A cross sectional study was carried out to identify and compare factors that contribute to patient satisfaction towards the medical care services provided at the outpatient clinic in government health clinics and private clinics in Mulcim Labu, Sepang, Selangor. Systematic sampling for government clinic and universal sampling for private clinics were done and data was collected via face-to-
face interview based on a validated Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire (PSQ). A total of 181 patients aged 15 to 75 years old were selected, comprising 90 patients from the government clinics and 91 patients from private clinics. The majority of the patients were males (62.4%), Malay (79.0%), aged between 25 to 34 years with a mean age of 34.6 years and acutely ill (80.7%). Generally, all patients were satisfied with the services provided in both government and private sectors. Patients in private clinics, however, had a significantly higher satisfaction score as compared to the respondents in government clinics. There was signilqcant correlation between patient satisfaction score and household income in government and private clinics. Significant correlation was also found between patient satisfaction score and age in government clinic. Patients in private clinics were more satisfied towards the interpersonal manners, availability and continuity of care of the clinic compared to patienw in government clinics. Whereas patients in government clinics were more satisfied towards the service charges. This study provides important in ormation that could be used by roviders o health care services to monitor and im roved the ualit o medical care in the respective sectors.
Introduction: Help-seeking pathway in psychiatry is the important link between the onset of a mental disorder and mental health service provision. Understanding of the help-seeking pathway can help us to device more effective strategies for early detection and treatment.
Objectives: To determine the help-seeking pathways and treatment delaying factors of in-patients with first-episode psychosis in Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL). Methods: This is a hospital-based cross-sectional descriptive study of 50 in-patients with first-episode psychosis in HKL. Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV - Clinical Version for Axis I Disorders (SCID-CV) was used for establishing diagnosis. Socio-demographic data, information on help-seeking pathways, and treatment delaying factors were determined through face-to-face interview and semi-structured questionnaires.
Results: The number of non-psychiatric helpseeking
contacts prior to first consultation with psychiatric service ranged from 0 to 10. The mean number of contacts was 2.3 ( 2.6), and median was 1 (IQR = 0 to 3). About a third of them (32%) had three or more non-psychiatric contacts. The most common point of first non-psychiatric contact was with traditional healer 24 (48%), followed by general practitioners 12 (24%), and only 14 (28%) of them sought help directly from psychiatric service. The most common reason reported for delay in seeking psychiatric treatment was, “not aware that changes were related to mental illness” (74%).
Conclusions: History of contacts with traditional healers was common among in-patients with first episode psychosis in HKL. Treatment delay was mainly contributed by factors related to lack of awareness on psychosis. More strategic mental health education program is needed for early detection and treatment of psychosis.
Introduction : The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and the pattern of falls in community dwelling older people attending a primary care clinic in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Methods : A cross sectional study was conducted in an urban primary care clinic. Participants aged 60 years and older were included in the study. A structured questionnaire, assessing socio-demographic variables, medical and falls history was administered by one investigator over a 3-month period in 2004.
Results : A total of 151 respondents participated in this study with a response rate of 72%. The prevalence of falls was 47.0% over the previous 12-months period. Fifty-seven percent reported experiencing recurrent falls. Majority (61%) of falls occurred in the home and the two most common places were the bathroom (27%) and stairs (27%). Sixty-one percent of older people who fell, sustained an injury and most sought medical attention.
Conclusion : In conclusion, falls are common amongst older people attending this primary care clinic. It occurred commonly in the home in the bathroom and near stairs. However, a larger local community study is warranted to determine the prevalence and risk factors for falls in Malaysia.
Study site: primary care clinic in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a major health concern worldwide. There are limited studies which look into the actual knowledge level of CKD among the general population both locally and internationally. This study aims to assess the knowledge level of CKD among patients in a secondary hospital in Malaysia.
Study site: medical outpatient clinic of
Hospital Pakar Sultanah Fatimah
This study aimed to determine the perceptions and opinions of medical students about food allergy. Universal sampling was used to conduct focus group discussions. The majority of the participants 40 (67%) mentioned that the common symptoms of food allergy are: skin rashes, swollen lips, diarrhea, vomiting, bronchospasm, redness, itchiness, difficulty in breathing, stomach ache and fever. Majority of participants mentioned that seafood is the food that can cause most food allergies 52 (87%), followed by tree nuts 25 (42%), peanuts and dairy products 19 (32%). Regarding the most allergenic food named by the participants are seafood 23 (38%); followed by milk and dairy products 5 (8%) and nuts 5 (8%). The majority of participants mentioned that food allergy can be fatal 48 (80%), a child can catch food allergy 57 (95%), and 10 of 100 people would have food allergy 31 (52%). Half of the participants 30 (50%) mentioned that it is very hard to care for children with food allergy. The majority of participants mentioned that food allergies do run in families 50 (83%), avoiding allergenic food is the best preventive methods 36 (60%) and that food allergy can be treated and will go away and 32 (53%). This study showed that in spite of sufficient knowledge among medical students about food allergy, some misconceptions still exist such as the high prevalence of food allergy and that food allergy can be treated and will go away. Therefore, there is a need for improving the continuous medical education among medical students with regard to food allergy because they are our future physicians.
