Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 208 in total

  1. Omar WM
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2010 Dec;21(2):51-67.
    PMID: 24575199
    Algal communities possess many attributes as biological indicators of spatial and temporal environmental changes. Algal parameters, especially the community structural and functional variables that have been used in biological monitoring programs, are highlighted in this document. Biological indicators like algae have only recently been included in water quality assessments in some areas of Malaysia. The use of algal parameters in identifying various types of water degradation is essential and complementary to other environmental indicators.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Quality
  2. Wan Maznah Wan Omar
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2010;21(2):-.
    Algal communities possess many attributes as biological indicators of spatial and temporal environmental changes. Algal parameters, especially the community structural and functional variables that have been used in biological monitoring programs, are highlighted in this document. Biological indicators like algae have only recently been included in water quality assessments in some areas of Malaysia. The use of algal parameters in identifying various types of water degradation is essential and complementary to other environmental indicators.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Quality
  3. Zainol NFM, Zainuddin AH, Looi LJ, Aris AZ, Isa NM, Sefie A, et al.
    PMID: 34071804 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18115733
    Rapid urbanization and industrial development in the Langat Basin has disturbed the groundwater quality. The populations' reliance on groundwater sources may induce possible risks to human health such as cancer and endocrine dysfunction. This study aims to determine the groundwater quality of an urbanized basin through 24 studied hydrochemical parameters from 45 groundwater samples obtained from 15 different sampling stations by employing integrated multivariate analysis. The abundance of the major ions was in the following order: bicarbonate (HCO3-) > chloride (Cl-) > sodium (Na+) > sulphate (SO42-) > calcium (Ca2+) > potassium (K+) > magnesium (Mg2+). Heavy metal dominance was in the following order: Fe > Mn > Zn > As > Hg > Pb > Ni > Cu > Cd > Se > Sr. Classification of the groundwater facies indicated that the studied groundwater belongs to the Na-Cl with saline water type and Na-HCO3 with mix water type characteristics. The saline water type characteristics are derived from agricultural activities, while the mixed water types occur from water-rock interaction. Multivariate analysis performance suggests that industrial, agricultural, and weathering activities have contributed to groundwater contamination. The study will help in the understanding of the groundwater quality issue and serve as a reference for other basins with similar characteristics.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Quality
  4. Ho, C. L. I., Choo, B. Q.
    In this paper, stormwater runoff from a residential catchment located in Miri, Sarawak, was characterized to determine the pollutant concentrations and loading. The observed average event mean concentrations were 116 mg/L for TSS, 115 mg/L for COD, 1.5 mg/L for NH3-N, and 0.23 mg/L for Pb. Based on Interim National Water Quality Standards (INWQS) for Malaysia, the average event mean concentration, EMC value for TSS exceeded class II (50 mg/L), exceeded class V (>100 mg/L) for COD, and exceeded class III (0.9 mg/L) for NH3-N. All four water quality parameters exhibited first flush characteristic but to varying magnitude which was influenced by the storm characteristics.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Quality
  5. Chong, Chee Kheong, Vijayakumar, G., Teoh, Leong Hooi, Siti Zubaidah, A.R., Mohamed Sapian, M., Abdul Rahim, A.
    Water filters are being increasingly promoted and used in the home. There are many types of commercial water jilters available for domestic use but almost all of them employ a physical filter media and an activated substance. The study showed that water filters effectively removed suspended solids and residual chlorine. However, as far as removing colhform bacteria is concerned, in ZZ .5% of the cases, bacteria were in fact introduced into the water. And in 20% ofthe cases, the amount of bacteria introduced was “too numerous to count (TNTC)". Furthermore, water hlters can lose their ability to filter bacteria without losing their ability to filter suspended solids and residual chlorine. This highlights the necessity of some authorized body looking into the claims made by these water filter manufacturers and impose certain standards to ensure that at the very least, the water quality ofthe hltered water is not worse than the unfiltered water.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Quality
  6. Ng CK, Ooi PA, Wong WL, Khoo G
    J Environ Manage, 2020 Feb 01;255:109829.
