Six groups of adult male Sprague Dawley rats, each consisting of six animals were used throughout the experiment. The gastroprotective effects of aqueous plant extract alone, honey alone or honey in combination with ethanolic or aqueous extracts of A. conyzoides and cimetidine were investigated in rats against ethanol-HCl induced gastric ulcer. Efficacy was assessed by determination of ulcer index and inhibition percentage. Oral administration of ethanol-HCl (5 ml kg-1 body weight) to fasted rats produced extensive lesions of gastric mucosa (Group 1). Pre-treatment with honey (2.5 g kg-1 body weight) alone (Group 2), aqueous plant extract alone (10% w/v 5 ml kg-1) (Group 3), or honey in combination with each of alcoholic extract (10% w/w 5 ml kg-1) (Group 4), aqueous extract (10% w/w 5 ml kg-1) (Group 5) or cimetidine (10 mg/ml honey 5 ml kg-1) (Group 6) orally 30 minutes before administration of absolute ethanol-HCl significantly (p < 0.05) protected gastric lesions by 46.74%, 61.50%, 76.68%, 78.39% and 56.55% respectively. Although the mechanism of gastric protection is unknown, honey in combination with each plant extract appears to increase the resistance of gastric mucosal cells to the necrotizing effect of strong irritants in the absolute ethanol-HCl mixture. The results suggest that honey in combination with each plant extract might be beneficial in the treatment of a variety of diseases in which gastric mucosal injury is present.
Oral ulcers are a common symptom in clinical practice. Among various causative factors, different types of ulcers in oral cavity exist. Among this, traumatic ulcerative granuloma with stromal eosinophilia (TUGSE) appears to be quite neglected by the clinicians due to the limited knowledge and awareness. On reviewing with a detailed approach to titles and abstracts of articles eliminating duplicates, 40 relevant articles were considered. Randomized studies, review articles, case reports and abstracts were included while conference papers and posters were excluded. Of importance, TUGSE cases been reported only to a minimal extent in the literature. Lack of its awareness tends to lead clinicians to a misconception of cancer. Thus, this particular lesion needs to be differentiated from other malignant lesions to provide a proper mode of treatment. The present article reviews various aspects of the TUGSE with emphasis on the clinical manifestation, pathogenesis, histological, and immunohistochemical study. This study provides the clinician contemporaries, a humble expansion to their knowledge of the disease, based on the searched literature, enabling a more comprehensive management of this rare occurrence.
A review of 82 (68 male) Kelantanese patients with non-alcoholic cirrhosis who underwent gastroduodenal endoscopy revealed duodenal and gastric ulcers in 4.9% and 7.3% of patients respectively. Comparing with prevalence rates of peptic ulcer disease reported in the literature, there was no evidence to suggest that duodenal ulcers occur more frequently in patients with non-alcoholic cirrhosis. There is a suggestion, albeit a tenuous one, that non-alcoholic cirrhosis may be associated with gastric ulceration.
The influence of the age of onset of symptoms on various clinical features of peptic ulcer was studied in a personal series of 492 patients (duodenal ulcer 363, gastric ulcer 98, combined gastric and duodenal ulcer 31). Duodenal ulcer patients whose age of onset of symptoms was within the first three decades (n = 166) were more likely to be men (77%) and to have a positive family history of dyspepsia (45%) and a history of haemorrhage (46%) when compared with late onset patients (n = 197, men 57%, positive family history 23%, history of haemorrhage 36%). Early onset duodenal ulcer patients also secreted more gastric acid than late onset patients. In contrast, while early onset gastric ulcer patients were more likely to be men, when compared to late onset patients, the two groups were similar in their family history of dyspepsia, their history of haemorrhage, and their gastric acid output. The age of onset of Malay duodenal ulcer patients (mean (SD) 43.6 (16.0] was higher than those for Chinese patients (33.7 (16.1].
Marjolin's ulcer is a rare and often overlooked diagnosis which can be encountered by a variety of specialities. Majority of the literatures describe long latency period of 11 to 75 years. The authors present two unusual cases of rapid progression to Marjolin's ulcer in patients with previously negative biopsy 8- and 10-month prior. This highlights the importance for clinicians to have a high degree of suspicion when encountered with any non-healing wound, especially one who's symptomatology and morphological features have undergone an acute change. Even with previous negative biopsy, patients should still be followed-up closely and clinicians should not hesitate to perform re-biopsy if the suspicion arises.