Family planning is an important practice for women as it can help to improve financial and social status. Unwanted pregnancy has negative effects for husband and financial. However, couples married at a late age may not practice family planning because they want to have kids. The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence, factors associated with
husband’s socio demography and decision making in family planning practices among women in reproductive age who attended a polyclinic in Serdang, Malaysia. A cross sectional study was conducted on 245 women with a systematic random sampling. Descriptive analysis, Fisher exact and Chi-square tests were conducted to identify the influence of husband’s socio demographic factors and decision making in family planning practices. The prevalence of family planning practices among married women was moderate (53.9%). Family planning practices among women showed significant relationship with the husband’s socio demography which were husband’s race (p = 0.018), religion (p = 0.008) and making decision in family planning (p = 0.002). The husband’s socio demography showed a significant relationship with the prevalence of the wife practicing family planning. This clearly indicates that the husband is the individual that influence the wife to use contraceptive method. Decision making in family planning by both the husband and wife is important in choosing to use contraceptive method. Health promotion in the concept of health education for male contraceptive method such as pamphlet and booklet is important to promote husband involvement in family planning.
Study site: Klinik Kesihatan Seri Kembangan, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
A survey of colour vision deficiency among 1427 medical students and healthcare personnel in Seremban revealed a prevalence of 3.2% with a marked male predominance (males 6.7%, females 0.4%). In view of the potential difficulties faced by such personnel in clinical works, early detection of this deficiency allowed appropriate counselling.
Background : Foot ulcers and its complications are an important cause of morbidity and mortality in diabetes. The aim of this retrospective study is to determine the ulcer-free survival in diabetic foot and its relevant predictors in a cohort of diabetic patients in the primary health care setting.
Methods : Data of newly diagnosed diabetics (n=1121) who received treatment in five health centers in the district of Kuala Langat, Selangor between 1st January 1999 until the 30th June 2008 were studied. Information was gathered by reviewing patient’s medical records. All patients were followed until 31st December 2008. The duration of ulcer-free survival was measured from the date of being diagnosed as diabetic until the development of the ulcer.
Results : The total incidence of diabetic foot ulcer was 9.9% (n=111), with an average annual incidence of 1%. The total incidence of amputation was 1.2%. Mean age of being diagnosed having diabetic was 52+10.7 year old and mean age of being diagnosed having diabetic foot ulcer was 54.68+10.16 year old. The mean for overall ulcer-free survival was 99 months (95%CI:96-102). Male gender (LR=6.56; p=0.01), smokers (LR=3.94; p=0.04), low body mass index (LR=4.45; p=0.03), impaired renal function (LR=5.17; p=0.02) and long duration between follow-up (LR=25.10; p
Background : Anemia in pregnancy is a worldwide problem. Ministry of Health Malaysia has conducted prophylaxis program to distribute hematinic pills to pregnant women since 3 decades ago.
Methodology : A cross sectional study was conducted among pregnant women who attended government health clinics in Johor Bahru district to assess the prevalence of taking iron tablet and factors associated with it by using a structured questionnaire.
Result : Prevalence of respondents taking ferrous pill daily was 68.6%. Anemia prevalence found in this study was 37.5%. Majority of the respondents did not take pills regularly said their reason as forgotten(54.0%), side effects caused by taking pill (39.3%) and did not like the taste (6.7%). The haemoglobin mean was directly inclined with frequency of ferrous pill intake. The significant associated factor in taking iron pill was only frequency of drinking tea. Multivariate logistic regression analyses revealed that drinking tea was the only factor that contributing to iron pills consumption.
Conclusion : Education is the most important factor in improving adherence to iron pill. Besides that, motivation and behaviour modification of pregnant women also needs to be taken into account.
