MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in the memory clinic at Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL). Medical records data from 2014 to 2019 were extracted. Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) test was used to assess the neurocognitive function of patients.
RESULTS: A total of 298 patients (30 MCI, and 268 dementia) were evaluated, with dementia patients consisting of 78 Alzheimer's disease (AD), 93 Vascular dementia (VaD), 94 Mixed dementia, 2 early-onset Alzheimer's disease (EOAD) and 1 Logopenic Progressive Aphasia type of AD (LPA). MCI and dementia were significantly associated with a history of CVD, particularly stroke (p=0.023).
CONCLUSION: Given that stroke significantly predicted the risk of developing vascular dementia among the patients in a central Malaysian population, lifestyle modifications are recommended to alleviate these risk factors of CVD.
METHODOLOGY: A cross sectional study was conducted in two clinics at a university primary care centre. Patients aged ≥18 years with ≥1 risk factor for NAFLD or CVD were recruited. Participants with history of established liver disease or chronic alcohol use were excluded. Socio-demographics, clinical related data, anthropometric measurements and blood investigation results were recorded in a proforma. Diagnosis of NAFLD was made using abdominal ultrasound. The 10-year CVD risk was calculated using the general Framingham Risk Score (FRS). Multiple logistic regression (MLogR) was performed to identify independent factors associated with NAFLD.
RESULTS: A total of 263 participants were recruited. The mean age was 52.3 ± 14.7 years old. Male and female were equally distributed. Majority of the participants were Malays (79.8%). The overall prevalence of NAFLD was 54.4% (95%CI 48,60%). Participants in the high FRS category have higher prevalence of NAFLD (65.5%), followed by those in the moderate category (55.4%) and the low category (46.3%), p = 0.025. From MLogR, independent factors associated with NAFLD were being employed (OR = 2.44, 95%CI 1.26,4.70, p = 0.008), obesity with BMI ≥27.5 (OR = 2.89, 95%CI 1.21,6.91, p = 0.017), elevated fasting glucose ≥5.6 mmol/L (OR = 2.79, 95%CI 1.44,5.43, p = 0.002), ALT ≥34 U/L (OR = 3.70, 95%CI 1.85,7.44, p
OBJECTIVE: This systematic review analyzed the available evidence on (1) neurochemical changes; and (2) the relations between brain metabolite and validated cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers, and/or APOE in AD.
METHODS: PubMed, Cochrane, Scopus, and gray literature were systematically screened for studies deemed fit for the purpose of the current systematic review.
RESULTS: Twenty four articles met the inclusion criteria. Decreased levels of N-acetyl aspartate (NAA), NAA/(creatine) Cr, and NAA/(myo-inositol) ml, and increased ml, ml/Cr, Cho (choline)/Cr, and ml/NAA were found in the posterior cingulate cortex/precuneus. Increased ml is associated with increased tau levels, reduced NAA/Cr is associated with increased tau. ml/Cr is negatively correlated with Aβ42, and ml/Cr is positively correlated with t-tau. NAA and glutathione levels are reduced in APOE ε4 carriers. APOE ε4 exerts no modulatory effect on NAA/Cr. There is interaction between APOE ε4, Aβ42, and ml/Cr.
CONCLUSION: NAA, ml, NAA/Cr, NAA/ml and ml/Cr may be potentially useful biomarkers that may highlight functional changes in the clinical stages of AD. The combinations of ml and tau, NAA/Cr and Aβ42, and NAA/Cr and tau may support the diagnostic process of differentiating MCI/AD from healthy individuals. Large, longitudinal studies are required to clarify the effect of APOE ε4 on brain metabolites.
METHODOLOGY: A cross-sectional study was conducted at a university primary care clinic. Patients aged 18 to 80 years old with MetS were recruited. Socio-demographic characteristic, clinical characteristics and information on TCM use and its pattern were recorded in a proforma. Patient's experience of chronic disease conventional care was measured using PACIC-M questionnaire. The comparison of PACIC-M mean score between TCM users and non-users was measured using independent t-test. The factors associated with TCM use were determined by simple logistic regression (SLogR), followed by multiple logistic regression (MLogR).
RESULTS: Out of 394 participants, 381 (96.7%) were included in the final analysis. Of the 381 participants, 255 (66.9%) were TCM users (95% CI 62.7, 71.7). Only 36.9% of users disclosed about TCM use to their health care providers (HCP). The overall mean PACIC-M score was 2.91 (SD ± 0.04). TCM users had significantly higher mean PACIC-M score compared to non-users (2.98 ± 0.74 vs 2.75 ± 0.72, p = 0.01). The independent factors associated with TCM use were being female (Adj. OR 2.50, 95% CI 1.55, 4.06), having high education level (Adj. OR 2.16, 95% CI 1.37, 3.41) and having high overall PACIC-M mean score (Adj. OR 1.49, 95% CI 1.10, 2.03).
