Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 423 in total

  1. Al-Absi AA, Al-Sammarraie NA, Shaher Yafooz WM, Kang DK
    Biomed Res Int, 2018;2018:7501042.
    PMID: 30417014 DOI: 10.1155/2018/7501042
    MapReduce is the preferred cloud computing framework used in large data analysis and application processing. MapReduce frameworks currently in place suffer performance degradation due to the adoption of sequential processing approaches with little modification and thus exhibit underutilization of cloud resources. To overcome this drawback and reduce costs, we introduce a Parallel MapReduce (PMR) framework in this paper. We design a novel parallel execution strategy of Map and Reduce worker nodes. Our strategy enables further performance improvement and efficient utilization of cloud resources execution of Map and Reduce functions to utilize multicore environments available with computing nodes. We explain in detail makespan modeling and working principle of the PMR framework in the paper. Performance of PMR is compared with Hadoop through experiments considering three biomedical applications. Experiments conducted for BLAST, CAP3, and DeepBind biomedical applications report makespan time reduction of 38.92%, 18.00%, and 34.62% considering the PMR framework against Hadoop framework. Experiments' results prove that the PMR cloud computing platform proposed is robust, cost-effective, and scalable, which sufficiently supports diverse applications on public and private cloud platforms. Consequently, overall presentation and results indicate that there is good matching between theoretical makespan modeling presented and experimental values investigated.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  2. Daccache C, Rizk R, Dahham J, Evers SMAA, Hiligsmann M, Karam R
    Int J Technol Assess Health Care, 2021 Dec 21;38(1):e1.
    PMID: 34931601 DOI: 10.1017/S0266462321000659
    OBJECTIVES: To systematically identify the latest versions of official economic evaluation guidelines (EEGs) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and explore similarities and differences in their content.

    METHODS: We conducted a systematic search in MEDLINE (Ovid), PubMed, EconLit, Embase (Ovid), the Cochrane Library, and the gray literature. Using a predefined checklist, we extracted the key features of economic evaluation and the general characteristics of EEGs. We conducted a comparative analysis, including a summary of similarities and differences across EEGs.

    RESULTS: Thirteen EEGs were identified, three pertaining to lower-middle-income countries (Bhutan, Egypt, and Indonesia), nine to upper-middle-income countries (Brazil, China, Colombia, Cuba, Malaysia, Mexico, Russian Federation, South Africa, and Thailand), in addition to Mercosur, and none to low-income countries. The majority (n = 12) considered cost-utility analysis and health-related quality-of-life outcome. Half of the EEGs recommended the societal perspective, whereas the other half recommended the healthcare perspective. Equity considerations were required in ten EEGs. Most EEGs (n = 11) required the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio and recommended sensitivity analysis, as well as the presentation of a budget impact analysis (n = 10). Seven of the identified EEGs were mandatory for pharmacoeconomics submission. Methodological gaps, contradictions, and heterogeneity in terminologies used were identified within the guidelines.

    CONCLUSION: As the importance of health technology assessment is increasing in LMICs, this systematic review could help researchers explore key aspects of existing EEGs in LMICs and explore differences among them. It could also support international organizations in guiding LMICs to develop their own EEGs and improve the methodological framework of existing ones.

    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  3. Laila A, Nanko M, Takeda M
    Materials (Basel), 2014 Sep 04;7(9):6304-6316.
    PMID: 28788193 DOI: 10.3390/ma7096304
    The upgrade recycling of cast-iron scrap chips towards β-FeSi₂ thermoelectric materials is proposed as an eco-friendly and cost-effective production process. By using scrap waste from the machining process of cast-iron components, the material cost to fabricate β-FeSi₂ is reduced and the industrial waste is recycled. In this study, β-FeSi₂ specimens obtained from cast iron scrap chips were prepared both in the undoped form and doped with Al and Co elements. The maximum figure of merit (ZT) indicated a thermoelectric performance of approximately 70% in p-type samples and nearly 90% in n-type samples compared to β-FeSi₂ prepared from pure Fe and other published studies. The use of cast iron scrap chips to produce β-FeSi₂ shows promise as an eco-friendly and cost-effective production process for thermoelectric materials.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  4. Lim AS, Lee SWH
    Simul Healthc, 2022 Apr 01;17(2):131-135.
    PMID: 33273417 DOI: 10.1097/SIH.0000000000000526
    INTRODUCTION: Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) are an accepted technique for evaluation of clinical competence in healthcare. However, the economic imperative requires faculty to control cost, using innovative educational strategies such as virtual simulation. The objective of this study was to evaluate the cost implications of implementing an online interactive learning module [Monash OSCE Virtual Experience (MOVE)].

