Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 698 in total

  1. Perera AT, Newport R, McKenzie KJ
    Exp Brain Res, 2017 06;235(6):1809-1821.
    PMID: 28293693 DOI: 10.1007/s00221-017-4935-2
    The dynamic flexibility of body representation has been highlighted through numerous lines of research that range from clinical studies reporting disorders of body ownership, to experimentally induced somatic illusions that have provided evidence for the embodiment of manipulated representations and even fake limbs. While most studies have reported that enlargement of body parts alters somatic perception, and that these can be more readily embodied, shrunken body parts have not been found to consistently alter somatic experiences, perhaps due to reduced feelings of ownership over smaller body parts. Over two experiments, we aimed to investigate the mechanisms responsible for altered somatic representations following exposure to both enlarged and shrunken body parts. Participants were given the impression that their hand and index finger were either longer or shorter than veridical length and asked to judge veridical finger length using online and offline size estimation tasks, as well as to report the degree of ownership towards the distorted finger and hand representations. Ownership was claimed over all distorted representations of the hand and finger and no differences were seen across ownership ratings, while the online and offline measurements of perceived size demonstrated differing response patterns. These findings suggest that ownership towards manipulated body representations is more bidirectional than previously thought and also suggest differences in perceived body representation with respect to the method of measurement suggesting that online and offline tasks may tap into different aspects of body representation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Size Perception/physiology*; Visual Perception/physiology*
  2. Gurbinder Kaur, J.S., Hamidah, H., Blackman, I., Belan, I.
    Medicine & Health, 2011;6(2):86-97.
    Stress has a negative effect on student nurses well-being and can impede learning or motivate them and is conducive to learning. This study examined the perceived stress and factors that influenced daily students’ life among both the Diploma and Bachelor of Nursing students. A total of 241 nursing students were involved in this research project. Findings of this study indicated that junior nursing students (
    Matched MeSH terms: Perception
  3. Yusoff MSB
    Professional behavior is an area of medical education that has long been of concern to medical educator. Professional behavior is one of the domains of the professionalism and it’s a behavior reflection of professionalism. But in spite of its perceived importance, until recently it has not been actively taught or reliably assessed. The purposes of this writing are:
    1) To provide appropriate definition of professional behavior.
    2) To identify characteristics of professional behavior.
    3) To identify valid and reliable assessment tools to assess professional behavior.
    Matched MeSH terms: Perception
  4. Hill JO
    Science has been defined as 'a way of knowing' which is, in certain respects, unlike other ways of knowing. While some forms of knowledge are highly personal and intuitive, the methods of science are designed to be as objective and impersonal as possible. Science has been referred to as 'public knowledge' because of its procedures for verification involve the whole of society. Science is also 'organised knowledge' because it is systematic and because it is supported by a group of social institutions without which it could not exist in its modern form. For many decades, Fensham, an internationally recognised science educator, has been one of the most important and consistent voices for the reform of science education based on his vision of a democratic and socially responsible science education for all, based on the fundamental premise that if society is to understand the world it must be educated in the principles of science upon which a sustainable world is premised. Thus, science has a real place in society and a social responsibility. From a chemistry perspective, this enabling science is perceived by society as irrelevant to the real world and the cause of many of the evils of the world. This paper addresses the pivotal role of chemistry both in science education and in the social responsibility of science campaign and simultaneously shows how chemistry is at the leading edge of sustainable science in both a scientific and social context.
    Sains telah ditakrifkan sebagai 'suatu cara mengetahui'. Dalam ertikata tertentu, takrif ini berlainan dengan cara-cara mengetahui hal-hal lain. Sesetengah bentuk pengetahuan sangatlah tersendiri dan intuitif, namun kaedah sains direkabentuk sedemikian sehingga sejauh mungkin ia berobjektif dan tidak tersendiri. Sains telah dirujukkan sebagai 'pengetahuan awam' kerana prosedur pensahihannya melibatkan seluruh masyarakat. Sains juga merupakan 'pengetahuan yang tersusun' kerana ini bersistem dan kerana ia disokong oleh kumpulan institusi sosial. Tanpa sokongan ini sains tidak boleh wujud dalam bentuk modemnya. Selama beberapa dekad yang lalu, Fensham, seorang ahli pendidikan sains yang diiktiraf antarabangsa, merupakan seorang penggiat yang penting dan konsisten dalam menyuarakan pendapat ke arah perubahan pendidikan sains berdasarkan visinya, iaitu pendidikan sains untuk semua secara demokratik dan bertanggungjawab kepada masyarakat, berlandaskan kepada premis asas bahawa jika masyarakat hendak memahami dunia, maka ia mestilah dididik dalam prinsip-prinsip sains dengan prinsip-prinsip itu sendiri dijadikan premos bagi sebuah dunia mampan. Dengan demikian, sains mempunyai tempatnya yang sebenar dalam masyarakat dan mempunyai tanggungjawab kemasyarakatan. Dari perspektif kimia, masyarakat bertanggapan bahawa sains tersebut tidaklah relevan dalam dunia nyata dan merupakan penyebab kepada banyak keburukan dalam dunia ini. Kertas ini mengupas peranan pengimbangan bidang kimia dalam pendidikan sains dan dalam tanggungjawab sosial kempen sains dan sekali gus menunjukkan bahawa kimia adalah teraju bagi sains mampan dalam kedua-dua konteks sainstifik dan sosial.