CONCLUSION: TCM use was highly prevalent in this primary care clinic. However, the disclosure rate of TCM use to HCP was low. Females, those with high education and high PACIC-M mean score were more likely to use TCM. Further research should explore the reasons for their TCM use, despite having good experience in conventional chronic disease care.
OBJECTIVE: This study aims to develop and validate "Chance2Act," a new web-based intervention, designed specifically to facilitate behavioral change in adults with T2D with obesity who are not ready to act toward weight loss. Then, the effectiveness of the newly developed intervention will be determined from a nonrandomized controlled trial.
METHODS: A web-based intervention will be developed based on the Transtheoretical Model targeting adults with T2D with obesity who are not ready to change for weight loss. Phase 1 will involve the development and validation of the web-based health intervention module. In phase 2, a nonrandomized controlled trial will be conducted in 2 government health clinics selected by the investigator. This is an unblinded study with a parallel assignment (ie, intervention vs control [usual care] with an allocation ratio of 1:1). A total of 124 study participants will be recruited, of which 62 participants will receive the Chance2Act intervention in addition to the usual care. The primary outcome is the changes in an individual's readiness from a stage of not being ready to change (precontemplation, contemplation, or preparation stage) to being ready for weight loss (action stage). The secondary outcomes include changes in self-efficacy, decisional balance, family support for weight loss, BMI, waist circumference, and body fat composition.
RESULTS: The phase 1 study will reveal the intervention's validity through the Content Validity Index and Face Validity Index, considering it valid if both indices exceed 0.83. The effectiveness of the intervention will be determined in phase 2, where the differences within and between groups will be analyzed in terms of the improvement of stages of change and all secondary outcomes as defined in the methodology. Data analysis for phase 2 will commence in 2024, with the anticipated publication of results in March 2024.
CONCLUSIONS: If proven effective, the result of the study may give valuable insights into the effective behavioral modification strategies for a web-based intervention targeting adults with T2D with obesity but not yet ready to change for weight loss. This intervention may be replicated or adopted in different settings, focusing on behavioral modification support that patients need. This study offers a deeper understanding of the application of behavior change techniques for a more holistic approach to obesity care in T2D.
METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted at selected public health clinics in Selangor, involving PLHIV aged 18 years and older, who were diagnosed since 2019. HIV-related stigma was measured using the Malay version of Berger's HIV Stigma Scale, and HIV knowledge was assessed using the Malay version of Brief HIV-KQ-18. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed to identify factors associated with late HIV presentation.
RESULTS: A total of 400 participants were included in the study, with 60.0% (n = 240, 95% CI: 55.0-65.0) classified as late presenters. The participants had a mean age of 30.29 (±7.77) years. The risk factors for late presenters were high levels of HIV-related stigma (aOR = 1.049, 95% CI: 1.034-1.063, p-value <0.001), low levels of HIV knowledge (aOR = 0.709, 95% CI: 0.646-0.778, p-value <0.001), tertiary education background (aOR = 15.962, 95% CI: 1.898-134.235, p-value = 0.011), and being single (aOR = 3.582, 95% CI: 1.393-9.208, p-value = 0.008).
CONCLUSION: This study highlights the association between high levels of HIV-related stigma, low levels of HIV knowledge, and late HIV presentation. Interventions targeting stigma reduction and HIV education can promote early testing and prompt access to care, improving health outcomes for PLHIV.
METHODS: Cross-sectional study using eDengue database, the Malaysian National Dengue Registry.
RESULTS: The study included 1,106 confirmed dengue cases, with 553 categorised as outbreak cases and 553 as single cases. Significant associations were found between dengue outbreaks and Priority Locality 1 (areas with Uncontrolled Outbreaks/ Hotspots/ Recurrent Outbreaks/ Dengue Deaths in the previous year) (AOR: 0.15, 95% CI: 0.06,0.37, p<0.001), Aedes Index ≥1% (AOR: 1.35, 95% CI: 1.02,1.77, p=0.031), patients initially visiting government clinics (AOR: 1.63, 95% CI: 1.10,2.43, p=0.015), hospitalized dengue patients (AOR: 0.70. 95%CI: 0.52,0.96, p=0.029), the time taken from notification to source reduction (AOR: 0.57, 95% CI: 0.50,0.66, p<0.001) and time taken from notification to investigation (AOR: 2.40 95%CI: 1.77,3.24, p<0.001).
INTERPRETATION CONCLUSION: This study identifies key factors associated with dengue outbreaks in Pulau Pinang such as Aedes Index, Priority Locality 1 areas and initial visits to government clinics. These findings underscore the need for targeted vector control and early intervention in high-risk areas to reduce outbreak risk. Early healthcare seeking behavior and timely intervention are critical in managing the spread of dengue. Further research is needed to explore additional factors and improve public health strategies.