METHODS AND FINDINGS: This mixed method (qualitative and quantitative) study was conducted from 2018 to 2019 using a self-administered questionnaire among Muslim medical doctors from 2 main medical associations with a large number of Muslim members from all over Malaysia who attended their annual conference. For those doctors who did not attend the conference, the questionnaire was posted to them. Association A had 510 members, 64 male Muslim doctors and 333 female Muslim doctors. Association B only had Muslim doctors; 3,088 were female, and 1,323 were male. In total, 894 questionnaires were distributed either by hand or by post, and 366 completed questionnaires were received back. For the qualitative part of the study, a snowball sampling method was used, and 24 in-depth interviews were conducted using a semi-structured questionnaire, until data reached saturation. Quantitative data were analysed using SPSS version 18 (IBM, Armonk, NY). A chi-squared test and binary logistic regression were performed. The qualitative data were transcribed manually, organized, coded, and recoded using NVivo version 12. The clustered codes were elicited as common themes. Most of the respondents were women, had medical degrees from Malaysia, and had a postgraduate degree in Family Medicine. The median age was 42. Most were working with the Ministry of Health (MoH) Malaysia, and in a clinic located in an urban location. The prevalence of Muslim doctors practising FGC was 20.5% (95% CI 16.6-24.9). The main reason cited for practising FGC was religious obligation. Qualitative findings too showed that religion was a strong motivating factor for the practice and its continuation, besides culture and harm reduction. Although most Muslim doctors performed type IV FGC, there were a substantial number performing type I. Respondents who were women (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 4.4, 95% CI 1.9-10.0. P ≤ 0.001), who owned a clinic (aOR 30.7, 95% CI 12.0-78.4. P ≤ 0.001) or jointly owned a clinic (aOR 7.61, 95% CI 3.2-18.1. P ≤ 0.001), who thought that FGC was legal in Malaysia (aOR 2.09, 95% CI 1.02-4.3. P = 0.04), and who were encouraged in religion (aOR 2.25, 95% CI 3.2-18.1. P = 0.036) and thought that FGC should continue (aOR 3.54, 95% CI 1.25-10.04. P = 0.017) were more likely to practice FGC. The main limitations of the study were the small sample size and low response rate.
CONCLUSIONS: In this study, we found that many of the Muslim doctors were unaware of the legal and international stand against FGC, and many wanted the practice to continue. It is a concern that type IV FGC carried out by traditional midwives may be supplanted and exacerbated by type I FGC performed by doctors, calling for strong and urgent action by the Malaysian medical authorities.
OBJECTIVE: This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of carbon monoxide measurement feedback and the standard brief motivation adopted to encourage the smoker to quit.
METHODS: A single-blind, cluster randomised controlled trial was conducted at ten tertiary colleges in Selangor. The study recruited young adult smokers at the precontemplation and contemplation stages. The subjects in the control group received a standard brief motivational strategy. On the other hand, the intervention group received additional carbon monoxide measurement and a motivational feedback module. A follow up was conducted at the first, third and sixth month to measure changes in smoking cessation stage. Subsequently, the secondary outcomes of a mean number of cigarette consumption and quit smoking attempt were analysed. A total of 160 subjects were required to detect the expected difference of 17% in primary outcomes between the groups. This study utilised Generalised Estimating Equations (GEE) to handle the clustering effects.
CONCLUSION: Biomedical risk assessment feedback mechanism by using carbon monoxide is a promising aid to motivate the smoker to quit. This mechanism is a relatively easy, quick and non-invasive technique. Thus, it can be utilised as a reinforcement relating to the harmful effect of smoking. Besides, it can also increase the smokers' selfefficacy and decisional balance to adopt behavioural changes.