    Matched MeSH terms: Perception
  5. Aktar R, Satu FY
    The aim of the present study was to investigate whether there is any difference between individuals with diabetes and without diabetes in their perceived stress, use of coping strategies and psychological well-being. A comparative study was conducted on 240 Bangladeshi adult participants. Among them 120 participants were with diabetes ranging in age from 27 through 56 years (M = 40.10 years
    Matched MeSH terms: Perception
  6. Az’lina Abdul Hadi, Noorezatty Mohd Yusop, Nornadiah Mohd Razali, Zuraida Khairudin, Noraziah Mohd Razali
    Statistics plays a vital role in various spheres of life. Choosing the right statistical analysis is one of the most crucial aspects in statistics. Some researchers especially those who have minimal statistical background, are often having difficulties in choosing the right statistical analysis for their study. Inappropriate analysis may produce misleading results at the end of the study. Hence, mySTATS Tracker was created as an alternative tool to assist the researcher in determining the right statistical analysis. The aim of this study was to gauge the effectiveness of using mySTATS Tracker in identifying the most appropriate statistical analysis based on the supplied input. In addition, this study intended to determine whether there was significant difference in score based on gender and faculties. The difference in the perception towards the usefulness and effectiveness of this application based on faculties was also investigated. A sample of 55 undergraduate students with various background have participated in this study. The sample of students were asked to answer a set of questions with (posttest) and without (pre-test) using mySTATS Tracker. Then, the score obtained was recorded and analysed. Gap analysis and Independent t-test were applied in achieving the objectives of the study. The results showed that there was a significant difference in scores between pre-test and post-test, p < 0.05. It could be concluded that the users scored significantly higher and answered the questions in a significantly shorter time using mySTATS Tracker compared to without using it. The study also found that there was a significant difference in score based on gender and faculties, p < 0.05. Furthermore, there was a significant difference in the perception of the usefulness and effectiveness of this application based on respective faculties. In overall, mySTATS Tracker has received a positive feedback from the potential users. This study has proven that mySTATS Tracker is a good alternative solution in suggesting the right statistical analysis to the users
    Matched MeSH terms: Perception
  7. Walker P, Bremner JG, Lunghi M, Dolscheid S, D Barba B, Simion F
    Dev Psychobiol, 2018 03;60(2):216-223.
    PMID: 29355921 DOI: 10.1002/dev.21603
    Amodal (redundant) and arbitrary cross-sensory feature associations involve the context-insensitive mapping of absolute feature values across sensory domains. Cross-sensory associations of a different kind, known as correspondences, involve the context-sensitive mapping of relative feature values. Are such correspondences in place at birth (like amodal associations), or are they learned from subsequently experiencing relevant feature co-occurrences in the world (like arbitrary associations)? To decide between these two possibilities, human newborns (median age = 44 hr) watched animations in which two balls alternately rose and fell together in space. The pitch of an accompanying sound rose and fell either congruently with this visual change (pitch rising and falling as the balls moved up and down), or incongruently (pitch rising and falling as the balls moved down and up). Newborns' looking behavior was sensitive to this congruence, providing the strongest indication to date that cross-sensory correspondences can be in place at birth.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motion Perception/physiology*; Pitch Perception/physiology*
  8. Jane Ling MY, Ahmad N, Aizuddin AN
    PLoS One, 2023;18(6):e0286518.
    PMID: 37262079 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0286518
    BACKGROUND: The burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) is increasing. Risk perception of NCDs is an important factor towards the uptake of preventive health interventions. There are various questionnaires assessing risk perception of NCDs, but no internationally standardized questionnaire has been available. Identification of factors associated with risk perception of NCDs may facilitate the development of targeted interventions. This systematic review aims to identify available questionnaire assessing risk perception of NCDs and the factors associated with risk perception of NCDs.

