upon exposure to lavender and normal saline independently.

    RESULTS: The oscillatory brain activities in response to the olfactory stimulant indicated that the lavender smell decreased the beta activity in the left frontal (F7 electrode) and central region (C3 electrode) with a reduction in the gamma activity in the right parietal region (P4 electrode) (p < 0.05).

    CONCLUSION: Olfactory stimulants result in changes of electrical brain activities in different brain regions, as evidenced by the topographical brain map and spectra analysis of each brain wave.

    Matched MeSH terms: Smell/physiology
  18. Che J, Cheng N, Jiang B, Liu Y, Liu H, Li Y, et al.
    Int J Psychophysiol, 2024 Mar;197:112295.
    PMID: 38266685 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2023.112295
    OBJECTIVE: Objective measurements of executive functions using event-related potential (ERP) may be used as markers for differentiating healthy controls (HC) from patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). ERP is non-invasive, cost-effective, and affordable. Older adults with MCI demonstrate deteriorated executive function, serving as a potentially valid neurophysiological marker for identifying MCI. We aimed to review published ERP studies on executive function in older adults with MCI and summarize the performance differences by component between healthy older adults and older adults with MCI.

    METHODS: Eight electronic databases (Web of Science, PubMed, ScienceDirect, American Psychological Association PsycNet, Cochrane Library, Scopus, Embase, and Ovid) were searched for the study. Articles published from January 1 to December 31, 2022, were considered for this review. A random-effects meta-analysis and between-study heterogeneity analysis were conducted using Comprehensive Meta-Analysis V3.0 software.

    RESULTS: We identified 7829 articles of which 28 met the full inclusion criteria and were included in the systematic review and analyses. Our pooled analysis suggested that participants with MCI can be differentiated from HC by significant P200, P300, and N200 latencies. The P100 and P300 amplitudes were significantly smaller in participants with MCI when compared with those in the HCs, and the patients with MCI showed increased N200 amplitudes. Our findings provide new insights into potential electrophysiological biomarkers for diagnosing MCI.

    Matched MeSH terms: Evoked Potentials/physiology
  19. Barber CV, Yo JH, Rahman RA, Wallace EM, Palmer KR, Marshall SA
    Placenta, 2023 May;136:35-41.
    PMID: 37028223 DOI: 10.1016/j.placenta.2023.03.008
    Activin A is a two-subunit protein belonging to the transforming growth factor β superfamily. First discovered almost three decades ago, it has since been implicated in diverse physiological roles, ranging from wound repair to reproduction. After 30 years of research, altered activin A levels are now understood to be associated with the development of various diseases, making activin A a potential therapeutic target. In pregnancy, the placenta and fetal membranes are major producers of activin A, with significantly enhanced serum concentrations now recognised as a contributor to numerous gestational disorders. Evidence now suggests that circulating levels of activin A may be clinically relevant in the early detection of pregnancy complications, including miscarriage and preeclampsia. This review aims to summarise our current understanding of activin A as a potential diagnostic marker in common pregnancy pathologies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Reproduction/physiology
  20. Muul I, Liat LB
    J Mammal, 1974 May;55(2):393-400.
    PMID: 4833184
    Matched MeSH terms: Sciuridae/physiology*
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