Materials and Methods: This is a single-center quasi-experimental study involving 100 patients seen in the outpatient department with knee osteoarthritis. They were randomly (computer generated) allocated into two arms (high frequency [H-F] or low frequency [L-F]). H-F is set at 100 Hz and L-F is set at 4 Hz. A baseline assessment is taken with the visual analog score (VAS), Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC), Oxford Knee Score, and Lequesne index. They were instructed to self-administer the TENS therapy as per protocol and followed up at the 4th and 12th week to be reevaluated on the above scores.
Results: The final results show that both H-F and L-F groups showed improvement in all parameters of the VAS, WOMAC index, Oxford Knee Score, and Lequesne index (73%). Only the pain component of Lequesne index, activities of daily living component of Lequesne index, total Lequesne index, and pain component of WOMAC index shows a statistically significant difference, favoring the H-F group. The H-F group yields a faster result; however, with time the overall effect remains the same in both groups.
Conclusion: Both H-F and L-F groups show improvement in all the component of Lequesne index, Oxford Knee Score, WOMAC index, and VAS with no statistical difference between the two groups. Although H-F yields a faster result, not everyone is able to tolerate the intensity. Therefore, the selection of H-F or L-F should be done on case basis depending on the severity of symptoms, patient's expectation, and patient's ability to withstand the treatment therapy. Based on this 12th week follow-up, both groups will continue to improve with time. A longer study should be conducted to see it this improvement will eventually plateau off or continue to improve until the patient is symptom free.
BACKGROUND: Work-life balance practices are associated with employee perceptions of the need for achievement and well-being which subsequently influence their intention to leave the organization. This study contributes new knowledge to nursing studies on work-life balance in an Asian and Islamic society where the expectations for women are to focus on family rather than career.
DESIGN: A cross-sectional, explanatory mixed methodology.
METHODS: This is a two-phase study conducted between 2015-2017 with 401 nurses in East Malaysia. In Phase 1, researchers surveyed 379 nurses to test eight hypotheses and in Phase 2 researchers interviewed 22 nurses to explore the results of Phase 1.
RESULTS: Phase 1 revealed job satisfaction mediates the relationship between work-life balance practices (e.g. flexibility and choice in working hours, supportive supervision), financial success, and intention to leave. However, life satisfaction and money as a motivator did not mediate such relationships. Phase 2 identified four important factors that cast light on survey results: working conditions of Malaysian nurses; inadequate compensation in the public healthcare sector; team-based practices; and pressure on senior nurses in both administrative and clinical roles.
CONCLUSION: This is one of the first studies to investigate work-life balance issues among nurses in Malaysia. Outcomes of this study extend the debates on work-life balance and employee well-being in an Asian Islamic social context.
IMPACT: The use of flexible working arrangements and collectivist teamwork approaches, improving compensation and employment benefits and eliminating the 'time-based job promotion' policy may help to mitigate work-life balance issues and intention to leave among nurses in Malaysia.
METHODS: A nationwide survey was conducted among individuals aged ≥60 years. Cognition was assessed with the Identification and Intervention for Dementia in Elderly Africans (IDEA) tool. QoL of older caregivers was assessed using the Control, Autonomy, Self-Realization and Pleasure (CASP-19) questionnaire.
RESULTS: The prevalence of dementia among older adults aged ≥60 years in Malaysia was found to be 8.5%. The prevalence was found to be higher among females, those with no formal education and those in rural areas in Malaysia. The mean QoL of family caregivers of PLwD was significantly lower than the caregivers of older adults without dementia were (P
METHODS: We used the 19-item Control, Autonomy, Self-realization and Pleasure scale, a validated instrument that measures psychological well-being related to QoL in older persons. Scores range from 0 to 57, and higher scores indicate better QoL. We included several factors as covariates. Analysis of complex samples was carried out using Stata 15. Descriptive analysis was carried out to determine QoL by sociodemographic characteristics and other factors. Linear regression analysis was used to identify psychosocial factors that influence QoL.