    METHODS: The reporting of this systematic review is in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. We carried out a literature search through three databases (Scopus, PubMed, Web of Science) and targeted original article published in English between 2012 and 2021. Quality appraisal of the eligible articles was conducted using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool. Findings were synthesized using content analysis.

    RESULTS: A total of 86 studies were included. We found a variety of questionnaires assessing risk perception of NCDs, with many differences in their development, domains, items and validity. We also identified several personal, sociopsychological and structural factors associated with risk perception of NCDs.

    LIMITATIONS: Most of the included studies were of cross-sectional design, and therefore the quality of evidence was considered low and exhibit a high risk of bias. The role of publication bias within this systematic review should be acknowledged as we did not include grey literature. Additionally, language bias must be considered as we only included English-language publications.

    CONCLUSION: Further development and testing of available questionnaire is warranted to ensure their robustness and validity in measuring risk perception of NCDs. All the identified factors deserve further exploration in longitudinal and experimental studies.

    Matched MeSH terms: Perception
  9. Lujie D, Lin C, Liao Q, Qiu S
    PLoS One, 2024;19(9):e0305290.
    PMID: 39226324 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0305290
    The objective of this study is to evaluate users' perceptions and preferences on the design features of the COVID-19 prevention promotion icon from the perspective of users' aesthetic and perceptual needs. In this study, 120 officially published icons from 24 countries and regions were collected from online platforms for ranking tests, and then the top-ranked icons were subjectively rated by the semantic differential method. By evaluating the quality of users' perceptions of multiple semantic dimensions of icons, we extracted the perceptual semantic words that users valued as the main icon design features. Spearmen correlations were applied to derive possible correlations between user rankings and semantic scales, and a Friedman test was also conducted to determine the true differences in user perceptions and preferences for different styles of icons. Factor analysis was conducted to extract six perceptual words that influence the design features of the COVID-19 prevention promotion icon. The methodology adopted in this study facilitated the screening of design features related to icon effectiveness, and the findings show that "Interesting," "Simple," "Familiar, "Recognizable," "Concrete," and "Close(semantic distance)" are the key features that influence users' perception and preference of COVID-19 icon design. The results of this study can be used as the basis for designing and improving publicity icons for preventive measures in COVID-19, and the methods adopted in this study can be applied to evaluate other types of icon design.
    Matched MeSH terms: Perception
  10. Al-Dubai SA, Al-Naggar RA, Alshagga MA, Rampal KG
    Malays J Med Sci, 2011 Jul;18(3):57-64.
    PMID: 22135602 MyJurnal
    Stress may affect students' health and their academic performance. Coping strategies are specific efforts that individuals employ to manage stress. This study aimed to assess the perception of stress among medical students and their coping strategies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Perception
  11. Myint K, See-Ziau H, Husain R, Ismail R
    Malays J Med Sci, 2016 May;23(3):49-56.
    PMID: 27418869
    An equitable and positive learning environment fosters deep self-directed learning in students and, consequently, good practice in their profession. Although demotivating weaknesses may lead to repeated day-to-day stress with a cascade of deleterious consequences at both personal and professional levels, a possible relationship between these parameters has not been reported. This study was undertaken to determine the relationship between students' perceptions of their educational environment and their stress levels.
    Matched MeSH terms: Perception
  12. Qazi A, Raj RG, Tahir M, Waheed M, Waheed M, Khan SU, et al.
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:872929.
    PMID: 24711739 DOI: 10.1155/2014/872929
    Existing opinion mining studies have focused on and explored only two types of reviews, that is, regular and comparative. There is a visible gap in determining the useful review types from customers and designers perspective. Based on Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and statistical measures we examine users' perception about different review types and its effects in terms of behavioral intention towards using online review system. By using sample of users (N = 400) and designers (N = 106), current research work studies three review types, A (regular), B (comparative), and C (suggestive), which are related to perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and behavioral intention. The study reveals that positive perception of the use of suggestive reviews improves users' decision making in business intelligence. The results also depict that type C (suggestive reviews) could be considered a new useful review type in addition to other types, A and B.
    Matched MeSH terms: Perception*
  13. Syed Ahmad SM, Loo LY, Wan Adnan WA, Md Anwar R
    J Forensic Sci, 2017 Mar;62(2):374-381.
    PMID: 28000207 DOI: 10.1111/1556-4029.13303
    This study presents a wavelet analysis of resultant velocity features belonging to genuine and forged groups of signature sample. Signatures of individuals were initially classified based on visual human perceptions of their relative sizes, complexities, and legibilities of the genuine counterparts. Then, the resultant velocity was extracted and modeled through wavelet analysis from each sample. The wavelet signal was decomposed into several layers based on maximum overlap discrete wavelet transform (MODWT). Next, the zero crossing rate features were calculated from all the high wavelet sub-bands. A total of seven hypotheses were then tested using a two-way ANOVA testing methodology. Of these, four hypotheses were conducted to test for significance differences between distributions. In addition, three hypotheses were run to provide test for interaction between two factors of signature authentication versus perceived classification. The results demonstrated that both feature distributions belonging to genuine and forged groups of samples cannot be distinguished by themselves. Instead, they were significantly different under the influence of two other inherent factors, namely perceived size and legibility. Such new findings are useful information particularly in providing bases for forensic justifications in establishing the authenticity of handwritten signature specimens.
    Matched MeSH terms: Size Perception; Visual Perception
  14. Amri NA, Quar TK, Chong FY, Bagatto M
    Int J Audiol, 2022 11;61(11):924-931.
    PMID: 34859745 DOI: 10.1080/14992027.2021.2005832
    OBJECTIVE: This study examined the accuracy of hearing aid output to DSL v5.0 Child targets in a group of children who wear hearing aids, and the impact on their auditory outcomes.