    METHODS: All fourth-year pharmacy students enrolled in Monash University in 2017 were provided access to MOVE. Cost-minimization analyses were performed to evaluate the cost of introducing MOVE in the pharmacy course using the smallest cohort size (Malaysia campus) of 40 students as the base case. We also determined under what circumstances MOVE would be more cost-effective, considering the different operational situations such as when student numbers increased or when the number of simulation modules created were increased.

    RESULTS: The overall cost of setup and implementation of MOVE in the first year of implementation among 40 students was US $94.38 per student. In comparison, the face-to-face workshop cost was US $64.14 per student. On the second year of implementation, the ongoing cost of operation of MOVE was US $32.86 per student compared with US $58.97 per student using face-to-face workshop. A net benefit using MOVE was observed after the third year of implementation. Larger savings were noted when the cohort size extends larger than 100 students.

    CONCLUSIONS: Monash OSCE Virtual Experience was a flexible and cost-effective approach to aid students in preparation for an OSCE and enhanced students' learning experience. The wider applicability of these findings will need to be explored in other settings.

    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  5. Ahmed A, Dujaili JA, Chuah LH, Hashmi FK, Le LK, Khanal S, et al.
    Appl Health Econ Health Policy, 2023 Sep;21(5):731-750.
    PMID: 37389788 DOI: 10.1007/s40258-023-00818-4
    BACKGROUND: Although safe and effective anti-retrovirals (ARVs) are readily available, non-adherence to ARVs is highly prevalent among people living with human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (PLWHA). Different adherence-improving interventions have been developed and examined through decision analytic model-based health technology assessments. This systematic review aimed to review and appraise the decision analytical economic models developed to assess ARV adherence-improvement interventions.

    METHODS: The review protocol was registered on PROSPERO (CRD42022270039), and reporting followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) checklist. Relevant studies were identified through searches in six generic and specialized bibliographic databases, i.e. PubMed, Embase, NHS Economic Evaluation Database, PsycINFO, Health Economic Evaluations Database, tufts CEA registry and EconLit, from their inception to 23 October 2022. The cost-effectiveness of adherence interventions is represented by the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER). The quality of studies was assessed using the quality of the health economics studies (QHES) instrument. Data were narratively synthesized in the form of tables and texts. Due to the heterogeneity of the data, a permutation matrix was used for quantitative data synthesis rather than a meta-analysis.

    RESULTS: Fifteen studies, mostly conducted in North America (8/15 studies), were included in the review. The time horizon ranged from a year to a lifetime. Ten out of 15 studies used a micro-simulation, 4/15 studies employed Markov and 1/15 employed a dynamic model. The most commonly used interventions reported include technology based (5/15), nurse involved (2/15), directly observed therapy (2/15), case manager involved (1/15) and others that involved multi-component interventions (5/15). In 1/15 studies, interventions gained higher quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) with cost savings. The interventions in 14/15 studies were more effective but at a higher cost, and the overall ICER was well below the acceptable threshold mentioned in each study, indicating the interventions could potentially be implemented after careful interpretation. The studies were graded as high quality (13/15) or fair quality (2/15), with some methodological inconsistencies reported.

    CONCLUSION: Counselling and smartphone-based interventions are cost-effective, and they have the potential to reduce the chronic adherence problem significantly. The quality of decision models can be improved by addressing inconsistencies in model selection, data inputs incorporated into models and uncertainty assessment methods.