Pharmacist-managed DMTAC has been set up in Malaysia government healthcare facilities to assist diabetic patients in improving their medication adherence level and glycaemic control. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of pharmacist involvement in a DMTAC programme on patient glycaemic control in 14 government health clinics in Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya. This multi-centre retrospective study collected DMTAC patient demographics, medication regimens, glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) levels, Modified Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMMAS) data, and percentages of understanding towards their medications (based on information retrieved and reviewed from their DMTAC booklets). The data were analysed using IBM SPSS Statistics Version 21.0. Fifty six patients were involved in this study. The mean HbA1c reduction (SD) of the pre- and post-intervention groups showed a statistically significant
improvement of 1.0% (1.70) (p<0.001); decreasing from 10.7% (1.51) pre-intervention to 9.7% (1.75) post-intervention. The mean medication understanding score for the postintervention group was 97.6% (7.32), which was significantly higher than the preintervention group score of 92.2% (13.61) (p = 0.005). The mean MMMAS of the postintervention group was 7.4 (1.19), which was significantly higher than the pre-intervention group mean MMMAS of 6.5 (2.33) (p = 0.001). This study demonstrated an improvement in glycaemic control, medication understanding, and adherence level among T2DM patients who were enrolled in a pharmacist-managed DMTAC programme.
Keywords: Diabetes, Diabetes Medication Adherence Therapy Clinic (DMTAC), Endocrine, Pharmacist, HbA1c, Medication adherence, Medication understanding
Health services are considered to be of good quality if customers’ expectations and perceptions are well balanced. Determinants confirming customers’ expectations will lead to satisfaction, while factors disconfirming it will result in customers’ dissatisfaction, reduced compliance to physicians’ treatment and deterioration in overall disease management. A cross-sectional comparative study was carried out from September till October 2008 to determine population satisfaction with health services provided by the public health clinics in Selangor. A total of 3840 respondents from the urban Health Clinics (HCs) and 4768 respondents from rural HCs were selected applying multi-stage random sampling from 54 HCs in nine districts from Selangor. Self-administrated questionnaires formulated by adopting SERVQUAL method based on modified five dimensions plus four dimensions of Clinics Corporation were used . Results showed the proportion of satisfaction among the population towards services provided by the public HCs was high at 86.1%. From X2 bivariate analysis; satisfied respondents were significantly from Indian and Chinese ethnic community more than the Malays, more among the less educated, the older age category (more than 33 years old) and males’ were slightly more satisfied than females. Patients who visited HCs more than three times were more satisfied than one time visitors. Occupation, marital status and HCs urban-rural locality were not significantly associated with customers’ satisfaction level. All dimensions showed high satisfaction level especially on treatment outcome, except on health care workers (HCWs) caring and professionalism domains. Working as a team was slightly higher in the urban areas compared to rural area. Overall, the SERVQUAL score of all dimensions were higher among the urban respondents albeit not significant. Clients’ perceptions were generally higher than expectations reflecting the high satisfactions among clients at 86.1%. Much improvement needs to be put into training HCWs to be more caring and adapting a professional attitude towards clients. Clients’ satisfactions in the urban and rural HCs were almost equal and did not reflect a decrease of health services priority in the rural areas.
The objective of this study was to find out whether integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in a Primary Health Care Clinic improves client’s waiting time. This was a descriptive study based on a total of 588 clients, i.e. 291 clients from an ICT integrated primary health care clinic, which was Putrajaya Health Clinic and 297 clients from a manual health clinic, which was Salak Health Clinic, from 5th December 2000 until 10th January 2001. Clients attending both clinics during this study period were systematically random sampled. Information was obtained from structured questionnaires. Data were analysed with Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 10.0. Selected quantitative time variables, their mean and standard deviation were calculated. Integration of ICT in a primary health care clinic did not improve client’s waiting time. It was demonstrated by this study that the integration of ICT in Putrajaya Health Clinic led to significantly longer average waiting time (39.76 minutes) and longer average total time spend in the clinic (57.14 minutes) as compared to a manual clinic, Salak Health Clinic where its average waiting time was only 23.13 minutes and average total time spend in the clinic was 39.15 minutes. Based on the findings, it is possible that integration of ICT in a primary health care clinic could not play as a significant factor for improving or reducing client’s waiting time in Putrajaya Health Clinic yet, at least not for the time being. This is the first study to document waiting times specifically in our first ICT integrated primary health care clinic. Since it was found that integration of ICT in a primary health care clinic had made client’s waiting time significantly longer than the waiting time in a manual clinic, it could be interesting for future research to look into client’s satisfaction in an ICT environment clinic.
Key words: ICT, client satisfaction, primary care
Introduction: Insulin has been viewed as a treatment option of last resort in type 2 diabetes management. The decision to start insulin therapy is often diffi cult. Patients are usually reluctant to begin insulin and many cases delay the initiation of insulin therapy. The aim of this study is to determine the magnitude of insulin refusal or recognize as psychological insulin resistance (PIR) and to identify its predictors. Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional study and data was collected from two primary public health clinics in Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya. The study sample consisted of 404 insulin naive patients with type 2 diabetes. A self-administered questionnaire was used to obtain demographic and clinical information. Results: Fifty-one percent of patients with type 2 diabetes were found to be unwilling to take insulin. Regression analysis revealed that females were 2.7 times more likely to resist insulin treatment compared to males and those with uncontrolled diabetes were 1.8 times more likely to resist insulin treatment compared to controlled diabetics. Patients will refuse insulin if they perceived their diabetes worsen with insulin use. After controlling for other attitudinal belief factors in the model, an increase in one unit of perceived disease severity will increase the likelihood of PIR around 2 times. Conclusion: Several misconceptions regarding insulin therapy were identified and specifi c education intervention is recommended for successful transition to insulin therapy.