    DESIGN: For each participant, the output of the initial hearing aid fitting was compared to DSL v5.0 Child prescriptive targets and again after the fitting was adjusted using coupler-based verification and RECD measures. Outcomes for initial and adjusted fittings were examined using the Speech Intelligibility Index (SII), Parent's Evaluation of Aural/Oral Performance of Children (PEACH) rating scale, and speech perception tests in quiet and noise.

    STUDY SAMPLE: Sixty-eight children aged 3 months to 17 years with moderate to profound hearing loss participated in the study.

    RESULTS: Fit-to-targets improved significantly after hearing aids were adjusted to match targets to within 5 dB RMSE. Adjusted hearing aids provided increased aided audibility compared to initial fittings and resulted in improved speech perception scores and parent-reported hearing performance. Fifty percent of the children aged 6 to 17 years preferred their adjusted fitting compared to 10% who preferred their initial fitting.

    CONCLUSIONS: Improvement in fit-to-target to a validated paediatric prescriptive formula using best practice procedures can result in improved auditory outcomes and possible self-reported satisfaction.

    Matched MeSH terms: Speech Perception*
  15. Mok CZ, Sellappans R, Ee Loo JS
    Int J Pharm Pract, 2021 Feb 10;29(1):29-36.
    PMID: 32715568 DOI: 10.1111/ijpp.12660
    OBJECTIVES: Self-medication, while potentially beneficial, also brings certain risks such as inappropriate treatment and adverse effects. In this study, we determine the prevalence and perception towards self-medication among adults living in the Klang Valley, Malaysia.

    METHODS: This study was a cross-sectional study which sampled 562 respondents across the Klang Valley, Malaysia using a stratified quota sampling method and a self-administered questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of three sections: demographic data, self-medication practices and perception towards self-medication. Perception towards self-medication was measured using 20 statements with a 5-point Likert scale. Descriptive and inferential tests as well as factor analysis were used to analyse the data.

    KEY FINDINGS: The overall prevalence of self-medication for minor ailments was 63.5%. Self-medication was practised to a similar degree regardless of respondent demographics. Respondents most frequently obtained their medicines for self-medication of minor ailments from pharmacies without consulting the pharmacist (68.6%), followed by using leftover medications at home (44.8%) and obtaining medicines from friends and family (16.0%). Factor analysis revealed that self-medication behaviour is driven by good perception towards self-medication in terms of efficacy, safety and convenience, as well as by previous personal or shared experiences.