    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  6. Ai DD, Sui BY, Duan CA, Xu Q, Zhao K
    Int J Technol Assess Health Care, 2024 Apr 05;40(1):e24.
    PMID: 38577775 DOI: 10.1017/S0266462324000151
    BACKGROUND: Traditional therapies are crucial in maintaining and improving human well-being. China's healthcare policymakers are attempting to use health technology assessment (HTA) as a decision-making supportive tool. The value assessment framework for Chinese patent medicine (CPM) has been developed and is being adopted and validated widely by research institutions. Subsequently, the healthcare decision-makers particularly hanker for the value framework of traditional non-pharmacological therapies.

    METHODS: To construct a practical value framework for traditional non-pharmacological therapies, a scoping review methodology was adopted to identify the evaluation domains and obstacles. A search, screening, and analysis process was conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR). Evidence was retrieved from scientific databases and HTA agencies' websites.

    RESULTS: The search strategy identified 5 guidelines records and 17 acupuncture HTA reports. By synthesizing the valuable reports of CPM and acupuncture evaluation in representative countries, this study found that Mainland China was promoting the comprehensive value assessment of CPM, whereas the United Kingdom, Singapore, Canada, the United States, and Malaysia had carried out the HTA evaluation of acupuncture for various conditions among which chronic pain was the most common. UK and Singapore applied the HTA results to support acupuncture reimbursement decisions. Three domains, including safety, effectiveness, and economy, were commonly adopted. The identified biggest challenge of evaluating traditional non-pharmacological therapies is the scarce high-quality clinical evidence.

    CONCLUSIONS: This study identified value domains and issues of traditional therapies, and pointed out future research implications, to promote the development value framework of traditional therapies.

    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  7. Bakri NN, Smith MB, Broadbent JM, Thomson WM
    Health Promot Int, 2023 Jun 01;38(3).
    PMID: 35425975 DOI: 10.1093/heapro/daac039
    There is limited literature and no reviews on oral health promotion activities in the workplace to guide planning and practice. This review summarizes evidence about oral health promotion activities in the workplace (nature and extent), its impact and the factors that facilitate or act as barriers to implementation. Using the PRISMA-ScR guidelines, scientific articles written in English and published in peer-reviewed journals up to April 2021, from six databases (Medline, PubMed, CINAHL, Scopus, EMBASE and Emcare) were screened and selected. The full texts of 95 articles were then considered; 21 articles met the inclusion criteria of using oral health status or oral health predisposing factors as primary outcome after an intervention in the workplace. Almost all included articles took a quantitative approach (n = 18), two used a qualitative design and another used a mixed-method approach. The most common activities were personalized or group oral health education interventions and oral health screenings conducted by a dental professional. Two studies reported the cost-benefit of workplace oral health promotion (WOHP). The literature indicated that WOHP interventions can be successful in achieving improvements in oral health, measured using a range of clinical (plaque accumulation, gingival inflammation, periodontal inflammation) and self-rated oral health indicators. Based on the limited literature available, WOHP may have benefits for employee oral health and employers, and the support of managers and organizations potentially improves the success of programmes. The workplace would appear to be an ideal setting to promote oral health. However, there is limited information to guide oral health promotion planning and implementation, and policy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  8. Lum KY, Oppong R, Kigozi J
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2022 Nov;34(8):752-760.
    PMID: 36039503 DOI: 10.1177/10105395221122643
    The primary aim of this study is to assess the evidence on the cost-effectiveness of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) interventions with a focus on diabetes education, lifestyle modifications, surgical intervention, and pharmacological therapy in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). A systematic review was conducted to identify economic evaluations of T2DM interventions published in LMICs for the period 2009-2019. A total of 25 studies were identified, with more than half of the studies being decision analytic models. Critical appraisal of the identified studies showed they were of good quality. Overall, the reported interventions in this review were very heterogeneous, which made them difficult to compare. However, there was strong evidence suggesting that diabetes education was a very cost-effective strategy in LMICs. Further evidence on affordability and budget impact of bariatric surgery is required before adopting the intervention. Metformin-based therapy showed promising evidence on cost-effectiveness and thus should be offered to T2DM patients in LMICs. On the contrary, the cost-effectiveness of lifestyle modifications remains understudied in LMICs. The findings in this review can inform policy guidance toward the inclusion of T2DM interventions in the benefit packages for Universal Health Coverage in LMICs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  9. Ganandran GS, Mahlia TM, Ong HC, Rismanchi B, Chong WT
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:745894.
    PMID: 25133258 DOI: 10.1155/2014/745894
    This paper reports the result of an investigation on the potential energy saving of the lighting systems at selected buildings of the Universiti Tenaga Nasional. The scope of this project includes evaluation of the lighting system in the Library, Admin Building, College of Engineering, College of Information Technology, Apartments, and COE Food court of the university. The main objectives of this project are to design the proper retrofit scenario and to calculate the potential electricity saving, the payback period, and the potential environmental benefits. In this survey the policy for retrofitting the old lighting system with the new energy saving LEDs starts with 10% for the first year and continues constantly for 10 years until all the lighting systems have been replaced. The result of the life cycle analysis reveals that after four years, the selected buildings will bring profit for the investment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis*
  10. Samad AH, Usul MH, Zakaria D, Ismail R, Tasset-Tisseau A, Baron-Papillon F, et al.
    J Occup Health, 2006 Jan;48(1):1-10.
    PMID: 16484757
    This study was designed to evaluate the health and economic benefits of a workplace vaccination programme against influenza funded by the employer. Employees of a Malaysian petrochemical plant volunteered to take part in this prospective, non-randomised, non-placebo-controlled study. Demographic and health information, including influenza-like symptoms, sick leave and post-vaccination adverse events were collected via questionnaires. Cost-benefit analyses were performed from the employer's perspective.