RESULTS: A total of 3444 individuals aged ≥60 years completed all 19-item Control, Autonomy, Self-realization and Pleasure items. The estimated mean QoL score was 47.01 (95% CI 46.30-47.72). Adjusted for confounders, QoL was lower among individuals with no formal education (-2.554, 95% CI -3.684, -1.424), probable depression (-1.042, 95% CI -1.212, -0.871) and food insecurity (-0.815, 95% CI -1.083, -0.548). QoL continued to improve with improved ADL score (0.302, 95% CI 0.052, 0.552), IADL score (0.646, 95% CI 0.382, 0.909) and better social support (0.308, 95% CI 0.187, 0.429).
CONCLUSIONS: Lower education, depression, food insecurity, presence of limited functional status and poor social support negatively influenced QoL in older Malaysians. This study identified potentially modifiable factors that could be targeted for interventions to enhance QoL of older persons in Malaysia. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2020; 20: 92-97.
METHODS: This study was based on data obtained from 3716 Malaysians aged ≥60 years as part of the National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS) 2018. QoL was measured using the Control, Autonomy, Self-realization and Pleasure 19-item (CASP-19) questionnaire. UI was measured using the Questionnaire Urinary Incontinence Diagnosis (QUID) score. Association between UI and QoL were examined using linear regression analysis, after controlling socio-demographic variables and comorbidities.
RESULTS: Overall, the prevalence of UI was 5.2%. By subtypes, the prevalence of stress UI and urge UI were both 2.0%, while that of mixed UI was 1.3%. The UI group rated their lives more negatively in all four domains of QoL compared with non-UI group. Those who were incontinent had lower standardized scores on control and autonomy domains of CASP-19 as well as total score. Results from linear regression analysis indicated that UI had a significantly negative impact on control and autonomy domains of QoL after controlling for socio-demographic factors and comorbidities.
CONCLUSION: UI contributes to a significant reduction on QoL of older persons. Healthcare providers need to be sensitive in evaluating and discussing UI, particularly with their older patients. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2020; 20: 38-42.
METHODS: Three models were constructed to examine multidimensional relationships among the variables. Structural equation modeling was applied to estimate the direct and indirect influence of altruism, financial incentives, donation perception, and socioeconomic status simultaneously on willingness to donate deceased organs.
ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS: The study was approved by the University of Malaya ethics committee.
RESULTS: The results show that altruism amplifies the impact of socioeconomic status and donation perception on willingness to donate. Also, the results show that financial incentives cannot complement altruism to raise organ donation rates. Hence, investing in education and public awareness enhances altruism in people, which then increases the propensity to donate.
CONCLUSION: Evidence suggests that governments should allocate resources to increase public awareness about organ donation. Awareness programs about the importance of philanthropic donations and the participation of medical consultants at hospitals in the processes form the foundation of such a presumptive approach.
METHODS: We adopted a grounded theory approach to guide in-depth interviews of individuals with type 2 diabetes and healthcare professionals (HCP) at a regional primary care clinic in Malaysia. Twenty-four people with type 2 diabetes and 10 HCPs were recruited into the study to examine the inner narratives about disease management. Two focus group discussions (FGD) were also conducted for data triangulation.
RESULTS: Participants' internal dialogue about the management of their disease is characterized by 2 major processes- 1) positive disposition and 2) negative disposition. Optimism, insight, and awareness are important positive values that influence T2D self-care practices. On the other hand, constructs such as stigma, worries, reservations, and pessimism connote negative dispositions that undermine the motivation to follow through disease management in individuals with type 2 diabetes.
CONCLUSIONS: We identified a contrasting spectrum of both constructive and undesirable behavioural factors that influence the 'internal environment' of people with type 2 diabetes. These results coincide with the constructs presented in other well-established health belief theories that could lead to novel behavioural change interventions. Furthermore, these findings allow the implementation of psychosocial changes that are in line with cultural sensitivities and societal norms seen in a specific community.