    CONCLUSION: The prevalence of self-medication is high among adults in the Klang Valley, Malaysia. Adults who self-medicate view the consequences of self-medication in a positive light and may be influenced by previous personal or shared experiences. As certain risks with self-medication may be underestimated, efforts to educate the public while promoting a more proactive approach among healthcare professionals should be encouraged.

    Matched MeSH terms: Perception*
  16. Peng L, Peng Y, Luo H, Deng Y
    PLoS One, 2023;18(5):e0285853.
    PMID: 37235592 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0285853
    OBJECTIVE: Everyone in life will experience resource scarcity, which causes self-discrepancy. It is widely known that individuals participate in reactive consumption to solve the problems of self-discrepancy and resources scarcity. This kind of consumption may be symbolically related to the essence of the resource scarcity or may occur in an unrelated domain. This study proposes a theory for "filling up" one's resource scarcity through high-intensity sensory consumption (HISC).

    METHODS: We used different methods, including one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), linear regression, mediating effect, and moderating effect, to test the four hypotheses. Four experiments in the study were conducted from May 2022 and August 2022 and involved undergraduates from a university and volunteers recruited online. All participants are adults and verbally agree to participate voluntarily. Study 1a (N = 96 (male 47, female 49), participants from a business school in China) measured resource scarcity in the laboratory experiments and verified the effect of resource scarcity on consumer HISC preference by using linear regression (H1). Study 1b (N = 191 (male 98, female 93), students and teachers from a university in China) measured resource scarcity in the laboratory experiments and manipulated positively and negatively valenced experiences. Using the PROCESS SPSS Mode l, we verified that negatively valenced stimuli also lead to higher levels of arousal, which in turn restores the self-discrepancy caused by resource scarcity (H2). Study 2 (an online experiment, N = 182 (male 91, female 91), participants from China) manipulated the resource scarcity in a color sensory stimulant context, replicating the preliminary effect and examined the mediating effect of the self-worth by using the PROCESS SPSS Mode 4 (H3). Study 3 (an online experiment, N = 251 (male 125, female 126), participants from China) manipulated resource scarcity and self-acceptance in the tactile sensory experience, and tested the moderating effect of self-acceptance by using the PROCESS SPSS Mode 8 (H4).

    RESULTS: Four studies suggest that not only do individuals facing resources scarcity prefer HISC but also that this consumption is mediated and moderated by self-worth and self-acceptance, respectively. This preference for HISC is negated when individuals have high self-acceptance traits. The findings are tested in the auditory domain (as evidenced by a propensity for louder volume), the visual domain (as evidenced by a propensity for more intense colors), and the tactile domain (as evidenced by a propensity for more intense need for touch). The findings also demonstrate that individual preferences for HISC is shown to operate regardless of the valence (positive valence vs. negative valence) of the sensory consumption.

    CONCLUSIONS: Across four experiments, we find that individuals who are subjected to resource scarcity show a preference for high-intensity sensory consumption in the auditory, visual, and tactile domains. We also find that both negatively and positively valenced sensory stimuli have the same impact on resource-scarce individuals' preference for HISC. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the sense of self-worth significantly mediates the effect of resource scarcity on HISC. Finally, we reveal that self-acceptance moderates the effect of resource scarcity on HISC preference.

    Matched MeSH terms: Touch Perception*
  17. Katiri R, Hall DA, Killan CF, Smith S, Prayuenyong P, Kitterick PT
    Trials, 2021 Mar 20;22(1):220.
    PMID: 33743802 DOI: 10.1186/s13063-021-05160-5
    BACKGROUND: This systematic review aimed to identify, compare and contrast outcome domains and outcome instruments reported in studies investigating interventions that seek to restore bilateral (two-sided) and/or binaural (both ears) hearing in adults with single-sided deafness (SSD). Findings can inform the development of evidence-based guidance to facilitate design decisions for confirmatory trials.