    RESULTS: A total of 1,022 employees took part in the study, with 504 choosing to be vaccinated against influenza, and 518 remaining unvaccinated. The rate of influenza-like illness (ILI) was lower among vaccinated (8.13%) than non-vaccinated subjects (30.31%). Fever and respiratory symptoms were associated with all ILI cases. ILI-related sick leave was taken by 58.54% of vaccinated employees with ILI and 71.34% of non-vaccinated employees with ILI. Vaccination was financially beneficial, with the employer saving up to US dollar 53.00 per vaccinated employee when labour costs only were considered. Savings rose to up to US dollar 899.70 when the operating income of each employee was also considered. Workplace vaccination of healthy adults against influenza had a clear impact on ILI rates, absenteeism and reduced productivity in this Malaysian company. The health benefits translated into financial benefits for the employer, with cost savings significantly outweighting the costs of the vaccination programme.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis*
  11. Lee JY, Lee SWH
    Diabetes Technol Ther, 2018 Jul;20(7):492-500.
    PMID: 29812965 DOI: 10.1089/dia.2018.0098
    BACKGROUND: Telemedicine has been utilized increasingly worldwide for diabetes management, due to its potential to improve healthcare access and clinical outcomes. Few studies have assessed the economic benefits of telemedicine, which may contribute to underfunding in potentially important programs. We aim to systematically review the literature on economic evaluations of telemedicine in diabetes care, assess the quality, and summarize the evidence on driver of cost-effectiveness.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A literature search was performed in 10 databases from inception until February 2018. All economic evaluations assessing the economic evaluation of telemedicine in diabetes were eligible for inclusion. We subsequently evaluated the study quality in terms of effectiveness measures, cost measure, economic model, as well as time horizon.

    RESULTS: Of the 1877 studies identified, 14 articles were included in our final review. The healthcare providers' fees are a major predictor for total cost. In particular, the use of telemedicine for retinal screening was beneficial and cost-effective for diabetes management, with an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio between $113.48/quality-adjusted life year (QALY) and $3,328.46/QALY (adjusted to 2017 inflation rate). Similarly, the use of telemonitoring and telephone reminders was cost-effective in diabetes management.

    CONCLUSIONS: Among all telemedicine strategies examined, teleophthalmology was the most cost-effective intervention. Future research is needed to provide evidence on the long-term experience of telemedicine and facilitate resource allocation.

