The role of multiple pleural biopsies in malignant pleural effusion to achieve better diagnostic yield was evaluated. The specific diagnosis was established in 43.8 percent (14/32) of cases on first biopsy, and improved to 93.8 percent (30/32) of cases by three biopsies. The contribution of multiple biopsies was stressed.
The forfeiture of the proceeds of drug-related offences does not seem to have received much attention as yet from British Commonwealth countries. Whereas in some of these countries specific legislation exists in relation to forfeiture, in many other countries the act of forfeiture falls within the purview of general criminal law. Forfeiture presupposes enquiry and search, two procedures which involve integral aspects of present-day human rights law, and which seem to be impeded at almost every stage of the process concluding in forfeiture. Time and the procedure for execution of judgments seem to be two significant factors in the successful enforcement of forfeiture judgments. Unfortunately, given the present practice of maintaining inviolability of bank secrecy, effective enforcement of forfeiture judgments is not possible. Perhaps an international convention may offer some assistance in the successful implementation of a forfeiture judgment, especially where the ill-gotten gains have been transferred to a foreign jurisdiction.
Non-union of bone following fracture is an orthopaedic condition with a high morbidity and clinical burden. Despite its estimated global prevalence of nine million annually, the limit of bone regeneration therapy still results in patients living with pain, a reduced quality of life and associated psychological, social and financial repercussions. This review provides an overview of the current epidemiological and aetiological data, and highlights where the clinical challenges in treating non-union lie. Current treatment strategies are discussed as well as promising future research foci. Development in biotechnologies to treat non-union provides exciting scope for more effective treatment for this debilitating condition.
This study examines the usefulness of the "CAGE", (which is an acronym for "cut down", "annoyed", "guilty" and "eye-opener"), a 4-question screening test to identify excessive drinkers among Malaysian inpatients. The CAGE questionnaire after translation and back translation was administered to all inpatients in the General Hospital, Kuala Lumpur. The author interviewed 'blindly' all who score positive on the CAGE score and 10% of all negatives using the DSM III interview schedule for alcohol abuse dependence. The results show that the CAGE performs best at a cut-off point of 2 and above, with a sensitivity of 92%, specificity of 62%, positive predictive values of 38% and Kappa (K) of 0.37 with a DSM III R diagnosis for alcohol abuse/dependence. The poor agreement with a DSM III diagnosis indicates that the CAGE is not useful in the Malaysian population. Reasons suggested for this are: cultural factors in the Malaysian population resulting in the overrating of the question of 'guilt' by Muslims and translations into the local languages which are only the closest approximations.
The objective of this study was to describe preliminary experience with moclobemide in the treatment of depressive disorders in the University outpatient clinic in Malaysia. Twenty patients who satisfied DSM III R criteria for depressive disorders and scored more than 16 on the Hamilton Rating Depression Score at the initial interview were recruited into this open study. The primary diagnosis of 4 patients was later ascertained to be panic disorder(2), schizophrenia(1) and social phobia(1). Patients rated themselves as improved by first follow up (7-14 days), and rated their depression as very mild to mild by the third follow up visit (ie at a mean of 46 days). Side effects were minimal and compliance good.
Study site: outpatient psychiatric clinic at the General Hospital, Kuala
Rubella antibody rates in the female population of Kuala Lumpur were lower than those reported from temperate countries, though similar to rates found in other tropical countries excepting Singapore. Among the major ethnic groups, the immunity status of the Chinese was higher than that of the Malay and Indian groups.
Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) has emerged as a potential adjunct therapy for post-stroke motor rehabilitation. While conventional rehabilitation methods remain the primary approach to improving motor function after stroke, many patients experience incomplete recovery, necessitating the exploration of additional interventions. This commentary article examines the role of tDCS in poststroke motor recovery, focusing on its mechanisms, efficacy, and limitations. Herein, the variability in research findings and individual patient responses as well as the recommended methods for optimising tDCS use in local clinical settings are highlighted.
Viral infections are probably the most important cause of childhood morbidity and mortality in the world. In many developing countries in South East Asia and the Western Pacific, priority health problems include acute respiratory infections, acute diarrhoeas and arboviral infections. Where studies have been carried out, there is no significant difference in the aetiological agents involved or in the manifestation of clinical childhood disease. Surveillance of these diseases have improved with the introduction of rapid viral diagnosis. The better understanding of the immunopathogenesis of many diseases have also encouraged research in this area and will lead to the better control and management of these diseases. However, the search for antivirals has been disappointing but fortunately new vaccines are on the horizon and the prospect for bringing some of these diseases under control through vaccination are bright.
This study aimed to determine the nutrient contents in tempe produced by five cottage industries in Selangor, Malaysia.
Proximate contents were analysed by using standard methods of AOAC (1997) while carbohydrate content was calculated
by difference. Mineral contents, total dietary fiber (TDF), total phenolic content and total isoflavone content were
determined by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS), enzymatic-gravimetric (AOAC 985.29), Folin-Ciocalteu
colorimetric and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) respectively. Macronutrients were reported in 100
g sample and the results showed the average nutrient contents were as follow: 63.07 ± 3.18% moisture, 19.63 ± 1.50%
protein, 0.65 ± 0.17% fat, 0.70 ± 0.06% ash and 15.95 ± 1.88% total carbohydrate. The average mineral content in 100
g samples (based on wet basis) were 29.45 ± 5.67 mg calcium, 13.28 ± 5.76 mg magnesium, 3.48 ± 1.09 mg sodium and
2.06 ± 0.33 mg ferum. The results showed that the average of TDF content was 8.05 ± 3.65%. Total phenolic content
was 259.87 ± 22.62 mg of GAE/g. The total isoflavone content in 100 g samples (wet basis) was 41.94 ± 10.42 mg/100
g. This study had shown that total phenolic content was significantly correlated (p < 0.01) with total isoflavone content
in all tempe samples. It can be concluded that there was no significant difference (p > 0.05) in nutrient contents among
tempe samples produced by five cottage industries located in Selangor, Malaysia. However, the mineral and isoflavone
contents in the present study were lower compared to previous studies.
Many problems associated with the mixing process remain unsolved and result in poor mixing performance. The residence time distribution (RTD) and the mixing time are the most important parameters that determine the homogenisation that is achieved in the mixing vessel and are discussed in detail in this paper. In addition, this paper reviews the current problems associated with conventional tracers, mathematical models, and computational fluid dynamics simulations involved in radiotracer experiments and hybrid of radiotracer.