    METHODS: Records were identified by searching MEDLINE, EMBASE, PubMed, CINAHL, ClinicalTrials.gov, ISRCTN, CENTRAL, WHO ICTRP and the NIHR UK clinical trials gateway. The search included records published from 1946 to March 2020. Included studies were those as follows: (a) recruiting adults aged 18 years or older diagnosed with SSD of average threshold severity worse than 70 dB HL in the worse-hearing ear and normal (or near-normal) hearing in the better-hearing ear, (b) evaluating interventions to restore bilateral and/or binaural hearing and (c) enrolling those adults in a controlled trial, before-and-after study or cross-over study. Studies that fell just short of the participant eligibility criteria were included in a separate sensitivity analysis.

    RESULTS: Ninety-six studies were included (72 full inclusion, 24 sensitivity analysis). For fully included studies, 37 exclusively evaluated interventions to re-establish bilateral hearing and 29 exclusively evaluated interventions to restore binaural hearing. Overall, 520 outcome domains were identified (350 primary and 170 secondary). Speech-related outcome domains were the most common (74% of studies), followed by spatial-related domains (60% of studies). A total of 344 unique outcome instruments were reported. Speech-related outcome domains were measured by 73 different instruments and spatial-related domains by 43 different instruments. There was considerable variability in duration of follow-up, ranging from acute (baseline) testing to 10 years after the intervention. The sensitivity analysis identified no additional outcome domains.

    CONCLUSIONS: This review identified large variability in the reporting of outcome domains and instruments in studies evaluating the therapeutic benefits and harms of SSD interventions. Reports frequently omitted information on what domains the study intended to assess, and on what instruments were used to measure which domains.

    TRIAL REGISTRATION: The systematic review protocol is registered on PROSPERO (International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews): Registration Number CRD42018084274 . Registered on 13 March 2018, last revised on 7th of May 2019.

    Matched MeSH terms: Speech Perception*
  18. Kalckert A, Perera AT, Ganesan Y, Tan E
    Exp Brain Res, 2019 Jul;237(7):1821-1832.
    PMID: 31079236 DOI: 10.1007/s00221-019-05539-6
    The rubber hand illusion (RHI) is a perceptual phenomenon in which participants experience ownership over a fake model hand through synchronous visuotactile stimulation. Several studies have shown that the illusion occurs only when both hands are in close proximity to each other. In the present study, we systematically examined the role of relative position (lateral, distal) and distance (13-75 cm) of the model hand (with respect to participants' real hand) on illusion experience across both lateral and distal positions. Furthermore, we also compared different facets of the subjective illusion experience; the experience of the model hand being part of one's body (i.e., ownership) and the perceptual fusion of vision and touch (i.e., referral of touch). In two experiments we observed indications for a stronger illusion experiences in distal compared to lateral positions of identical distances, indicating that the illusory effects may vary as a function of the relative position of the hand. Our results also showed that manipulations of distance differently modulated both facets of the illusion. While ownership was restricted to near distances, referral of touch sensations remained stable at farther distances. These results are interpreted in relation to variations in sensory weighting across different planes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Distance Perception/physiology*; Space Perception/physiology; Touch Perception/physiology*
  19. Abdullah BJ, Ng KH
    Br J Radiol, 2001 Aug;74(884):675-6.
    PMID: 11511489
    Matched MeSH terms: Visual Perception*
  20. Uesaki M, Ashida H, Kitaoka A, Pasqualotto A
    Sci Rep, 2019 10 08;9(1):14440.
    PMID: 31595003 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-50912-8
    Changes in the retinal size of stationary objects provide a cue to the observer's motion in the environment: Increases indicate the observer's forward motion, and decreases backward motion. In this study, a series of images each comprising a pair of pine-tree figures were translated into auditory modality using sensory substitution software. Resulting auditory stimuli were presented in an ascending sequence (i.e. increasing in intensity and bandwidth compatible with forward motion), descending sequence (i.e. decreasing in intensity and bandwidth compatible with backward motion), or in a scrambled order. During the presentation of stimuli, blindfolded participants estimated the lengths of wooden sticks by haptics. Results showed that those exposed to the stimuli compatible with forward motion underestimated the lengths of the sticks. This consistent underestimation may share some aspects with visual size-contrast effects such as the Ebbinghaus illusion. In contrast, participants in the other two conditions did not show such magnitude of error in size estimation; which is consistent with the "adaptive perceptual bias" towards acoustic increases in intensity and bandwidth. In sum, we report a novel cross-modal size-contrast illusion, which reveals that auditory motion cues compatible with listeners' forward motion modulate haptic representations of object size.
    Matched MeSH terms: Auditory Perception; Visual Perception
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