    PMID: 31783208 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.109829
    Anthropogenic pressures are causing substantial degradation to the freshwater ecosystems globally and Malaysia has not escaped such a bleak scenario. Prompted by the predicament, this study's objective was to pioneer a river assessment system that can be readily adopted to monitor, manage and drive improvement in a wholesome manner. Three sets of a priori metrics were selected to form the Ichthyofaunal Quality Index (IQI: biological), Water Quality Index (WQI: chemical) and River Physical Quality Index (RPQI: physical). These indices were further integrated on equal weighting to construct a novel Malaysian River Integrity Index (MyRII). To test its robustness, the MyRII protocol was field tested in four eco-hydrological zones located in the Kampar River water basin for 18 months to reveal its strengths, weaknesses, and establish the "excellent", "good", "average", "poor" and "impaired" thresholds based on the "best performer" reference site in an empirical manner. The resultant MyRII showed a clear trend that corresponded with different levels of river impairment. Test site zone A which was a reference site with minimal disturbance achieved the highest MyRII (88.95 ± 4.29), followed by partially disturbed zone B (61.95 ± 5.90) and heavily disturbed zone C (50.00 ± 4.29). However, the MyRII in zone D (59.9 ± 6.39), which was a heavily disturbed wetland that was disjointed from the river, did not conform to such trend. Also unveiled and recognized, however, are some unexpected nuances, limitations and challenges that emerged from this study. These are critically discussed as precautions when interpreting and implementing the MyRII protocol. This study adds to the mounting body of evidence that water resource stakeholders and policymakers must look at the big picture and adopt the "balanced ecosystem" mind-set when assessing, restoring and managing the rivers as a freshwater resource.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Quality
  7. Mokhtar b. Abdullah
    Multicollinearity that may exist among explanatory variables in a regression model can make the regression coefficients insignificant and difficult to interpret. Principal component regression (PCR) is an effective way for solving multicollinearity in regression analysis. The existence of multicollinearity mayor may not be induced by the presence of influential observations. This paper discusses some diagnostic methods for identifying influential observations in the PCR. A data set on water quality of New York Rivers was considered to illustrate the methods.
    Multikolinearan yang wujud di kalangan pembolehubah penerang dalam model regresi boleh menyebabkan pekali regresi tidak bererti dan sukar untuk ditafsirkan. Regresi komponen utama (PCR) merupakan cara yang berkesan bagi menyelesaikan masalah multikolinearan dalam analisis regresi. Kewujudan multikolinearan mungkin disebabkan oleh data terpencil yang berpengaruh. Kertas ini membincangkan beberapa kaedah pengecaman bagi mengenalpasti data berpengaruh dalam PCR. Data tentang kualiti air di beberapa batang sungai di New York digunakan untuk memperihalkan kaedah pengecaman yang disarankan.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Quality
  8. Mohd Shafiq Zakeyuddin, Amir Shah Ruddin Md Sah, Mohd Syaiful Mohammad, Nurul Fazlinda Mohd Fadzil, Zarul Hazrin Hashim, Wan Maznah Wan Omar
    Sains Malaysiana, 2016;45:853-863.
    A study of spatial and temporal variations on water quality and trophic status was conducted twice a month from December
    2012 to January 2014 in four sampling stations at Bukit Merah Reservoir (BMR). The concentration of dissolved oxygen
    (DO), water temperature, conductivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), total phosphorous (TP), PO4
    , NO2
    , NO3
    , NH4
    + and
    net primary productivity had significant differences temporally (p<0.05) except for pH, total suspended solids (TSS)
    and chlorophyll-a. Based on correlation analysis, the amount of rainfall and rain days has negatively correlated with
    secchi depth and chlorophyll-a (p<0.01). The water level has significantly decreased the value of the temperature, pH,
    conductivity, TP and NO2
    but it has positive correlation with NO3
    and NH4
    +. Discharged from Sungai Kurau increased
    the value of conductivity, TSS, TP and NO2
    as a result from runoff and erosion, thus decreasing the secchi depth values,
    and NH4
    +. The water quality of BMR is classified in Class II and TSI indicates that the BMR has an intermediate level
    of productivity (mesotrophic) and meets the objective of this reservoir which was to provide water for paddy irrigation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Quality
  9. Ahmad A, Abd. Aziz Z, Shuhaimi-Othman M
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:1657-1663.