Objective: This study aimed to determine the association between the personality traits and
social factors with compliance to anti-hypertensive pharmachotherapy. Methods: This cross
sectional study was conducted from 1st of June until 31st of December 2004, which involved
Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Primary Polyclinic in Bandar Tasik Selatan,
Cheras and Salak Polyclinic in Sepang, Selangor. A total of 200 patients who fulfilled all the inclusion criteria, were selected as respondents. This study used the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I) for the psychiatric diagnoses and personality characteristics were assessed by using Personality Assessment Schedule (PAS) Results: The prevalence rate of non-compliance was 38.5%. Paranoid personality trait (27.3%) was the most common type of personality traits that associated with non-compliance to the medications prescribed. The results of this study revealed a statistically significant difference between drug compliance and age, race, gender and the site where the study was conducted. No association was found between patients’ education level, occupation, income, marital status, family history of hypertension and personality traits and drug compliance. Conclusion: This study suggested that drug compliance among hypertensive patients was influenced by the presence of psychosocial factors. Hence, it is important for medical practitioners to understand these factors and administer treatment more individual.
A cross sectional study to determine general health and body composition was conducted for comparison between rural samples (Teluk Intan, Perak) and urban samples (Klang Valley, Selangor). Systematic random sampling was used in Z health clinics in Klang Valky and 4 health clinics in Telult Intan, Perak The results showed that urban population was more heterogeneous (Malay 63.7%, Indian 19.8%, Chinese 14.9%) compared with the rural population (Malay 75%, Indian 22.1%, Chinese 2.9%). Mean age for urban population was 44 2 1.6 years and for rural was 50 i 14.4 years. There was significant difference in the BMI (p < 0.05) between urban and rural populations where more people in the urban areas had higher BMI. There was a significant difference in the waist hip ratio (p < 0.05) between urban and rural areas where more people in the urban areas had above normal waist hip ratio. There was no significant difference in chronic diseases suffered and family medical history of the rural and urban samples.
107 secondary school teachers were surveyed to find out about their observations of children with learning disorders at schools. The respondents reported that the most commonly observed disorders involved difficulty paying attention, difficulty learning a second language, being fidgety and having difficulty sitting still, and having poor comprehension. They also indicated that whilst some children made fun of their classmates with learning disorder, others tried to assist their classmates. The most common reaction of parents was to send the child for lots of tuition, and to be very frustrated with the child. In addition, some parents neglected their children’s learning disorder, and many did not seem to realise how serious the problem was. When it came to the needs of teachers, the most common need that the teachers reported was to have the parents cooperate with them and to have support from the education authorities. The paper discusses the implications of these findings and proposes suggestions for dealing with the training needs of teachers working in the area of learning disorders.
Objective: To study the effect of depressive disorders, severity of depression and, sociodemographic factors on drug compliance among hypertensive patients at primary care clinics. Methods: A total of 201 hypertensive patients on treatment for at least 3 months who attended the HUKM Primary Care Clinic and Salak Polyclinic were selected for this study. Patients were screened for depressive disorders using the Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale (HADS) and those who scored 8 and more were further interviewed to establish a diagnosis using the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI). Patients who were diagnosed to have depressive disorders were further rated for the severity of the illness by using Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAMD). Drug compliance was assessed during a 2 month follow up using the pill counting method (ratio 0.8 – 1.2 considered as compliant). Results: The prevalence of non-compliance among hypertensive patients was 38.3%. There was no association between the diagnosis of depressive disorders and drug compliance. Among the 12 patients who had depressive disorders, severity of depression as rated by HAMD, showed significant association with drug compliance (Mann-Whitney test z = -2.083, p
Objective: To investigate the correlation between sexual desire and sexual arousal among Malaysian women in a primary care setting. Methods: The Malay Version of Female Sexual Function Index (MVFSI) was used to assess low sexual desire and lack of sexual arousal among the respondents. A total of 230 married women aged 18 – 70 years old participated in this study. Their sociodemographic, marital profiles and correlation between low sexual desire and lack of sexual arousal were examined. Results: More than 60% respondents with low sexual desire have co-exist low sexual arousal and 94.4% respondents with high sexual desire do have high sexual arousal ( χ²= 79.6, p