The prevalence of developmental defects of enamel was assessed in 4805 16-year-old schoolchildren in fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas in Malaysia. In this sample, the mouth prevalence was 56.0%; tooth prevalence was 21.8%. There were significant differences between children in fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas, urban and rural areas as well as between the ethnic groups. However, there was no significant gender difference. Prevalences were lower than those reported in most other Asiancountries. However, direct comparisons could not be madedue to differences in indices and methodology used.
The purpose of the present study is to provide a critical review on the revolution of the "compliance" concepts from compliance to adherence, and adherence to concordance for both pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies. A comprehensive literature search was performed using online databases from Library of University Putra Malaysia, and Pub Med based on the keywords. The present study showed that both quantitative and qualitative studies cannot be neglected in assessing adherence and its related problems. One of major findings from the present review is that "compliance" was no longer suitable for current treatments and it is important to define concepts of the terms used (adherence or concordance) correctly and clearly. The findings reflected that researchers placed greater value on medication adherence than non-pharmacological adherence. There were three general factors related to treatments adherence, namely socio-economic factor, treatments-related factor and disease-related factor. The findings showed that both qualitative and quantitative studies found consistent results for most of the factors, except for the experience of diseases symptoms. Both study design contribute important values to the adherence studies and future studies should incorporate both quantitative and qualitative studies to understand adherence in both pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments.
The Community Health Posting teaching module is incorporated in the fourth year medical curriculum at Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM). The integration of Islamic principles and values in the medical curriculum is emphasized during the Community Health Posting. The Community Health curriculum allow students to appreciate and understand the medical and fiqh aspects of health and disease, the social issues in medical practice and research and to inculcate the practice of Islamic professional etiquettes. The teaching module illustrates the relevance of humanities in understanding illness and medical care within the community. Teaching and learning activities include components that enable the students to explore a wide range of influencing factors and how these affect the patients and their families. Issues pertaining to psychosocial and ecological perspectives of the community are also discussed. This posting utilizes various teaching and learning techniques such as lectures, tutorials, seminars, group discussions, educational visits, practical sessions and patient bedside teaching. In addition, the students are equipped with Islamic knowledge through the integration of Naqli and Aqli components in the Community Health Posting curriculum.
The medical education should be tailored to deal with the diseases the physician is most likely to see.' With expectations that all the graduates from Malaysian Medical Schools should be able to serve anywhere in the country, the need for a national curriculum is self-evident. It may be argued that the public must have confidence in the competence of the practitioners they depend upon irrespective of the school from which they had graduated. In smaller countries in which health needs are uniform the graduates of any school should have been trained to meet those needs. In larger countries and those with geographic diversities and distances (e.g. Malaysia), the curriculum should cover the commonly encountered diverse ailments. If not dealt with care, we may end up with huge load of ever expanding, unmanageable curriculum.
Malaysia, with her tropical jungles, mangroves and seas, is blessed with riches in biodiversity, being one of the twelve megabiodiversity countries on earth. Genetics has contributed substantially to the success of our country's agricultural production especially of rubber and palm oil. Hence, it should play a pivotal role in helping Malaysia fulfill her responsibility to identify, characterize and sustainably utilize her numerous indigenous bioresources for the benefit of humanity.
The existence of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) such as K-40 was studied all over the world for their characteristics and effects on human and environment. K-40 exist in the earth crust with the concentration about 1.8 mg/kg or 481 Bq/g.. In this study, the level of K-40 in soil samples were measured using gamma spectrometer equipped with hyper pure germanium detector. The samples were collected from an oil palm cultivated area of Jengka 15, in Maran District, Pahang. The results show the level of K-40 activities at various locations. The activities of K-40 are in the range 52.9-150.5 Bq/kg and total potassium concentrations are 1.60-4.50%. There are no correlation between activities of K-40 with elevation i.e. R2= 0.0885.
The studies of ¹³⁷Cs content in the seawater surrounding Peninsular Malaysia had been carried out as part of the Malaysia Marine Radioactivity Database Project. The results of the measurement will serve as the baseline data and reference level to Malaysia. A numbers of sampling locations, including coastal and offshore at the East Coast (South China Sea) and West Coast (Straits of Malacca) of Peninsular Malaysia had been selected for the study. From each location at the coastal area, water samples were collected from the surface of the seawater. Meanwhile, for the offshore area, water samples have been collected at three different depths. Due to usual low concentration of ¹³⁷Cs in the marine environment, large volumes of seawater were collected and the co precipitation technique was employed to concentrate the ¹³⁷Cs. The activity of ¹³⁷Cs was determined by measuring the peak area under photo peak of the gamma spectrum at 661 keV, which is equivalent to the gamma intensity corrected to the HpGe detection efficiency and percentage of gamma ray abundance of the ¹³⁴Cs. At each study location, there were no significant differences for ¹³⁷Cs activities at 95% confidence interval. The activities of ¹³⁷Cs found to be quite uniformly distributed in the range of 2.33 to 5.00 Bq/m3and 1.76 to 4.76 Bq/m3for the South China Sea and the Straits of Malacca, respectively.