    A study on the chironomids (Diptera:Chironomidae) diversity at pristine ecosystem was carried out at upstream of Sungai Langat, Selangor. The study determines chironomids distribution and composition at 7 streams and river within the upstream site of Langat Catchment. Chironomid was sampled using Surber net and water quality was measured based on Malaysia WQI. The result indicated that Chironomidae was represented by three subfamilies namely Chironominae, Orthocladiinae and Tanypodinae, which comprises of 2502 individuals. Chironominae was the most dominant subfamily (1619 individuals) followed by Orthocladinae (629 individuals) and Tanypodinae (254 individuals). Polypedilum (subfamily: Chironominae) is the most dominant genus found followed by Rheocricotopus (subfamily: Orthocladiinae), Microtendipes and Cryptochironomus. Polypedilum was abundant in all stations except Sg. Langat 3 which was dominated by Rheocricotopus. Sungai Langat 3 has the highest number of individual (1113) which is (44.5%) from total chironomid individual and followed by Sg. Lolo with 468 individuals that were dominated by Polypedilum.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Quality
  10. Suresh Raj PR, Mohan Viswanathan P
    Chemosphere, 2023 Mar;316:137838.
    PMID: 36642142 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2023.137838
    In this study, estuarine water samples were collected at diverse hot spots in Miri River Estuary, East Malaysia to appraise the geochemical processes, which controls the river water quality. The collected water samples were analysed for various physicochemical parameters (insitu parameters, nutrients, major ions and trace metals), including stable isotopes (oxygen and hydrogen). Suspended solids are also extracted from the water samples and analysed for trace metals. Standard graphs, Piper plot, Gibbs diagram, water quality indices, geochemical modelling and statistical analysis were used for the data analysis. The acquired water quality data was compared with national and international guidelines for the suitability of water for various purposes. Interpretation of data reveals that the estuarine water quality is deemed unsuitable to be used for both drinking and irrigation purposes. Overall, the elemental concentrations are increasing from downstream to river mouth. Based on pollution indices (HEI and Cd), downstream region shows high vulnerability to metal pollution due to anthropogenic disturbance. Isotope values of river water indicate direct atmospheric precipitation with minimal evaporation. Factor analysis reveals that seawater influx, urban pollution, domestic and agricultural discharges at the downstream region are the main controlling factors to the river water quality. It is also deduced that suspended solids play a vital role in the adsorption and desorption of trace metals in the estuarine water. The outcome of this study provides a comprehensive information on pollution status of Miri estuary, which helps the policy makers to practice sustainable management of this water resource for Miri community.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Quality
  11. Rathinasamy V, Mohamad ET, Komoo I, Legiman MKA, Romanah NA, Hanapi MNB
    Environ Monit Assess, 2023 Jun 16;195(7):850.