    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis*
  12. Ngorsuraches S, Chaiyakunapruk N, Jianfei Guo J, Yang BM
    Value Health Reg Issues, 2017 05;12:99-100.
    PMID: 28648323 DOI: 10.1016/j.vhri.2017.04.002
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis*
  13. Chaisai C, Patikorn C, Thavorn K, Lee SWH, Chaiyakunapruk N, Veettil SK
    Addiction, 2024 Jul;119(7):1188-1202.
    PMID: 38520121 DOI: 10.1111/add.16464
    AIMS: To conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis and pool the incremental net benefits (INBs) of varenicline compared with behaviour support with bupropion or nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), behaviour support alone and unaided cessation in adult smokers making a first-time attempt to quit.

    METHODS: A search for economic evaluation studies was conducted from inception to 30 September 2022, on PubMed, Embase, Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (CEA) Registry by Tufts Medical Centre, EconLit and the NHS Economic Evaluation Database (NHS EED). Eligible studies were included if they were (1) conducted among adults ages 18 years old and older who were smokers attempting to quit for the first time; (2) compared varenicline to behaviour support with bupropion or NRT, behaviour support alone and unaided cessation; and (3) performed a CEA or cost-utility analysis. The INBs were calculated and pooled across studies stratified by country income level and study perspective using the random-effects model. Statistical heterogeneity between studies was assessed using the I2 statistic and Cochrane Q statistic.

    RESULTS: Of the 1433 identified studies, 18 studies were included in our review. Our findings from healthcare system/payer perspective suggested that the use of varenicline is statistically significantly cost-effective compared with bupropion (pooled INB, $830.75 [95% confidence interval, $208.23, $1453.28]), NRTs ($636.16 [$192.48, $1079.84]) and unaided cessation ($4212.35 [$1755.79, $6668.92]) in high-income countries. Similarly, varenicline is also found to be cost-effective compared to bupropion ($2706.27 [$1284.44, $4128.11]), NRTs ($3310.01 [$1781.53, $4838.50]) and behavioural support alone ($5438.22 [$4105.99, $6770.46]) in low- and middle-income countries.

    CONCLUSION: Varenicline is cost-effective as a smoking cessation aid when compared with behavioural support with bupropion or nicotine replacement therapies and behavioural support alone in both high-income countries and low- and middle-income countries, from the healthcare system/payer perspective in adult smokers who attempt to quit for the first time.

    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis*
  14. Irfan M, Cameron MP, Hassan G
    PLoS One, 2021;16(9):e0257543.
    PMID: 34559814 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0257543
    Globally, around three billion people depend upon solid fuels such as firewood, dry animal dung, crop residues, or coal, and use traditional stoves for cooking and heating purposes. This solid fuel combustion causes indoor air pollution (IAP) and severely impairs health and the environment, especially in developing countries like Pakistan. A number of alternative household energy strategies can be adopted to mitigate IAP, such as using liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), natural gas, biogas, electric stoves, or improved cook stoves (ICS). In this study, we estimate the benefit-cost ratios and net present value of these interventions over a ten-year period in Pakistan. Annual costs include both fixed and operating costs, whereas benefits cover health, productivity gains, time savings, and fuel savings. We find that LPG has the highest benefit-cost ratio, followed by natural gas, while ICS has the lowest benefit-cost ratio. Electric stoves and biogas have moderate benefit-cost ratios that nevertheless exceed one. To maximize the return on cleaner burning technology, the government of Pakistan should consider encouraging the adoption of LPG, piped natural gas, and electric stoves as means to reduce IAP and adopt clean technologies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis*
  15. Krishnan S, Ademi Z, Malone D, Abebe TB, Lim A
    Simul Healthc, 2025 Feb 01;20(1):61-69.
    PMID: 39110425 DOI: 10.1097/SIH.0000000000000811
    INTRODUCTION: Online education games are gaining ground in health profession education, yet there is limited literature on its costs. This study is an economic evaluation of the substitution of a face-to-face (F2F) workshop with an online escape room game teaching the same content.

    METHODS: A traditional F2F workshop on hepatitis management was conducted with 364 students in 2021 and was compared with a virtual self-run escape room game called Hepatitiscape™, which was used by 417 students in 2022. The outcomes were final examination and objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) scores for hepatitis stations. An incremental cost-effectiveness ratio was used to compare costs and outcomes. Student perceptions of the delivery of Hepatitiscape™ were also captured using an online questionnaire.