Malaysia is in the process of modernizing its oil palm plantation management, by implementing geo-information technologies which include Remote Sensing (RS), Geographic Information System (GIS), and Spatial Decision Support System (DSS). Agencies with large oil palm plantations such as the Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA), Federal Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Authority (FELCRA), Guthrie Sdn. Bhd., and Golden Hope Sdn. Bhd. have already incorporated GIS in their plantation management, with limited use of RS and DSS. In 2005, FELCRA, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and Espatial Resources Sdn. Bhd. (ESR) collaborated in a research project to explore the potentials of geo-informatics for oil palm plantation management. The research was conducted in FELCRA located in Seberang Perak Oil Palm Scheme. In that research, a tool integrating RS, GIS and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was developed to support decision making for replanting of the existing old palms. RS was used to extract productive stand per hectare; AHP was used to compute the criteria weights for the development of a suitable model; and GIS was used for spatial modelling so as to generate the decision support layer for replanting. This paper highlights the approach adopted in developing the tool with special emphasis on the AHP computation.
In Malaysia, the use of groundwater can help to meet the increasing water demand. The utilization of the aquifers is currently contributing in water supplies, particularly for the northern states. In this study, quantitative and qualitative assessments were carried out for the groundwater exploitation in the states of Kelantan, Melaka, Terengganu and Perak. The relevant data was acquired from the Department of Mineral and Geoscience, Malaysia. The quantitative assessment mainly included the determination of the use to yield ratio (UTY). The formula was proposed to determine the UTY ratio for aquifers in Malaysia. The proposed formula was applied to determine the maximum UTY ratios for the aquifers located in the states of Kelantan, Melaka, and Terengganu, and were found to be 4.2, 5.2 and 0.6, respectively. This indicated that exploitation of groundwater was beyond the safe limit in the states of Kelantan and Melaka. The qualitative assessment showed that the groundwater is slightly acidic. In addition, the concentrations of iron and manganese were found to be higher than the allowable limits, but the chloride concentration was found within the allowable limit.
Oil pollution remains a serious concern especially in Malaysia. Many strategies have been employed to overcome oil pollution. In this research, sago waste material abundantly found in Sarawak was used and chemically modified into an oil adsorbent . Sago waste cellulosic residues were modified using fatty acid derivatives. The capability of the chemically modified sago waste to absorb oil from aqueous solution was studied and compared with the untreated sago waste. The modified sago waste showed higher hydrophobicity than the untreated sago waste, implying that it is less affinity for water and also an excellent affinity for oil. This chemically modified sago waste would be the most suitable for applications where engine oil (i.e., Shell Helix HX5) is to be removed from an aqueous environment. The modified sago waste selectively absorbs the oil and remains on the surface and is to be removed when the application is complete.
In this paper, optimum routing was developed based on the travel salesman method and integrated in ArcInfo GIS using linear programming. The results of the optimized travel distances and times for residential waste collection and routing to disposal site were used to calculate the number and type of required track collection, labour requirement, costing of waste collection and to determine the overall solid waste management efficiency through waste management operation research methods. The objective of the study was to optimize residential collection and hauling to disposal site through operation cost minimization for Petaling Jaya Municipality in the state of Selangor, Malaysia. The study determined that with optimized routes and recycling possibilities, the total cost of waste collections could be reduced from RM90,372 to RM20,967, with a reduction of 76.8%. It was also revealed that optimum routes might not necessarily be the shortest distance from point A to point B as travel time maybe high on short distances due to traffic congestion and the presence of many traffic lights. Techniques and methods developed using general GIS have proven effective in route optimization and allowed management of data to suit local conditions and limitations of waste management for the studied area. Thus, scenarios of travel distances, time and waste quantity value generated from the GIS enabled appropriate determination of the number of waste trucks and labour requirements for the operation and the overall calculation of costs of waste management based on the operation research methods used in the study.