    PMID: 37326879 DOI: 10.1007/s10661-023-11453-w
    Jurong Formation underlies part of Southern Johor Bahru which comprises well cemented and consolidated volcanic-sedimentary rocks. The study aims to assess quality and hydrogeochemistry of rock aquifer in Jurong Formation at Southern Johor Bahru which is mainly overlain by rhyolitic tuff. It also evaluates the differences in quality and hydrogeochemistry of rhyolitic tuff aquifer found in source and floodplain zones of South-West Johor Rivers Basin. In this study, a total of nine samples from four wells, namely TW1-TW4, were collected at foothills of Gunung Pulai (TW1) and Iskandar Puteri (TW2-TW4) in Southern Johor Bahru. The samples were examined for physiochemical parameters. The groundwater in the study area is fresh and non-saline with hardness of soft to hard. The pH of groundwater in source zone is significantly higher than in floodplain zone. Meanwhile, the hardness of groundwater in source zone is significantly lower than in other deep wells in floodplain zone as more calcite mineral is present. The concentration of manganese, iron and zinc is lower at source zone than floodplain zone. Three facies of water types were encountered during the study such as CaNaHCO3 in TW2, CaHCO3 in TW1 and TW3 and CaCl2 in TW4. The deep wells in floodplain zone are susceptible to saline intrusion. Finally, the groundwater quality in the study area is found to control by rock weathering especially silicates and carbonates, rainfall and proximity to seawater. This suggests the major control on groundwater chemistry is due to leaching of volcanic rocks and dissolution on calcite infillings. In conclusion, the groundwater is clean and safe in general although pH value is slightly acidic closer to straits and magnesium's presence in higher concentration at TW2.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Quality
  12. Liu B, Lee CW, Bong CW, Wang AJ
    PeerJ, 2024;12:e16556.
    PMID: 38223759 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.16556
    BACKGROUND: Escherichia coli is a commonly used faecal indicator bacterium to assess the level of faecal contamination in aquatic habitats. However, extensive studies have reported that sediment acts as a natural reservoir of E. coli in the extraintestinal environment. E. coli can be released from the sediment, and this may lead to overestimating the level of faecal contamination during water quality surveillance. Thus, we aimed to investigate the effects of E. coli habitat transition from sediment to water on its abundance in the water column.

    METHODS: This study enumerated the abundance of E. coli in the water and sediment at five urban lakes in the Kuala Lumpur-Petaling Jaya area, state of Selangor, Malaysia. We developed a novel method for measuring habitat transition rate of sediment E. coli to the water column, and evaluated the effects of habitat transition on E. coli abundance in the water column after accounting for its decay in the water column.

    RESULTS: The abundance of E. coli in the sediment ranged from below detection to 12,000 cfu g-1, and was about one order higher than in the water column (1 to 2,300 cfu mL-1). The habitat transition rates ranged from 0.03 to 0.41 h-1. In contrast, the E. coli decay rates ranged from 0.02 to 0.16 h-1. In most cases (>80%), the habitat transition rates were higher than the decay rates in our study.

    DISCUSSION: Our study provided a possible explanation for the persistence of E. coli in tropical lakes. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first quantitative study on habitat transition of E. coli from sediments to water column.

    Matched MeSH terms: Water Quality
  13. Chahban M, Akodad M, Skalli A, Gueddari H, El Yousfi Y, Ait Hmeid H, et al.
    Environ Res, 2024 Mar 01;244:117939.
    PMID: 38128604 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2023.117939
    The Guerouaou aquifer investigation spanning 280 km2 in Ain Zohra yields promising outcomes, instilling optimism for regional water quality. These analyses were applied to 45 sampling instances from 43 wells, enabling a comprehensive water quality assessment. Groundwater conductivity ranged from medium to high, peaking at 18360 ms/cm2. The conductivity reveals insights about the groundwater's mineralization. Key physiochemical parameters fell within desirable thresholds, bolstering the positive perspective. HCO3- levels spanned 82-420 mg/L, while chloride content ranged from 38 to 5316 mg/L, benefiting water quality. NO3- ions, vital for gauging pollution, ranged from 0 to 260 mg/L, indicating favorable results. Cation concentrations exhibited encouraging variations: Ca2+- 24 to 647 mg/L, Mg2+- 12 to 440 mg/L, Na+- 18 to 2722 mg/L, K+- 1.75 to 28.65 mg/L. These collectively favor water quality. Halite breakdown dominated mineralization, as evidenced by the prevalence of Na-Cl-Na-SO4 facies. Water resource management and local communities need effective management and mitigation strategies to prevent saltwater intrusion.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Quality
  14. Sharip Z, Zaki AT
    Environ Monit Assess, 2014 Aug;186(8):4959-69.