Ulcerations have been effecting humans and causing major damage in the gastro intestinal tract. A need for development of a flawless anti-ulcer medication was always in the agenda. Thus, the need to conduct a study was provoked.
A 103 year old patient was admitted with pain in the right iliac fossa. There was no response to conservative treatment. Subsequent laparatomy showed the presence of a perforated ulcer in the pyloric region. The condition improved gradually after the surgical management.
Honey dressing has been used to treat wounds since thousand years ago, however, it has been vanished of it usage on wounds management. Lately, it resurfaces again and has been used widely by clinicians in managing hard-to-heal ulcers. With the extensive study and research been carried out by scientists, a better understanding on the usage in managing non-healing ulcers has been widely accepted nowadays.
Abdominal pain is one of the common presentations in severe dengue infection. We report a rare case of perforated gastric ulcer in a young man diagnosed with severe dengue infection and the challenges we faced in managing this patient. Perforated gastric ulcer need to be considered if there are signs of peritonitis and persistent abdominal pain that does not conform to the natural history of dengue. Proper imaging and early surgical intervention in perforated gastric ulcer is vital in preventing further complication and reducing the risk of mortality.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) was established to increase oxygenation and antimicrobial effect that potentially improve the healing of chronic ulcer. Present study aim to assess the effects of HBOT in chronic diabetic foot ulcer (DFU). A total of sixty patients classified according to Wagner 1, 2 or 3 chronic diabetic foot ulcers, were recruited and subsequently divided randomly into two groups; HBOT and control group. All patients underwent the standard treatment for DFU, but for the HBOT group, underwent 20 HBOT sessions, each lasted 80 – 90 mins at 2.5 atmospheres absolute (ATA). White cell count (WCC) and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels were taken during inclusion, at second and fourth week of treatment. Wound sizes were documented at each follow up until six months follow up. SF-36 at one-month post hyperbaric oxygen therapy was used to measure the health-related quality of life. Reduction of WCC and CRP in HBOT group were significant throughout the treatment (p=0.046 and p=0.039, respectively). A total of 26 patients (86.7%) from the HBOT group achieved complete ulcer healing at six months’ follow-up, while 18 patients (60%) in the control group’s ulcer healed completely. Patients treated with HBOT had significantly better mental and physical health constituent of quality of life. It must be emphasised that HBOT is an adjunctive therapy to the standard management of chronic DFU in accelerating wound healing for a better quality of life.
Keywords: oxygenation, quality of life, wound healing
Venous ulcer as a complication of ankle arteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis is rarely reported. It poses a challenge between ulcer healing and fistula preservation. We report our experience in the management of venous ulcers secondary to an ankle arteriovenous fistula in a hemodialysis patient.
The majority of patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding due to peptic ulcers stop bleeding spontaneously. The remainder of patients who have persistent or recurrent bleeding will require surgicaJ or endoscopic intervention. Medical therapy provides an attractive alternative to these two treatment options. The advent of H2 antagonists in the mid 19705 revolutionized the treatment of peptic ulcer disease as it provided good ulcer healing with a treatm.ent course of 6-8 weeks. A more potent acid suppressingdassof drugs: the proton-pump inhibitors (PPJ's) were introduced in the late 19805 and provided even better and faster ulcer healing. It was natural that the acid suppressing drugs were also used for the treatment of ulcer bleeding. Intravenous H2 antagonist and more recently intravenous PPJ's have routinely been prescribed in many hospitals as soon itS a bleeding patient is admitted. Critical evaluation of the literature shows, however, that H2 antagonists are no more effective than placebo in stopping ulcer bleeding. The prJ's, on the other hand, have been shown in several clinical studies to have a beneficial effect. The action of acid suppression in stopping ulcer bleeding is believed to be due to its effect in the stabilization of an ulcer clot by providing a high pH milieu and to commence the process of ulcer healing. KEYWORDS: Upper gastrointestinal bleed(UGIB), proton pump inhibitors(PPls), H2 antagonists