    RESULTS: Delivering the hepatitis case workshop via Hepatitiscape™ yielded an additional 4.77% increase in the final examination score and a 21.04% increase in the OSCE score at an additional cost of AUD $4212 in the first year compared with F2F delivery. This equated to an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of AUD 883 per additional score of final examination and AUD 200 per additional score of OSCE for hepatitis stations. Hepatitiscape™ became cost saving from the second year onward. Student perception data revealed their recall of content was higher owing to the iterative design of the gaming elements.

    CONCLUSIONS: Hepatitiscape™ is likely to be a cost-effective strategy to deliver workshops that are routinely delivered F2F to test knowledge-based constructs. In addition, virtual gaming has a logistical advantage over F2F delivery in that it enhances student participation from remote locations and allows for better control and flexibility of content delivery with increasing or decreasing cohort sizes, and can have potential long-term sustainable savings.

    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis*
  16. Mchenga M, Vijayasingham L, RamPrakash R, Remme M
    Appl Health Econ Health Policy, 2025 Mar;23(2):171-181.
    PMID: 39666245 DOI: 10.1007/s40258-024-00930-z
    Economic evaluations play a crucial role in health resource allocation by assessing the costs and effects of various interventions. However, existing methodologies often overlook significant differences related to sex and gender, leading to a 'blind spot' in understanding patient heterogeneity. This paper highlights how biological and social factors influence costs and health outcomes differently for women, emphasising the need for a more explicit consideration of these differences in economic evaluations to ensure efficient and equitable resource allocation. The paper is structured to first outline how sex and gender factors impact costs and outcomes. It then identifies biases in current economic evaluation methods and practices, using real-world examples to illustrate the implications of these biases on policymaking and health equity. Notably, we argue that neglecting gender considerations can lead to inefficiencies and inequities in healthcare resource distribution. Key areas of gender bias include the estimation of productivity losses, quality of life variations and the secondary household effects of interventions. The analysis reveals that women often face higher healthcare costs and experience different health outcomes due to systemic biases in treatment and care. The paper concludes with practical recommendations for analysts, decision makers and research funders, advocating for the integration of sex and gender-responsive methodologies in health economic evaluations. Ultimately, this work calls for a paradigm shift in health economics to better reflect the complexities of sex and gender and improve health outcomes for all.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis*
  17. Zahid M, Rahman F, Chowdhury A, Rana SH, Ansaari S, Lim AK, et al.
    BMJ Open, 2025 Feb 25;15(2):e089007.
    PMID: 40000077 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2024-089007
    INTRODUCTION: People with tuberculosis (TB) who continue to smoke are more likely to have poor health outcomes than those who quit. Established smoking cessation approaches such as mHealth may help patients with TB quit smoking. This paper summarises the methodology proposed to assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of mTB-Tobacco (an mHealth intervention) in helping patients with TB stop smoking and have improved health outcomes.

    METHODS AND ANALYSIS: A two-arm, parallel, open-label, multicentre, cluster randomised, two-stage adaptive design trial is proposed to first evaluate the superiority of mTB-Tobacco, compared with usual care and then the non-inferiority of mTB-tobacco compared with face-to-face behaviour support. Study settings include TB treatment centres in Bangladesh and Pakistan. The study population includes adult patients, newly diagnosed (within 4 weeks) with pulmonary TB disease, daily smokers, willing to quit and have access to mobile phones. The primary outcome includes biochemically verified continuous smoking abstinence assessed at 6 months per Russell Standard. A generalised linear mixed-effects model will be used to assess the impact of mTB-Tobacco intervention on continuous outcomes, incorporating fixed effects for the intervention, random effects for clusters and relevant covariates. Cost-effectiveness analysis will be done to estimate the cost per quitter and cost per quality-adjusted life year gained, calculate the incremental cost-effectiveness ratios to establish the value for money for mTB-Tobacco.

    ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: This trial will be conducted in compliance with International Council on Harmonisation - Good Clinical Practice guidelines and the Declaration of Helsinki. The study has been approved by the ethics committees of the University of Edinburgh Medical School Research Ethics Committee (EMREC) of UK, the Bangladesh Medical Research Council (BMRC) and the National Bioethics Committee (PMRC) of Pakistan. The results of this trial will be disseminated in peer-reviewed journals and presented in academic conferences.

    TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: ISRCTN86971818 (https://doi.org/10.1186/ISRCTN86971818); pre-enrolment, submission date: 29 August 2023; registration date: 11 September 2023.

    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis*
  18. Zafar Q, Ahmad Z, Sulaiman K
    Sensors (Basel), 2015;15(1):965-78.
    PMID: 25574936 DOI: 10.3390/s150100965
    We present a ternary blend-based bulk heterojunction ITO/PEDOT:PSS/PFO-DBT: MEH-PPV:PC71BM/LiF/Al photodetector. Enhanced optical absorption range of the active film has been achieved by blending two donor components viz. poly[2,7-(9,9-di-octyl-fluorene)-alt-4,7-bis(thiophen-2-yl)benzo-2,1,3-thiadiazole] (PFO-DBT) and poly(2-methoxy-5(2'-ethylhexyloxy) phenylenevinylene (MEH-PPV) along with an acceptor component, i.e., (6,6)-phenyl-C71 hexnoic acid methyl ester. The dependency of the generation rate of free charge carriers in the organic photodetector (OPD) on varied incident optical power density was investigated as a function of different reverse biasing voltages. The photocurrent showed significant enhancement as the intensity of light impinging on active area of OPD is increased. The ratio of Ilight to Idark of fabricated device at -3 V was ~3.5 × 10(4). The dynamic behaviour of the OPD under on/off switching irradiation revealed that sensor exhibits quick response and recovery time of ∼800 ms and 500 ms, respectively. Besides reliability and repeatability in the photoresponse characteristics, the cost-effective and eco-friendly fabrication is the added benefit of the fabricated OPD.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  19. Tang RH, Yang H, Choi JR, Gong Y, Feng SS, Pingguan-Murphy B, et al.
    Crit Rev Biotechnol, 2016 Apr 14.
    PMID: 27075621 DOI: 10.3109/07388551.2016.1164664
    In recent years, paper-based point-of-care testing (POCT) has been widely used in medical diagnostics, food safety and environmental monitoring. However, a high-cost, time-consuming and equipment-dependent sample pretreatment technique is generally required for raw sample processing, which are impractical for low-resource and disease-endemic areas. Therefore, there is an escalating demand for a cost-effective, simple and portable pretreatment technique, to be coupled with the commonly used paper-based assay (e.g. lateral flow assay) in POCT. In this review, we focus on the importance of using paper as a platform for sample pretreatment. We firstly discuss the beneficial use of paper for sample pretreatment, including sample collection and storage, separation, extraction, and concentration. We highlight the working principle and fabrication of each sample pretreatment device, the existing challenges and the future perspectives for developing paper-based sample pretreatment technique.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  20. Setia S, Tay JC, Chia YC, Subramaniam K
    Adv Med Educ Pract, 2019;10:805-812.
    PMID: 31572042 DOI: 10.2147/AMEP.S219104
    Continuing medical education (CME) is meant to not only improve clinicians' knowledge and skills but also lead to better patient care processes and outcomes. The delivery of CME should be able to encourage the health providers to accept new evidence-based practices, and discard or discontinue less effective care. However, continuing use of expensive yet least effective and inappropriate tools and techniques predominates for CME delivery. Hence, the evidence shows a disconnect between evidence-based recommendations and real-world practice - borne out by less than optimal patient outcomes or treatment targets not being met especially in low- to middle-income countries. There is an ethical and professional obligation on CME-providers and decision-makers to safeguard that CME interventions are appraised not only for their quality and effectiveness but also for cost-effectiveness. The process of learning needs to be engaging, convenient, user-friendly and of minimal cost, especially where it is most needed. Today's technology permits these characteristics to be integrated, along with further enhancement of the engagement process. We review the literature on the mechanics of CME learning that utilizes today's technology tools and propose a framework for more engaging, efficient and cost-effective approach that implements massive open online courses for CME, adapted for the twenty-first century.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
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