    PMID: 24696283 DOI: 10.1007/s10661-014-3751-4
    Thermal structure and water quality in a large and shallow lake in Malaysia were studied between January 2012 and June 2013 in order to understand variations in relation to water level fluctuations and in-stream mining activities. Environmental variables, namely temperature, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, pH, electrical conductivity, chlorophyll-A and transparency, were measured using a multi-parameter probe and a Secchi disk. Measurements of environmental variables were performed at 0.1 m intervals from the surface to the bottom of the lake during the dry and wet seasons. High water level and strong solar radiation increased temperature stratification. River discharges during the wet season, and unsustainable sand mining activities led to an increased turbidity exceeding 100 NTU, and reduced transparency, which changed the temperature variation and subsequently altered the water quality pattern.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Quality/standards*
  15. Mustapha A, Aris AZ, Ramli MF, Juahir H
    PMID: 22702815 DOI: 10.1080/10934529.2012.680415
    The pollution status of the downstream section of the Jakara River was investigated. Dissolved oxygen (DO), 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD(5)), chemical oxygen demand (COD), suspended solids (SS), pH, conductivity, salinity, temperature, nitrogen in the form of ammonia (NH(3)), turbidity, dissolved solids (DS), total solids (TS), nitrates (NO(3)), chloride (Cl) and phosphates (PO(3-)(4)) were evaluated, using both dry and wet season samples, as a measure of variation in surface water quality in the area. The results obtained from the analyses were correlated using Pearson's correlation matrix, principal component analysis (PCA) and paired sample t-tests. Positive correlations were observed for BOD(5), NH(3), COD, and SS, turbidity, conductivity, salinity, DS, TS for dry and wet seasons, respectively. PCA was used to investigate the origin of each water quality parameter, and yielded 5 varimax factors for each of dry and wet seasons, with 70.7 % and 83.1 % total variance, respectively. A paired sample t-test confirmed that the surface water quality varies significantly between dry and wet season samples (P < 0.01). The source of pollution in the area was concluded to be of anthropogenic origin in the dry season and natural origins in the wet season.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Quality/standards*
  16. Gazzaz NM, Yusoff MK, Ramli MF, Aris AZ, Juahir H
    Mar Pollut Bull, 2012 Apr;64(4):688-98.
    PMID: 22330076 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2012.01.032
    This study employed three chemometric data mining techniques (factor analysis (FA), cluster analysis (CA), and discriminant analysis (DA)) to identify the latent structure of a water quality (WQ) dataset pertaining to Kinta River (Malaysia) and to classify eight WQ monitoring stations along the river into groups of similar WQ characteristics. FA identified the WQ parameters responsible for variations in Kinta River's WQ and accentuated the roles of weathering and surface runoff in determining the river's WQ. CA grouped the monitoring locations into a cluster of low levels of water pollution (the two uppermost monitoring stations) and another of relatively high levels of river pollution (the mid-, and down-stream stations). DA confirmed these clusters and produced a discriminant function which can predict the cluster membership of new and/or unknown samples. These chemometric techniques highlight the potential for reasonably reducing the number of WQVs and monitoring stations for long-term monitoring purposes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Quality*
  17. Nor Zaiha A, Mohd Ismid MS, Salmiati, Shahrul Azri MS
    Environ Monit Assess, 2015 Aug;187(8):493.