Objective: To conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of recently published randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that employed the use of topical oxygen therapy (TOT) as an adjunct therapy in the treatment of Wagner 1 and 2 diabetic foot ulcers. Approach: Following a literature search of eligible studies from 2010 onward, four RCTs were included. Studies were analyzed for patient and wound characteristics, outcomes, risk of bias, and quality of the evidence assessed using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) methodology. A random-effects meta-analysis for complete wound healing was carried out due to statistical heterogeneity of included studies. Results: Risk of bias judgment (RoB2 analysis) resulted in one low-risk trial and three trials with some risk. One study was determined to be the origin of the statistical heterogeneity. Pooled results showed statistical significance with a risk ratio (RR) of 1.59 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.07-2.37; p = 0.021). Sensitivity analysis, based on imputed values for missing outcomes, demonstrated that both the RR and 95% CIs changed little. The GRADE ratings for each domain were as follows: (a) risk of bias: moderate (3); (b) imprecision: moderate (2), high (1); (c) inconsistency: low (2), high (1); (d) indirectness: moderate (2), high (1); and (e) publication bias: moderate (1), high (2). Overall, the evidence was moderate. Innovation: Our study shows that TOT is a viable diabetic foot ulcer therapy. Conclusions: These data support the use of TOT for the treatment of chronic Wagner 1 or 2 diabetic foot ulcers in the absence of infection and ischemia.
Twenty-seven patients with peptic ulcer (19 with duodenal ulcer (DU) and eight with gastric ulcer (GU] refractory to H2-antagonists were treated with 40 mg of omeprazole once daily for 4-8 weeks, depending on the rate of ulcer healing. Clinical assessment, endoscopy and laboratory tests were performed at entry, after 2 and after 4 weeks, and if unhealed, also after 8 weeks' treatment. Ten healed patients were given a maintenance therapy of omeprazole 20 mg daily for up to 12 months during which the patients returned for endoscopy, gastric biopsy and laboratory tests at 3-monthly intervals. The initial treatment healed 15 of 19 (79%) DU patients in 2 weeks and all DU patients by 4 weeks. Seven of eight (87%) GU patients healed in 4 weeks and only one required 8 weeks' treatment. Symptom relief was rapid, with most patients being symptom-free within the first day of treatment. Six patients received 12 months' continuous maintenance therapy, one patient 9 months and three patients 6 months' treatment. All patients remained in remission whilst on omeprazole therapy. No adverse events were reported throughout the study. There were no clinically significant changes in haematology or blood chemistry after healing or during the long-term treatment. Biopsy samples revealed no histological changes in the gastric mucosa at any stage. Omeprazole 40 mg therefore was found to produce rapid healing and symptom relief in Asian patients with H2-antagonist-resistant peptic ulcers. Maintenance therapy with omeprazole 20 mg daily was shown to be safe and effective in preventing recurrence of peptic ulceration.
A total of 1,688 non-repeat upper gastrointestinal endoscopies performed over a 33-month period from April 1985 to December 1987 at a University Medical Unit in Kuala Lumpur was analysed for a profile of peptic ulcer disease amongst Malaysians. There was a total of 360 peptic ulcer patients with a gastric ulcer to duodenal ulcer ratio of 1:1. The male: female ratio was 2.8: 1 for duodenal ulcer and 1.8:1 for gastric ulcer, and 2.3:1 for peptic ulcer overall. In both sexes, gastric ulcers were seen at an older age group compared to duodenal ulcers.
Of the three main Malaysian ethnic groups of Malays, Chinese and Indians, Chinese of both sexes had the highest frequency of gastric ulcers. Chinese females had the highest frequency of duodenal ulcers.
Basal and pentagastrin stimulated acid output was measured in 80 normal and 179 duodenal ulcer subjects of Chinese, Indian and Malay origin. Basal and maximally stimulated acid output was significantly higher in duodenal ulcer patients compared with normal subjects. There was however considerable overlap and less than one in four duodenal ulcer patients were hypersecretors. The acid output (and hence the parietal cell mass) was lower than in Caucasian subjects and this was possibly related to weight differences. The acid output did not differ significantly in the Chinese, Indian and Malay subjects, suggesting that parietal cell mass in the three racial groups is closely similar. The difference in frequency of duodenal ulcer disease in the three racial groups is thus not related to gastric secretory capacity.