    PMID: 26154860 DOI: 10.1007/s10661-015-4715-z
    Influence of deforestation on biodiversity of aquatic organisms was investigated in a stream in the Ulu Sedili Forest Reserve. The stream was monitored five (5) times from December 2011 until December 2012 with 2-month intervals. Sampling of benthic communities was carried out using rectangular dip net while water quality study using a YSI ProPlus meter and the rest were done in the laboratory. Physicochemical parameters and water quality index (WQI) calculation showed no significant difference among the investigated events. WQI classified the Berasau River between Class II (good) to III (moderate) of river water quality. In total, 603 individuals representing 25 taxa that were recorded with Decapods from genus Macrobrabchium were widely distributed. Several intolerant taxa, especially Ephemeroptera and Odonata, were also observed in this river. According to Pearson's correlation analysis, the richness and diversity indices were generally influenced by water quality parameters represented by WQI (P 
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Quality*
  18. Poh SC, Ng NCW, Suratman S, Mathew D, Mohd Tahir N
    Environ Monit Assess, 2018 Dec 04;191(1):3.
    PMID: 30515582 DOI: 10.1007/s10661-018-7128-y
    The objective of this study was to identify the spatial and temporal variabilities of selected nutrients in the Setiu Wetlands Lagoon (SWL), Malaysia. Water samples were collected quarterly at ten monitoring sites. This study presents results from a 10-year field investigation (2003 to 2010 and 2014 to 2015) of water quality in the SWL. For the spatial pattern, four clusters were identified with hierarchical cluster analysis. Analysis of the temporal trend shows that the high total suspended solid loading in 2010 was due to large-scale land clearing upstream of the SWL. The enrichment of ammonium after 2010 could plausibly be due to land-based aquaculture diffuse discharges. In 2005-2007, expansion of oil palm plantations within the Setiu catchment had doubled the phosphorus concentration in the SWL. The natural and anthropogenic alterations of the lagoon inlets profoundly influenced the spatial distribution patterns of nutrients in the SWL. These results suggest that intense anthropogenic disturbances close to the SWL accounted for the water quality deterioration.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Quality*
  19. Rasul MG, Islam MS, Yunus RBM, Mokhtar MB, Alam L, Yahaya FM
    Water Environ Res, 2017 Dec 01;89(12):2088-2102.
    PMID: 28087920 DOI: 10.2175/106143017X14839994522740
      The spatio-temporal variability of water quality associated with anthropogenic activities was studied for the Bertam River and its main tributaries within the Bertam Catchment, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia. A number of physico-chemical parameters of collected samples were analyzed to evaluate their spatio-temporal variability. Nonparametric statistical analysis showed significant temporal and spatial differences (p < 0.05) in most of the parameters across the catchment. Parameters except dissolved oxygen and chemical oxygen demand displayed higher values in rainy season. The higher concentration of total suspended solids was caused by massive soil erosion and sedimentation. Seasonal variations in contaminant concentrations are largely affected by precipitation and anthropogenic influences. Untreated domestic wastewater discharge as well as agricultural runoff significantly influenced the water quality. Poor agricultural practices and development activities at slope areas also affected the water quality within the catchment. The analytical results provided a basis for protection of river environments and ecological restoration in mountainous Bertam Catchment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Quality*
  20. Mohammadpour R, Shaharuddin S, Chang CK, Zakaria NA, Ab Ghani A, Chan NW
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2015 Apr;22(8):6208-19.
    PMID: 25408070 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-014-3806-7
    Poor water quality is a serious problem in the world which threatens human health, ecosystems, and plant/animal life. Prediction of surface water quality is a main concern in water resource and environmental systems. In this research, the support vector machine and two methods of artificial neural networks (ANNs), namely feed forward back propagation (FFBP) and radial basis function (RBF), were used to predict the water quality index (WQI) in a free constructed wetland. Seventeen points of the wetland were monitored twice a month over a period of 14 months, and an extensive dataset was collected for 11 water quality variables. A detailed comparison of the overall performance showed that prediction of the support vector machine (SVM) model with coefficient of correlation (R(2)) = 0.9984 and mean absolute error (MAE) = 0.0052 was either better or comparable with neural networks. This research highlights that the SVM and FFBP can be successfully employed for the prediction of water quality in a free surface constructed wetland environment. These methods simplify the calculation of the WQI and reduce substantial efforts and time by optimizing the computations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Quality/standards*
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